Insight into the ArcGIS Utility Network Management Extension

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anyway up here we have Tom Brown Tom you want to introduce yourself I'm Tom Brown okay I'm Eric Cole I'm the guy over here we're gonna be taking you on a whirlwind tour the utility network this one's actually kind of a strange presentation for us we've been giving utility network presentations probably since the UC in 2011 it's all been talked cheap talk lots of cheap talk this is the first time where we've actually spoken about it when it's actually been delivered it went out with two one and ten six and it's it's all actually now out there in the wild is production software question how many of you in this room are in production with the utility network right now okay how many of you have actually tried using it in pro with two one has anyone actually played with okay few more people okay very good very good so anyway yeah it's been a long training coming but it's out there now and we're gonna be spending the next few years enhancing and doing other things that actually make it really really top-notch stuff so you can yeah in any event spiraling downhill very quickly okay what is it about it's basically technology to allow you to model at it and analyze complex networks of facility and infrastructure across our entire platform this is a very important thing was it it is the first data set type that we've developed that really is truly cross-platform it runs across the it will ultimately run across the entire ArcGIS prot platform in order to do so it must be usable as a service based architecture okay it's sitting up there in arcgis enterprise you interact with it through services once you have a service based architecture then you can light it up both through the pro desktop as well as devices as well as web clients and all the okay that's another fancy slideshow saying the graphic showing the same thing one of the big things we're doing right here is we're trying to enable a better and more accurate modeling of the real world when the geometric network was released eighteen years ago as part of a tow in February 2000 the world was a little bit simpler we didn't have distributed power generation we didn't have photovoltaics we didn't have storage distributed storage she didn't have as much SCADA you didn't have the ami you didn't have these smart grids at least in the electric domain that are autonomously performing switching operations to optimize the state of their networks you just described the dark ages hmm that's the dark ages was there even electricity then kind of kind of remember those wheels with a burro turning it around so in any event yeah we we purposely developed this model it's very aggressive to try to allow you to model at extremely fine levels of granularity the real-world devices and infrastructure that you have inside your utility okay it's not just points and lines and things that you've done geometric networks traditionally we actually allow you to model structures there's a containment there's all kinds of relationships at a very fine level of granularity in the scalable manner so what are the key differentiators let's get through this stuff quickly cross-platform okay that's it's a service based architecture you don't interact with the utility network and client-server it's all services based you're just hitting rest endpoints even the pro client that you're running today is going through services the pro client is not backdooring into client server or anything like that when you're working with your utility network it's all service based have the updated network model by updated what do we add to it we added all kinds of interesting things such as being able to have connectivity associations saying things that are not geometrically coincident or connected to each other being able to say things are contained within other things transformer units are contained within transformer banks pumps are inside stations or pump stations structural attachments this recloser is attached to a power pole is structurally attached to a power pole okay now the interesting thing with the associations is they are part of the network index you can go and traverse those things you can see them when you're doing your network analytics support for multiple terminals we learned that when you have things like transformers or sometimes valves complex valves complex switches that it's not just a point with all kinds of stuff going into it it actually has high sides and low sides up streams down streams so you can actually specify what terminal you want a line to be connected to on a particular device maybe I'll demo that yeah yeah Tom will demo all this stuff all we're setting the bar okay but this power point right here is going to be much more interesting than a demo you can come up with exactly I want to see another property sheet okay so Eric Eric you are moving very quickly and I've noticed so far you didn't put the bullet in there for artificial intelligence I'm gonna put the bullet in right here is that is that enabled yet not quite yet but we are working on it okay good yes we will be in the long term if you were just at the server road ahead session in the long long term we will be working to get the utility network up and running on distributed processing infrastructures part of geo analytics that's one of the big long-term goals of this technology as well but that's a long term thank you for bringing that up Tom I do have already a question from the audience does he have a hundred slides again 128 yes more okay expanded tracing framework this is actually one of the cool aspects of this technology is that previously with the geometric network when you wrote tracing operations you had to do a bunch of forwards to our cursor stuff you had to walk through the network graph from first principles that was those pretty tricky stuff here we've actually created a framework that you can configure in order to do some very sophisticated analytical processing of your network Tom's going to demo some of that stuff actually I'm not because we had announced a demo theater yesterday which everybody attended no it doesn't boo here attended the demo theater 80% no that's 7.2 percent on let's see built-in support for network diagrams this is a key capability where we saw particularly in Europe people like to be able to edit and visualize their stuff in logical space not just geographical space so right now diagrams and schematics are first-class citizens just as much as geographic spaces you have your logical space and it's all built in validation framework okay that's for building and maintaining your network index source management basic source management okay that's for figuring out where the resources flow where the origination points within your network where do things move outward from let's see what other things do we have export capabilities we're working right now to provide enhance that support capabilities such that maybe you want to export to sim or maybe you want to export to multi speak well what kind of infrastructure can we provide that'll make it very easy for our business partners and others to actually create those adapters and whatnot so that you can do your sim extracts or your multi speak extracts updated transaction model brand-new versioning implementation called branch versioning it's a lot simpler and it's a lot more scalable and a lot more performant than the old traditional versioning that's on a lot of promises yeah it is it is but it's good stuff actually working with working with the team back in Redlands it's a it's very nice you don't have to do any joins you don't have state lineages it's a very straightforward system you basic on RS dot that's even better better yet a lot less administrative overhead as well and it's all based upon transaction timestamps okay attribute rule framework this is something that you're seeing actually across the platform it's not just a utility network thing but we're actually providing the ability to create rules using arcade expressions to either set attribute values while you're editing on other fields or other features being able to check that a feature satisfying various constraints before you store it if it doesn't it will fail the store operation and report back your error message to you as well as in the longer term we're working on a new validation framework how many of you have used ArcGIS topology ok about 98% of the room well the validation framework is going to be based upon the topology model okay where basically you're going to be able to author topology rules using arcade expressions that will be dirty area management will be exposed and then periodically you can choose to validate portions of your data set if errors are detected error features are created and they're persisted and you can then go in later on and identify their errors and fix problems in your data okay we're gonna be trying to do a grand unification as well we're going to bring together the topology validation the network data set our transportation network model validation the utility network day to review or all the things inside ArcGIS that are doing validation of rules rules that you specify into one coherent framework one general user experience okay so you're gonna see a lot of nice work being done in that domain this year do you ever take a breath between statements remind me to demo the attribute rule next time I bring an oxygen tank and just feed it into my nose then I can really speed up okay any questions up to this point we have to constantly interrupt him so you can just relax for a second mmm okay various different things you'll be able to do topological geometric attribute things that you see right now through like look at data reviewer data reviewer exposes 40 some-odd different rules you'll be able to do the validation that you can currently do typical operations you can do with data reviewer as well as things such as you know oh if I am contained within this particular land parcel I want my identifier to be set to such-and-such I want we're not going to be supporting a mechanism that allow you to do full traces through this validation framework we don't want you to be authoring a collection of rules it will just completely destroy your servers and stuff like that these are rules that should be very quick to execute and things like that so we're sorting through all that but you'll be able to do some basic topological validation as well okay to clarify the concern about once you start adding all these attributes they are fired at the time of store the call to apply edits on the future service so it's happening at the geodatabase level behind the feature service so just imagine the more rules you keep on adding in all this complexity all it's going to do is slow down the Edit operation right so there's truly a balance that we have to all take into consideration of what logic do I want to enforce at the time of the edit as opposed what post-processing we can do our validation at a later moment so it's a trade-off and one of the things we're looking at to help you identify when you do really silly things without repeating rules or these validation rules in the validation server is put in telemetry that will tell you how much time is being spent executing these that we're using evaluating these rules as well as perhaps putting in timeouts into the system where if a collection of rules it concedes a certain threshold it stops reports back in her to you saying you're just too slow you got too much stuff gumming up the works so that is a very important point that Tom raised there okay there will be subtype Liars better ways of working with the data inside Pro as well as of course centralized storage of maps and projects through your ArcGIS Enterprise no trying to build a better framework that's what this is all about this is what we've been doing for the past six years if you look at our current solution you can is shown on the left and in that little diagram at the bottom you have the core desktop on top of that you have partner solutions then you have client customizations built on top of that with the geometric network conversion in replication being part of core okay now what we're trying to do today is we're trying to expand the core GIS platform the core ArcGIS platform to include about the network model as well as versioning as well as analytical frameworks attribute rule frameworks validation frameworks better network editing tools that's going to be just all part of core on top of that the solutions team will be editing or creating some foundational data models you can see those today on the solution pages as well as better collections of map and app configurations that you can download and utilize then we expect our partners and there are many of them in this room well then further extend that by creating very specific or customized domain data models very specific domain specific tools for doing things like circuit management phase management more validation rules more analytic configurations as well as more attributes attribute activity tools you know things such as being able to do a sim export and then finally on top there will be client customization through configuration ok so that one little picture tries to detail how we're expanding what we're doing at the framework level and how we expect partners as well as the solutions team to build on top of that in order to develop and deliver more sophisticated capabilities to our tour do you guys ok utility network consists of one or more domain networks you can see we have four different domains here telco electric gas water everything has a structural Network every utility network every domain network inside a utility network or every network inside every utility network has a structural network how's that telco network coming along for you it's going great that's our disclaimer we don't have a complete telco model implemented yet they really real soon real soon yeah and we're the same people in 2011 said it's coming real soon one hundred and twenty five man years worth of development later your street cred is worthless you know it's been my life I have a family I have no credit home either it's just like whatever do you think I care okay then then within each of these domains you can have a collection of other other different types of networks so for example and these networks are used to organize organize the content of your network they're relevant for your business units and whatnot maybe you want to have transmission and distribution separately maybe you want to have them together do whatever you want so within water a water company might have a water network of structural network maybe they also have a sewer network gas company okay gas distribution maybe they have a gas network inside their electric company maybe they have a transmission network and separate the distribution network from that telco Network well they have the structural network but they also have their fiber network okay you can slice and dice it however you want all these different types of networks can have other domain networks and also inside pressurized networks or buried pipe networks such as water and gas you may want to have a cathodic protection network okay so you're just a little example ways out how you can configure your system demo yeah Wow I was gonna say four five yes I was gonna say for all of you taking photos it's hashtag UN it's a large following of people under that hashtag so to push those out United Nations alright you will get all these slides in the presentation being recorded we should wear blue helmets next year in vests white vest the UN team has arrived it is the dev summit so I'll start by just showing the services right I can't tell you how many times we've said it's a services based architecture right did you cover any of this in the server session I don't remember okay no we didn't okay good because when you do publish your map right if I quickly pop over here's my procession right my pro map if my map was all of my layers in the client server when I go ahead and publish this thing the sharing model in the pro user experience maybe you attended some of those sessions you have the choice to enable the version management service and whenever the UN layer is present during publishing we automatically create the utility Network service and the diagram service so these are all these new services that we've been building apparently for five years what I'm just gonna quickly show you the utility network server right so when you go into you see your services you can pop in there on my nice little surface I've got four socks running min for socks max 12 I can go in here and see the capabilities you can see then what services are enabled automatically the nice note to be aware for the administrator the version management one cannot be enabled or disabled through server manager because when we publish and you want a version management service there's a lot of little things analyzers that we run to verify that what you're publishing is everything configured correctly but for the utility network service right we can go in there get to that endpoint that just takes us to all the different operators now remember right in the good old days with arcmap and art objects eric would build all these internal imple interfaces on these comm objects that you can call through the application but we can't do that anymore right pro is calling every rest endpoint that's available right there's no secret sauce we can do anymore on the client side because we have to call the same public endpoint so everyone that's a half-truth tom that's a half-truth yeah go with the story okay so right we have the UN we can do traces you know this is worth highlighting yesterday how you configure trace configuration if you would attend these demo theaters or at enriches a nice session I was prior to this one he had great examples of trace configurations right so I'm not going to repeat that story a third time validate network topology is a very interesting one I'm picking on this one because Eric did some outstanding work at the very end of the room it would yeah if one time you've done outstanding work that's a tool to support asynchronous calls now why I'm choosing this is so you kind of understand this because rich also made a reference to this in the session this morning who saw a rich present so at least a handful you came there and stuck the stick around so that's good everyone else was at Sherman yeah they're still having breakfast so when we validate right when you validate from the pro UI what's happening is we're calling the rest endpoint directly right calling that validate an endpoint but it's an async false meaning we want that to run as part of the SOE of the future service so it's running on the main sock it's going to hold that song and the expectation there is that the workflow of user doing this is you're validating a small area and you want a very reactive response now why we had to build the async and why we're going to be adding this to several other tools as well when you call validating the current release from the geoprocessing tool it automatically goes async so it's calling this rest endpoint so that's async true when something is running async on the server right it's spinning up through a different geoprocessing tool and it's running a job and it's processing all the work there so you can imagine just that load of taking a job spawning it off running that you have a toolbox in again I won't show you have a toolbox already there with a special UN tool that will run these as you need them you want to do that when you're in a workflow that you're validating very large areas right with a lot of dirty areas because it's gonna take a little bit of time you don't want to hold the main sock and compete for the shared resources that all your other users who are displaying data querying data tracing data do you want to talk about timeouts a little bit yeah well that's a good another good example if you were to click the validate and probe because it's running synchronous you are constrained to this typical server timeout which is 10 minutes I always get I can't remember five minutes or ten minutes five minutes everybody want to vote on this five or ten but it's a setting because you don't want to hold that sock process so long right because it's in a shared community right we have to share these resources that's why we have async so keep that in mind what we'll be doing hopefully if Eric does more good work actually it is ten minutes you run it by default 600 what we'll expose on the GP tool is a checkbox to either run validate in a synchronous or asynchronous because you guys know the work workflow of what's happening because again we want to provide a framework and configuration of all these tools because based on the workflows the users you know if you poured a whole bunch of data in you know when you need to run this a sink or necessarily in the background now here's the trick though in when running the Geo processes the tool even though it's running asynchronously on the server we actually spin on the client side and that GP tool will just sit there and spin so from that perspective it's a synchronous type of call but we offload it to an asynchronous job so that will be the pattern that we follow in a lot of these other tools because we really don't see the user experience of somebody sitting here clicking these large validates or updates subnetworks all and just hey I'm gonna watch this tool until it completes right so all right that was just a ramble to kind of show you some of the more details of the service architecture what else am I supposed to demo in this section let's see how about a property sheet okay that lovely property but I'm not gonna talk to it that long again so here's my map that's already published one of the nice things that's just to give you a quick example of the high level properties of the utility network right there's a lot of configuration that goes involved of how you want to configure and deploy your utility network right we have these great things called asset packages that are available from download for the various different domains right those are great starting points for the different you know water gasps and so forth but again it's a starting point many of you will configure it based on your needs or business partners will build their own asset packages like if somebody wants to build a steam Network very common in Europe apparently so when we open up these properties right this is where we get to see the makeup how it was it configured when was it created one of the things we listen to you for many years is hey when was a feature class created time stamps we're trying to timestamp a lot of these configuration properties so you can understand hey I deployed February first three months later I added a rule or I added a subtype which is the asset group I changed something because you are logically redefining the configuration so when you go back in time you have to understand how things evolved and will be adding a lot more temporal metadata to the system as we move forward it's not complete yet so as Eric highlighted the data set I'm working with you know has three domain networks a structure network a transmission network and a distribution network and it's all about rule-based right that's a very important aspect of this model because again representing the real world we have to define the rules of what how things can logically connect to each other it's you know either a pipe size traversing through a connector you know they must be the same size and so forth or how connectivity associations work between a voltage regulator and a bypass switch I'll show you that example in a little bit and that gets into terminal configurations so this is really the heart of the information that describes your utility network it's a good starting point to understand what these models provide and what you can do anything else on your life are you going back to slides that's good all right okay let's see more any questions questions no no okay work you can do whatever you want you can't Eric I wouldn't want my wastewater combined with my drinking water no he said storm water I heard wastewater no there are there are asset packages coming from for each of those domain networks and what's very important so you understand a lot of the examples that we demonstrate with electric gas and water are all source based networks right wastewater being a gravity model is a sink based model which was all there in this release the utility network so that team is working on finalizing wastewater and storm water I think they're talking late spring that's coming and even if your sewer Network which is a essentially a sink based network you can still have pressurized sewer in it pretty sketchy but yeah you can't I wouldn't want to be near that pipe lucky who makes San Bruno look like a walk in the park right it's like let's see seven or eight out there done no it's over it that's two more minutes right oh good good let's see we're half done with time and we're a quarter done with slides and 1/10 done with demos skip slides no I was just gonna say would you guys like to stay here till 2:30 or so is that work or yeah okay well let's just get through these things connectivity associations basically this is think of it as basically a way where you can say this point is connected at that point and they're not geometrically coincidence okay you don't have to be by default things are based upon X Y Z coincidence it is Z enabled it this is a 3d based network but you are able to say that these things that are physically not coincident unlike the geometric network are connected these connectivity indexes are become part of the network index so you can traverse through them and all that okay it's not like a relationship class it actually is indexed within the network itself okay blah blah blah yeah we said that you know okay containment associations this is a way to say that this particular thing is contained within that thing for example to say about viz inside a pump station or if you have a substation and electric maybe you have some transformers and busbars and infuses and all kinds of stuff like that that can all be represented using containment associations right structures and assemblies can be the containers the devices cannot be containers they can only be content okay now the interesting thing with containment is you can have nesting containment you can say this thing is contained within that thing which is contained within this other thing think about a duct bank a duct bank is a container or linear container a duct Bank contains many ducts inside each duct you may have many lines or fiber cables or something like that within those fiber cables maybe you have fiber strands okay so you can create these large containment hierarchies if you need to using containment associations what else structural attachments that's much like containment but sort of use for above-ground you can be able to say that this particular thing is attached to this other thing for example a transform being attached to a power pole okay and this is nice because again all these associations are indexed within your network index and can be returned as a results to your analytical processing of the network if you feel the need let's see terminals terminals are basically used to represent a connection point on a device here we have a transformer unit that has a high side and a low side now you can actually model that using a device that has one high terminal and model it using two terminals one high side one low side you could if you saw the need to in your organization to model it as a device with four terminals one high side terminal and three low side bushings as you can see inside that picture it really does have three low side terminal in reality model it any way that you want okay it's very important for the to be able to do accurate some extracts as well know what are the rules here you don't every device doesn't have to have terminals it's only the ones you want but if you are a subnetwork controller something that functions as a source or a sink essentially inside your network you must support terminals also if things have high and low sites that you need for analytical purposes or things that have one-way flow such as a check valve and a water network okay my pass switches okay now this is interesting where you can represent a bypass switch using a device with four terminals okay here we have a sort of a logical representation of a bypass switch that contains to disconnect blades and a bypass blade that are all coordinated and it's connected to a voltage regulator so when the voltage regulator is in service you can see the black line on the top power goes from say left to right it goes to a through the disconnect blade to see through the voltage regulator over the D up through the disconnect blade on the right through B and outward towards the east okay now when a device is de-energized you can then safely remove it and all that and these things actually I don't think they picked up that cool graphic yeah I only it's spent two weeks on that PowerPoint animation can I trump you on that go it now and we're not gonna talk politics I just know what's up you wanted that diagram yeah okay so here is actually how we're going to document this so we've got an author Michael xyler the guy's a wizard at night making nice graphics and pretty pictures of how the software operates so we're going to try to make instance diagrams of all these different configurations right and how they would represent the real world so this is an example of a voltage regular regulator Bank assembly where there's three of these where he's showing we've got the bypass switches here in the middle with their four terminals just as Eric just described it we've got the voltage regulators on this side with their terminals so as we come in off of the overhead line for each phase is connected to each one of these individual regulators now below this is showing the properties of the bypass switch exactly what Eric showed right the paths when we want to bypass those allows us to just flow through the switch and on to the line as opposed to when the switch is closed it then goes into the regulator if we can only have this cool little moving area of course the animation yeah there's no animation that sucks are you done no I want to actually show it how does it make a real software remodeling I put this together problem we never crashes you have a 50-50 chance with this one come on do it and for some of those who are sitting next to me in the last session realize I downloaded into this morning's bill all right so that's the liquor talking okay developers showed us about 30 personnel ok here we go we zoomed in a la I'm along this overhead circuit right here's the voltage regular regulator assembly right so it's not showing on showing all the content so first thing we'll do is we'll display the content because now I want to work within the features in that assembly so as the diagram showed the nice pictures we've got a bypass switch for each of these right it's a switch overhead bypass if I open up that properties page I'd be able to show you the terminal configurations and the different paths that it supports so we have one for each of those phases they had all the connectivity associations oh that's a great idea and we also have ground terminals and we have the platform because we've got two poles supporting these all up in the air with a platform between them they're all attached to the platform the overhead lines are attached and terminating at the poles themselves and as Eric said we can turn on this new tool the view associations tool so Rick now it's a bunch of spaghetti a bunch of lines but we'll talk about this so the brown color represents a connectivity association the green color represents a structural attachment association so a quick way to visualize how things are configured now at this release you don't have a choice to pick those colors so I hope you're not colorblind we are working in the 2.2 release to allow this configuration of my associations and what colors they will be used so we're getting there it'll be into two significant enhancement yes major new capabilities of the UN all right let's now actually trace this sub network let's see what we get back where's my tool I'm gonna come back and highlight more of this sub Network tool but it's a very quick way to find the sub networks in the current visual extent and then I can quickly trace the sub network and this is just doing the sub Network trace wow that is fast tracing the sub Network based on its configuration now one of the things you'll notice because I know and we don't have flow arrows yet will that be a significant enhancement to the utility network second release okay so maybe third was a bridge to four so just so you know the the power the electricity is coming from this upper side so we're flowing in and we enter this bypass switch the state of this switch is closed allowing it to flow to the regulator the regulator then of course flows back to the bypass switch for this phase and these are all labeled based on what phase they are so this is our C phase and then that connectivity Association brought it back to this line end now these bypass switches are currently open right so it essentially has a connectivity Association from the line end to the switch but it does not connect to the regulator then it simply proceeds on bypassing the regulator that allows them to do service on that device in the field when needed but how do I quickly show how we can change the paths so we have a tool called terminal pass and when I actually select a switch with a device oh man where that to go it will show you the current state of that path of that bypass which it's open but we want to actually close it now terminals and paths have default configurations the default path is closed so whenever a create a new bypass switch and place it on the map essentially the default path of the terminal configuration is closed allowing the flow of that commodity through that device because you don't want to say well 99% of the time it's closed I don't have to go back and set it as I edit all right now as I hit apply you'll see that it creates a dirty area as it creates the dirty art because I've changed an important attribute that's needed in the topology of the future not all attribute changes on a feature will create a dirty area only things like the the path configuration if it's a controller if it's a network attribute the shape and modify the geometry but if I touch some attribute that has no meaning to the topology no dirty area gets created so I should have clicked validate as I continue to ramble any good comments as you're checking email no I checked out of your presentation a long time ago I haven't crashed yet okay this usually takes about 10 seconds to run that validate now what's very interesting another sidebar discussion as I wait real quickly I'm editing in the default version what's really powerful about our branch versioning model is we support two ways to edit the data if you go directly against the default version via the rest endpoint or via pro it's just like any other feature service when you call apply edits those edits are burned in they're written there's no rollback now apply edits calls do have a new argument called rollback on failure so an error happened like a check constraint of an attribute rule the entire payload of the apply edits is roll back now why did we do this we did this because there are two different transaction models where if you either want to quickly write to it or you know you want to create a name version when creating a name version it provides me the undo redo stack so in Pro if I created a version change to it and applied these edits these would have all have been individual edits that can be undo redo right everyone follow that say brilliant alright so now let's clear this now let's repeat my trace go back to my fine subnetworks tool this is the shortcut so I have to pull up that monsterous geoprocessing tool and set all those parameters this is the nice part now Wow look what just happened that trace coming in because it went into the B phase now includes the voltage regulator because the path was in there let's just go home you get a golfclap for that one that was a lot of that was a lot of talking to light up one more blue dot on the screen take away is just the amazing power the utility of takeaway was mumbo-jumbo that could have been a valve with four different connections it could have been us yeah okay so anyway we've been talking a lot about electric devices and one on you saw devices and switches like that but then in the water domain of course a complex valve can be considered to switch as well here we have an example where it's a dual flow for port diverter valve and I'm counting more people leaving the room when you're talking versus my demos first free beer everyone it's over there okay let's see we have a little like 15 minutes left I think we'll cover it okay okay for port diverter here you can see the flow from a B and C D okay going divert it goes from ad and BC now you can represent it as a device with four terminals a B C and D one thing that's important to note inside any device with terminals inside the network index we represent that as a complete graph meaning each each terminal will correspond to a junction element and then will form a complete graph between all the junction elements inside the network index then based upon the configuration of your terminals and how you want the switch configuration to work you can then decide how you want things enabled or disabled so for example when we flow from A to B we'll just enable edge one and edge six in order to get it to work that way alternatively switch it and you can do a DB C by enabling different edges okay and that's all taken care of under the covers for u sub network management what is a sudden network that's a really tedious way to describe essentially a sub portion of your network these key sub portions of your network in the in the water domain a sub network might be something like an isolation zone okay or it could be a pressure zone in the electric domain a sub networking correspond to a or a circuit okay these are logical subdivisions of your larger domain network that you want to use these are oftentimes used to drive your analysis applications your tracing and everything like that as well as labeling annotation doing your map making assigning units of work where you do the tree tree trimming or pole inspection as well as just being able to visualize it and oftentimes working with third-party systems like distribution management systems you need to be able to extract these sub portions or sub networks okay when they have been modified during the course of your editing during the day I hear you want to be able to export a subject demo demo demo okay we have about 10 minutes left I hope it's a one minute done this will be a one minute starting no no ok so again here if we zoom in a little bit on our data Electric again I'm not gonna switch over to gas networks but electric a circuit map right all the individual circuits represent a sub Network on the separate data set we essentially were given access to a quarter half seconds the Old Town substation does show all these sub networks and I think what's really cool is i zoom in somewhere here and then I bring back up that other tool that I had used before called the fine sub networks tool I can actually refresh that and quickly visualize all of a subnet works in my current extent now you'll notice I just showed the blue lines and not all the colored subnet look something that well I'm losing target what we're actually doing here is showing an aggregated geometry representation of that sub Network for much better display performance and off of this tool I can actually go thing and actually pop ups individual subnet things and I can see different properties that show counts about the sub Network questions you're gonna have an aneurysm right now okay tracing tracing tracing is exposed essentially as a GP tool it's also exposed through our services everything's this everything is exposed through services inside this system okay there rest endpoints that you can hit directly and all the rest now the nice thing about tracing is it is a framework if you look at the GP tools that we have inside the utility network toolbox there's only one trace tool there's not an upstream trace tool there's not a downstream trace tool there's not a you know loop detection trace tool inside our GP tools or a rest endpoint there's only one trace on the rest endpoint there's only one trace tool but it's incredibly highly configurable are you gonna give a demo on that no can I take this phone call okay come on focus we're running out of time okay network diagram so that's our mechanism for allowing you to see get a schematic or a logical representation of your data it's very easy to use and configure you're gonna as we move forward you're going to be able to see more and more editing capabilities including being able to edit the attributes of the Associated features from within diagram space the holy grail of course would be able to do feature creation within network diagrams I'm sure there are crack development team is working on that one already but you can do your white space management you can go and rearrange your diagrams you can configure these things very heavily you can create new layout algorithms it's a very nice framework for managing your schematic or your logical representations of your data you can also set up when you define your we defined tiers within your domain networks for each sub network you can have a schematic diagram created or a network diagram created automatically when you're updating your sub networks okay so you always have a consistent logical representation of your sub networks inside the system oh yeah I said all that I said that again let's keep going validating validation of the utility network is much like a topology validation it's following the same model basically what we're gonna do is during the validation process we're gonna go and tease apart all the geometries all the associations look at the rule base we're gonna then establish connectivity go and index the connectivity index the association's that containment the structural attachment things and we're gonna go and tease through look at all the rules that you defined on the utility network for managing what constitutes valid connectivity or not if there is any ambiguity or you're trying to connect something together that should not be connected together based upon your rule base will throw an error such as trying to hook your transformer to a pressurized sewer pipe that will generally result in an error when you do a validation if you properly configure you utility network when rules are Val are violated we're not going to fail the process what we do is we end up creating error features that you can then inspect and figure out what's going on with your underlying network and correct them this is much like the ArcGIS topology experience and as we were saying earlier we're trying to do the grand unification of that the validation rule framework the validation framework to make topology network data sets utility networks data reviewer everything have a similar look and feel a similar workflow okay they're all very similar but a little bit different we're trying to bring them all together and so you'll see a lot of interesting advancement in this in this domain through the course of this year an early end of next year transaction model we'd like to talk to me yeah it's all new branch versioning you can do high isolation now today much as you can today as well as short transaction I think Tom talked about that earlier okay benefits no need to reconcile and compressed Tom talked about that earlier on good performance and you do have temporal capabilities you can go wind back inside time attribute rules okay I know for this oh I bet it's a great one let's stick to PowerPoint let's see attribute rules are used they can be used right now calculation rules for populating values such as PLA is equal to the value at field be concatenated with field C with two colons in between you can create arcade expressions to configure these attribute calculation rules in order to do this when you're editing your data they you can also create rules that will determine whether or not the feature isn't a valid configuration you may say that field a must be equal to 10 times field B if it's not throw an error when you're trying to persist it that would be an attribute constraint rule those are all part of the existing product we're working very aggressively to extend their arcade language to incorporate more capabilities such as being able to do some searching if I'm contained within this other type of feature do something different ok and arcade is intended to run across the platform you will see it running both in Pro desktop you'll be able to see it running in geo analytics you'll be able to see it in the portal web map viewer you'll be able to see it ultimately inside runtime and mobile and you'll also be able to see it in online at some point in time it's basically our language that's going to allow you to do cross-platform scripting it's very much like JavaScript but it's not JavaScript so we don't have the security problems we we actually fully control the language and we can make it run safely in multi-tenant databases types calculation rules and constraint rules with this release yeah I am stealing that yep I'm stealing the projection ok here we go we're a we're gonna zoom into this little area as we said we're modeling the real world so I've zoomed in to a location where I've got a collection fused assembly with the individual fuses that are tapped off of this overhead line so we're going from a three phase overhead down to a two phase overhead as the label indicates so what we're going to actually show is just the attribute rule constraint behavior so if I select this feature the label again is indicating that it is a B phase fuse as we know fuses in the real world can only actually protect a single phase not multiples so therefore I would like to enforce a nice attribute rule or constraint that says the value 4 phases current must be a value representing a single phase now we have a domain assigned to the phases current that domain has all the potential 7 combinations of phase potential values here so if I go ahead and I click on BC but I'm not gonna click yet the reason why I've gotta have a disclaimer here I'm running to 2 and this is actually the first time I've tested this because the editing team installed this nice optimization good luck with 2.1 anytime you would do an edit this is pro right it would pass that as an apply edits the future service as described earlier that's where the attribute rules all kick in at the geodatabase behind that feature service so you can imagine every time you're editing in the pro client it's just passing those edits oh god it attribute rule failed comes back with the air telling you it failed that's a pretty wasteful round-trip just to find out that it failed that forces the user to redo their edits with the appropriate values now this is pretty cool now the editor says hey as you are editing I am evaluating the rules assigned to that class so immediately when I click on that value nothing has gone to the database you can see the error that is presented that's kind of you're not even paying attention anymore you can see the rule violated attribute constraint rule and as one who defines the rules themselves you get to specify the error number because if you're doing something programmatically you may want to trap for that error number and do conditional logic and then return the error message you feel is appropriate fuse phases current value must be a single phase value and then I'm showing ABCD energized or unknown you need to find a grammar check or online do you guys not like that it's that all you add yes cuz you've got more slime okay editing let's see editing one of the nice things is as as Tom was describing there we're having the editor team incorporate deeper integration into our frameworks to be able to detect these things very rapidly when you're editing the features not just when they're going to store we've also worked with the editing team inside Pro to allow them to better integrate with our metadata to be able to set up the snapping environment automatically based upon the connectivity rules that you have specified so that when you're editing you can't snap and connect things together that shouldn't be according to your rule base ok that's pretty nice let's talk a little bit about the service based architecture ok here we have a diagram on the top we have the pro client we also have the manage STC SDK that's what rich was describing earlier this morning then that's all conceptually sitting up on top of the geo database on the client side the geo database then communicates with the arcgis enterprise through of course json and it will hit the feature service this feature service itself is exposed to a rest api which will then sit on top of the geo database the geo database on the backend as is communicating client-server to enterprise to you databases behind the services ok now the feature service was extended as Tom was describing for apply edits to be able to support a more sophisticated transaction model as well we've introduced some new services the utility network service to do things such as tracing sub network management export sub networks all the key things that you want to do with a utility network there's a network diagram service for building and maintaining and managing your network diagrams that itself is a separate service a new service that was introduced at 10 6 and 2 1 and finally there's a version management service that can be used for other data set types that's doing all things versioning basically creating versions deleting versions altering versions reconcile posting things of that nature ok now we expect we we fully expect our partners to complete the solution here we don't have a complete solution out of the box we provide a great framework that then you can work with the ESRI solutions team as well as other business partners to complete the solution and do what you need inside your organization or if you're really good at programming just do it yourself you can of course roll your own if you feel the need five years later okay yeah moving to the utility network partners are key here providing capabilities that allow you to migrate your data we also are providing various different data models through the solutions team for things such as water gas electric and you'll see more for fiber and other things as they come online the capabilities and there are various different pieces of technology out there to allow you to move your data across now it's all about growing the platform it's completely service based it's sitting on arcgis enterprise all the core and so then you have the desktop your devices as well as your web clients being able to access those rest api so now although today we do not have we do not have like the JavaScript SDK for doing web app development extended to support the utility network directly you still can write web apps that hit the rest endpoint you'll just do a little bit heavier lifting hitting those JSON endpoints we've seen people already being able to do editing and trace tools and tracing functionality through Web Apps who read it already who read the really cool blog about how to do this in JavaScript that came out yeah like a week ago a week ago yeah by swinging cool yeah so just go look at our blogs it shows how to do it in JavaScript do tracing how many of you knew we had blogs [Laughter] another epic failure okay let's finish this thing up basically it's all about building a better framework what we do is we have at the bottom we have the ArcGIS platform Enterprise all that we built the utility network on top of the framework on top of that we then see the solutions teams providing utility network configurations maps and apps and models and all the rest on top of that and then finally partners sit on top of all of that and complete the solutions for our end user community for you guys so we finished with a minute to spare perfect I can do another demo oh just turn to 11 o'clock no no if you want to give it them up go for it oh okay any quick questions they're fleeing again yes they are okay well anyway we'll be back at the island is the island still open only your Island I don't know well sorry next year you can ask some questions island yeah I know whatever skipper knows really okay any quick questions yeah no no you can only it'll always be a complete graph but you just can define what things are enabled and disabled you define the valid paths within the complete graph yeah isolation traces and we just kind of the completely separate aside what's the consideration we made the switch to go to the network how do I secure my plate data while hosting at everything else to the hold on so I know it's public free public information kind of thing well first we would recommend that you pour the inside plant into the utility network because you can do richer analysis and better detailing I'm sorry good good the second part is personally I would never put a production dataset publicly accessible I'd make a copy of that to share out right but during that sharing model so even you have a clone of your utility network that you're sharing for public interfacing you can limit the access based on what web maps you share so the web map could actually stop and not include the inside plant
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 2,571
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, Erik Hoel, Rick Anderson, Tom Brown, Larry Young, Esri Developer Summit 2018, Esri DevSummit 2018, Esri Technical Sessions
Id: GX-HhYjbHL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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