Install Docker in WSL2 without Docker Desktop

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hello all we'll install Docker in wsl2 make sure uh the system I'm running in is Microsoft standard wsl2 and I do not have any Docker software installed in here so the first step would be to update your system do not skip this step please do that I've already done that so this won't take much time and next step is to install these many softwares do do install these packages before moving to the next step I've already done that so it was quick for me next step is to import the gpg for this we'll do this we'll create One Directory and then let me grab the another command will get this keys and then add them one second so this is the command for that now we have that done we'll run the update again so that it fetches the new list all right this is done next step will actually install the docker Community Edition so this is the docker CE Community Edition with the CLI and and compose plugin so this is all required we'll go ahead and install all these stuff that's pretty much the last important step uh this will end up being Docker installed in our system then we can check the docker Services status like this once it is done so this is done we'll check the status this is not running so we'll start it using service Docker start now the service has been started so we'll try to run a hello world docker so the docker is running image was not there it is trying to pull the image and here you can see hello from Docker so this means the docker has been installed successfully the only hiccup here is that you have to mention uh sudo everywhere so for that what we'll do is We'll add foreign there so what we'll do is We'll add our current user to that group so now you don't need to do sudo all right we still are missing something okay so we added this user to the docker group but we need to restart our terminal so let's try to do that and bring up the font to the large size and if I run this now you can see hello from Docker so you need not to mention sudo for every Docker command um next step is uh to make sure the docker runs on every time you boot the WSL so for that what we'll do is we'll edit this file and we'll add these boot command here so we'll insert a new line and add this boot command is equal to service Docker start so this will make sure that every time you are starting WSL uh terminal uh the docker services are up this is it uh for the docker installation in wsl2 uh hope it is straightforward for you till next time take care
Channel: theRDnotes
Views: 601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: install Docker on WSL2 without Docker Desktop, installing Docker on WSL2, installing Docker, WSL2, Docker, Docker Desktop
Id: qThgKx_j8Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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