Install home assistant on raspberry pi 5 with M.2 NVMe SSD Hat

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[Music] in this video I'm going to show you how to install home assistant on Lo SP 5 with enme SSD the enme SSD is faster and more reliable to be able to use the M M SD you need a M2 hat to connect the r verifi with the m SSD here I got a M2 head from pberry I have already insert a SSD to the M2 hat and the M2 head connect to the pi so our PCI which is uh this cboard here the only me SSD that I'm using is also the SSD that I used for the USB installation for this SSD I have already have a home assistant operating system installed through our USB I removed this SD from a USB adapter and now I attach it to the M2 head I'm going to test without any change can I use the same home assistant oper system on the root Veri let's have a look okay let's turn on the board looks like the system is starting okay looks like everything is works fine the home system is running now you might also wonder what if I don't have a home assistant installed on the SSD how can we install a home assistant on the MD from scratch now I'm going to show you how to do it for this installation you need a SD card we are going to install the this verifi system to the SD card and then we are going to do some setting in uh so the SD card and tell the system to boot from the mme now let's have a look First Step I'm going to install the rootberry P operating system through SD card going here I'm going to choose Ro spie I'm going to choose Roy operating system andresh the system to the SD card connect next here you can either the username password for the lber pie operating system and also you can set in the wi-fi at here in put the SS ID and as a password for your Wi-Fi and uh you can connect save and uh connect yes and yes so you need to inut the password it's going to take a few minutes to flashh the operating system to SD card okay now I'm going to insert the SD card to theberry piie it's a little tricky because here I have the M2 hat uh it has the PCI connect to the SP P before now I I have to remove it in order to install the SD card let me install the SD card first okay now I have install SD card for this step I'm going to disconnect the only M SD to the very pie I will boot the system from the SD card and do some setting and after that I will connect the mm SD back to the pie through the PCI okay let's have a look now let me turn on the rber pie okay here you can see it says M2 PCI has not detect because before I was change the boot loader to load the system start from the M2 hat but now since I disconnect the M2 head it will fail in that step but since there is a operating system install through SD card is going to be start from the SD card I will do some setting to uh change the boot order the lberi operating system has been uh installed on SD card so I open a terminer so here I'm going to sh r p i e e p o r m config editor sorry uh this one should be e p r o m okay the setting here is the bo order is O XF 146 so so the order is always from the right to left six means only M uh SSD four is USB SSD one is SD card so the order is is first boot the system from the SSD if there no uh s detect then it will to look the USB SSD if the USB doesn't work then it go back to the SD card now I want the system uh start from the SD card because I want to plug the M SD back to to the um SPI in uh but I want the system I want to run in the RO SP of resistant to do some setting for the UN SSD so I want start from the SSD so let me change the order here so I will change the water from 46 from 146 to 46 461 so this will tell the system start from the SSD okay let me uh save it yes I'm going to restart a system and uh I'm going to connect the SSD to the RO veryy here I'm going to shut the [Music] system now I'm going to connect the M2 head to the rber pie and I will leave the SD card um insert because I'm going to boost the system from the uh SD card okay um think it's almost done yes great now I connect the M2 hat to the SP pie now I'm going to restart the I'm going to start the system again great now the system restart let's to check if we can find the only MSD l sdfk so here you can see it's detect the UNM SD card it has 1.8T here it also have the uh the SD card which installed the SPI operating system I'm going to run the update so I'm going to should do at g g upate going be take a buy okay it's done and we do should do a a t g up gr okay after a few minutes the upgrade has been done let me try to test the speed of mme I'm going to inut should do HD par Min t reor D we add e there's open one see and here it says the com uh the it parameter command font so we need a install HD parameter command so let me on to do a p install HD p a r m yes okay now let me run the shu hdpm to test the speed okay here you can see the speed is 42944 magit per second um for this only only m s SD we can use uh the second actually right now is use the second generator PCI but we can change it to the generator 3 so we can do that through this uh configuration fire so we can do uh sh Bo um config okay so in this file as a button in the or we can add some parameters okay d t p a r a m equal to only M and DT H equal to pleas c i X1 and T N = to three and contr X yes okay now we can reboot the system and uh come back to test the speed okay okay we have restart the system let's go back to test the speed again should do s d p a rm0 one now this the speed you can see the speed is 8325 uh however so according to some documentation it says um it's says it's not recommend to use the generous 3 uh as it's not officially support for thei so maybe it's not work sta so by default maybe we should always use uh the general equal to 2.0 another swe on Z to install the Homer system on this B5 with the mme SS I need our sofire to write the images to the mme SSD the software that I'm going to use is Bina so um I'm going to install that through the p app so let's run this command here to uh install the PI app okay now the PI app has been installed so I'm open the PI app execute now in the p app I'm going to uh looking for the software that I'm going to install I choose all okay it's here install okay now now I think the software has been installed in the next step I'm going to install the um home system operating system so I need done now the home system images after we done the downloading we are going to um flesh the images to the m SSD so let's open the softwre for Flash the images okay so I have done out the home assistant images I'm going to choose the one that I done out which is 11.4 im. XC okay it uh St Target so here it's showing the SSD card here SSD here is uh 2 terab so I'm going to choose the SSD select one and the Flash this step going to be take a wire I need to inut my password um it's fresh the assistant images to the uh SSD I'm going to do some uh setting so now I'm going to change the or the bo order because I want it now I want it Bo from the SSD so let me go to uh change that so should do RP so I think I have one that command before so it should be here yeah sud do RPI e p o m config okay so I'm going to change it the order back to the 146 which means it's going to be start from the um SSD then USB SD then SD card the order is always from the right to left okay let me save this file and uh in the same time we have already flashed the from a system operating system images to the now if I reboot the system it should be able to restart from the it should be able to uh reboot from the MSD so let's have a look at do the rep looks like the home assist operating system is running great now we have have the home assistant installed on the mm uh s and very on the the SSD um so here we can also change the PCI gener from General 2 to General 3 in the home syst I can show you how to do it but as I mentioned before it's not recommend but I were going to show you how to do it how do this step in the home system so let's uh input login then we can do this time we going to use Nana empty um Bo config so this okay it doesn't have l so we have to use the sry um then I'm going to uh insert yeah plus I to insert DT p a r a m equal to n n e and DT d a r m equal to PCI ex1 g n let me first uh use uh set to two and the test speed and then we can compare with uh three okay WQ so to test so let me actually by default it's two so let me test the speed first so I'm going to run uh HD t a n n t so this one should be device um and and we M so it says the speed is 400 the speed is uh 446 with the gener to I'm going to change the PC E from Gen 2 to J 3 so let me change that to three but to make it work I need reboot the system okay now the system restart Let's test the speed h d e a minus t then we add E1 yeah you can see the speed actually is better is 756 megabit um but as I said it's not recommend to use GNR 3 because it's not uh uh reliable it's not stable okay I think that's it um I have already showed you how to install the home syst on SP pie um using the real SSD uh if you have any question please let me know thank you for watching this [Music] video
Channel: QiSmartHome
Views: 5,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home assistant, raspberry pi, smarthome, AI
Id: GSZtgtB1EpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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