Insta360 X3 - Best Way to Get AMAZING Image Quality In 2024! (What You Didn´t Know)

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good guys and welcome back to yet another insta 360 X3 video in today's video I want to share how I use the insta 360 X3 the settings I use how I export the footage and basically everything that you need to know in order to get the best possible image quality coming from the X3 so without further Ado let's just kick it off with preparation and [Music] planning [Music] now before I head out to shoot the videos I always like to have a a plan of what I want to film and how I want that to look but the good thing about the X3 is that it doesn't really matter because it's a 360 camera so it records everything around you but there's still some minor preparations I do before I head out so the first thing is to make sure that the X3 is secure and uh it also comes with this pouch here this is included when you buy the X3 and what's really nice about this is that you can just place it inside and you have access to the charging port and everything on the side here and this will actually protect your lens so when I'm not shooting the videos I always put on this pouch here to secure the lenses so when I throw it in the backpack in my pocket ET anywhere it's always secure and when I'm shooting my videos I can just take this off and the good thing about this is that this also works somewhat as a cleaning cloth so when you take it off you can actually clean the lenses with this and you will have a perfectly you know clean lens when you shoot your videos which is pretty awesome another thing which is really important as well when you plan your trip is the accessories you choose this will vary depending on what and how you want to film your videos but your main accessory is always going to be that in this ible selfie stick as long as you have this you can just about film anything but I do have my favorites though which is the 3M selfie stick and also this4 CM Vlog stick which I call it and also the motorcycle clamp which allows me to clamp this to just about anything and this is the only accessories that I need when I make content here on my channel but when I ride my motorcycle for example I do prefer the remote so this is something which is always connected to the X3 when I'm out riding but as long as I have the motorcycle clamp and the uh selfie stick I'm pretty much all set now when it comes to shooting these videos it's basically straightforward you record a 360 video which you later reframe in the studio or mobile app so the only thing you have to do is to press the record button and hold the camera as you want but there is a few things to consider when you're out shooting your videos like how is the lighting condition where is the Sun and how should you hold the camera in harsh lighting conditions what are the settings you should use and so on the first thing which is also the most important thing is still going to be the accessories so this is not only going to make it easier for you but it will also determine what type of videos you'll be able to film so for my style of shooting I would need a 3M selfie stick a backpack which allows me to fasten that selfie stick to get that bird's eye tracking shot and a shorter selfie stick usually the 114 CM one and something I can use to mount the camera in different places for this we have a lot of different options like the motorcycle clamp which I just mentioned and we also have the monkey tail and we have the suction cup and we also Al have all different accessories I suggest checking out the accessories from pgytech though called CAP loock which is one of my favorite accessories to use with the X3 now before I head out to shoot some epic videos there's actually no point in deciding what type of settings to use because the conditions might change so it's more important to plan out what you want to shoot first and then change the settings later and in most scenarios you won't need to change the settings at all and the shots with the best image quality actually comes from how you you hold the camera and not the settings you use I've been using Auto settings for almost 2 years now and the quality I'm able to pull from this camera is much better with auto settings than if I would use manual settings so let's break it down the X3 has two lenses and in between these lenses we have What's called the Stitch line and this is also the weakest point of a 360 camera so you want to avoid this as much as possible especially if you plan on framing yourself even though the X3 is a 360 camera you can still get your shots ruined by the Stitch line if you're not aware of how it works in reality so regardless of how you hold Mount or record videos with the X3 you always have to keep it as steady as possible and in the same position especially when it comes to rotating the camera the more you rotate the camera the more processing is required in order to Stitch the video so less movement equals higher quality another huge factor is how you angle the camera so for example camera versus sun or camera versus yourself when you're vlogging for example or all three combined so the placement of the camera versus subject versus the Sun and here it doesn't really matter where the sun is as long as you keep one of the lenses towards the subject or object you want to film but you can always minimize the amount of Sun hitting the lens by holding the camera at a 45° angle this will help reduce the shutter a little bit and give you that better looking image with minimal effort but the most important thing is to always try to aim the top of the camera towards the sun this will preserve a stable exposure and keep the shutter speed as low as possible but if there's no sun and you're shooting on a cloudy day it doesn't really matter how you hold the camera as long as you make sure to have one of the lenses facing the subject or object that you want to film even though it's a 360 camera and you're able to reframe and change the angle in post later you still want to use it in somewhat the same way as a regular action camera and try to avoid the stitching as much as possible so here's a few examples of how I mount the insta 360 X3 in different scenarios so for the backpack shot I mounted 3M selfie stick on the backpack itself and this is the Low Pro 450w which has a pouch for tripods which is perfect for a selfie stick as well and it also got these belt locks which keeps everything in place I also placed the X3 in a position so one of the lenses is facing forward and the other lens is facing backwards and this will give me that extra crisp quality because most of the shots will be showing the front and the back and the few times I'm framing the camera to show the environment it will be a faster movement maybe with some additional motion blur as well so you won't be seeing much of that Stitch line now as of vlogging there's only one way of holding the camera basically and that is at a 45° angle this will give you the best result if you're using Auto settings and you will be able to avoid most of the stitching when you reframe later and also here when I move the camera around to different positions to show the environment and I also want to include myself I always keep the camera in the same position and try to keep the selfie stick and Camera a static as possible the more movement and rotation you have to the camera when changing position the more likely it is to see the split between the two lenses and the same goes for motor vlogging here I use the motorcycle clamp from insta 360 with the 114 CM selfie stick as well as the 3 m pole when I mount this on The Handlebar for example I always tilt it a little bit forward so around 30ish degrees and this actually makes a huge difference not only when reframing myself or the road ahead of me but also it helps protect the camera from rocks gravel whatever might come from the cars in front of you so to have an angle to the camera will add more protection and the damage is more likely to happen to the top of the camera instead of the lenses now as of diving it's basically the same as vlogging but underwater here I also keep the stick and the camera as static as possible as soon as I start adding rotation to the camera you'll see the Stitch lines and the best way to avoid these when you're underwater is to have one of the lenses is facing you or straight upwards and the other one straight down and this is actually really important if you want amazing underwater shots because when you're diving with a 360 camera you also have another element to consider which is the water when the water travels around the dive case especially around the Stitch lines you will clearly see the image wobbling so the only way to prevent this is to keep the camera as still as possible and in the same position but of course if you find a lot of fish maybe a shark maybe a reef you want to record or anything anything like that you should always change the position of the camera so one of the lenses is facing what you want to record and the last one is hiking this is exactly the same as vlogging but here I also changed things up a bit so most of the time I actually use the 3M pole because I want to share the entire hiking experience and I think a longer selfie stick is the way to go and here I also add a few different shots like over the shoulder the backpack shots and I also extend it to 3 m and hold it in front of me to get that fake drone fall follow shot and for all these shots I always plan out the movement so when I go from Over the shoulder to the front shot I always make sure to have the movement as smooth as possible but the most important thing is to keep the camera in the same position when you do these movements if you already have the X3 you can go out and test yourself do a few basic movements from left to right for example without thinking about rotation or placement or anything like that and then do another one where you plan out the movement of the camera first and try to keep it as smooth as possible and keep the insta 360 X3 in the exact same position and you should be able to see a clear difference between the two clips now when it comes to editing or reframing your 360 videos there is a few different ways to do so we have a plug-in for premere pro and after effects which allows you to reframe the 360 videos directly inside these softwares but there is a catch to this this is $10 a month for each of these softwares so it will be quite expensive and we also have the studio and mobile app from insta 360 where the studio app will give you the best looking image and the smoothest movements between each key frame and the mobile app will give you a huge selection of creative features to make your 360 videos look different on the mobile app you will have a dedicated tutorial which will take you through the different sections and run you through the different features buttons and basically everything you need to know in order to edit a video but since the studio app is the one I use 99% of the time I want to share my workflow and the settings I use to export high quality videos so here we have a clip from one of our previous trips to Hawaii and the way that I do this is basically straightforward so the first thing I do is to go to the point where I want the video to start so about here and then I select this trim icon here which will trim the clip at the beginning so that means the clip is now going to start from this position and at the beginning here I always add a key frame by adding a key frame with this icon right here and once this is uh made I can just move the camera around as I want and I want this to be the starting point right here so I'm going to move the camera there and I'm just going to go through the clip here and I want the next one to be right here but I also want this to be changed a little bit since the camera is not going straightforward and I want it to follow my wife here so I'm going to put it somewhere like that so now we have the motion from this one which is uh going from this position right here and it will follow her as she takes the turn here to the left and it will be pretty smooth and seamless now there is a few ways you can make this even uh smoother and that is by selecting the line in between these two key frames and then select the last option which is fade in Fade Out And if you're familiar with speed ramping it kind of does the same thing so when we select this and do a play back now it will start slow and then once it reach the middle between these two key frame we will have the biggest movement and then it it will gradually slow down to the last key frame here so here we can see that it starts pretty slow and as it gets to the middle we will have that turn in the image and then it will gradually fade out again and this is basically everything I do to the videos that I export and share here on YouTube and the other thing is if I want to make a sudden change here so I want to frame myself what I like to do after this last key frame is to just make one key frame right here and just leave that as it this because this is going to be the placeholder for the same adjustments which is done to the one uh before it so I'm not going to do any changes to this and then I'm going to move forward in time here and make another key frame and for this key frame I'm actually going to change the position so now I'm in frame and what I can do here is to click on the line between these two key frames here and select the fade in Fade Out so now we will see that this last key frame or the third one is a placeholder and as soon as it gets paed that it will start to gradually turn and then we will have that rapid turn and it will slow down again so this is basically how I edit and and reframe these type of videos now when it comes to exporting if this is the entire sequence that I want to share I'm going to select the icon right here which is trim out that means the video is going to stop here the next thing is to go over to the export button here select that and then I'm going to change the resolution from whatever it says here to 4K so 3840 by 2160 which is 4K I'm always using a bit rate of 200 as well you don't need to do that it will only make the files bigger it's not going to be any quality differences I think I'm not sure but this is what I was told uh by insta 360 which would be you know the best uh bit rate to export with so this is what I'm doing and that's basically it you can change the coding if you you want to do that I always export with h.264 but you can change this to progress if you want to do that again that will only make the files larger and I see no differences in quality between h.264 and pror wrest 422 so I'm sticking with h.264 then I'm going to add this to Q once this is added to Q uh we can select both of the clips here I have another one here which I want to export and then select both right click and start export so that's basically everything that I do when it comes to exporting these clips inside insta 360 studio app nothing else and the magic actually happens inside of Final Cut Pro or the editing software of your choice so now moving over to fileer Pro here and we can see that we have the same clip as we exported in the insta 360 studio app and this looks pretty good uh as it is but I want to add that extra spice to the footage making it look even better so what I like to do here is to First add an adjustment layer here and just place that on top and I want to do all the correction and Grading on this so I don't have it on the clip itself and that means I can just if I have multiple clips I can just extend the adjustment layer or I can copy it from one to the other so I can match the color grading as well so what I want to do first now is to um select the adjustment layer and I want to go over to the color wheels here and we can see here on the waveform that nothing is peing on the highlights or the Shadows but I still want to take the high lights maybe a little bit down and also the uh Shadows the midtones maybe a little bit up just to make it a little bit brighter and I also want to add some additional colors here so we're going to take the colors of the midtones and bring up and take the shadows and bring maybe a little bit down and the next step is actually to add a custom LS uh this is what makes it for me to add my own signature L because they are enhancing the footage coming from these cameras so what I'm going to do is to select Hawaii and you can see how this is manipulating the colors as well and there's all different types of U LS here for different scenarios uh but Hawaii is the one that I like to use the most and once we apply this you can go in and you can further do some adjustments here you can increase the mid tones you can decrease them same with the shadows as well and you can also add some more uh colors here so this is now before and this is after and this is basically everything that I do to these clips when it comes to settings and all of that it's all the same it's Basic Auto settings because Auto settings are working the best for any scenario if you're not using uh the camera to shoot cinematic videos if you shoot cinematic videos you don't want the exposure to change so that's when you want to um you know add the manual settings and play around with those but for normal everyday travel videos or making content here on YouTube which is you know just to share share your experience of travel or when you are doing things with your kids and stuff like that you want to use Auto because Auto is the best and insta 360 has especially the X3 has one of the best if not the best auto white balance correction so you want to keep this on auto as well especially when it comes to underwater but this is like I said everything that I do to these uh Clips there's no hidden features all secret things that I do the only thing that I apply is my signature LS which has been made to enhance uh the 360 videos coming from the insta 360 X3 and the 1 RS 1 in and if you want that extra spice to make your image look better don't forget to check out my signature LS as well there is a 10% discount in the description below so yeah that's basically how I use insta 360 X3 and if you found any value in today's video make sure to drop a like down below and if you're brand new here and want to see more camera related videos make sure to hit that subscribe button so that's everything for today's video we hope that you enjoyed it so until next time take care [Music] bye-bye
Channel: RobHK
Views: 39,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: which is the best action camera, insta360 x3, robhk, insta360 x3 review, insta360 x3 cinematic, insta360 x3 months later, insta360 x3 6 months later, insta360 x3 worth buying, insta360 x3 worth it, insta360 x3 worth buying in 2024, how to export insta360 x3 videos, insta360 x3 long term, insta360 x3 best settings, insta360 x3 export guide, insta360 X3, why you need insta360 x3, Insta360 x3, Insta360 x3 long term, Insta360 x3 review, best insta360 x3 settings, insta360 x3 2024
Id: 2V8rw8le6so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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