Installing EVE-NG on VMware ESXI 6.7 | FULL Install

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what's up everybody its Aaron engineered welcome to my channel if you're new welcome back if you are not thank you for stopping by today we're gonna be doing a little install of Eve ng on my hypervisor which is ESXi six point seven even G is an emulation software that you can use to run network nodes and practice for networking exams things like that it's vendor agnostic so you can use any images that are already pre-built in there that you bring yourself so we'll take a look at that of course this isn't the only emulation software out there but this personally at this moment happens to be my favorite and I did pay for the Pro Edition and I will compare and contrast those as well so let's get to it okay first things first let's talk a little bit about the differences between Eve free Community Edition and the Eve professional Edition this one's gonna cost you 99 euros if you don't know what that is in US dollars it's somewhere around 120 bucks I think at this moment given the exchange rate but there are quite a few differences you get with that and of course you know these guys are doing a lot of hard work behind the scenes so they got to make money somehow one of the most noticeable things right off the bat is the node limit per lab is 63 here with the free edition and it's 1024 with the pro edition interestingly though this is really gonna depend mostly on the hardware that you're running it on and me personally I run this on in a Dell PowerEdge are 620 it's got 96 gigs ram and it's got 16 CPUs so it's got plenty of horsepower to run this which is why I'm also using this and I'm probably thinking yourself when would I ever use 10 1,024 nodes that's a ton right but for anybody that's out there studying for their like CCIE or maybe so like the Juniper equivalent of that you're gonna start to need a lot of nodes and it's also gonna be difficult to run that on your computer too so you know having this Pro Edition really is tied closely with having enough hardware to back it up you know whether that as a server a standalone server or maybe in the cloud like AWS or as or or something like that one of my favorite reasons for going with the pro you know it's it is 100 bucks for a year but actually there's two more that I'll point out one of which is the support for this link quality so you can apply delay packet loss and jitter to a link just by right clicking on that link so if you have two nodes like let's say you have two routers you can click the link between the two and inject problems essentially so if you were doing some sort of like policy-based routing or like let's say you had an SD Wham lab setup that you would be able to do the link aggregation or you know the thresholds and set them to a 10% packet loss inject 11% packet loss and see what happens to link see if it actually fails over things like that so I find that super helpful which is one of the reasons why with the pro again and then the other one is the support for the docker containers so there's some pre-built docker containers in here that are pretty sweet one of which is just like a GUI that has like Firefox running on it which is super helpful for things that have like a web interface like let's say like an A essay or let's say you were installing like a Palo Alto firewall or something and you want to get to the GUI and manage it from there instead of the CLI I know right not a whole lot of fun but either way it's it's pre built in there so you don't necessarily have to use those but I found those super helpful ones actually Anna Bloom to server and you can actually load in a boon to lab in here or in a boo to box by itself I'm sorry and run that you know as a container as well I find it to be a little bit slow because you know it's running a full image of them boon to which I don't necessarily need the whole thing so it's cool to have those docker images that are there right on hand they're to be able to kind of just like poke around with and have some fun so that's kind of the main differences and what I would say is if if you're gonna go with an emulation software like gns3 or Eve over let's say buying your own hardware or even if you were gonna do both of them I think it's beneficial to just try it out right so gns3 Eve Community Edition both free so you could try those without any sort of hesitation right it's not gonna cost you a penny now once you get used to it right some people find it hard to leave the particular software that they're used to but you know that's completely personal preference but if you're looking for certain things like I was the ability to do a lot of nodes a docker container support and that that link problem injecting I'll call it those things weren't available to me so I ultimately went with with Eve but of course the real hardware is always good too but it's lacking some functionality I would say having a combination of all of those things is probably a good thing so let's just go ahead and get started and we're gonna download it and I'm gonna load it in the ESXi and give you a couple of tips and tricks so that you don't make the same mistakes I did down the line if you do plan on upgrading all right let's get to it all right so back at the screen here we're just gonna go to download and we've already agreed that we're going to get the Community Edition here takes us right to it and what you're looking for is either the OVF or the ISO and this is gonna completely depend on whether or not you're running let's say like vm workstation or vm fusion for your mac users out there or Oracle's VirtualBox that would be completely up to whatever it is you're doing personally I installed the full ISO it's actually like on a boon to server running this so I went with this one but pick for whatever you're using so again if you're just using like a desktop emulation software you're gonna want to go with this one and if you're not if you're running this on like a ESXi host for instance you're gonna go with this and once you've got that downloaded we're gonna head to ISOs here make sure we have it here and we can see Eve the the newest version I actually downloaded a while ago so I don't want to put you guys through the pain of watching it down low I know that can be kind of kind of a pain in the butt from here just gonna navigate to your ESXi host here's mine here again you can see some of the specs that I have and really I have this built out so that it will be able to handle as many nodes as as I throw at it up here I've used 550 gigs this is just me allocating that much space to my Eve and G pro but we're gonna install Community Edition here in addition to this so I still have plenty of room over here I just kind of want to point that out just to give you kind of a heads up if you're gonna go down the pro route maybe some considerations so under the virtual machines here we're gonna create and register a VM and you do have the option of deploying a virtual machine from an O VF or OVA I'm gonna hit next here create new virtual machine and we're gonna call this Eve - comm for community select Linux and we're gonna go to Ubuntu Linux 64-bit hit next and we're gonna pick my main data store here and customize some of the settings here's where you know you have the opportunity to change the hard-disk here's where you have the opportunity to change some of this this around here so of course you're gonna need more than 1024 I'm actually just gonna leave it right there right now the one thing I would say is important to think about at this particular time is the hard disk size you know I have a terabyte free here but this is only going to take 16 gigs I'm actually gonna put this at 50 let's say because the more nodes you're running they're gonna open up a small bit of hard drive space and you're gonna want to have enough space there and you can't expand this later well okay can it's very very difficult and I would highly recommend not doing it unless you're some sort of virtualization professional so that being said I am NOT one therefore I found it very difficult what you end up doing is adding another hard disk down the line and not expanding this one so it's a completely different process so give yourself enough here what you think you might need you know whether it's 50 100 of course depending on how much space you have and then you can kind of leave all this the rest of the stuff kind of default because you can change it you can change the amount of CPUs you use the amount of memory you use so we'll just say 8 gigs let's give it four cores there and then here we're gonna change the cd/dvd drive to a datastore iso file and that's gonna be basically the virtual machine booting off of a disk and we're gonna mount the disk as if this machine is booting up with the disk actually inside the CD drive so we're gonna hit select and all I did before was I hit upload and I went to is OS and I did this beforehand right and I just clicked this and again there's a look at my feet as I was in there for instance my VMware as well so you just click on that and upload it to here and it'll show up and then you hit select once you've got that selected we're gonna hit next and finish so now it's going to create our Eve ng community which is as you can see kind of boot up now when I hit power on and we'll just watch it boot up here so see it goes directly into this Ubuntu server so English yes gives us a couple of options here installed Eve VM install Eve bear or rescue a broken system now I have read in a couple of places online that the Eve bare metal install works better and I was doing a lot of googling so I found these in like you know really dark corners of the web which is kind of weird to begin with but yeah people were just saying that the work better didn't work as good running as a VM and you know you're kind of like running VMs in a VM so I don't know maybe that's part of the issue but not a virtualization guy don't shoot me here but this would be where you would do that right because like I said before it's really just in a boon to server ISO so from here I'm gonna pick install Eve VM which is the virtual machine not the eve bear so let's hit enter from here should take us through a couple of install prompts English again unless of course you speak a different language I'm in the United States now it's gonna go do its dirty work here and while this is doing its thing you know feel free to go drat grab the adult beverage of your choice whatever that happens to be mine is actually a diet dr. pepper cherry so I'm really living on the edge over here but this takes a couple of minutes so you know maybe if you gotta walk the dog or clean out the litter box or whatever does it be a great time to do okay now it's prompted me to configure the network and one thing I will point out too is that you know as long as your ESXi host or your VMware machine however you're running this is connected to a DHCP server this thing should be able to find its own IP address which is okay for now I always recommend you know statically assigning things but it's okay because we just wanted to grab an IP make it as automatic as possible and then we'll navigate to it and change it later if we need to the hostname is gonna be even G I'm just gonna leave that the way it is it next I'm gonna find a nice network time server and it says that my time zone should be American Los Angeles this is a good sign because it knows where I'm at I'm not exactly in Los Angeles but that's my time zone and this is telling me that I'm actually connected to the Internet so that's a pretty good sign already so we're gonna hit yes to that I'm gonna go through a couple of different things here okay so now it's asking us to configure the package manager this is for an HTTP proxy we are not gonna use one you don't have to but if you do this is where you'd be setting that up but I'm just gonna hit continue and let it go about its merry way this is a good time to mention that if you don't already follow myself and some of my colleagues on Twitter you should do so at Aran engineered just like the YouTube channel name here and if you're studying for a test you know we have some cool discord groups set up for that as well as a podcast coming out soon which is gonna be great so be sure to check that out and and always hit the like button always hit the notify me button so you know when I upload a new video and please subscribe thank you so much okay so here I'm gonna say I don't want automatic updates I want to be able to do that myself okay installation is complete we've finally reached the end of the race here so now we just have to reboot and take the ISO out of the CD drive basically so that doesn't keep booting to it I'll be too you can see in the background here where basically we're all fired up now you can see some of the stuff that I provisioned earlier so it's got the hundred gigs the eight gigs of memory and the four V CPUs and then a little bit of a consumption here so that's pretty cool already starting to see some action and what we're looking for here is when this boots up it's gonna give us leave it starts an Apache server and it's gonna give us the IP address that it got from our DHCP server and then we're gonna be able to log into it with the default credentials from our web browser one thing to point out too is this entire program is gonna run through the web browser if you're running it on you know like my Dell PowerEdge here so there's no resources whatsoever other than just a html5 web browser that's running on your machine so you can leave notes on you can do whatever it is you have to do and then you know play video games at the same time if you want so that's a pretty cool feature so this is basically a two-step process it installs the boom to server first and then it installs the even G image on top of that so you have to go through a bunch of screen so once the boon to server reboots then it's gonna start installing even G which is what took so long here at fast forwarded do all that but this is the screen that you're left with and there are some very important things on the screen you don't need to login here if you want to the root password is is root and password receive the two most important things on here right now is going to be that IP address because we're going to navigate to the EVE instance with that and then on top of that is the neither intel vt-x or AMD v found which is a problem so we're gonna fix that real quick I'm just gonna close this and we're going to shut this down okay now going to CPU oops sorry now go into edit and go to CPU and we have to expose hardware-assisted virtualization to the guest OS this is not on by default and it wasn't in the main menu when I first went through this but like I mentioned before you can change all that stuff that you had originally set here to CPU and in the RAM and stuff like that so hit save now we're gonna power this guy back on it'll go a lot quicker this time all right so now that little warning message has disappeared so let's go to one 92168 0.61 192.168 does your 61 hit enter all right so we're good to go here username is going to be admin password is Eve Eve EE and I'm gonna pick the html5 console hit sign in and here we are at the main page here I don't have any labs but this is free so you can go in and poke around in it right so see the system you know the the allocations here how much memory you're using this is great if you're running a ton of nodes like I'd like I'd point it out I mean all from here all you have to do is go in and add a new lab so name it and then get to configuring so right now I'm currently using Eve ng in my lab I've switched from G and s3 at one point I was also using viral the first addition I will say that the second addition of viral which is Cisco modeling modeling labs is much better but it's where I actually got the images to put into Eve was the original viral so you were able to download those from Cisco's website so I hope this is helped I'm gonna leave the links in the description so that you can get to all the stuff that I clicked on around here and let me know if you'd like to see anything else in the future see
Channel: Aaron Engineered
Views: 4,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eve-ng vs gns3, eve-ng pro, eve-ng, eve ng, vmware esxi, cisco, ccna, eve ng install, ccnp, ccie, eveng, ccna labs, best gns3 alternative, virl, gns3, linux, ubuntu, vmware, juniper, network tools, network emulator, eve ng installation, eve-ng cisco, eve-ng setup, eve-ng installation guide, eve-ng vs virl, eve-ng lab, eve-ng tutorial, eve-ng client side, esxi 6.7, how to, palo alto, f5, virtual machine, vmware vsphere, vsphere 6.7, eve-ng installation, eve-ng add images
Id: QlcKcKuvQUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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