Inside Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh's Unconventional World

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one of the more unusual bosses in the world Tony Hsieh CEO of the online shoe company Zappos were theory a billion dollars but you would never know it based on where he lives and Rebecca Jarvis shows us meet the most unconventional boss in America by some estimates nearly a billion dollars 41 year-old Tony Shea the CEO of online shoe company Zappos could live anywhere but he's choosing to live here in this 240 square foot trailer in downtown Las Vegas that's down here there's a shower bathroom inviting our cameras in exclusively to show us around this converts to a bed that converts into a bed and this is your workspace yep you're definitely different than your typical billionaire CEO hi Carol my about experiences and stuff introducing us to his neighbor pack up Marley and four chickens a bunch of us decided to move in for a week and then we enjoyed it so much they decided to stay Shay owns the trailer park as part of his 350 million dollar investment to rebuild downtown Las Vegas the Zappos headquarters just a few blocks away in the clear you'll find a star wars-themed conference room even a wall music I like that way what you won't find managers or any clear sense of hierarchy who's the boss remove us you're the boss we actually are encouraging employees to move around to fill multiple roles if they want or try out one and if it doesn't work out then go and try out another one it's a strategy that didn't go over well with everyone 14% of employees left the company when it was first introduced scary because nobody knew what was gonna happen but for those who stayed hurts like this employees can give each other it need all our bonuses for good work I have about eight of them that I've earned it's such a great environment you want to be here even on your day off and if shoes aren't your thing don't worry they're not Tony's either so you have four pairs of shoes including bloomers for Good Morning America Rebecca Jarvis ABC News Las Vegas you
Channel: ABC News
Views: 77,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CEO, Zappos, Tony, Hsieh, billionaire, trailer, park, shoes, ABC, News
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2015
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