Install latest version Jenkins and setup

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- how to install latest apart from Jenkins and setup but remember that I have a little video that showing how to install the junk in mushroom but Jenkins it become a change little bit there is no junk in your file for latest version jackin but how we can do that so for that we will be use homebrew the homebrew will be help us to do this troll the latest version of junk in and it is easy so if you don't have homebrew so what important samples basically they make life easier so they if you want to install something easily make easily yeah they will be nice tool for you just simple command so let's go now let's download the homebrew so let's do you have a DS mmm I have this okay so now I have to download the homebrew for our download the home prob this is simple command this command you will be get the my youtube video description section so you can copy from there so if you don't have one Peru just use this command enter it I have a humble but I'm again G in stolen let's what happened it will take few few seconds for me because I already have but if you don't have home bro it will take some time be patience ok and follow the command okay and it's required in a homebrew requires the the common line common line X X code it will be automatically the humble bottom does for you just follow the common whatever they see if they say enter the present president so now my home pool is done okay so cool so what is the next now I have to make sure I have my old changqin have in my computer not if you have it please stop the junk in please stop jungle you can use the control C to get out from there and after that you use a simple code delayed junk in this code this code will be in the description section in the YouTube ok so I'm going to use that delete this so this will be deleted it's the might be ask you password because I'm using sudo user your computer what if they ask so now my my I know my Jackie related but how do I make sure see if you go here if you are eligible you don't you have like local host local most I have a local host 800 or 880 both was so I can check there is no junk anyway 888 18 that is not Lincoln so good my jacket is rated cool so what is the next now install the junk in installing a very simple very simple code very simple command for the do that so what you gonna do I'm gonna say brew and store Jenkins this command okay brew install Jenkins after it will be in storage junking okay okay so now is already installed magenta so now let's commonly her to the next cone edge comes how to restart the Jenkins the Bruce are busy star jangan before that before that you need to know which your admission key but okay let's go back and take a look at brew services stud junking will be stubble janking okay so my Jenkins stuff done and jackin also started done boom no problem with that guys so now go to the browser and I say localhost 8080 is getting ready okay so now they asking a lock junkie and he need to provide the excess key my earlier video previous video was showing when you install junkie they already provided over here they did not provide so what you have to do there is a common for that you can follow this command so it will be give you the key so sudo this command only provide the key so now why are you on this fine the command guys this command you will find my video description section follow that ok so I'm going to come and be there and after it will be written my excess key so I'm going to copy this one and go to the video over here and I say continue boom my janking will be now junking already up so now he's in students are this plug-in and all the plug-in will be done some plug-in might've failed but don't worry we will be some plug-in which is essential prior plug-in which we need it will be download properly bleep it's take some time so be patient and remember that so janking is up this ready simple the homebrew only simple commander home brew install Janki little quick like in a few seconds it will be done second you said that home brew services start so it will be something studied okay so now then equal to localhost antibody we need to key access key if you don't have go and follow this command go and follow this command it to read in access key and this access key will put this is for Mac OS 9 okay so similar command could be used for your windows so I have microwaves I'm showing the Mac OS if you have problem with Windows please feel free to ping to the my comment section so I will be there to help you guys junking is almost done it's getting easy because we're using hombro okay so try to use the homeroom and this is a very good tool to use actually to manage your back-end files and do all those things there's a failing for pipeline get will be next release later there's no problem because we don't need back right now okay you do you want to retry again for these things whatever failing let's do it one more time let's see you know what I just you guys can try it I don't want to do that because I know I known it I'd know this thing okay so now go here continue and now create it my username password created your username password okay whatever you want okay cool do you want to change your local host this you are and if you want you can customize but I don't want guys okay if you want you can toward your name whatever you want you can prove out your name whatever you want okay so you just keep a city HTTP HTTP and slash it will be work and whatever you want to provide here okay so jacking is ready we start you junking boom my janking is ready so newer version junk is ready if you have any problem with anything else you can always configure it but now you know that latest but some JK how is it work let's do it one thing guys for you I want to make sure that configure tool the new version up they showing there but those problem we have you can hollow as the correct and do it but I don't all right now so you can go the available and install like a you know get or something if you want over here available we have a problem was getting right get source per gate get so you can see all the what's option get plug-in or pollution if you want by plan purple or Sony can install those thing if you know I don't all right now guys okay he's gonna watch my type so what you need again Mankins Jenkins and go to the global tools will go to configuration I'm to show you two guys JDK you can set up JDK if you want so I have 1.8 to provide that at one point of it okay Java 8 okay and then I agree but if you want that you need to put your username password okay but I don't care about this thing right not the decay we provide the following and impossible Oracle then you can download this otherwise you can not download so I'm gonna delete JD key from here I don't know right now I'm gonna have later so mavin admin so remember that put the map in name as a map in whatever you want mavin capital letter Biron dan here in Asturian still automatically and use the your Vashon go to the common line go to the common line here if you want to use my own or should I say MPN and the slash not is - not sure so my mavin Bashan is 3 5 4 so if my CD Piper please use the 3 5 4 or if you have something else to add my remember that this jenkin also local local ranking and this mavin also in my local machine so it has to be same okay I see a plot and same so now my junking is ready for that if you want to collect all the CBO Copa copy listing fast they ll pipeline plug-in and you can always in a stone let's be 14 is the video I can show you how go to the available and click the available ok limits and then starts here get plug-in I'm something here or Gradle plug-in so this is the granule okay so this is the Gradle you have to sort of gear and circle Gradle that's it and you choose artifact or pipeline you can choose if you want you can choose all the option if you want and download now in the store after listed okay so you just copy this okay so it will be downloaded on and then after time is it Easter coming so I'm not going to wait until that I'm going to close my video and that we stopped this part and you guys can follow that if you have any problem might be these videos regarding about how to download regarding new what is called new Jenkins that is versus Jenkins people was having problem for that reason so almost unless you guys almost done then I can approve the video before that let's finish that okay can cogs leak here so when it's done it will be automatically restart your junket so that's it for guys and see you soon and feel free to comment a compensation all the command UD find out in the description section and see you soon
Channel: FutureItVision
Views: 151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jenkins, jenkins, SauceLab, Saucelab jenkins, CI Jenkins, CI/CD, Selenium Jenkins, How to install jenkins, How to setup jenkins, Setup Jenkins with Saucelab, Jenkins maven setup
Id: baiH6GNLpZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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