Insta360 One X Beginners Guide | Camera & App Tutorial

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g'day folks welcome to my beginner's guide for the insta 360 1x this video is geared to those who have never used a 360 camera before if you're already familiar with 360 cameras you might want to go ahead and skip this video as there's probably nothing new for you in it in this video we're gonna talk about the camera how to use it we're gonna go over the menu system and the buttons and how everything works we're gonna dive into the software the insta 360 1x app for your smartphone that's where all the magic happens so if you just got a brand new insta 360 1x over the holiday season or you're planning on getting one follow along will take things slow step by step so let's get started now this video could be kind of long you might want to break it down over a few sessions that way you don't get overwhelmed so let's go over all the components that come in the box when you get it so inside the box you're gonna obviously get your camera this is the insta 360 1x and it is by far my favorite 360 consumer-level camera so far it does an amazing job it's super easy to use you might feel a little overwhelmed at first but once you get on to it it is the simplest camera to use editing the 360 footage is super easy you'll be amazed at the content you can create using the camera and the complimentary software the next thing you get inside the package is a sleeve for your camera it also has a neck strap if you don't want to use the neck strap this is just a button here and you can be removed these sleeves are super important and they're not like a traditional camera case you have to be very careful with your 360 camera as you can see the lenses protrude quite a bit you can never set it down on hard surfaces these lenses can be scratched very easily so whenever you're gonna set it down or it's not in use you just slide it into the pouch and that's why they make these kind of open style pouches it's easy to put in and it's easy to take out the other nice thing about this style of case is it can be used easily when attached to a selfie stick you can still slip it on and off when you have it attached to your pole and we'll talk a little bit more about selfie sticks coming up inside the box roastin and get one battery inside the box you're also gonna get a micro USB charging and data cable this is used to charge a camera but this cable can also be used to hook it up to a traditional PC or laptop you plug one end into the 360 camera and the other end into the computer in addition you're going to get these smaller data cables in the box there's three of them and they cover all the different types of connectors to a smartphone we have USBC for most newer Android phones we have lightning for ipads and iphones and we also have a microUSB for some older style phones the USBC connector can also be used to connect to the new iPad pro 2018 that has a USB C port we use these cables to connect the insta 360 1x to our smartphone to transfer all the media that we've captured so we can edit it later on we can also transfer content wirelessly and we're gonna cover that later on once we get into the software side of things so before we can get any further we need to insert the battery and charge it up this little door at the side here is where the battery is stored it just opens up like that we then insert the battery with the power leads facing down and it just slides in you can purchase spare batteries on the insta 360 website or on Amazon now I recommend if you do plan on doing a lot of shooting with your insta 360 1x it's a good idea to pick up a spare battery or two if you feel you're gonna need it so now the next step is to charge the camera now it does not come with a USB charger however most people have plenty of these kicking around this one here is from an iPhone you can use any USB charger that you have kicking around to charge up your insta 360 1x all you do is you just plug it in like normal plug that in into the wall and again here's another example of why these cases are really handy when we plug it in so the camera is now going to be charging we can leave it in the case and that way it's still protected while we have it plugged in so just leave it plugged in it could take a while to charge I'm gonna leave mine charging and I'll be right back so we're all charged up so we can now remove the cable so now we're ready to go the cameras all charged but the first thing we need to do before we can start filming with it is it put some memory in it at the bottom you're gonna notice a memory card slot and that's where we insert the memory now you may or may not have got a memory card when you purchased your inch so 361 depends what kind of promotions we're running at the time now buying memory for your insta 361 can be very confusing there's so much out there these are the ones that I recommend the ones that I like I recommend with a 360 camera to use at least a 64 gigabyte card the insta 361 supports cards up to 128 gigabytes if you do want to get a bigger card than what you have I'll leave some links down below to the memory that I like to use with my insta 360 1x so to insert the memory we're going to take the and this can be little fiddly so just use a little bit of patience sometimes they're hard to get in and even harder to get out and basically what we're gonna do is line up the text on the memory card to the text on the front of the insta 361 X and just slide it in have to use your kind of fingernail corner of it to push it in and you'll hear it click once it clicks it'll stay inside if it keeps kind of springing back out just gently try and push it back in once it's clicked in then it's in there securely so now that we've got the battery charged we've got the memory installed we can now go ahead and power on the camera for the first time what I'll do is I'll go over the menu system the buttons and then we'll go out and shoot our first little bit of content so basically this camera has a two button design so in the middle here we have an LCD screen and that displays the mode we're in it gives us different information and it allows us to set different parameters like change the resolution different things like that this larger button here is our shutter button that's how we take videos and photos but it also acts as an enter button when we're doing different things in the menu the bottom button here is our power button that's how we power on the camera and power it off but it also acts as a way to change modes so the power on the camera we're gonna do a long press until that light turns blue and then it'll boot up now it might be kind of hard to see the screen here but I'll try and do the best I can so you can see the LCD screen that's giving us some different information on the left hand side at the top it shows us our battery level on the right hand side it shows us our Wi-Fi and if you notice there just went into standby mode and basically that is when you don't use the camera for a little bit it disables the buttons so that way if we go to press the shutter button it won't accidentally take a photo when we don't want it to to wake it back up we just press a button and it'll go back into the mode that we were previously in at the bottom you see a little icon of a camera so that signifies we're in photo mode right now right above that is the resolution of the photos we're gonna be taking and you can see it's set at 18 megapixel and above that is the amount of photos we have left remaining so according to the memory card we can take five thousand five hundred and nine photos now to switch to video mode what we're going to do is press the power mode button at the bottom and as you can see there it now switches to video mode the icon at the bottom has changed Covidien camera that way you know you're in video mode and you can see the information displayed on the screen is different it's now saying we have 30 minutes of record time left and a resolution for video is 5.7 K at 30 frames per second if we hit the mode button again it's gonna take us to the settings now no matter what your mode you're in they were in photo mode there were in video mode and there were in settings we can use the top button as the shutter button or an enter button and I'll show you what I mean here so I'm in photo mode right now if I press the shutter button it just took a photo so now we can go over to video mode and again I can press the button and it's going to start recording and you can see there on the screen it gives you a counter of how long you've been recording for lastly if we go over to the settings menu when we press that button it's just going to enter into the settings you can see at the top how there's a camera and it's highlighted that basically tells us what menu were in so right now because the camera is highlighted that means we're in the camera settings if we hit the enter button again that's going to go over to the video so these are all the video settings we can change if we go over again that's all the Wi-Fi settings and that's important because that's how we're gonna connect it to our iPhone or iPad later on if you click it again it gives us some basic settings about the camera different things like that now I'm not going to go over every setting on this camera because that would take forever but what I'm gonna do is cover some of the most common ones that you might want to change as a new user so let's go back to the photos and we'll look at a setting in there that I think is very important that every new user should know about and that is the timer as you can see the second setting down says timer and it is off now with 360 cameras I think it's very important to set a timer because it gives you that time to get composed especially if you have this on a tripod and you want to take a photo and get out of the picture because you want to take a nice 360 landscape photo you know what timer is very important also if you have this on a selfie stick because you're gonna get a picture of yourself with the invisible selfie stick you want to also set a timer so it gives you time to get the camera away from your body so to change that what we're gonna do is select the mode button at the bottom and that's gonna cycle down until we get to timer then we're gonna hit the enter button and there we can keep hitting it until we get to the time we want you can see went from three-second five-second now we're back to off so for myself I usually like about a five second timer and that's what I'm gonna leave it on so now to exit out of there we can scroll down till we hit done and then hit enter that takes us back to the main settings so now let's go over to the video settings so this is where you can change all your video settings we have our resolution we can change our resolution we can change our ISO we can change our shutter speed we can shoot in log mode and that's more for advanced users so we're gonna leave that alone for now but the one that you might be interested in changing from time to time is the resolution now to get the best quality you want to leave it at 5.7 K at 30 frames per second the only time you would really want to change that is if you want to shoot in slow motion if you're gonna slow down the footage so if we click on it you can see we can go 4k at 30 frames per second we can go at 4k at 50 frames per second and the next is 3k at a hundred frames per second that really allows you to slow it down even more now personally for new users I just recommend leaving it at 5.7 K at 30 frames per second so that's basically the menu system and it's actually fairly simple once you get on to it it's actually really easy to pick up so now at this point you're ready to go out and shoot some content and like I said you just use your shutter button that will stop and start recording or take a photo and I just want to show you here remember we set a timer for photos I'll just show you what happens you can see when we press the shutter button it gives you a bit of a countdown and then takes the photo so at this point now before we get into the software side of things you got to go out and shoot some content and there's different ways you can do it you can just hold it in your hand and walk around the only problem with that is that you're gonna have a very large hand in your photo and it's going to look a little distorted most people like to use some kind of extension pole first of all with these 360 cameras it gives you that really nice look that you have a floating camera in front of you because the wave their software works is it deletes the extension pole so you don't see it that's one of the beautiful things about a 360 camera is that you can have it look like there's a floating camera when you're shooting video or taking photos there are many different handles and extend poles that you can get this is the one by insta 360 and it extends to a decent length and you can use it just like that you don't even have to have it out that gives you enough distance from your hand that it's not going to look too distorted it just simply screws into the bottom like that and then you can extend it to whatever length you need and like I said once we're in the editing mode this pole will be invisible in the videos and photos so now that we film some content we're gonna get into the editing part of it we're gonna launch the intercept and do some editing now a couple things to keep in mind about 360 cameras there are two main ways to use them some people use them to film to capture spherical video that you can then upload to the things like YouTube and Facebook you've probably seen them yourself it's those ones that you can scroll around and get views from all different angles and that's really cool but there's another purpose that people are using 360 cameras for nowadays and that is to punch out static traditional video from the spherical video and that really is the beauty of 360 cameras is that you can go out to the beach say shoot a scene you don't have to point the camera at anything it's gonna capture everything around you later on when you're at home and you're gonna edit a video you can then point the camera wherever the action is whatever you want to film you can make some really cool videos you can also make those kind of tiny planet videos you've probably seen so we're gonna get our iPad out and we're gonna connect the insta through 61 and start some editing so now we've shot some content now we're gonna get to the app side of things and this is where the magic happens the first thing you're gonna need to do is download the instascan do so by doing a search in the App Store for instance Reis exede come up as a top listing and you can see I already have mine downloaded right there so there's two ways we can hook up our instance Reis exceed one to our iPad or iPhone so the first method like I talked about earlier is using the cable so right now I have the USBC version and if you're using an iPhone then you'll be wanting the lightning version if you're using an Android device you would want a USBC as well so just pick the appropriate cable to the device you're gonna be connecting to so we're gonna plug the microUSB into the camera just like so so now we've got it plugged in we're gonna set the camera down so good practice just to slip it back in its case because you don't want to accidentally forget and set it down and scratch your lens so I'm gonna plug the USBC end into my now what we're gonna have to do is power on the camera so we're just gonna hold and press the power button and right away you should notice the app come right up and there we go now if this is your first time using the app it's gonna give you a bit of a tour to follow along so let's explore the app and see what we can do with it at the end then I'll come back and I'll show you how to set it up wirelessly so this is the main screen here and you can see there's some content that I shot at the top here you can see there's two sections local and camera local is stuff that you've already transferred that is stored on the iPad camera is content that's still on the memory card inside the camera when we've transferred content over and it's stored in our local it's not in your camera roll yet it's basically stored within the app we have to edit it and then export it to our camera roll if we want to do so and from there there's three different sub menus you can see here we have photos videos and time lapses so if I click on videos it's gonna give me a different variety of content and again for time lapses but I don't have any time lapses in there so now I'm in photos and from there we can actually open up our photos and you can see we can preview them we can spin around and see all different things now when it comes time to processing your content or editing it there's two ways you can do it you can leave it on the camera edit it and then export it or you can transfer it over to your iDevice if you have limited space on your tablet or phone you might want to leave them on the memory card but if you want them permanently stored on your iPad then you want to transfer them over myself I'd like to transfer them over just because that's what I'm accustomed to doing but you can do whatever is comfortable for you the other benefit to transferring them over as you can then unplug your camera put it away and you can edit whenever you want you don't have to plug your camera in every time to edit the footage that you have so let's go ahead and I'll show you how to transfer content over to the iPad to the local folder so I'm getting is a video for example for transferring this is the video actually that I used when I was showing you earlier how to record so there's two ways we can transfer if we have multiple videos like say we want to transfer everything here instead of doing it one at a time what we can do is click this button here at the top right hand corner that allows us to select all the different videos and then we can click save to app at the bottom that will then transfer them to our local folder the other way to do it if you just have one video file that you want to transfer if you go into the preview mode by clicking on it you can preview it you can trim it and what we do now is just click on this little down arrow button and you can see here it's now downloading so now I'm back at local and you can see there's a video we just transferred so now we can unplug our camera as soon as you unplug it it powers off so now we can just do all our editing on our iPad or iPhone without having to have the camera hook to it so I'm just gonna pick a video here and show you a few things so here's a video I shot the other day just me and my daughter going out for a walk and you can see here what we talked about earlier how when you shoot it takes away the selfie stick I had the camera on that selfie stick and you can't see it it just looks like there's a floating camera in front of us so when I go to hit play here you can see it looks really interesting it's kind of cool that it can do that so you can go around and check things out as it's playing at this point we can do several things we can do some color correcting we can trim it we can make a hyperlapse so the first thing we got to side is the aspect ratio right now you can see the video is tall and skinny that's called a 9 by 16 and you can see it tells us that right down in the bottom left-hand corner there a lot of people use them for Facebook and Instagram stories and stuff like that the other aspect ratio we can pick is square one by one and a lot of people again use that for Instagram or for Facebook now the next size down here is sixteen by nine and that's more of a traditional view that's what you're gonna see most of the time so up at the top here we have a few buttons the first button up here gives us a few options when editing we can lock the direction we can do a few different things optimize stitching for the most part as a beginner there's not a lot in there that you're gonna want to play around with definitely some good tools in there but we'll maybe leave that for a different tutorial now the next is our export button once we're done what we're wanting to do with it we click on that and that gives us all our export options we can upload to the insta 361 community Facebook YouTube Google Streetview we can send a link to somebody and with this one here you can save it directly to your camera roll for later viewing this button here is our edit button all kinds of different editing things we can do which we're gonna get at and that just takes us back to the main gallery view so we've got our aspect ratio let's I do some editing here so first off there's some filters we can apply you can do different things to give it different looks the next is color adjusting so if you'd like to adjust your own coloring you can set the color temperature contrast all the different things that a normal traditional camera has that you can adjust we can set the speed if you want to make like hyperlapse where things go really quickly that's how we set the speed we can actually slow it down by quarter by half then we can speed it up by 2 times 4 times 16 times and 32 times and 64 times now the next is trim trimming can be very important because you might have a 5 minute video but you really only want maybe a 1 minute section out of that we have the beginning point selected it's in yellow so what we're gonna do is just drag the video until we want it to start like say we want that to be our starting point then we go to the end point and we can same thing drag the footage back until we get to an end point and then we hit the check mark up here to accept it the next is multi-view multi-view is a really cool tool what you can do is set different views so right now it's in 360 mode that means we can just spin it around there's one view if we click on it it gives us a couple different options so the first view here it's kind of hard to see but it basically gives us a little circle and we can have one lens in here and the other lens there the next is similar but it gives us a bigger viewing area it's kind of a long rounded rectangle the next is split screen you can see here we have two sides so you could have one side of the camera there the other side of the camera on that side and then of course back to the 360 so let me just pick one here let's do this one for now and let's accept that we'll go back to the main screen so we can set what angle we want have us walking on that little window there and I've got the sky there so when you play it it now has two different views and it works the same way no matter what view you picked if you pick split-screen or the little round circle so it's definitely something fun to play around with now the last thing we can do in the editing mode is add some background music so we can click on music and it's got a few tracks that we can add to it so we can click on each one [Music] and get a preview and at this point we can select the mixing if we keep the slider up at this end where the little music icon is all you're gonna hear in the video is music if we turn it down you're gonna hear a little bit from the video like if you're talking in the video and the music is gonna be more of a background effect so now let's cycle back and we can hit the check mark to confirm so now let's play it so you can see we have the music in the background and you can still hear us I don't know if you can hear it on the video there but you could still hear us walking and if we were doing any kind of commentary or anything you would hear that as well so now really at this point you need to decide are you going to export your video as a 360-degree video that people can then look at any angle they want on a platform such as YouTube or Facebook or do you want to export it as a fixed frame traditional sixteen by nine video if you're gonna export it as a 360 video we're pretty well done and all we're gonna do now is go to the export button here at the top and we're gonna pick the platform we want to upload it to or if you want to save it to upload it manually later or transfer it to a computer you're gonna save it to your camera roll other than that you would just pick your platform and follow the instructions now just keep in mind some of the editing features that I've shown you are only available when you're exporting as a fixed frame video so now if you've decided you want to export as a traditional fixed frame sixteen by nine video there's some other editing techniques that we can do here so the first thing we can do is add pivot points and basically that sets a mark on the video so the camera knows where to look so for example like say we want to start the video facing forward down this path we would start and make a pivot point and we do so by pressing down on the screen and you can see that little menu pops up from here we're gonna select pivot point and that now makes a mark so when the video starts it's gonna be facing in that direction so we can go through and scrub through the video and say we come to this first Bend so maybe up until here that's where we want to go straight I'm going to add another pivot point so the camera will keep pointing in that direction so it'll stay straight from this pivot point up until we get to this new one we created right down here and at any time we can click on one pivot points and see how it turns to an X and we can delete it but now at that pivot from this pivot point to the next spot maybe right about here I want the camera to swing around so now if we go back to the beginning it should fall along the pivot points that we've made it's gonna go straight and then at this point here you can see that it's now starting to turn until it gets to this pivot point so now at this point maybe I want to swing around and face us so now you should see yep there it goes it's gonna swing around and face us so you can go through your whole video and set different orientations the other thing you can do by long-pressing is smart tracking for example if I can find a spot in the video that we can track say you film something and you want that person or an object or say you're going for a drive and there's building in the background you can select that object and have the software track it for example I'm gonna click on myself here and I'm gonna put smart track so it's locked on me and you can see it's making a mark here so no matter which way I go if I turn around or run or whatever the camera is always gonna be facing on me now that's not too hard because I'm holding the camera but say I had it locked on my daughter if she walked this way the camera would just follow her even though I'm still walking with the camera so we can stop it once we don't want to attract any more so now that just blends into our editing at the beginning of the video we've got pivot points but then later on in the video we have smart tracking so these are all different ways to add movement to your to your camera so the other editing option we have is called viewfinder so we can pick a spot in here or we can do the entire video like this so there's two ways to get at it we can click down here in the bottom right hand corner or again we can just press on long press on the screen and select viewfinder at the top so basically what we can do is we can move the iPad and that will set the framing and while we're doing that we hold down the record button and it's going to record that to the timeline now this is just a quick and dirty demonstration but you can also have the benefit of going to a tiny planet just by sliding that way so that's pretty handy when we're done recording we hit the check mark to confirm that everything is the way we want it so that view finder capture is now in our timeline so now we've made our traditional sixteen by nine video we've added some pivot points we've added some speed changes we've done a few different things now we're ready to exports we're gonna click on the export button here at the top and then again we pick our platform personally I always like to save to my camera roll first but you can upload however you like you can upload it directly to Facebook or YouTube just whatever you're comfortable doing so if I save this to my camera roll and this is kind of important I forgot to mention it when we're talking about exporting a 360 video at this stage you got to tell it if it's a fixed frame or you're uploading at 360 in the last step if you were gonna upload it as a 360 spherical video you got to make sure you click on that button there and then it will upload it as a 360 video for this demonstration right now I'm gonna do it as a fixed frame so I hit the checkmark and it'll go in and save it to my camera roll okay so I showed you how to export a static 16 by 9 video but what about if you want to get a little more creative and have a little fun you've probably heard the term tiny planet videos or tiny plane of photos so let's take a look at that and how we can export and create our own tiny planet video so I've got this clip here and what I did is attached the insta 360 1x to the front of my car now before we get started we need to pick our aspect ratio again and by default it's 9 by 16 like they always come in as and that's the tall and skinny so we can change it to a 1 by 1 just square now personally I prefer the square and the only reason for me that's what I like is when we make a tiny plane at photo or video we're gonna have the round kind of circular object in the middle and that just gives it an even amount of negative space around it but we could go to a traditional 16 by 9 as well so to get it into the tiny planet mode what we're gonna do is shrink it down and we just pinch and as you pinch you can see it goes right to a tiny planet and there we can spin it around and do different things so I'm gonna orientate it like that and we'll just give it a quick preview and as you can see it looks pretty cool like that and there's a view of it if we did choose a sixteen by nine so either way does work well so it's all personal preference at this point so once you've done any editing and correcting you want to do it's time to export it now when exporting a tiny planet like this you cannot set pivot point if you try to it'll just tell you that free capture is not supported so at this point we're just gonna set the orientation we want do I want the car at the bottom driving do I want it do I want it at the top or even from the side the nice single you can export it in one way you can then come back in and export it from another angle and that way you have a variety so now that we're ready we're gonna click on the export button up at the top here and we're just gonna pick again how we want to export it to Facebook YouTube but for the sake of this video I'm going to export it to my camera roll so make sure you're on fixed frame and not 360 video because when you're exporting as a tiny planet you can't export it as a 360 spherical video it's gonna be a flat static video once we're ready we hit the check mark now it's just gonna go ahead and render it and save it to our camera roll so we've taken a look at how to edit video let's take a look at some photos now so here's one here you can see there's the tripod in the middle I had it attached to the selfie stick with a small tripod on the bottom and the stick is invisible but however you can see the tripod and there are different methods in third-party apps on which to get rid of the tripod I'll maybe make a video a tutorial on how to do that later on so as you can see just like video we can spin it around check out different angles now this point you can do a little bit of editing basically we have some filters that we can add if you so desire different ones so down here at the bottom right hand side we can change the view again we can go to multi view just like we did with video as you can see there we can add a circle kind of a long rectangle and split view now when it comes to aspect ratio if you want a square photo or a longer photo or a tall one that is done in the next step when we're exporting unlike video where you do it before you export so when you're happy with everything we're gonna click this little button here at the top that's kind of goes to the next step from here you can choose again where you want to upload it to for myself I always save it to my camera roll first because that way then I can go and share it to multiple platforms if I wish so we're gonna click on album now at this point we can choose if we want to share it as a 360 spherical photo so just like a video we can upload a 360 photo that people can kind of scroll around and check out different angles or we can go to multi view and this is where we can set our aspect ratio and change a few different things so first off we can set our aspect ratio let's keep this one out of one by one you can manipulate things here to check out different viewing angles you can go into tiny planet zoom in a bit you can go to inverted tiny planet and this is where you're gonna set your split view if you want and you'll notice in photo mode they actually have different split views here we have three different scenes we can add in here we have a different one again so it's got a spot for a tiny planet and you can do a front and back view so that's really kind of cool so I'm just gonna leave it like that for the sake of this video if you're happy with it hit the checkmark and it's going to create the picture in your photo album so if I go to my camera roll there's the folder that we just created and at this point we can now share it to whatever platform we want so now if we would decide to share this as a 360 photo we just make sure the 360 photo is selected and again we can share to our photo album as a 360 photo and I'll show you what it looks like here so here's the 360 photo that we just created now it's gonna look a little odd because what the camera is done is flat didn't stretch today now won't become a 360 spherical photo until we upload it to a platform that supports 360 spherical photos such as Facebook once we upload it to Facebook it'll be a traditional 360 photo that we can move around and look at different angles so yeah that's kind of a basic overview of the Institut 360 1x app there's a lot more you can do with it but for the sake of this tutorial for beginners I'm just keeping things simple I might make some more advanced tutorials coming up down the road the best thing is just dive in and start playing you're not going to wreck anything just have fun with it and be creative now before I go here I just want to show you how to connect wirelessly to your insta 361 X like I said it's a great way to transfer content wirelessly if you don't want to have to bring a cable with you if you're of traveling but it also allows you to use your device to give you a live preview and to use it like a remote control so basically we're gonna power on the insta 361 so at this point what we need to do is go to settings go to the Settings icon and then we're gonna hit enter to select it now we want to scroll over to the wireless section you can see there it has that little wireless antenna at the top so make sure Wireless is turned on from there you can see it says Wi-Fi password if you click on it it'll tell you what the password is which you need to write down it's important to know what that is once you've verified that Wi-Fi is enabled and you have your password now next you're gonna go to your wireless settings how you would normally connect to any kind of Wi-Fi device and we're gonna select the One X at that point you're gonna enter your password I've already entered my password so it's not asking me and now when we launch the insta 361 X app it gives us a live preview so this is really handy way to use it as a remote you can stop and start recording take a photo so that's a really handy tool and like I said you can also go now and transfer your media wirelessly without having to physically plug it in well folks that is my beginners guide to the insta 361 X like I said there's some more advanced things we can do with it but we'll maybe save that for a more advanced tutorial down the road it's a great little camera you're gonna love it you're gonna have a lot of fun with it if you don't own one yet I will leave some links down below where you can purchase it directly either via the insta 361 website or from Amazon now I just want to mention that my affiliate code will be embedded into the link and if you do end up purchasing through my links I do get a small percentage of the sale it doesn't cost you anything extra and if you enjoy my videos it's a great way to support my channel without spending any extra money and it's much ly appreciated also include some links to accessories for the insta 360 1x a dual battery charger that comes in really handy if you have multiple batteries they have something called an adventurer case and that way if you're gonna be doing anything that could potentially damage your camera it keeps it protected if you're going to be doing any kind of stuff on the beach you don't want to have any scratches on your lenses or anything like that so include the links for them down below also to a couple selfie sticks that I really enjoy using well folks thanks a lot for watching give this video up if you enjoyed it if you found it had value it helps YouTube and others know that this video is worthwhile to watch don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos thanks a lot we'll see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Air Photography
Views: 387,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insta360 One X, Insta360 One X Beginners Guide, Insta360 One X Training, Insta360 One X Tutorial, Beginners Guide, Training, Tutorial, How To, How To Edit 360 Video, 360 Beginners guide, 360 Photography Beginners Guide, 360 Video Beginners Guide, How to get started
Id: nVITWls6-HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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