Install Free Proxy Server on Windows

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in this segment I'm going to show you how to install and configure the free proxy internet suite that will get you going with any type of quick and dirty proxy server that you may need because every now and then we need a proxy server we need to either cache redirect or maybe even block some sites you can even share an internet connection using a proxy server when that is necessary an easy one to install is free proxy so the first thing we need to do is go out to the Internet and get get ourselves a copy of the free proxy internet suite let's go ahead and take a look at my computer I'll show you how to do that now so all we got to do is open up our browser of choice use Internet Explorer for this as most of us that are running Windows this will work awesome also this will work in Windows XP we're in Windows 7 I'm using 8.1 obviously it's going to work there and I don't have Windows 10 yet but hopefully that will work there as well so all we have to do is go to the correct website here and I just go to my address bar and type in WWE handcrafted software org not calm that takes you to the producers of this lovely little piece of software so all we have to do now is find the download link it does have some free proxy releases here but I find that the download link tends to work best so right at the top of their page here we have a download we just click that and it takes us to the download area after that we just find the download link which is right here I click on that and it'll take me to a pace they want to go ahead and verifies you're actually a human you're not just downloading a bot downloading software so give us a nice little verification here with the security code just type that in and hit download should download the software and it says you were downloading the software now it is a very small download so it shouldn't take you very long I'm going to go ahead and hit save when prompted and once that's complete we should have the entire package at that point you could use a md5 hashing to check the integrity and verify that if you need - but it's such a small download if it if it gets corrupted download just try to redownload it as we can see I only got a few seconds remaining it shouldn't just be much more than that once that's done we'll go ahead run the Installer which is a very simple installation package 6 seconds to go almost there and we are done excellent so my computer is now going to run the security scan that should just take a few seconds which is done with and I can hit close that saved that to my downloads file so now all I have to do our folder now I have to do is go there and unzip the zip file so I'm go ahead and close out Internet explorer because right now we don't need it if I just open up my file browser and then I go to downloads that should let me see that free proxies zip now all we need to do is extract all the files within there and that should give us access to the setup so I'm just going to right click and extract all I'm just going to extract it here you can choose wherever you like to extract files to it's almost done and there we go we now have the setup and I can double click that and that will start my UAC prompt asking me do you really want to install this is a software that you're actually trying to stall it is so I'm going to go ahead and hit run so I hit run again get prompted the UAC hit yes and I am now within the free proxy internet suite wizard or installation this is a very basic installation is we're basically going to next our way through this but we'll make sure that we don't miss anything that seems important so right now it's just going to click Next asking if you accept the License Agreement or not you're not going to be able to get very far if you don't so my suggestion is to click accept and click Next it's asking you where would you like to install this at the default path is usually the best path unless you are used to doing another way then you can browse and choose your path otherwise just choose the defaults and click Next again if I'd like to create a folder to put all these things in I can browse to that now or I can just go with the defaults which is exactly what I'm going to do so click Next and I should be good to go gives me a overview of the selections that I've made and when I'm ready I click install this shouldn't take more than just a few seconds again it's a very small package yep for a very powerful piece of software you'll see in just a moment this thing will allow us to have a lot of control over how our users access the Internet so I'm done with that as you can see it's all good everything installed correctly had no errors I can click Next and then finish once I'm done with that I can close my other windows I no longer need the setup icon you can delete it or just leave it I tend to save software like this so I'll do that so now that I have the software installed I need to run the software now if you're running Windows XP or Windows 7 or even Vista if that's your pleasure should just be able to go to start in all programs and you'll see it there for hereon 8.1 as we know we go to the little windows icon the bottom left-hand corner and then I prefer to use the little search feature makes things easy if I just type in free I should see this free proxy Control Center that is the exe that runs the actual software now word of advice here you do want to run this as an administrator otherwise you're not going to be able to start the service you'll be able to make changes but the service won't run on that kind of defeats the whole purpose of this thing so we need to run this as administrator so I'm going to right click on that and just hit run as administrator again my lovely UAC prompt and I tell it yes and as we can see it's firing up the free proxy internet suites that should take us to the management console giving us all the ability to make changes start services add users set all the defaults that we would like to change and make it run the way we need to run so what I'm going to do is now that we have the console open as you can see here it's very very simple not a fancy dancy program but it gets right to the point I like to expand it out a little bit because you can't see all the icons unless you do you'll see that we have a few things already kind of defined a proxy which is basically the service that is a proxy service some users define and some options as well talking about a band list and we're going to get into all this as well pretty simple and straightforward to set this things up but just need to know the correct order in which to do this so I'm gonna I'll walk you through that now first thing we need to do is set up some users otherwise they're not going to be able to use the service so you see right here under these these tablet like ons you have users and this is where we can create the users for our system so if I click on that I get this lovely little users in groups box that allows me to create both users and groups even though it's kind of funny even though you have it only said users when you click the button so I'm going to just kind of expand the sound just a little bit and we need to create at least one user right so I'm going to go ahead and click on users and click Add this is going to give me my user creation dialog box pretty straightforward asking me for a user name I'll make one for myself and just use first initial last name give a description I'll say I'm a proxy user Lake and if I'm looking at things from a higher elevation I'll know exactly what's going on and here's where I needed to find a password for this user now you can leave it blank but if you're going to use any kind of authentication which if you are doing this you probably would want to do that you need to go ahead and put some a password in for that user at this point I'm just going to put a simple password in for testing purposes and demonstration so I'll just use password and then confirm it and then make sure that that box is checked which is by default but in case it got uncheck just verify this there that the user is actually enabled so they can use the system so I'm going to click done and now I have a proxy user pretty simple now what I need to do is create a group for the proxy users also just about as simple as creating a group if I go up into groups and I highlight groups and I click Add will give me the group add dialog box very simple as well just asking for a name in the description right here I'll just make proxy users or I'll call a proxy group so I can put my contains proxy users pretty simple and straightforward click done and now I have my proxy group now the next thing I need to do is actually add my users into the group that I've created even more simple than you would imagine basically just drag aggghhhhh and drop I think let me see here maybe it wasn't drag-and-drop I'm sorry one second I'm getting a little clicky ahead of my cell and click on here and I want to make I think I want to add yes that's exactly right so I hit add I thought a dragon drug that's that's not correct but now it's asking me who do I want to include in this group it's pulling from the list of users that it sees available and since there's only one that's the only one I see if there were more you would have those list of users and you can select the ones that you want right now I only have one so that makes it pretty simple I click my own name there and click done now you can see that my user name is actually underneath here it's also here as well but that's what we want to see we want to see that our user is in the proper group so that we can use that group to add is like a security assignment to the proxy server itself letting it know who has access and who does not now that that's done we can click done making things very simple and you think this is now we're going to get into proxy no not quite yet we didn't want to go ahead and define a set of rules that that these users are going to encounter when they use the service itself so let's go over to this band list and even though it says band list and you can ban things if you would like do you also do a myriad of other things redirection and a couple other stuff but we'll take a look at some simple things just to get our feet width so I'll click on ban list and the first thing we notice this is probably the one of the few times when I found this to not be as intuitive as I would have liked it to be but still it's not too difficult once you figure out what they're asking for it's pretty easy to navigate right now what we need to do is create a new band list so if I click new and then you see it kind of highlights in the untitled don't worry about that quite yet what we need to do is just start defining what we want to have in our band list so here we'll go ahead and click down here and click Add and now we can add a category things like restricted sites and band lists it kind of makes sense we'll do a restricted sites list so I'll just call it restricted sites now it's asking me what I want to do when someone meets this URL do I want to redirect them to a URL an error page that I've created that's locally hosted on the server itself or do I want to use a standard air page that they've created for the system I'm just going to go ahead and stay with the standard display because I didn't create a response and we'll do address redirection in just a second so we'll do that we'll just say display the standard response and click none are done I'm sorry not not now that that's done now what I need to do is define what is getting restricted what sites do I not want them to go to who is going to receive the forbidden error when they try to go to a site what sites to cause that so if I go down tour says manage category details that's where I can start to define those options I click that you'll notice this down here starts then it come alive you see I got highlighted it's no longer grayed out and now I need to add a URL or IP address I can do this for local resources so if I want to go by IP address that's fine but normally this is for internet type options and this is where I find it to be most helpful so I'm going to click add URL I'll just click a URL or device here you don't add ww2 it you just type in like let's say I wanted to keep people from going to social media sites on my small network I can go ahead and just put Twitter comm Instagram comm things of that nature and that will stop them from going there from typing in that address so I'll do that will do and click done we'll add a couple more here I'll say and click done and then add one more we'll say Instagram dot-com and click done so now I have a few sites that are being actually blocked you try to go to them you'll get an access denied page let's go ahead and create another category and we'll do this one for redirection so let's say I don't want anybody going to Bing right I I'm a system administrator and I hate Bing and I hate Yahoo I'm a Google fanatic I want everybody to use Google because it's the easiest thing especially if I'm asking them to do a search on their own site and they're going to Yahoo and they're getting different search results I want to try to avoid that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to redirect and these other sites to go straight to Google to make it easy for myself so what I'll do is I'll call this search engines our search engine redirect it's a little more descriptive and I'll say when of Europe is access redirect to a URL and down here I'll just put in Google Google starts with a and then click done so now when anybody goes to any of the sites that I'm about to create or add to the list they'll be redirected to Google com so I need to click on that to highlight it and then say manage category details now I can add my addresses here or my URLs so I'll click the URL I'll say Bing calm and done and I'll also add for good measure and say done just to keep it easy a couple of them alright so now we've got our band list created pretty straightforward I need to actually save it which is a good thing that way I basically export this as a file we can use if we install this on another server I can just copy that file and the band list is there don't have to redo my work so I hit save as and I'll call this server one ban-ban there we go and hit save now the last thing I have to do is activate the band file you don't activate the VAM file then it won't take effect so we got to make sure to do that so we have to do is hit activate and we'll get this it says this band file has been set as the band list for this configuration I hit OK I'm good to go with that I can now hit done and my band was to set my users are set I am now ready to actually setup the proxy server itself so right now you'll see that they have already gone ahead and added a proxy server service for HTTP into this as a default but that's cool we can go in here and just edit it to our necessary needs whatever we have to have it as I'll just double click on it it'll take me to the properties and this is where the meat potatoes actually happened right so we want to give it a name I'm going to call this just proxy SRV so I know it's a proxy service and you'll notice that the protocol says HTTP proxy you slip down you can see that their proxies for pop tunnels SMTP telnet FTP Sox and even news so very cool you have a lot of different ways in which you can proxy with this little service and it's it's such a small program it's nice to have so if you need anyone one of those quick-and-dirty this is also a great product for that as well but I'm going to click HTTP proxy you'll notice that the client port says 8080 traditionally that is a proxy port you can make it any port that you like just make sure that you know what it is you set it as so that when you set other settings you know what port to use so you need to make firewall adjustments or anything like that you've got that port now I'm gonna leave it at 8080 it's very simple now the local binding this was something that can be confusing what it's asking you is if you have multiple network interface cards in your system do you want to bind the proxy server to any specific one and then if that has multiple IP addresses or anything like that would you like to bind a specific IP since I only have one actual network interface on this device I can leave it unset and it just defaults to that but if I had multiple I wanted to choose one that's where I would do it and the same is true for remote binding if I wanted incoming access to the server coming in on a certain port or I'm sorry network interface I could choose it there as well but since I only have one it's all traffic is only going to go in and out one way so I can leave that unset and now over here we have this used proxy server if I had another proxy server setup and I wanted to proxy a proxy that is where I would set that but I don't have that going on but all you have to do is check that and give it the IP address the proxy server make sure you have the right port set and you would be able to proxy through another proxy but that's all good now if I want to create a log file I can set that as well but we're going to stick with a lot of the defaults right now because we're trying quick and dirty setup right over here under HTTP options this is where it can get a little tricky this does have the ability to integrate with an Active Directory domain and pull user accounts and usernames and passwords authenticate using AD so you can't set that up here as well but if you're just using it as a standalone server trying to set up a proxy we're going to go with basically vacation to make it easy so I have to do is click use HTTP authentication and then keep it as basic I could have used any of the others as well but basic is the simplest over here it says realm you just need to create a realm name so that it can differentiate between any other realm that you might have just make it any name that you want I'm just going to call it proxy then we click permissions and this is where we're going to say I have a group of users and they need to have access to this proxy service so all we have to do is once we click permissions then you notice that this dialog box opens up we have the ability to add a resource and that's what we need to do so we add a resource and gives us some types there's a few different types and we're going to set at least two of them or the app we are going to set two of them one is going to be HTTP proxy service because that's what we want to do we want to have that as a service and people that are trying to access this are granted access not forbidden I could have dumped the other way as well and then from what group and I'm going to pick the group that we created the proxy group so anybody within that group should have the ability to access or or be proxied by the service I do like to use this user must authenticate to gain access to this resource that way unauthorized users aren't able to gain access they have to actually type in a username and a password so I want to click done there and then I'm going to add our band list that bandless is so that it would actually apply as a user logs in and starts to use it in the proxy server is working against its user account we want that bandless to apply so they get redirected or stopped from going to the sites that we've set in that list so I need to add another resource just change this to say a band list or your URL or IP address you'll notice it defaults over to forbidden and then again we choose the group proxy groups and that they must authenticate by click done should be good to go now I can click done my proxy service is now set up I click done here and it's going to give you this warning it's going to say a lot of stuff about the local binding just trying to remind you if to make sure that you have this set as necessary you can just go ahead and yes you're way out of this if we're not binding anything it won't give you any problems all right so now we can go to start and stop the service and this is where that logging on as an administrator thing came in handy so right now I just click that and I click start the service this is the current file must be saved it normally says this any time you click start the service and it's just basically asking you do you want to you want to save this configuration obviously we do so we're going to say ok and you'll notice now the service is running and we can click OK the service is now running on this system and they should be being proxy one caveat normally we would set proxying in the the internet explorer settings or if you're running Google Chrome Firefox any other browser there's usually a proxy area to set say hey I want you to use a proxy server for web browsing an Internet Explorer it has its under the connections tab we're going to take a look at that but normally this would be set at the domain level or as a group policy object something that effect but if you only have a few machines you can come by each machine and do them individually and then save that it makes it pretty simple all you have to do really is open up IE is one of the simple ways to do it you'll notice it doesn't give me any problems or anything like that I can go into the settings here it says Internet Options and then we have this connections tab and that's the important part under that you see land settings which is going to take you to the area that we need actually get this up and running so I click on that and we have this nice proxy server area and I can click on this proxy server area add the address of my server which I wrote down beforehand which is 10 1.2 3187 and then make sure you know your port remember it was 8080 is what I set it to and if you want to you can click on advanced and I'll you can uncheck this if you want but since this would be the proxy server I would be using for all of these different like FTP Sox HTTPS or secure those SSL I'm sorry our SSH aren't your right SSL or TLS security any of those pages would also go through the proxy server as well so I just keep that normally checked off so I'll click OK and then I'll click OK here and that should activate the fact that I want to use proxy service so I'll click OK and then just either wait or restart my browser so I'll go ahead and just restart my browser and we should be greeted by a prompt asking for a username and a password unless I typed in the wrong IP address and I'm not seeing it yet so let's let's verify I've got the right IP address I'm gonna click on that CMD + IP config which should be 10.1 to 230 dot 187 so let's just make sure that I actually have everything running correctly here Internet Options and connections land settings and there we go I must have not saved my configuration so I gotta go back in there to make sure that's in there it's an easy thing to do to one a 230 duh 187 and then click OK then click OK and now I get the little spinning cheerio I might actually get a prompt here in a second and let's go ahead and close out the browser reopen the browser and hopefully I get a prompt proxy server is not responding to I must have not set the correct port let's set that well mr. Lau are you gonna check those ports let's go to connections you're getting a good lesson on checking these settings there we go 8080 there we go hit OK now we should see the action and let's just go ahead and close this browser one more time hopefully there we go now we're getting that username and password that we expected to see that's what we want now we know that it's actually going through the proxy server itself so I can type in my username D lowery and then my password of password and if I wanted to make sure that I always I'm hitting the proxy server I can uncheck that remember my credentials that way I always get prompted every time I open a new browser to insert my credentials so let's go ahead and okay there you notice just takes me an IT Pro TVs really cool but let's check some of those things be able to get to things like Facebook so if I go to facebook so if I go to if I try to go to Bing let's see WWE bang comm I hit enter you'll notice it takes me to Google it doesn't take me to Bing the same thing would happen if I clicked on yah or try to go to Yahoo it would redirect me to those as well so this is a very simple straightforward way to get some proxying going on you set those settings up for the practice during the internet options of your Windows machine and it should work also for Google Chrome and Firefox as well they should pick that up from there that being said that is how you install free proxy internet services on a Windows machine
Channel: ITProTV
Views: 144,960
Rating: 4.4317241 out of 5
Keywords: install free proxy server on windows, how to install free proxy server on windows, windows free proxy server install, free proxy server for windows, how to create free proxy server, free proxy, free proxy server, windows proxy server, proxy server setup, windows 10 proxy server, How to make own proxy server for free, how to create a proxy server, proxy server
Id: APaOb7AfAzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2015
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