Insta360 Ace Pro test 4k60

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all right folks looks like we're recording and if you're eagle-eyed and can see in the mirror there you'll see this is a new camera so couple uh small changes coming to the channel or at least how I make videos decided to go for the uh the new uh Ace Pro from insta 360 that's got the lenss and bunch of good stuff better video can do 8K we're going to do 4K 60 and try to dial in the settings and then we're going to play around with the microphones cuz I'll have to go through that whole thing again of uh trying to find the right microphone with the right levels and all that so I'm going back to I think oh this the Purple Panda or giant squid one of the old microphones I used to use this one the camera allows you to uh turn the gain down to-8 so we'll see if that's enough or if the mic is too sensitive and at high wind speeds I get uh crackling and Distortion some of that could be from the gain being too high I've got it knocked down all the way some of it could be because the ambient noise is just too loud for the microphone itself and it causes clipping so we're going to see what's up you want to play with the settings cuz this thing's got active HDR and Horizon leveling so different parts of the video right now this is on action view which I believe is like the widest it will have some Distortion around the edges uh because of the fishee effect and stuff like that where are we going to ride today um let's go over be for Dam and I don't know maybe head up 400 go towards the mountains or something it's not supposed to rain it could rain which means it probably will rain but there are Blue Skies coming in it's supposed to be gorgeous by 6:00 and tomorrow so I'm going to I'm going to assume that maybe there's not going to be much more in the way of rain little Vmax there from Yamaha quite the bike in its day so we'll go ahead and play on different settings and so uh playing around with different mounts you may notice down here I've got a mount set up for a RAM mount so I can put the camera here the problem is unless you have a GoPro they seem to have figured out the whole wind reduction thing nobody else ever has um and so having it there to get like oh just bike audio that is the one area that GoPro has the advantage they no longer have the advantage in the video quality and features and things they tend to overheat and be unreliable you know if you're snowboarding or in the water or something and doing Quick Clips you know they work pretty well when you can have the hammer on for half an hour especially when you're in the South where it's typically hot even with the Wind on it they just tend to overheat and lock up and it's been a problem since the 9 it extended into the 10 the 11 and still the 12 and it has to do with the thermal design they're packing like this really powerful processor and it is compact of a thing as they can and it can do all kinds of cool stuffs but then it heats up and it's got no way to dissipate that heat uh they should put some fins on the outside but they take the approach kind of like apple of oh our fans are our fans and they'll put they'll go you know we put a our logo on a dog turd Apple Fans will buy it and claim that it's Brave and Innovative um GoPro tends to take that same approach with their customers that hey people like GoPro they want GoPro that's the main brand um you know they'll go ahead and buy that regardless of whether it works well or not and their core core customers typically do and so they uh they have a lot of problems so they don't work for a lot of people so these guys have come along and they make a pretty good product and this new Ace Pro it's got a flip up screen so if you're doing vlogging and you want to stand in front of your camera you have a the full size screen you normally see on the back can be on the front now the front screen is a touchcreen to change your settings it does 8K at 24 frames and then I think it does 120 at 4K and Horizon steady and 360° Horizon leveling so you can literally turn the camera around in a circle it crops in to do it so you lose some of your field of view but whatever is in view is absolutely seamless and you could tilt your head and do all kinds of things or and the camera angle doesn't change it's really kind of cool so it gives it like this incredible gimbal like look so that's what I'm going to be experimenting with a I want to play with the settings and see I've got um EV compensation netive .5 I'm using Vivid color panel um a color palet highest bit rate 4K 60 active HDR I think will only come on at 30 frames though so I'm not using HDR right now um what else I don't know got a bunch of stuff a bunch of different settings at some point once I figure out what works I'll do a video and go through my settings of what I found to work cuz there's different you know it's not just oh here's the best settings for the camera what's the best settings for what you're trying to do one of the things I need to do apparently is get gas we'll do that this one can also pause recordings so if you're recording and then you're sitting at a traffic light for 3 minutes you can actually pause it um it's got a lot of neat stuff one of the neatest things that I'm really looking forward to is when I do replace my Cena or cardo or I go to a cardo whatever it is I go to um there's going to be a this thing has the ability to plug in uh digitally I can connect my com system with the camera what that's going to allow me to do is use the really amazing noise cancelling microphones from the com system and overlay it on the video this will have a couple benefits it'll let me put the camera anywhere I want you know right now I've got it here and then I've got a separate mic from you know having a com mic so then you got have two microphones wedged in the front of your camera and then you've got to have all the spare wires coiled up and tucked under the cheek piece and then some of it has to come out and flop around until you plug it into the camera which needs an adapter and when you have the camera the audio adapter on the camera you lose some of your water uh waterproof features because there's a rubber sealed trapo that normally covers that you know it's still fairly water resistant but in a thunderstorm you could absolutely get water into the SD card slot you know so having to have the external mic set up that way causes those issues plus then I have a cord here and I had that happen once when I was on track because they won't let you have the damn camera on track on your helmet but I think you could probably sneak out there with just a little cardo if you get the small one that clicks on the side of the helmet so when I had the camera mounted here I think on the ZX14 I had the wires from the microphone going down my jacket out the bottom of the jacket and up to here which means I got this cord flailing around and then at one point my elbow kick hit it and it ripped the wire out one time I ripped the wires broke the wires another time it jerked it didn't break the wires but it pulled hard enough that it tilted the camera up so now the camera's still pointing at the sky and I'm getting video all you can see was sky and then when I go under the bridge it rad Atlanta so that didn't work so well so being able to put the camera here or on the back of the bike facing backwards um and then this you know and then doing blueooth microphone in from the comms and the comms tend to have really good microphones like I've had phone calls of people um and they didn't realize I was going down the road at 80 M hour on a motorcycle they thought I was sitting in my office the downside downside is I might lose a little bit of the um engine noise but you know everything's a trade-off right but it would be really nice to have good crisp audio no matter how fast I'm going and not have the extra wires and all that kind of crap so that to me would be pretty sweet and then I could have the camera facing backwards and I don't have to worry about trying to W route a wire from my helmet through my jacket out the back of the jacket to the camera without somehow ripping it out when I get on and off the bike and ruining it um I need to research and see if there's a way to have the uh audio from the people you're talking to that would be the shiz so all right I'm going to go ahead and gas up I don't know I'll probably uh I'll stop talking now because I'll have to take this part out so anyway we'll be back in just a moment all right we are back full tank let's see what was gas $4 46 cents a gallon thanks Joe Biden you're awesome he did that anyway so that being able to use Cena or cardo you know so if you're already going to have a headset wired into the helmet the wires all tucked away it'd be nice to just take the camera and go click click click on the back of the bike wherever it is you want and you just have audio without additional wires plugs adapters you retain the waterproofing cuz you'll be able to put that little trap door back on cuz you don't have the audio adapter to go to the headphone jack for the it's going to be tremendous um that would be really really amazing so I'm going to have to do that so I was wait going to wait until the next generation of Cena to come out um before spending the money cuz I just want to spend $270 on a 2-year-old product I've already had one it's a good enough product but I know the second I buy one a week later they're going to announce the new much better version so there is a new cardo out it is a little more money but it's supposed to be really the best one on the market right now so I may go with that one um see how that works and then connect it all so those will be some really good benefits um the other thing on this camera is you know you can use it as a dash cam so you could you could plug it mount it in your car and you can tell the settings that every time the you know plug it in through the USB port into the cigarette lighter or the auxiliary port and that way every time the car starts it turns on the power and it automatically starts recording and it'll just do it on a loop so if there was something really cool you did or there was an accident that or road rage incident you know whatever it was you'd always have like the last 10 hours or whatever of video running constantly it would just overwrite itself but you'd always have the most recent that to me is really cool um it also has a phenomenal best on the market you can buy right now night mode called Pure Vision this thing has a massive freaking sensor with a really nice camera lens array set up by Leica um and so at night you put it into pure video mode and you can do like 4K 30 or whatever at night and it looks really really good it picks up everything it's not all blown out Shadows it doesn't have it um all blurry from the image stabilization like it's legit at night with just your headlights and street lights that's all you need you can get good quality riding video in those situations that to me is freaking awesome it's also got massive LEDs on the front so very quickly I can see before it was a little pinhole LED and I'm always like is the camera running is the camera running here it's a big wide bar that's like 3/4 of an inch wide and about 2 and 1/2 mm tall so at a glance you can see very easily is this thing on or not um yeah the image stabilization is better there's some new AI tool you know there's some things I probably won't use but I wanted to up the game a little bit and get better quality video than what I was getting cuz that was something I looked at and I'm like you know what when the old hero 9 or 10 whatever the last one I had I think it was the 10 that's the one I shot with a rifle in protest when I kept overheating um that thing was it it when it worked it took really good video and I was looking at some of my track footage from the z900 RS and the ZX6R that was the last track day I did with that camera and I'm looking at the quality of the video at 4K 60 and I was like you know what it looks better than the newer cameras I bought after that even though it's from let's see those bikes were 2020 so those track days were from like 3 years ago and they look better than the videos I'm producing now so I was kind of like uh do I go back to GoPro and I wasn't able to uh make myself do it just because of all the problems and the fact that I know they haven't fixed them yet but seeing um that this now takes as good a video and and in lower light conditions blows the GoPro out of the water I was like that's an easy choice so the software on it works pretty well it's easy to update it um right from your phone um insta actually adding like new software and features and enhancing things they're pretty responsive about bugs or you know things like that so yeah so far you know hopefully we'll see the video quality later um you know one thing I might be able to do is stop using iMovie and go back to another program that lets me use a higher bit rate vulture um so we'll see you know that could be part of it as well but um this thing should take really amazing stable video you know the one RS4 4 K I had that is a 2-year-old camera so this is the new one I think came out in November so it's the latest and greatest they had the ace and then the Ace Pro which had a better lens and a better setup so and the price was only $3.99 so it wasn't really much more than the GoPro um and I don't know maybe the GoPro does have the ability to link it to your coms and all that kind of stuff but this one does it my old one didn't but it does say that it works with car with Cena and cardo and then there's a list of other ones so if you want something where you don't need those extra wires and that kind of you just want an amazing camera with good battery life now this one isn't modular like the old one um it takes internal batteries like a GoPro so you can swap them out if you want to bring extra batteries with you it does support the Ace Pro does support fast charging so you can charge the 1700 what I don't know what the milliamp is um I think it's right around that you can charge those up pretty quickly through USBC so I usually carry a power brick in there so if I'm doing a bunch of recording and then stop for lunch I'll usually pop the camera off oh and this camera uses the quick disconnect style that DJI kind of started the ball rolling with really robust has a magnetic guide you just kind of put it on and then snap it in and it the Springs are tight so you do have to pinch it a good bit to get it off but it's secure it ain't going anywhere unless you crash in which case you got big stuff to worry about but it's uh I did go ahead and get the uh 9h glass screen protectors so I put them on the uh the front so uh if a rock or something hits it I won't crack the front uh lens cover because I don't think these ones are removable I don't think they twist off they might don't quote me on that I thought I remember maybe it was the ace that didn't but the Ace Pro does I don't know um so if you do crack it I can just peel off that lens protector and put another one on got a two pack delivered overnight um they came with the front display the big rear flip up display and the front lens cover I got a two pack for like $8 delivered it's perfect so yeah so um by the time I get over the other side of the dam I'm going to shut the camera off wait till I get up to the mountains and what I'm going to do then is switch to like Horizon leveling or some other things and I'll put labels at the bottom of the video to show you what settings I'm using at any given time so this one is 4K 60 no HDR image stabilization High Vivid color palette EV comp 0.5 um -8 DB on the wired external mic hopefully that works out well I will turn the camera on briefly when I get up to route 400 here because I'm going to have to you know go on the interstate and that's where the road noise gets really loud from the wind and I want to make sure there's no crackling and blowing out so we'll do we'll do that after this with the same video settings just a different audio thing and then uh when I get up to the mountains I'm going to go out of the let's see there's action Ultra wide dewarp which is more linear without the corner Distortion when it removes the fisheye but it it is a close closer in it doesn't give you as widen panoramic I am using 16.9 aspect ratio and then the other setting is the 45° Horizon setting I have to go into free form video to do the 360 view uh the 360 gimbal effect I don't know that I would use that because then you have to do a lot of the processing Po in post through the camera app and I like being able to just grab the the SD card and just throwing it you know onto my MacBook and doing everything from there but in free form I might I don't know I might do free form on some video I'm going to do some testing because there are some cool AI effects in the software that you can pull out and do your overlays of speed and elevation and GP you know some other things like that and then it saves it to a file on your phone and I guess then at that point I could just it's extra steps and extra time but then I can just airdrop it quickly to my MacBook and then do my cutting splicing editing you know things like that from there added my intros transitions basic stuff so I'm going to experiment with that cuz what I do now is I've always been just taking the SD card out putting into a reader and pulling it into the MacBook but then I don't get to use any of the cool AI tools that you get in their software so we'll see we'll play around and see what if there's an advantage to doing it if it gives me it takes extra steps and some things but maybe then it gives me some cool effects because I know you can add like a motion blur without the ND filter it's like an ND filter mode and that is pretty cool this this thing does have a separate 5 nanometer AI processor just for that kind of stuff so that could be cool you know cuz I play with the ND filters and they can be a pain because you need to really know what you're doing and you got to choose the settings for that ND filter based on what's going on right now well before it was cloudy when I left the house now it's bright and sunny in a minute it could be dark and cloudy again and so then my settings or it might not be the appropriate ND filter so having it do it automatically by analyzing the footage and deciding kind of how to do it and giving me that motion blur uh that could be kind of cool oh the other thing is image sharpness is on medium that seems to be from all the experts they said um low and you can sharpen it and post or just pick medium don't go to high or extra or anything like that because it does make it look a little bit too digitized um if you want it to look nice and smooth and fluid they said 4K 60 with low or medium sharpness um you can always sharpen it up and post if you need but if it's too sharp just like the audio if the audio is low you can always boost that and post same thing with color um if it's uh if the audio is too loud or it's too sharp you lose image quality when you try to unsharpen it and post and if the if the audio is too loud and it's blown out and clipping nothing you can do about it you can make the clipping quieter but you make it's not making the audio better so anyway that's what's going on see now we G from sunny back to kind of Cloudy so this thing I left the iso and the shutter speed and all I just left it in Auto because honestly this at least the last camera I would assume this would be the same or better does tend to do a pretty good job of Auto settings in most things so unless you're playing with your ND filters and you really know what you're doing and you're setting up for that shot you know what your lighting is going to be and all that kind of stuff I think for most people bring the EV comp down a little bit so that if you're not using HDR which you can't at 60 frames currently um it does bring down and help the sky from getting Overexposed and you can go ne5 or negative .1 or negative .5 or negative 1 I think is what it is I'm using Nega .5 we'll see I might experience it negative one the problem is then when it is cloudy or you're going under the trees or something uh in the woods you know it might be too dark so can you boost it and bring the stuff back yeah it's always easier to boost things and get it back than it is if it's overblown you you can't really get that detail back you can make it darker but it doesn't really bring out what were shadows and make them clear if something's kind of Shadows in in the dark within range you can usually boost the brightness and and bring that detail out so you can see some of it but it's always hard taking things out it's always easier adding things in so although if I'm going to the mountains I probably should have worn something more than thin jeans I probably should have worn my rotting jeans or my riding pants didn't even think of that I don't know if we'll do the mountains we'll see um let see where am I all right well I'm going to shut down save a little bit the battery and then I'll be back on the highway see how the audio sounds cuz that's where it would tend to blow out driving around like this pretty much any of the microphone setups I've used were good once the engine's screaming and you got high wind noise that's when the audio would typically go to so we'll go and play with that in a few minutes and uh we'll be back [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] all right I'm going to do I'm going to do this highway run to see the noise again cuz I'm not sure I did it right before there are some differences in the controls on the camera so it's set up for auto or quick shot or whatever so you just push the top button and it automatically just starts doing whatever the last thing it was doing but because of the pause feature I might have to hit the button more than once so when I'm going to shut it down I think I might have paused it when I thought I was shutting it down which means then the next time I went to uh do something I might I don't know one of those things where you turn the camera on when you think you're turning it off and vice versa she you got the video of it sitting on the bike in the parking lot but not the ride there so we'll see right now I know it's recording I've got red light flashing yeah we're good on that so I want to see make sure I get footage of this and make sure my audio levels are decent so what are we doing 70 something miles hour a little faster make sure the wind isn't causing static or clipping or popping make sure my voice is still able to be heard yo yo test these test these 1 two three mind going just a little bit faster to get the wind noise up as I of course have no fairing so you're getting much more wind blast although it isn't turbulent which is nice if I can get out ahead of these cars don't want to get a ticket but if I can get up to like 80 90 just to see cuz anything over that it's like you're not really vlogging at 100 plus you know so let's see what what happens all right let's go wake up truck the Mustang's gone just need to get out ahead of everybody H why people always just they get in this lane cuz I think it's going to be faster I got to be be first at the light and they're just slow as anyway like you're a slow driver no matter what Lane you're in and usually I'm in the Corvette or W to go quick like that person wants to kind of go up a little bit and someone always is second in line and they make sure they get over in that front line and then they go 10 m hour slower than the person they were behind all right so we're up in see how this sounds testing testing Can you hear my voice well or is it overpowered by the wind noise and that's the other thing is you know as the wind noise goes up you feel like you have to talk louder and that's when um you know sometimes the microphone might be fine but because you're like oh the wind noise is here I need to shout and then then that's what blows out the audio so that's why I'm going to try both and see you know does that work if I were to say holy cow loud noises does it sound okay or am I getting clippin not to be confused with the clippin Cameron all right signing off we'll be back oh I'm so annoyed right now now you know there's a lot of things I love about the state of Georgia but the weather is absolute dog so much of the [Music] time sunny and beautiful except for the roads I want to go they're all wet raining and I was going to go to Blood Mountain and it's storming up there out of the nowhere so then I'm like well I'll go the other way through Delano go down to Route 9 there's some twisties down there and then starts rain in that way so I guess I'm just going to have to go home and that's my only real option here just go home so I'll have a tiny little bit of Twisties right here so I guess I'll have to try out the camera mode there briefly for eight or nine turns which is basically it's like yeah Georgia's nice cuz it's warm and you you know you can ride year round but Springtime in Georgia is horrible because Springtime lasts from April until about the first week of August it rains 3 to 5 six days a week and so most of that time you just don't get to ride a lot it'll be nice during the week and it'll just rain every freaking [Music] weekend today was supposed to be nice up here and it just isn't there's storms all over the freaking place cuz God forbid a weatherman to do his job so anyway I want to try this Horizon leveling I figured today it' be a good day to kind of test out the camera and figure out the settings and get it set up the way I want so then when we're out doing a group ride or a real ride you know I will get good footage see it's beautiful over there problem is over there it's flat nothing going on so guess I just go home and watch TV or something but at least there's a couple twisties here so the bike will be leaning I'll be leaning I want to see how the gimbal effect works when it's not mounted to the bike I need to order a part I lost one of the parts that I needed to mounted to the bike um but then I got to figure out the audio cuz the wind noise that's all you'll hear GoPro is the only that sucks is that the shittiest camera as far as reliability and overheating and all that is unfortunately the only one that's figured out how to eliminate wind noise so just play a little bit see how it works hoping I don't any plugs on the lens like to get some good quality oh I light the this thing drives off of turns it's a little smoother and less abrupt than the Mt and then it hits that 7500 8,000 and the Power Band kicks in and then it takes off but it's nice and smooth and [Music] predictable traction just cut in a little bit there got a little exuberant getting on the gas I would like to get around this guy I'm going to wait till we get around the next Bend make sure my lens is clear give me some clear road ahead come on press be 55 people coming all right only a couple turns left so I want to be able to play a little bit although for a male car he was going at a good clip going faster than most of the locals or most of the tourists up there do [Music] W I do love the way this thing rides even if the yamaha's [Music] faster it's just so flickable it just Glides through the turns makes a pretty good noise the microphone's not picking it up very well someone said it's the worst sounding stock exhaust ever you the hell out of here I mean not really I want you to keep watching my videos but it's uh this is not the worst sound of the exhaust now because of the tone and the loudness of the microphone in my helmet which is got two wind socks on it it's tucked up inside the helmet away from the wind and a gap in the cushions you know yeah it probably isn't doing best job of picking it up but it's a good sounding stock exhaust as as good as a stock exhaust will sound there only a couple turns left up a ways and they're going to be more sweepy so I'm not sure if uh you'll see them or not I may you may edit all this stuff out after this but so far the only you know it's not a glitch it's just a learning curve like with the camera because it now has a pause feature so when you want to turn it off it's not as simple as you know the old camera and most excuse me just sneeze right into the microphone um most of the cameras have a quick record so whatever mode the camera in when you turn it off so you set up your video mode the way you want or picture or time laap you know whatever and then you basically just push the not the power button you push the shoot the shutter button and it just starts and when you're done you push it once to stop and that's it start the stop push to start push the stop well here it's push to start push to pause quick double click to stop push to paus and then within so many seconds you can push it again to unpause but then you can't shut it it's like engineers and this is not this camera it's phones it's everything a lot of time the people who put things together the product managers not project product they're not actual users of their products I think because they completely Miss ergonomics or they don't think about actual use cases of how someone who's going down the road doesn't have time to count the clicks and wait so many second it's like you just want to push the button in then if you want to add a pause feature which is a cool thing to have like that's a good thing someone said we should have this and they go yeah no one else has that that would be something we have then we could say is a differentiator okay great how do we do it in such a way that it makes it the experience better and not worse because if it's a function that makes it clunky and awkward and you end up missing video footage cuz you paused it when you thought you were turning it on or whatever then it's like you're not you're making it the experience worse so you can put it on the package and in the commercial hey we can do this but if you're doing it in a way that takes away from the core functionality then it's a implementation even if it's a good idea and so many companies get that wrong they come up with a cool idea but they don't think this thing has two buttons keep it simple start stop one click to start one click to stop with the same button if you want to pause it then while it's running make it the other button but they can't because they made the other button to thought they thought it would be like well that'd be a cool way to switch between modes one click problem is if it's on your helmet you can't see what mode you're clicking to so it's virtually useless anyway if you're Mount biking skiing you got to be looking at the actual screen to see what mode you're clicking to so they create now they got two features that don't really work in practice the way they do on the spec sheet when they put in the blurb on the website to say it can do this and it can do that yeah but not really in real terms it just doesn't work well so I don't know why for some reason I just down shipped it I forgot this is not GP shift I rode that for years and got used to it and I catch myself even though I haven't ridden GP shift in like 7 years every once in a while I found myself doing it out of habit I need to see if I can reverse this but I think I have to change something I don't know I think I have to get different rear sets another benefit of Yamaha and Honda and kawi and everybody else is you can just switch the linkage from one side to the other the Italians know same thing here when I want to adjust the lever for the shifter to move it down a little bit um you it's not just that little you loosen the bolt and then spin the the rod and then retighten it I got to take the left rear set off to adjust that it's like 5 volts got to do that and so then when you want to test it you can't just twist it click test it twist it some more until it feels right you got to basically guesstimate it and then put it back together and try it and then if it doesn't work take it all take the rear set off and start you know make another adjustment put it back on little things like that but is Italian this is how we do why would anybody want to change it I don't know cuz we got different feet and riding positions that apparently did not occur to Luigi or Vinnie venzo thank God the bike is beautiful to look at and glorious to ride once you do stick around with it get set up so how these how this video will turn out really hoping the audio turns out well that'll be the next thing I'm going to have to do is buy something or get a I've got other microphones I mean I could always go back to the wired that has the batteries that was the best microphone I've used so far that's what I've been using for the last year the problem is it's got a 10t cord why they thought that was needed and so I have to I can't it's not like oh if you only got a foot or two you can coil it up and stick it under the cheek pad and your helmet keep it out of the way there it's got an 8 or 10t cord and it's got this box that has the battery in it you know so there's no place for any of that so then I have to run a wire down into my pocket coil up the wire with that battery box and then run the wire back up into the helmet and then over to the camera so it's a down and back and a coil in my pocket and it it's really kind of a pain it's it it works it works well but it's very inconvenient so for me uh you know it's nice having just a regular condenser microphone that isn't powered that just sits coiled up into the cheek in your helmet and then uh wow there's a lot of tar snakes on this road oh baby goats oh baby goats yeah so that's the uh hopefully the audio will work and if this works acceptably for now then all I've got to do is get a uh another cardo or Cena and not want to use the Bluetooth you won't hear the exhaust much from that it does a good job of getting rid of that you know noise although actually I can probably turn off the noise cancelling but then I might be picking up all the wind I guess we'll have to figure that out I'll watch some videos and see who's who's using that exact setup and see how well it works actually this is a sort of fun Road in the car so I'll be working hard and probably spending a little bit of money to try and improve the video quality and I think once I get it down to where the video quality is like really nice and Spa on with really good audio I'll go buy a damn video editing package um that'll let me do some other stuff to kind of dress up the videos nicer transitions make them a little bit more professional and see if uh I can up the video quality or Le the production value but for me you know I didn't want to do that until I really got the audio and video quality where I wanted it to be thinking it would be like putting lipstick on a pig like oh it's got cool animations and intros and outros but the video is kind of me even if I guess probably most people are watching on their phones anyway then it's not I'm used to looking at things on a 75 in 4K screen or 42 in 4K screen so to me I see if it's kind of blurry or if it's not smooth or whatever but you take a giant video like that that might look okay and you put it down on a screen on a little screen it you know it makes it that much sharper and it looks I guess brilliant but if you're watching stuff on a big screen I want it to you know look right I think we're going to be done here unfortunately Blood Mountain and twisty bits and Richard Russell is all back that that way and it's all storming and riding in the rain I hate means I got to clean the bike it ruins the footage got water all over the lens and you have to slow it down it's just it's no good no buen now so yeah you could tell that way look how shitty the weather is that's the area I wanted to go to today it's probably the only area in the whole State that's pouring rain right now next weekend was supposed to be sunny and 86 both days now it's turning cloudy and I'm sure it'll be rain by the time the weekend rolls around and unfortunately that is that is the reality of living in Georgia April through July end of July it's just like living in Southern Florida it just rains every day it'll be nice on a Tuesday and Wednesday and that's about it so our riding season doesn't really like where you got PR predictably good weather that you can ride pretty much any day you want doesn't really start most years until August when the Summer's half over the upside is you know you can ride through the winter months whereas up north your bike would be in storage that's the trade-off so anyway folks I don't know what I'm going to do I'm going to go home I guess and play with some stuff I do need to eat at some point all I had was a granola bar and it's already 2:00 at a granola bar and a cup of coffee that is it so hopefully this video I'm moving my head around yeah look how bright and beautiful it is damn it I was getting poured on 20 minutes ago I come to the boring side of town and nothing it's great so hopefully this video all works out well I'll try to dress it up as good as I can I'll have in the bottom I'll have a little thing of what video mode it's in everything's 4K 60 EV you know all that stuff's the same the only difference is going to be the field of view on the first part of the video I've been doing uh action view which is a super super wide like the super view on GoPro that does give you a little fisheye effect but it does look kind of cool and big and panoramic so maybe that'll look good or maybe the Horizon leveling will look good I know that when it's mounted to the bike which remind myself to go and order that piece when I get home when it's mounted to the bike Pan the uh Horizon balancing will look much better you put that there and but I need to not have the wired microphone I'll have to Go Wireless at that point so but that's going to be probably my preferred method of shooting once I get a new com system mounted rigid to the like that lets me see the display I can see what's going on I can change settings on the Fly pause do all the things I need to do cuz here it's in front of my mouth and I can't have it up in front of my face so I can't really see I just have to look in the mirror and see if the light's flashing and what color the light is and that sort of tells me what's going on when I get it here I'll be able to make adjustments on the Fly and do what I need to do and I should be able to capture much better shots and with the audio going through the Bluetooth I don't have to worry about cable all over the place and any of that nonsense and that'll give me that gimbal effect which really does look cool I think those were the best riding videos I had when I was doing it that way was having that gimbal effect on with Horizon leveling and 4K 60 and all that stuff I kind of want to get back to that this dick of course goes into the passing Lane and he's going to be slow come on get out the way I don't want to be stuck behind you when you hit a bump and suddenly there's two by for hurry up and get over Dude I always have a fear of ride behind guys in pickup trucks or guys with trailers because they tend to just I just throw my beer cans and throw my in garbage and trash in the back and they use it as a garbage can and then you're going down the road behind them and all oh I'm all of a sudden they hit a bump and there's bags of McDonald's and beer bottles and a toaster or what flying past your head or smacking into the front of your bike I've had that happen it's really annoying people to just throw in the bed of their truck and just assume oh it'll it'll stay there no it doesn't it ends up in the road or in someone's face or danging the dent on their car it's because you're stupid and lazy can't be bothered to throw it out properly someone else gets a chip in their windshield or guy in a Harley catches a brick or a piece of 2x4 in the face anyway I digress I'm going to shut this thing off I probably won't be back so everybody have a good day hopefully this video turns out good tell me which view you liked better if you had a preference we'll talk talk later
Channel: Dave's Man Cave
Views: 135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yJnWwJ5uk7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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