Install Laravel 10 & Filament Admin Panel 3 | Full Stack Web Development Tutorial | @thechilledcoder

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in this video I'm going to show you exactly how  to install laravel 10 and filament admin panel   3.0 I'm going to be doing this the quickest way  possible and that's to utilize laravel's built-in   Local web development server called Artisan serve  before that we need to make sure we've got the   necessary tools installed on our computer first  of all we're going to look at installing composer   if you've already got composer installed on your  machine please feel free to skip this part I've   added all the section links in the description  below okay first of all we're going to install   composer, composer is a tool for dependency  Management in PHP it allows you to declare the   libraries for your project depends on and it'll  manage and install and update them for you so   this is to say that a laravel project depends on  many small packages that pulled from elsewhere   composer allows you to do that automatically  every time you fire up a new project composer will   look for all the dependencies for that laravel  project and download them and keep them updated   for you okay so then we're going to head over  and look at the download so these commands   here we're going to run one by one in the  command line which we need to go ahead and open Terminal okay so there's two ways you can  install composer initially you can you   can inst install it on a project by project  basis which means every laravel project you   create you could install composer inside  effectively and then that would download   all the packages for that specific laravel  project or a more common approach would be   to install it on a global level which means  installing it further down the path than what   the project folder is okay so let's have  a look what that looks like if we open a   terminal and we navigate to the this is a Mac  so on a Mac we navigate to sluser SL local   bin as you can see I already have composer  installed but if I didn't what I do in this folder I would run these commands one by one so  first of all download the installer to the current   directory second of all we're going to verify the  hash file third we're going to run the installer   and then fourth that will remove the installer  okay and so once you've run those commands you'll   have um a folder that looks similar to this  I.E it contains now contains composer as that   is installed on the global level and to check that  that's working works correctly we're going to run   composer dash V which checks for the version we  can see that we have composer installed version   2.6 okay so at this point it's probably worth  checking um what version of PHP you've got laravel   10 requires a version of PHP of 8.1 so if we  type PHP DV you can see I'm using 8.1 .4 if your   version of PHP is lower than this you'll need to  upgrade it that'll be covered in a separate video   okay once we've got composer installed we're going  to head over to to the documentation   version 10 we're going to look to create a new  laravel project so we're going to use this command   create project and you can rename your project  here I'm just going to use the basic example   app then we're going to jump into our terminal and  this depends on where you want to put the project   this is where I'm putting it today so this will  create a project called example app within this folder I'm just going to give that some  time to run so the way it works is   now composers out there searching for all  the packages to put together laravel   and as you can see now it's running  all the different packages and all the   different dependencies and installing  them into our project and the laravel   project is now installed so if we want to  navigate over to the project that we just created now you can see that is the laravel  project right there example app and of course   what we want to do now is see as per the  documentation we're going to run the laravel   project in Artisan serve so we navigate to  the project directory and run PHP Artisan serve this will serve the local  development server and it's running   at this IP address here so we  can copy this HTTP 12701 Port 8000 and if everything is working correctly we  should be returning a laravel project which we   are that's the home screen for laravel so we  have laravel installed now uh next we want to   install filament admin PHP but before we can do  that we need to install live wire as filament   depends on live wire to run okay so we're going  to head over to Live Wire Live Wire is a modern   um full stack framework for laravel that makes  building Dynamic interface is simple without   leaving the comfort of laravel so if you're not  heavy on JavaScript if you're not really good at   that kind of stuff uh laravel does a lot of the  heavy lifting for you and you can work within PHP okay so let's head over to the docks and  we're going to install the latest live one I'm just going to open up my project folder again okay and that we're going to install Live Wire okay we just give that a second to run okay once Live Wire is installed we're  going to head over to filament admin panel   uh this is the admin panel uh  we're going to go for version three and then we're going to install using  this command here composure require filament filament okay while that's um installing let's  have a look at the installation requirements   for three PHP 8.1 laravel 10 livewire 3  so we've got all those things in place now   that filament is dependent on and it looks  like in filament version three we've also   got to install the panels flag which is  new don't think they have that on version two no can look okay so that's  finished we've got filament   admin installed we're going to  run the second command install panels admin is the ID okay so now if we head back over to our laravel project and you  can find find the admin panel SL admin and this is our  filament admin dashboard sign in so first we want to create  a new database to do that we're   going to open our project and a code  editor going to go to the ENV file and then we are going to edit out  MySQL for SQLite and we're going   to replace the database with the path  to our new database which we've not   yet created but it will be in the file  database and we'll call it database.sql light okay that's for the host  we can comment out the host report the username and the password  soon as they were using SQL right save this now we're going to navigate to our database  folder and in there we want to create a new database database SQL light see if that's made it there  it is and then back out of this folder into the   main directory now we're going to try and  migrate our database tables PHP Artisan migrate okay let's run the tables so next we want to try and create an  admin user PHP artisan make filament Dash user so this is where we find out if  our migrations have worked because   there needs to be a user table  obviously to create this admin user okay okay so now if we open up our laravel  site back to the admin just give that a quick refresh okay and we put in these credentials  that we just created to the admin user see if   we can log in no we get a nice error there  so what's that the database path all right   let's have a look in the ENV so it seems like  the error is to do with this um I've seen this   somewhere let me comment this out and put  no path this has worked for me in the past   by the way uh but it seems like today it's not  going to let's just comment that out and save it see if we can go in again and there we are into the filament dashboard we got the Dark theme the light theme and that's about it okay I hope you  enjoyed this video if you did please hit   the like And subscribe buttons it really helps  out the channel for more web development content   you can follow me on X and Linkedin at The  chilledCoder, thanks again for watching ciao
Channel: The chilledCoder
Views: 150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: larvel, laveral, larevel, laravel, lavral
Id: 3zjgAv5Zq-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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