Installing Anaconda on MacOs

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in this video I'm going to review installation of anaconda so you first open a browser and on your browser you search for Anna Konda and you see the website you can go and once you open it you should see the version that's compatible with your device so first I'm going to go through Mac to click download it might take a little bit I have already downloaded the file so I'm gonna just go open it from this um okay so we press a little so you go through the installation press continue continue agree um nutrition okay so once you do that you should be able to see Anaconda installed on your machine so I'm gonna look for it I think it might be here um you find the application you open it and you should be able to see these windows and from this in this course we're most likely uh more likely uh work with Jupiter so you click OK the terminal should run and you should be able to see this Windows if you can see this windows that means that installation is correct so in order to see how the window would look like you find where you want to save the file so let's say I want to say look save a file in this folder so I'm looking for where I want to save a file and you can press new and you create a new windows and then here you can just say test and this is what you should be able to see so in order just to check if it's working okay I'm just gonna say print hello world just run it and it looks like it's running properly
Channel: Isaac Vaghefi
Views: 21,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 20sec (140 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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