Install kubectl on windows

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hello everyone in this video we want to install cube ctl or q cartel on windows i use windows 10 and i have a running kubernetes cluster and as you can see cube ctl gets parts hash and cube system everything is running so if i try to run cube ctr version client since that the cube ctl is not installed in these windows i open google chrome and search for install cube ctl on windows and i open the first one and search for windows as you can see we should first download the latest release so i open this link it takes some time to download it completely the download is completed so i should copy to cube folder in drive c i'll copy it and open drive c and make a new folder and rename it to cube and paste cubectl.exe as you can see in this block we should add binary in our pass so i open properties and in advanced system settings i open environment variable and i double click on pass and add a new one and save the change and if i open the powershell again and try to run the previous command we can see that it doesn't work because we should close the power shell and open it again and as you can see everything is working but if i try to run cube ctl get parts dash and cube system it doesn't work because we should copy our config we should copy our kubernetes config to our window so i open the kubernetes cluster and as you can see it can't connect to any host and cat config and we should copy it and in cube folder we should create a text file and paste everything and save it and i rename it to config and i open the powershell again i should give give it the full pass of our config so i type dash dash cube config equal to i should fix it and as you can see everything is working fine
Channel: yasin lachini
Views: 8,948
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: install kubectl on windows, install kubectl on windows 10, connect kubernetes from windows
Id: UE1UqcaSYpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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