Install pfSense on Proxmox (The Easy Way!)

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all right everyone thank you so much for being here today thank you for joining me I decided to completely skip doing an intro for this video in order to in order to save time what we are going to do in this video is we are going to install pfSense as a virtual machine on a proxmox host by the way if you've been following this channel you know that I've created several videos in the past that are very similar but there were on esxi and I've completely switched my home Leb from esxi to proxmox and I found this process to be a lot easier than what I thought it would be the only thing I found more cumbersome to accomplish is the installation of the proxmox equivalent of VMware tools which is the chemo guest agent but again you only have to do it once so in order to do in order to follow along what you will need to do you will need to have a computer with more than one network Port I have almost a similar device right here you will need to install prox MOX on it it's not that difficult but it's a video on its own make sure to download the pfSense ISO just go to your favorite search provider search for pfSense download download the iso and have it on your computer and also have your ISP connection details for example if you're if you connect to your internet via PPP OE have your your username and password already prepared and once all the prerequisites are met what you will need to do is to connect your computer to one port on the physical host and your ISP device to another port and as when you installed proxmox on your host you had to give it an IP address which is static and now your computer since it doesn't have any router or DHCP server in the network it doesn't have an IP address so go ahead and open your network connections and give your computer a static IP address in the same subnet that you gave your proxmox host for example I gave my proxmox host an IP address of 1821 1681 100.2 so gave my computer11 in the same subnet and the easiest way to make sure that everything is working as expected at this point is to just open up a terminal or a CMD or whatever and just try to pin the IP address of your proxmox host in my case this is the IP address and I get a reply meaning that at this point even though I do not have an internet connection I do have a landan connection to my proxmox host and I can start working so let's pull up our our web browser in fact let me open up a new tab and type https the IP address of your proxmox host colon 886 that's the IP address and the port prox MOX web interface listens on enter if you get a a certificate warning just click to continue and you will get to your proxmox web interface now you might get prompted for a username and password and since I've already typed it it doesn't ask me once once more now let's go to our local storage on our prox host and go to ISO images you can see that I already uploaded my PF sense ISO but if you haven't just click on upload select the file for me it's in downloads and upload it to your proximo host because we will need this ISO file to create our virtual machine another thing we will need to do go into your host level right here and go to network and as you can see we only have a bridge to our our Len Network we will need to create a Linux bridge to our when Network this Linux Bridge used this physical Network Port and that's that's the port my computer is connected to so I will create a new bridge and I will use this network Port this is the network Port I connected my ISP modem to so let's click on create Linux bridge that will be the name of the bridge I will not give it any IP address at all I'm going to make it villain aware why not and I'm going to type the name of the network Port this will be what I need to type in this field so it's e n p 2 and s0 now it might be different port names for you so just try to use the next available Bri Port sorry if it doesn't work try to change to this one if it doesn't work try to change to this one it depends on the amount of network ports on your physical host so let's click on Create and now when we'll create our pfSense virtual machine we will be able to assign two network network interfaces to it one for Len one for when all right so now that our Network configurations have been created do not forget to click on apply configuration or nothing that we have done will ever take place okay so that's done now we can actually go ahead and create our virtual machine so let's select our host right here right click create VM let's call it pfSense let's select our pfSense ISO that we have uploaded to our host guest OS can stay on Linux that's fine now as as in firmware whatever your host device uses select for your virtual machine for example my host uses Legacy BIOS I going to stick with bias for my virtual machine I am going to select Kimu agent and click on next this I'm going to to leave as is as the default and click next CPU depends on how many resource resources you want to give your virtual machine I'm going to select for example to to give it two cores next memory 2 gigs is just fine Network I'm going to select no network device just for now next finish and now our virtual machine is going to be created here it is that's great let's go to hardware and now add a network device for for our Lan it will be on vmbr0 great and another one for our when so let's select our newly created Bridge vmb 1 add great so now let's power on our virtual machine and let's go to console and now we'll actually install pfSense from our ISO to our virtual hard drive all right so select accept install auto ZFS that's fine install stripe click on Space to select the virtual hard disk enter and select yes and now the installation process will begin all right so now the installation is over let's click on reboot and that's actually how easy it is to install VM to install sorry pfSense as a for from an ISO to an to a hard disk all right so now pfSense is booting and now from our hard drive it's already installed this can take anywhere for a minute 2 minutes 3 minutes I will pause the recording and resume it once this booting up process is done all right guys so PF sense is loaded and we can see that our two virtual interfaces are identified that they are up here are they their Mech addresses that will be important in just a minute and actually if we have missed a question do you want to set up villains now yes or no so Click N as in no and enter all right now pfSense wants you to tell him which of these two devices will be assigned to when so we can know that by going to hardware and I know that the device that's assigned to our to my vm1 bridge that's the when Bridge its Mac address ends in 93 so now I'm going to go back to the console and I see that the device that ends in 93 is called VT net1 so that's exactly what I'm going to type here VT net one that's my when interface and VT net0 is My Lan interface do you want to proceed yes so now pfSense will configure our interfaces again that can take anywhere from a minute to 5 minutes I'm going to pause the recording and resume it once this process is done all right so PF sens is finished its initial configuration and we can see that we have IP addresses and most importantly I can see that I have a when IP address and a len IP address in the respected interfaces meaning that my interface selection step was correct but you can see that the Lan IP address pfSense uses by default is 182 16811 and our subnet is 182 16800 do something so let's go ahead and select two to set interfaces IP addresses and I'm going to select two because I'm referring to my Len IP address and now do I want to configure IP address via DHCP at this point no I want to assign my Len interface a static IP and a static IP should be 1821 1681 100.1 on a 24 subnet enter do I want to configure IPv6 for now I have no need to do that enter do you want to enable thep server I generally tend to select yes and I'm going to start in 182 168 do 15 to 182 sorry I made a typo 182 168 100. 150 and the end of the scope will be 182 1681 100.00 do we want to revert to http as our web configuration web as our pfSense web UI I generally type yes until I get a certificate and then I assign the th https all right so now it tells me if you want to get into your pfSense web interface this is what you need to type in your browser so that's exactly what we are going to do and just like that we are in our pfSense web interface default username is admin default password is pfSense so let's go ahead and start configuring pfSense click on next next host name if you want to change it that's fine if you want to change your DNS servers meaning the DNS servers for your when connection you can go ahead and do it here click on next select your time zone next how do you con how do you connect to your when interface meaning your ISP connection details mine is really the hcp but if you're using pppoe that's what you'll select right here again click on next your L IP address we have just configured it in the console so we don't need to do anything right here you need to to change you need to change your admin password it cannot stay is the default PF sense click on next reload and accept and just like that you have your pfSense installed configured connected and already providing connectivity we can prove it by going into I don't know Bingo we have Internet already up and running our pfSense installation mission is now complete so if that's all you hoping to do you can just stop watching this video right now because mission accomplished but there is one more thing that I want to do is and that and that is to install the proxmox equivalent of VMware VM tools so that's the only thing I have found to be more cumbersome than installing open VM tools because there isn't any prec curated package that you can just install in the package manager it it is a more manual process but again you only need to do it once if you want to do it so in order to start the process what we'll need to do is go back to our proxmox host and to our pfSense console click on enter until you get to this main menu again and select eight for Shell great now I have the commands already in my notepad of course I will add them to the description of this video but the First Command will be this one PKG install Dy Kimu guest agent so PKG install Dy Kimu guest agent enter all right so the download and installation is done all right so the the next thing we need to do is to type VI SLC SL RC doc. local click on I to start editing and add these two lines right here colon WQ and now let's make sure that our work is saved so let's click on cat Etc RC conf. local and we see our our lines are right here so that's great all right guys so I actually had to go back to my file because I forgot to to add this ending quotes right here so I'm going to add them right now all right so now that I have the ending quote I can colon WQ next thing that you need to do is in the pfSense web interface go into package manager available packages search for shell you'll find Shell CMD install it GR great now in Services go to Shell CMD click on add the command will be service schemo agent start shell CMD type will be early shell CMD click on Save and now go to Diagnostics reboot submit pfSense will now reboot and hopefully once it goes back up again we will have Kimo guest agent running I'm going to pause the recording right here and resume it once this is done all right so now pfSense has rebooted and we can see that we have an IP visible in the proxmox web interface meaning that the Kimo agent has started and it's now communicating from the guest to the host which is great again not a very userfriendly kind of process but you only have to do it once and it's rock solid so guys this was my take on installing pfSense as a virtual machine on proxmox I hope you guys liked it if you liked it please give this video video a like it will help me a lot and I will see you all in the next video bye [Music] everyone
Channel: Tech Me Out
Views: 3,061
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Keywords: install pfsense on proxmox, pfsense, pfsense setup, homelab, linux, pfsense vm, proxmox, router, firewall, pfsense router, home server, home lab, pfsense firewall, server, pfsense proxmox, pfsense installation and configuration, proxmox ve, virtualization, self-hosted, vm, tutorial, networking, pfsense tutorial, virtualizing pfsense, virtualbox, selfhosted, self hosted, virtual, virtual pfsense, virtualize pfsense, virtualize pfsense router, security, it security, homelab ideas, opensource
Id: p-oe6jOvSiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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