Installing Lutris on Chrome OS Flex

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hello everybody it's brandon again and i got a request here to see if lutress will download and install on chrome os flex uh i've heard of lutrus before but i've never actually used it myself so this will be my first time trying to install it so if it fails miserably all will see my failure in real time so here i went to the lutris website and i went to the download section and we are going to do the steps that it has right here on their site for installing it on debian now if you're installing linux stuff on a chromebook or chrome os flex you're going to use the debian instructions and if you need to enable linux support first on your chromebook i have a video on my channel how to do that basically you go to the settings there should be a developer options section where you can enable linux if the developer option is not there on chrome os flex go to your bios and see if um cpu virtualization is enabled if it is and you still don't have the option right now you're kind of out of luck so anyway with linux running i'm going to open the terminal and i'm just going to copy in the steps they have in the website i'm not going to i'm not going to go crazy or anything just going to keep it simple a lot of times if you're one to learn linux copy and pasting is not the way to do it but um for the purpose of this example that's what we're going to do because there's a lot to type there we're going to do an app update oh i forgot to type sudo have to update and for the purpose of just helping everyone out i will copy and paste myself all these steps into the description of this video but uh if you're watching this sometime in the future you're probably better off going to their website and um getting the instructions yourself because things could change so here we are downloading uh 38 so far so far so on and so forth sorry guys it's early for me here and uh while we wait for this i'm sorry uh i haven't had too many videos over the last couple days i want i want to show you i actually got a new toy this is an oculus vr headset and as a software developer which is what i do outside of the youtube stuff i've been uh trying to make virtual reality applications for that thing which has been pretty fun and there's a lot to learn and so maybe i'll have a video on here about that if anybody's interested in vr stuff because i think it's pretty cool and there's a lot you can do with it but um anyway in that thing you can lose an hour of time like that oh just so you all know i do have my gloves on today somebody commented on one of my other videos that i didn't have my gloves on but uh it gets cold here in my office especially when we have a cold day my hands get cold while i'm working so that's what the gloves are for fingerless so i can still type and i got my coffee of course so nobody worried about me all right this is taking a while to install so while we wait you can either fast forward to the end or you can listen to me blab for a little while longer make sure you do like the video if you're interested in chrome os specifically chrome os flex which is a version you can install on pretty much any laptop subscribe to the channel because we talk about it quite a bit we also talk about different linux distributions on occasions if you have an interest in linux check that out also talk about some software development most of the early videos on my channel are about a um raycasting engine that i've been writing in javascript and to those who like those videos i'll put another raycaster video up at some point i just had so much going on that's the thing when you when you're running a software business like i'm always i feel like i'm always behind on everything so luckily the youtube videos don't take a whole lot of time out of my day and they're fun to make and through the channel i've learned a ton about chrome os flex just from you guys asking me to try stuff out or from giving me tips yourselves so here we are waiting you know more competent youtuber would have stopped it at the beginning and then come back later and uh but you know if i have to sit here and watch it you all can watch it with me or you all have the fast forward option so there's that for those of you wondering who haven't been watching the channel i'm this is chrome os flex on a asus l210m laptop very low powered asus laptop and it was 190 something dollars on amazon i got it sometime last year it has a slow intel celeron processor and only four gigs of ram and it came with windows 10 and got updated to windows 11 but windows is so slow on it barely usable well i mean it was usable but loading times took forever wasn't that fun i put chrome os flex on it it runs pretty good uh linux also runs good on this thing but for the purposes of the channel i got chrome os flex on it and um i'm happy with it certainly better than windows we're getting close 98 it could be like most software where the last one percent takes the longest we'll see okay we've installed lutrus here it is right there but just so you know any linux app you install will be in a linux applications folder so let's see if it runs we're thinking about it sometimes the first time you open an app it takes a little longer missing vulcan libraries lutris is unable to detect vulcan support this will prevent many games and programs from working to install it use the following guide sure we'll get that guide in the meantime let's see what happens this is for ubuntu derivatives which we're not using we're using debian which ubuntu would be a debian derivative let's just search for debian i didn't see it i don't know should we try the ubuntu instructions and see what it does i'm really not that familiar with debian outside of chrome os i usually on my main computer use fedora no for intel i don't know my processor might not even support it i'm not going to worry about that right now so here's lutress and i'm gonna be real i don't this is my first time opening lutrez i don't know what all like is this working is this what it's supposed to look like maybe does it download games for you or do i have to install all right well we'll end the video here i mean lutres installs it opens we have that problem about vulcan drivers i don't know what else uh if you want me to test out some specific games on here i can do that just let me know in the comments anything you want me to try out on here i will we'll go through that so initially i'd say installing works there really weren't any hitches so let me know what else you want me to test on this and i'll surely do that because uh you've seen the channel most of the videos here are stuff that you guys want me to try so here's lutress it installs it runs if you want me to go further than this let me know and i certainly will so there it is thanks for watching and have a good day
Channel: Brandon Stecklein
Views: 5,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chrome os, chrome os flex, lutris, install, instructions, how to, flex, linux
Id: p1AHZU2nGDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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