Insta360 Flow VS DJI OM6! 究竟邊部好?日本實測! 設計,外型,便攜性,穩定度詳細分析比較| Footage 咁你睇!#廣東話#cc字幕
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Channel: 奇積Kjack
Views: 53,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insta360, insta360 oner, insta360 one r, review, 評測, 測試, 低光, low light, one r insta360, 1inch, 1 inch, 1 inch lens, gopro 8, gopro, vs, 比較, onex, onex2, one x2, insta360 one x2, insta360 onex 2, unbox, unboxing, 開箱, video, footage, 影片, 5.3k, 5.7k, 運動相機, insta360 one x, 教學, 穿越機, 航拍機, drone, fpv, tutorial, firmware update, update, insta360 oners, oners, 6k, active HDR, HDR, leica, 感光元件, 360, 全景相機, 360相機, x3, kjack, 奇jack, 奇積, 三米自拍桿, 3m, 3 meters, 自拍桿, flow, 穩定器, 穩定器 手機, iphone, 手機, dji, om6, osmo, osmo 6, osmo mobile 6
Id: e3n34m-XCm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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