Inspecting my Cylindrical Square for Squareness

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alright guys welcome to the do all granite surface plate that is not completely flat and true because I haven't had a calibrated yet that's something that we're going to be working on here real soon hopefully in the coming month this is going to be sent down and have calibrated and lapse I know that it's out I've been doing a little bit of playing here and there on the granite plate just basically for my own benefit getting a little familiar with this type of metrology and measuring I've said it before this kind of stuff right here is not a lot of measuring that I did coming up through the job shop most of my stuff was just basically laid the milk laid work mill work using micrometer things like that the high precision stuff we really didn't get into very much adjust for our shop it wasn't there wasn't a lot of call for it and one other there was I remember that's when Sonny was there and he and dad kind of handled that stuff while I was out there shoveling chips and being the new boy but up anyway what I wanted to get a little video of is this cylindrical square that I recently got from Jack hoeing and he gave me a really good purchase on this right here didn't have to pay a lot of money for it and the thing is is that you got to be able to check it to see if it's any good or not so I've been playing with it for the past couple of weeks trying to get familiar with it and getting a solid set up for it to maintain the measurements every time I'm measured every time I move it and then remeasured see if it maintains seeing if it's a stable set up is what I'm talking about so I've done a little bit of measurement these are the numbers that I've been getting so far what I want to do is kind of compare and show you what I've been doing and see how close to these numbers we can get see if we can get it to repeat lately I've been able to get it repeat within 1/10 just about every time sometimes it hits it right on so where we're repeating within about a tenth sometimes maybe 2/10 one of the things you have to take consideration is like already said this plate probably is not flat I'll imagine that you're going to have more we're in the middle of it out here in the middle close to the edges probably out here on the corners maybe higher than the other so we're not going to get a perfect reading and that's something that you have to take into the equation is you may be off-center 20% off of your readings so we want to try to see if this thing is bent earthís straight square parallel perpendicular to the base here I've got an old cast iron angle plate setup right here that is a well-used angle plate that was my dad's it's a really high-quality unit and it's pretty dang square it has been used quite a bit there's a lot of dings on it I filed it stoned it and tried to give this flat as I could so there wasn't no burrs sticking up somewhere same thing with the B block right here cleaned it real well it's just a surface that shouldn't change that the SIRT the cylindrical square is sitting down on so hopefully it's in that same height because this o D of the cylindrical square is supposed to be completely true with this right here all right I've got it clamped to the angle plate over here now when I was first doing this I had a couple more of the can't twist over here on the side clamping it and I never could get a consistent reading every time I would move it I would clamp those things in there never would read the write and I figured out that what I was doing was moving it by clamping it on here so the angle plate is not completely flat I found that if I was to take this little spring clamp right here and just use it on the top like so and leave it alone it would repeat within about 1/10 every time so I think that's the part of the issue is the angle plate right here so I've got four quadrants marked on there we've got one and three two and four and that's kind of how I'm doing the readings is just a measure and opposite from one another one you know I measured one and I go to three so in this case we'll go ahead and start with three and I've got zero and 15 now what that's representing is tense so instead of saying 15 tense I'm just going to say 15 and this you know down here at number 1 I had minus 1 and 10 so that's minus 1/10 and then 10 would be you know plus on the plus side of it the other thing you got to keep in mind on these inter Rapids is that it's reading opposite counterclockwise is your positive clockwise motion is negative this is a really nice Brown & Sharpe type gaze that was given to me last year one of the guys that was at the in watt CNC open house up I apologize I can't remember the name who it was it give me give this to me but I'm using it I've got this brown and sharp adapter that's come that I put in here to hold the test indicator and it's working out to be a pretty good stable setup I've already wiped it off wiped everything off so hopefully there's no dust let's go ahead and give it a shot so we're at 0 and 15 let's see if I repeat that okay so I'm getting 14 on that so hopefully the cameras picking it up I tried to get the Sony in there so that you could see it so it looks like about 14 I'm going to come up in here all the way all the way up against right close to that radius and I'm getting minus 1 so that's repeating I'm sorry 3 to 0 so we're one-tenth off on both ends right there all right so let's go ahead and go to warrants I'm just going to hold my finger on the end of this try to keep it flat try not to bang it around and I'm just going to spin it and we'll put the clamp back on it so now we'll read one so we're at minus 1 and 10 so out the outer end which is here is going to be hopefully 10 and I'm getting about 9 so again about a tenth off all right 9 there we were at minus 1 let's see what we get minus 2 okay so again a 10 minus 2 so a tenth off and that sometimes you can come out here move the the base out here to the middle of the plate and you're getting a different reading than what you were ok so there's a minus 8 so I'm trying to just do all my measurements from right here on this edge to try to get repeatability right there all right let's go ahead and move it around the 2 alright then we're at minus 1 and 15 so it'd be about 15 out here on the very end and I'm getting 14 all right let's come up in here what are we going to get - - it's about - one and a half there's two you get about a half a tenth difference depending on which direction you go pretty close within 1/10 all right our last one is going to be positioned four so we're going to rotate it 180 degrees - 1 + 12 looks like minus eleven and a half about a half a tenth awful mountains difference set minus one about minus 2 there okay so you see every every position I'm within 1/10 so the I think the the setup is pretty stable but I think my weakness is the actual angle plate probably the the V block as well so what are how do we how do we determine if we've got a square or not well what this is telling me is that around the two to three let's go ahead and let's set this down it looks like you know somewhere around the two to three position we're straight but on the other side over here we've got a little bit off so one in four somewhere around on this side we're off a little bit a couple of tenths you know two or three tenths or so and again you're reading arrow on this on this bat plate as well so it's hard to determine how much you're in and I was talking to Tom Lipton about this he gave me a lot of good pointers on how to set this up and how to check that and I give him the numbers and he says that this is this would be about 80% correct so we've got probably about a 20% there that were unsure of so part of that is in the cylindrical square itself and part of that is going to be and the plate not being flat and then the other part is going to be in the the set up right here you know with the angle plate and everything so I think we have a pretty close salindra cylindrical square but I don't think it's perfect but if you look at these numbers if you look at those numbers these are all right there at the base so that's pretty consistent that's pretty that's pretty good right there but we've got a little bit of tilt on one section out here at the end so what I what I'd like to do is whenever I after I get the granite plate back in a couple months or so and make sure that it's it's lapped in nice and flat then we can start working on some better setups and and rechecking this stuff to see how how good it is how square it is so anyway I just kind of wanted to share that with you guys today it's a nice weekend and I've been making some videos and I wanted to get over here and make another little video to follow up on the cylindrical square and hope you enjoyed and we'll see you real soon
Channel: Abom79
Views: 46,233
Rating: 4.919414 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, cylindrical square, test indicator, interapid, interapid test indicator, granite surface plate, metrology, measuring, instruments, measuring instruments, machine shop, calibration, inspection, tool room, indicating, squareness, flatness
Id: Wx9H1kr_smM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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