Installing Nvidia-Docker On Windows 10/11

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what's up guys today i want to make a quick video going over nvidia docker in many of my videos i use nvidia docker in order to easily create a tutorial to run a variety of ai models but i realize not everyone knows how to install nvidia docker on windows so here's a quick tutorial on how to do that so what is nvidia docker and what is docker well the very very high level overview of it is that docker is a container system where you can install applications in an os like environment as if it was its own os but it is part of the host os so like a vm but more so like an isolated build and run system nvidia docker just allows the cuda drivers and gpus to be inside of the docker container allowing us to run ai models in this isolated environment so that's a quick overview of what it is and why we need it and now let's get into it so first we need to install windows subsystem for linux or wsl and to prevent any issues from occurring we need to make sure that we have a high enough build number so build 19041 or higher or windows 11 but the simplest thing to do is just update your system as as long as you are on the latest version of windows 10 or 11 you should be good to go to install wsl2 we need to open up powershell or terminal is what i use but it's just a way to run powershell and we need to run that as an administrator so let's go ahead and do that i'm going to run terminal and i'm going to run it as administrator okay and i've already done this so i'm actually gonna i'm not actually going to run the command but we'll type wsl install and you're going to go ahead and enter that and then after running this command wsl should be installed and you should be ready for the next step with this to work we need to have wsl2 installed rather than wsl if you're just installing it now you should be installing wsl2 by default but let's go ahead and prevent any issues by checking which version we have installed to do this we can look at the docs and see that to list the version we have we can use wsl dash l dash v we'll go ahead and copy that and we'll go ahead and paste it here and we see that we're using version two for everything and so we should be good to go if we ended up not using wsl2 we can go ahead and change that by again looking at the docs and copying the command like this here wsl set version district name 2 or since ubuntu is the default distro you could just copy this here wsl set version ubuntu 2004 2 and that will change your distribution to using wsl2 the next step is to install docker desktop on windows you can find the link i'm using by googling install docker desktop and we use the first link go ahead and click this and download it and you're gonna you're gonna want to keep it and then just wait for it to finish after downloading docker desktop go ahead and install it with the default installation methods as well as making sure that wsl backend is checked after that is done i will now go over how to ensure that the wsl backend is being used we are now going to check to make sure that the wsl backend is being used so go ahead and search for docker desktop open that up and here we have docker desktop so if we go over to settings and we see under general we should see that use the wsl2 base engine that should be checked and as long as it's checked and as long as you follow along with all the previous steps so far in the video you should now have wsl2 installed as well as nvidia docker and can now follow along with any other videos that i use nvidia docker in to now use wsl it's as simple as opening a terminal or powershell so here i have powershell type in bash enter and now we are in wsl and we have a linux environment so if i run nvidia smi we have my gpus and if i were to run a docker container that needed nvidia gpus they'd be passed in and it should work just like it does in my video tutorials if you liked the video please consider leaving a like and subscribing thanks so much for watching and please have a great day
Channel: Brillibits
Views: 18,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: docker, nvidia, nvidia-docker, ai, machine learning, software development, howto, tutorial
Id: PB7zM3JrgkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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