Installing a new manure system in the main barn…

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hi guys welcome back um or maybe you're new here if this is your first time watching hi I'm Taylor and I work on a dairy farm in Central Maine and we just make videos about that so if you enjoy watching that kind of thing please don't forget to hit that subscribe button that really does help us out a lot helps us reach more people get more people interested in farming and that's never a bad thing so anyway Brent's just going down to get a dry bail right now down in the hay building he's going down to get one of those um I've cut open a second crop rat bill for him to take outside he's going to put those both out on the pad today the girls are going out obviously cuz it's beautiful day it's a little bit windy feels more like fall than spring honestly but I'm just glad it's not raining it finally stopped that seemed to give it up I think we're supposed to have a nice week um the grass is turning really really green and it's just amazing to see it it's just like uh I just makes me so happy anyway today is the day we are going to be cleaning out the gutter and laying chain I really hope this goes well but it should be no problem we're going to do the same thing that we did yesterday stick the board down and see if we can scrape that gutter out completely I think it's going to go well we're not really sure but we're we're hopeful that it's going to work we're going to get right into all that the last few cows are finishing up milking right now so I do got to go wash the machines it's a little bit before 8:00 so we're right on schedule today which is kind of a first lately we've been uh it's been completely crazy but we're going to get them out and then we'll get into everything hurry up squeeze that knock out she said I am doing my best you know [Music] [Music] yes [Music] m [Music] [Music] all right so Brent is just making a couple passes down right now just to make sure we get as much of the manure out of the way as we can before we try our system with the board to try to get the manure actually out of the gutter so he's almost done he already did the other side he's just finishing up right now there you go what's that how's it look behind me it's like perfect there only like a little little tiny bit I just don't know what's going to happen cuz eventually you're not going to be able to push that oh yeah you sure yeah make a little bat I don't think you're going to make it to the end oh sh is this going to scrap that manure into the gutter after we get the chain in and let it run it out I might owe him lunch cuz I think it's going to make it D careful D all right well we'll have a little bit of shoveling to do down here but obviously there's nothing underneath that plate so it's just like what 8 ft maybe worked but good did a good job [Music] that's how he fell in the gutter last time [Music] stuck my hand in it nice the gutter looks so much deeper than it did before for some reason let retire almost in the G about half and half you're about in the middle of the tread yep oh boy who wo wo got to get it back on there that was close P hey I'll push this out okay I'm not sure it's in there I don't know how we'll get it out I don't know why this side is different but for some reason this side isn't going well at all look like there's more saus over here now the board is like buried in there there it is here we go let there be light he's got to back all the way back down there so he can back up onto the plate that way he doesn't back into the gutter I'm to bad [Applause] [Music] it's a lot of water it's just going to run down the gutter look going to go you might just have to be okay with putting that chain in with water cuz I can't get it out no even if you do you're just going to scrape it back in yeah that sh there's a lot of water there yay man keep on raining yeah that wouldn't have been there from in the rain [Music] okay I'll be back don't hurry all right so we've got half of the barn cleaned out this lower half is all finished Brent's just got to push out the rest of that I am extremely glad that we didn't have to do the whole thing by shoving it out cuz I had all I could do to do like 10 ft of it maybe a little more than 10 ft and I'm exhausted what sh I got to get out of that sket St got need some shovel well feel free to finish that one y I don't mind Sharon huh I don't mind Sharon yeah no whether you drive the kid did to get out oh you've been driving over that well it drops down in sh you want my shovel yeah here this stuff we can should be able to push down push out the pump yeah just quite here we got to get this one up needs to go that way some okay hold on a second [Music] ready yeah one two go there [Music] okay we're almost there okay there we go that's good I get the rest little bit more of it just finished the entire gutter we got everything ready to go we just got to lay some chain the whole thing took us about an hour and a half which isn't bad if you consider I mean I got to show you guys this is a huge pile of manure we're going to make a lot of trips just carrying that off with the Kabota but it's massive um but anyway I'll take you guys in and show you we've got the whole head system ready to go everything is installed now just did it and it took us like 3 minutes to get that on there so so it looks great we've got that new pan on there new spring on the wing board really nice and tensioned and spin it by hand cuz we actually don't have a belt our old belt had a spot where it was burned out so brunt ordered one of those and it's coming in today at 1 so he's going to have to go pick that up on his way to get sawdust and then we'll be good to go so anyway if I turn this by hand you can watch those gears or teeth I should say go in between like right there and then go in between [Music] their we're going to have a quick cup of coffee before we start doing chain and then it's a big test we'll see if it runs good it's only 1020 right now so we're going to have to wait a while to get that belt but by the time we get the chain laid it'll probably be pretty close to noon time or a little after so we won't have to wait very long for that I don't know it's going to freak me out but I'm also going to be super excited oh there that was a really good idea you had with the board like that yeah I don't even know how he would have done it no like that that was a good idea don't tell him though cuz his head will swell up why does the word genius bring to mind it worked good though I couldn't believe how good it work it did I was boil it right out I was amazed it put it not right up onto the stall so we can and there's really not like it's not a lot well there's some but I mean it's not too much for the gutter though no to run out and don't put it all in at once just I'm so happy to see that hole again I missed it I don't know why but I missed it we haven't even seen it rolling though I know it should work oh AC cross your fingers we just loaded up some flights on one side of this kid steer bucket and some links on the other and we're going to start right behind this reverse Bend and head all the way that way all the way back as we need more we'll just take the skid steer out and fill it up just like we did this is probably enough to do I'd say a quarter of the barn maybe we'll see with a flight the first flight here you do the honor wedges huh wedges right together don't say that all right so three lengths yeah I'm having a brain fart here s [Music] right you want me to do that uh it's a lot of bending yeah I might yeah maybe yeah ring it's actually easier if I hold it up like this and then yeah [Music] three wow is going to take a while yeah give the yank too that's it there [Music] five more put on just those are greasy little things TR for you PL we're going to have a enough PL [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've hit a bit of a snag um we got almost entirely around the barn we got to this last Corner wheel here and we realized we weren't going to have enough flights so I ran down to the welders and picked I think we did another 40 or 45 or 50 more than we needed just so we had a few extra I think we have like five extra or something like that oh maybe more than that there might be like 10 extra I don't know but we went down did those real quick buzzed back I finished doing what I could Brent had to go get sais by the way um so he's not around he is going to be going to pick up more links because we also ran out of those so we used everything that we bought we also used the extra ones that we had and this is how far we got we only got to right there so it's so depressing cuz it's literally only like 8 ft it's so very close everything is done and it's just so close it looks cool to see that in there again but yeah we need about 25 extra links um Brent is calling our local dealer and local it's not local it's like an hour away so he's calling them to see if they have 25 because if we can't get them now we're going to have to shovel this out by hand whenever we can get them because you can't obviously go down with a skid steer anymore now that the flights are in there so yeah would have been nice to know that we were going to run out um but what we were figuring on was Brent ordered chain in 2012 and he ordered 380 ft he called the guy to make sure and I don't know if Brent had some chain left over that he used or if the numbers were wrong but this Barn is certainly more than 380 ft of chain it's more like 400 cuz like I said we ran out back here and I mean you still got to go all the way in the pump house and then back around here so yeah clearly not enough but there's no good way to measure this Barn um use one of the long tapes and it's close but it's not super accurate we've done that before and we came out with about 390 so we were hoping that we'd make it but no such luck now I'm waiting for Brent to get back to figure out what we're going to do it's 2:00 right now crunch time see was a lot closer than just last time you and I were here I know there it is ooh look at the new Bor sweet oh tractors even better oh look at that John Deere I want it [Music] 25 of them they look so weird when they're brand new pretty these are actually whole but I guess they're interchangeable with packs [Music] so I like their H sign I'd like to have one of those huh can you unlock it yep I'm going to get in it here huh said I'm going to get in it little rough yeah guess how much huh 43 I'm going to go look and see how heavy these are same model pretty tight yeah not bad not as heavy duty as yours though I don't think that's a nice one I like that one yeah want to go it yeah do I have a pulse that must be no 75 no 100 horse what it's 100 why is it so small I don't know it's compact wasn't it yeah setting it everything's covered black I shouldn't I'm like gross wow it smells like a new car dead I really don't like how it sits though really why I don't know I hope well the seat I'm sure it goes way up but it feels weird I'd take it y [Applause] nice man that is big kids dear makes that tractor look tiny of course it is a tiny tractor but still super boom boy I like that one I can't believe it's 100 horse put the Grabber right on it and leave it right on all the time it looks small all right so we got most of the manure shoveled into the gutter we got all the links taken out of it so it's pretty tight it might loosen up a little bit once we run it some more so we might have to take it another one out but we've got the water it's not on right now but obviously we turn it on when it's going and we have been running it so far so good something we did notice though is that the sprocket seems to be so new that it's not really letting go of the links like it should so they bounce back a lot we're hoping that they just wear into that cuz everything is lined up like it should be so and as it goes we're just going to push the rest of the manure in there and I'll show you guys the finished results [Applause] I think that'll wear e a long day oh thank God we got it we got it all run out it actually started to quiet down toward the end a lot I think what it needed to do was just wear into this chain obviously this was not the chain that was on the head so it's going to take a lot to wear into that so now all we need to do is get the barn bedded and everything cleaned up put the plates back where they need to be and everything it is so incredibly nice to see this Barn clean again I just it makes me so happy I hope you guys enjoyed this video um the only thing we're going to have to really do is bed the gutters because they going to freak the cows out that the gutters are empty now I guarantee you when they come in they're not going to want to cross it unless it's bedded they might not even want to cross it then because they got used to it being full and they're not really being a gutter there so anyway we need to get going thank you guys so much for watching watching I had so much fun in this video even though it was a lot of work the end result was just so so exciting so keep it real keep farming and I hope to see you in the next video bye guys
Channel: TayFarms
Views: 53,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y1GETbC1h68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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