Installing a LIVESCOPE (Tips, Things you didn't know, Advice, it's all in there)

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foreign [Music] system right here best forward-facing sonar on the market as far as I'm concerned been running one for a while I've ran the other ones this is where it's at as far as forward-facing sonar is so let's get to it all right guys I've got my new Skeeter FXR 21 just put a Garmin force on there I mean as you can see it's still got it has never been in the water right so now I want to show you all guys how to put on the live scope we're going to go through every process so if you want to know how it goes on the troll mode or how to hook it up everything we're about to show you right now all right so we got everything out here for new LVS 34 system and we'll get to work putting it on this course here so first things first gotta have your Mount put on there we're using the perspective style mount for this one this bracket right here has a little keyed spot in it because this shaft has a keyed out set in it that way it doesn't I can't spin it around you it's it is where it is that we keep going straight we'll get these all four started all right so what we're going to do here we're just gonna get these down we're not gonna get them all the way tight just that way it holds it in place because what we're going to check for this clearance so we've got our perspective bracket here got our main knob the shorter shafted one do you like the perspective mount I do I think it keeps your image a little bit cleaner and this is just a personal opinion versus running on the shaft the only time I run it direct to the shaft is if uh you know you got a 360 mounted up here or something like that then we'll either opt for the regular shaft Mount without the perspective or we'll mount it down here on the barrel and that's just mainly for clearance to raise your trolling motor up and down with a 360 and keep having interference I know there was some there was some thoughts on the perspective map not being yeah but I've noticed a lot of the ones you've been putting on here are now perspective mounts all of them yeah and that's these come with them so that's they used to not come with them yeah because they come up with it after right um is he gonna get hung up in Grass more it can but it's something about it being on the shaft and Trail motor it's going to be a grass catcher one way or you know okay it's just the extent of it you know okay there's a lot of people that when they get up that's all they're going to do is fish grass they take them off they coil them up around underneath the other thing about this one you can't really do that the only way you can do it smell it around the head because the way it's going to be routed so what we're looking for here is just clearance down here on the lower end for if you are put in perspective you'll see right here we can make that turn we still got a gap right here got room here so all right so for a lot of guys that might not understand what perspective mode is and regular mode and why how it's turned a certain way so perspective right here is going to be your more like a 360 style view but at that you know 150 degree comb so you've got a beam right here that's going to shoot off to this side of the trolling motor because trolling motor is pointed straight forward right now so you got a beam that's going to go this way you got a middle beam that's going to go straight out and you've got a bottom beam down here that's going to shoot kind of off to this side and then as you can see from the top side this bracket is angled down just a little bit and that's so that it can hit the bottom and shoot across the bottom and view structure out kind of like a side scan style picture or a 360 style picture versus if you turn all this around now this is going to be regular live scope but we would refer to as regular yeah they call it Forward mode so it'll be right here and tell them like so this is just a me tip you got a mark right here this is where you're supposed to have it lined up at on this particular part of the mount that's where you want it right there now on here you have these two different notches the notch that's right here is what would be down mode which is not what we all consider forward-facing sonar this is what they consider to be forward mode now personal opinion a lot of guys share this opinion even with the old style transducers one click or so at least beyond that is going to roll this transducer up a little bit more because most of the time we're not trying to fish directly below the trolling motor we're trying to fish out in front of the trolling motor so we want to be able to see the picture better out there it's going to help it focus on your bait a little bit more you know be able to see it when it hits the water and track it and it just makes it a whole lot handier to do and this other Mark is that other mark down there is your perspective perspective mode so so if you were to rotate it all the way down there you'll see now it's pointing directly forward and then that's when you would unlock it here and roll it down to there and you hit another there's another Mark that shows you so there's only two Marks here yep okay and then back up right there to forward mode even for me you know I had I had live scope but this is a newer version of I didn't have this transducer so even even to me and a lot of guys they haven't seen this yeah that's correct it's still relatively new to come out this last year and there's still a lot of guys you know floating around with the uh LVS 32 systems versus this 34 the 34 is just an increased Target separation so basically you know meaning if you've got fish out you know 40 50 foot in front of you sitting on the stump with this transducer they're going to be easier to distinguish between the stump and the fish and see the size of the fish versus the 32 and also they got rid of I would say virtually all of the ghost trees now there is going to be that quote unquote ghost tree if you run your settings very very hot is what I call it which is a high level of gain you know not a lot of noise rejection you know no filters that's still going to get you some of that clutter but this transducer is a lot clearer than the 32 was throughout this series right now if you're seeing this for the first time we're showing you all how to hook everything up no doubt I'm gonna do a ton of videos on this Taylor's gonna do a bunch of videos he's going to come out there with me he's going to help me get all our settings down we're going to go over settings as well but for the most part we're also going to do settings on the water so we're going to do more videos where me and Taylor are going to be out there showing you stuff out there making sure you get the most out of any of your electronics because he can show you certain things and get them set but sometimes those settings need to be changed depending on on a lot of things you're doing and so hopefully throughout the year me and him will get together and go show you all that stuff with Draper clearance on being able to rotate this thing over into perspective mode so what we want to do is come back in here I want to cinch our Mount down you don't want to overdo it we don't want to crack the plastic just want to make sure she's not going to rotate on us or go anywhere now the old ones would rotate a little bit yes so the old ones the thing would be because of the way it clamped you know that even if you use this transducer on that style clamp it's going to clamp on the side so you have a little bit of you know playroom to get this thing aligned a little bit different if you will but if if you really take a second and look at it this thing is exactly running parallel with how the trolling motor is pointing that way your indicator on top of the trolling motor is always going to be right right here what we're going to do just like how we talked about up here on top of the Trello motor when we were managing our wires we had the service loop you're gonna have the same kind of service loop here you don't want it to be huge you don't want it to be small either you just want it to be enough and I find a loop kind of somewhere around that is going to be enough to be able to loosen this off and go over to perspective I'm loosen this one off and roll over without having a ton of slack sticking out here on the side you know we're still within the side of the transducer so nothing's going to come right here and catch it anything like that and it's still loose you just don't want any of this stuff tight because these cables are small you know that's they're sensitive you just don't want it to you know get abused anymore than we're already going to just by our normal day-to-day fishing and then what we're going to do here because Todd likes to fish shallow a lot we're not going to go quite as high as what we would a lot of guys trolling motors a lot of them you know we'll you'll see tape up to here just depending on how they fish you know how much they think they're going to need to raise and lower it we're going to leave ties down a little bit you know probably right in here that way he's got that adjustment right there to get up into shallower water because it's just a it's you can type it up more if you want to you're just going to have to be conscious of that and cut that tape or something during the day while you're fishing and that just takes some time away from you to do it I ain't doing that and one other thing on these new 34 transducers they come with a ferrite clip which is an interference you know preventative um it's not a necessary thing they do advise that you put it on there just to help keep your picture as clear as you can you can either install it at the far end down where the it's going to plug into the box which we'll show you in a little bit or you can put it on right here either which way it generally works better if you plug it in down by the Box because you're filtering it out there versus filtering it out here where you still have all this length of cable going down to the Box finishing up the trolling motor we're going to mount our stabilizer bar this is the holder for it we'll cut the stabilizer to length at the very end once we get everything set up we've got three of these little short bolts and washers after we get it taped up to here that's what we're going to do I like to run it through this little spot right here on the stabilizer holder it acts as a cable management piece to keep you from you know having it hanging down everywhere you know getting in the mountain getting caught and pinched because that's not what you want while you're fishing trying to live scope up some big fish get this fed through here we got it all fed up through here what we want to do is we want to leave a service loop just like we do down here and up at the top we'll make sure we got plenty of room for turning you know all the way 360 around to here the Sterling motor will go you know just the hair fast 360 like most of them will so as you can see we got plenty of cable both ways that we're going to get too tight anything like that and that extra slack for when you got it pulled up that way it's not gonna get pinched in here or anything that's what we're looking for so next this is going to scare a lot of people but trust me it's not going to hurt anything what we're going to do here so we're going to take them we're gonna cut this collar off because Garmin has a cable management system right through here but with that right there that collar is too big on there so it's going to take we're going to break this collar off just like that and in your livescope system box you're going to have a replacement set it's just like the same size that comes for the network cables which you'll see us putting those on in a little bit but that allows us to run that down through there and that way you don't have to worry about it just laying up on the boat or like I've seen and like a lot of people did to begin with when these first come out it had to make some kind of management system on top of this channel this case it in that channel keeps it protected just a lot less chance of something happened to it down there so all right so now for the one spot that I mentioned earlier that you'll ever see me use a zip tie on a live scope transducer cable you read it in the instructions they tell you not to do it and this is the only spot it's okay to do it and you're gonna see why we've got a little hole set right here we're gonna Loop this zip tie through here you know the way that transducer cable up in there and we're not going to get this tight we're going to get this down kind of sort of somewhere like that so we still got plenty of free slack ain't hurting nothing it's just keeping it held up out of the way and you got the same thing right down here for where it exits that channel we just want to keep it held in place same thing we want it to be loose or we can slide the cable up and down through it now we're going to clip off these zip ties and get them out of the way all right we're gonna get in here and we're gonna run our sticks back up in front before we get too far along we're gonna get this live scope system pulled back in here into this box we got the uh Alaska wires snaked in up here above the tubes and everything above the wall got them down here got them hooked up so now we're gonna Mount this box on these FXR so we can put it right here on this wall still see your status light right here in the middle for troubleshooting and it's up out of the way that way Todd can fill this thing up with all the goodies and by the way these are the screws that come with the uh live scope system to mount the box with hey what's up guys while we're installing this remember this was for my my new boat and I had all my electronics on there right all all four of my garmins all the trolling motor live scope everything so we were doing everything at once some of you guys will just be installing your live scope from there it's pretty basic right we're just going to run the wires from your from your live scope and from your graph into that black box that's installed my rod locker from there the only other thing you're going to need and this is just if you're installing one graph with one live scope in one box that's you need all that now when we're talking about the black box to a battery what those guys do at Jones Marine Electronics they have their own wiring kit okay they have it the right wire to engage wire and they have a wiring kit that goes directly to a battery okay so they have that there you can buy it there you can call them up right now and get them get one from them that's what they use and that way that's what's going to hook up to your black box we don't have that on there because like I said we were hooking up everything so when we hooked stuff up we have we're having Nema cables and other graphs and everything I mean it's a it's a big complicated system if you're wanting that that's going to be on our next video where we show us hooking up all of it like everything all the graphs all the wires all that stuff that's all going to be on the next video so stay tuned for that but for in the meantime that should be all of it on how to hook up your life scope the correct way all right thanks guys follow along we're going to have more and more videos about all this stuff about any of these little like you said some of you guys might already know how to do some of this stuff but I promise you if you listen along Taylor's got some great suggestions you know he did a phenomenal job explaining everything there is no about all these hookups about live scope and garments and electronics and batteries and that everything right wealth and knowledge for you guys all right see y'all [Music] oh
Channel: Todd Castledine Fishing
Views: 43,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bass fishing, bass, fishing, Ben Miliken, Scott Martin, fishing tournaments, Sam Rayburn, Toledo Bend, Lake Guntersville, fishing fights, how to fish, outdoors, lakes, ponds, best baits, best lures, kickn their bass tv, tacticalbassin, fishing with norm, bass baits, Bassmaster, big bass, largemouth, smallmouth, spotted bass, topwater baits, big Swimbaits, jig fishing, alabama bass trail, livescope, forward facing sonar, Garmin, active target, installing a livescope
Id: Dj3K6sS9xiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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