Inside Worlds BIGGEST WOODEN ´´OCEAN GOING´´ SAILING SHIP! The Götheborg of Sweden! Full Tour Vlog

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hi guys and welcome back to our YouTube channel I'm really excited because today we're going to be touring the world's biggest wooden sailing ship to the gutterborg let's go [Music] [Music] foreign this is the 18th century replica of a ship that sank outside gothamber Harbor just a few hundred meters from its Home Port right now we are on our second voyage to Asia in 2005 to 2007 she made her maiden voyage around the Africa coast and to China the Canton area where the original ship sailed to and home again and like I said now we are on a second voyage we are in the Mediterranean area right now and next year we are going to Asia thank you and enjoy the rest of the Tour all right let's go on board but hey how epic you've got the gun ports right here 10 cannons are actually located on this ship we're going to be talking about that at a later stage and yeah I welcome myself on board the first time in my life that I've actually been on a wooden Sailing Boat and it has to be one of the biggest ones so I'm really excited and the sheer dimensions of this ship are incredible hello welcome to our Channel I'm your one your deck hand on board so that means I'm a part of the there is about 50 decant and then there's about 20 professional crew and as a deckhand you have varying amount of experience but you don't need experience to come on board okay but you are very experienced I am I I mean he does look very experienced he's also got the the muscles that you need for the Rope pulling the jerking of the ropes and so forth so yeah I'll do my best now I have a question to you right I read that we have 58 meters from bow to stern right yeah who walks on this is it just the professional crew is it also the other people no non-professional no we use everything and uh all the like uh so uh from and the 58 meters is from the back all the way to the end out there yeah on the Bow Street and the gym boom let's go a little bit closer look yeah yeah sure all right so how do you call this it's called the bowel spread power spread it's the big thing uh the big stick going up and then there's a smaller one you see on the side it's called the Jeep boom boom do you ever jump off it I I have actually done it once but uh it was quite scary but yeah I have done it once super cool yeah yeah and at all these ropes being used yes awesome just decorative no no everything is being used no nothing is here because it's a decoration some are like this one for example this you hold on to and this one is a safety line for your uh harness okay so you clip in when you go out so that you don't fall Johannes also one of the crew members who climbs up the crow Nest we're gonna put it in a detail shot not him climbing but of what I mean so you're not afraid of heights you do not get water sick either right no I I don't but some people do and seasick and I know some people who are professionals they also get seasick and but most of the time you get used to it within a few days okay because unfortunately guys we are at Bay right is that how you call it at Harbor and we're not really moving much but I'm still very sensitive to it I'm not going to say I'm seasick but I can imagine how it feels to get seasick yeah now we have as well these boats are those four rescue or do you guys actually use it so these both are our ship's boats uh and yes back in the 1700s they could be used for rescue we use them more for a recreational like all sailing rowing and things like they use it for a bed as well because I've actually just seen maybe you can pick up because you won't see his face there's someone sleeping there that's really cool obviously you're maximizing the space here you're a big crew yeah so wherever you can find a quiet place to be that's where you go to do your Spanish sisters right exactly super so along here what do we have at the far end so at the forehand up up ahead we have the sun deck uh it's a raised area in the back and then if we go on in underneath we can go ahead and let's have a look at the helm where we steal the ship wait one second did you just climb all the way up did you get scared no what did you have to do up there okay for preparation for tomorrow's Voyage yeah exactly it's a flagpole so we can look beautiful in Port of course it has no support so uh out at Sea it's not so good to have it up I understood super this thing is quite cool uh it's called the Capstone manual winch so you can use it for you put a rope around it and then you can put um oh wow okay I see you guys probably seen this in movies where they all so this is a Capstone bar and you can put a bar in each and then you get a lot of power uh like a winch basically yeah but what do you power with this uh us yeah but okay yeah so what is the purpose so if you need to lift anything heavy like parts of the rigging and things like I understand now back in the 1700s they would lift the anchor with it okay and you can still do it today but then they had rope now we have a chain so um and um it's a bit of a complicated procedure but you cannot put the actual anchor cable or chain around it uh so you to put a messenger a separate rope that just goes right understood and then the people will tie it to the Anchor cable or a chain yeah and then when it comes here uh you um you take it off and then it's all yeah it's an operation it's a big procedure easier just to lift people up to the Crow's Nest yeah all right mostly enough people but by the way before we move on to the second deck there how many sales do we have and how many masks because I asked you before if this is a fully rigged ship and you said that usually you wouldn't call it such so but yes yes tell me a little bit about it the rigging is called a full rigger and that means you have at least three mosques and you have all the mods are fully Square rigged so that means you have these Square sails on the most uh so uh and so this the sticks going horizontal they're called yards okay and yeah we have them all the mods so this is full rig chip but back in the 1700s you would call this an East India man and all the East India men were full rigid ships right so it wasn't like uh um it's a little bit more uh modern thing to call it a food chip well we are modern people so yeah ship very interesting very impressive I'm mind blown guys I think now it's time just to head one deck higher and explore what else there is or should we go here yeah we can have a look at the helm first maybe the helm guys it's like the steering wheel for the ship as you can see here we have the steering wheel or the helm and so this is where you steer the ship uh and as you might be able to uh see or not see you don't actually see so much yeah that's actually that's a good point because when I was here first I was wondering why the helm is here if you have absolutely no visibility you do see a little bit to the left and to the right but it doesn't work yeah it's uh so so the reason for this uh is that uh yeah you you get uh you will be standing here yes or more precisely about here uh and you will be staring by a compass course so here we have the compass we also have one on the other side uh so you get a Compass Course from the officer of the watch of course uh and the officer on the watch is usually standing up here uh or here in the navigation cabin where we have all the navigation equipment because we also have a skylight right would you have someone stand up there and then tell you yes perfectly and you also said before hello sir how are you that this is from the ship that sank in 1745 right the original got a book and that's one of the pieces that they actually managed to store yeah yeah get out then just to be sure this black piece and this black so it's a very little piece but yeah I can almost say this is a reconstruction of the original one ship but uh and here is the the cruise Oni area we're not going to be showing it guys this is the area where the crew obviously goes to relax yeah this this is actually this is Captain's Quarters okay so this is where the jacuzzi is right the fun stuff exactly no it's unfortunately it's just two cabins and a office right privileged right there's an office next to uh his bed let's continue this way maybe a quick look into the bathroom here yes because I find that really interesting first you have a very nice turning knobs and the bathrooms as such are very compact but super utile you've got everything you need I actually used it before and it took me 10 minutes to find the flush which is just at the bottom right so what I did I had to go and ask the the actual captain of the boat I said excuse me can you help me to find where to flush the toilet anyways the guy had better things to do now this Bell here when do you ring it uh well we this particular we don't drink very much but you we have another Bell up ahead when you ring it uh to keep the time will I get in trouble if I just hit it once you can do it once I'm for sure very gently yeah yeah like that's okay now everyone will come out we have a hatch here yeah the hatch leads down we'll come to that section in a later stage shall we now explore what we find above and what's the deck you call I said Spar deck but it's not we call it the sun like sun deck that's where all the people Santan nude right when you're out in the ocean no one can see it all right let's go up then all right the sun deck so I don't want to do a spoilers but as you have seen it was a very traditional Helm and a traditional way of navigating but in order to still navigate the Seas they would have to have modern technology so I'm just gonna spoil it for the viewers and open it real quick because you have a fur Dinkum installation here but maybe for the better light yeah everything to navigate the ship right exactly so you have uh yeah you have a log you have an electronic charts and you have the engine control and so forth so uh different and the wind meter and so forth shows the wind directions super so it's yeah quite cool all right but uh hit then as you see it's uh the ship is uh it's supposed to look like it was in the 1700s so many of these electronics and things they are hidden I have to say I love that very much that when you step on board of the ship it feels like you're going back in a time capsule nearly 200 years ago when this ship was doing The Voyage to China and collecting porcelain and other trading Goods but yeah so this is the Skylight right exactly that we have seen before so so down here you have the the helm and up here often the officer of the watch will stand here and do navigation and what they can also do is that you can remove this piece here ah okay super um and then you can shout your orders um come more starboard or a more port or bring me a coffee something like that exactly like that but this is also great by the way everything on ships always is hooked in so that when you have turbulence for instance are turbulances yeah if you like moving too much things don't go out of place and that's just a perfect example as well on how they installed it here exactly super cool and like for example here we have a compass oh wow so so the also the officer of the watch can keep track of that and you can actually rig a little thing which you can cite so if you have a lighthouse or something you can site down along the compass and you can get a bearing and then you can cite for example something else and then you can you can get a Crossing position on your the chart and you you can get your position and things like that can I ask you does it also work like Jack Sparrow's compass that it takes you wherever your heart wants to go only if you believe so it's really cool then obviously right behind it the flag is waving exactly and and yeah we have the big Flag Staff we have uh yeah we have a big this is quite decorative and big but it's decorative but also very useful it keeps the this Stern uh part supported and yeah we have more more Modern Life boys of course in case someone would fall overboard yeah we have a raft in case someone fall overboard where it's a very small raft but then you push this overboard so the person in the water can get something to cling onto talking about that obviously you would use it emergencies only I've read that the original Gothenburg it sank as it was coming back from its first voyage right yeah from China exactly in the shores of Gothenburg yes exactly there was no real reason why it actually sank right it's it's a the because people don't know historians are trying to figure out the exact reason of why it happened I mean what happened was that it hit a rock a very well known Rock okay but and there is speculation because the ship was getting a bit old the speculation whether it was a insurance fraud or so um the pilot because as you get into Port you always have a pilot experienced person who knows and they had a pilot and he was blamed uh but the weather was good the conditions were good so and luckily all crew members survived right exactly exactly all right guys I'd say we go back down and discover what's to be found right beneath us yeah so let's take these tests down which are very steep and see what we find let's go right guys let's go down the hatch and see what we find all right we are at the second deck now this area is at the back and it's basically reserved for the professional staff as it was said before you would have 20 members who are professionals and the rest would join to help and they would sit there and do the work and we're just going to give a really quick hello we don't want to disturb them at all all right this is where they find the peace and quiet to work as you can see the atmosphere is very work-like so we don't want to interrupt them as much so I would say we leave them in peace and head back outside to explore what else we find on this level so let's go all right we have a tiny little kitchenette here I think it's so cute and we've seen so many kitchenettes in our property tours but this one is on a ship the world's biggest wooden sailing ship so it's a big pleasure to be here there are obviously more kitchens we have the doctor's cabin there a nice little book Library this is the chief Engineers cabin maybe just a quick glance there's some private stuff all right guys this is the Canon room stories say that before it had 30 iron cast cannons but now only 10 I remember we're actually going to be seeing how they're shooting some of the Bulls out tomorrow as they leave to Nice France right here as well maybe put a little Glimpse onto it because this is the cargo that the Indian man was actually traveling with importing from China of 830 tons of cargo space below us and it would fill it with porcelain plates from China and so forth this space is also where they eat where they come and maybe relax after a long day of working hard maybe come a little bit closer to show the cannon it's a real Cannon as I said it shoots out guys gonna repair the sale we're going to check that out as well later so obviously this is like an ecosystem everything works and functions Patrick this door just to quickly explain where it goes yeah real quick this store goes down and down there we have sleeping quarters we'll come to that later so yeah ecosystem ladies and gentlemen everything has to function well there has to be a good flow here you need to be able to repair things cook do your own carpentry and we have Johan here once again hello hello who's going to invite us for a little bite to eat and a little exactly open okay bro hot bread let's have a look because that cannot be missing right yeah exactly super perfect so they have to own carpentry room basically so whenever they come across a problem with the wood they come and immediately do it I and maybe we'll just have a quick look inside no yeah yeah exactly once I eat my basil yeah exactly all right so yeah we have the Carpenters Workshop here they uh do all kinds of repairs and things whatever is needed to be done we have we have bandsaw different shows and yeah all kinds of equipment whichever you need so do you think this is a fully functioning service room that you could basically fix anything my brakes on the boat on the ship yeah you can fix a lot maybe you can't fix everything yeah okay yeah you can fit everything for sure absolutely what is this actually it's really here it's a block uh so it's uh it changes the lead of a rope so a rope will go through here and it comes out and now they're doing a special solution here with a leather to prevent the ropes from getting yeah so it's uh they're working on it and it's this musky smell that we we experience here because of the tar on the hand props yeah exactly uh exactly and this particular rope is out of a different fiber it's Manila but here is a hemp rope and this is stored uh Manila is occasionally tall this one it's also a natural fiber from Philippines and very strong we have a quite an impressive piece of wood it's called a bit uh it's as you can see there's a rope around it here extremely solid yeah it's a this is where they put anchor cable belayed it in the 1700s and yeah now we put our boring lines and your breath yes exactly we serve food here so theoretically ladies and gentlemen this would be a countertop made out of solid wood in order to serve your breakfast on you would have a Barman behind there serving cocktails perfect something as such right a solid yeah very loud it's really solid I have to say yeah exactly I would say it's Benchmade ladies and gentlemen Welcome to our Channel all right alongside this passage as well we have more obviously as I said at the beginning or maybe I didn't everything is very utile in the space here they had to maximize everything and that's why you find a lot of cool little perks in corner so Johan what do we have here yeah we have a lot we have a food elevator for example to get the Queen's swings quickly up and down so this is a very luxurious yeah yeah it's quite cool and your element it's um it goes up and down and yeah it's uh it saves a lot of job and so yeah okay it's even got some stuff in there yeah some stuff probably I should send it down so yes send it down to them maybe they can but yeah here we have the paint Locker oh yeah paint uh tour and have a look please uh it's uh oh very strong smell yeah yeah yeah oh wow this is cozy but someone must really spend a lot of time painting her you know right so you've got your paint brushes a lot of colors but like I said look at this space it's so condensed so cozy I love it ah oh yeah it's a and we keep it in a separate space with a separate ventilation so not to get too much of the smell and so forth of course I understand and here we go down to the kitchen exactly which I think we should just have a quick look at because it's a really cool kitchen fully equipped as you know let's go now guys before we head down to the kitchen and the lower deck let's give a plug for Vasa really yummy and I just had a few of them with butter amazing so thank you for the sponsorship just kidding but can't be missing let's look at the kitchen now now all right so guys this is the kitchen they're actually full in process of preparing lunch for the entire crew may I ask you what you're doing to cook today doing and the Caribbean chicken stove do you mind if we stay and also have some of that of course maybe I can give you a hand and we prepare some extra food look at this guy he's two meters tall so he'll eat a lot so is this where all the food is always prepared yeah [Music] are you the chef super cool good Dynamic group the food is good I heard so I look forward to it thank you all right now guys obviously this is the main kitchen which has everything from all the appliances this is more like the dirty Kitchen where you come you wash the plates you've got running water obviously hi and what's your job here uh kitchen duty yeah cool so making more coffee between a lot of coffee here I can imagine I must try coffee please you must give me a bit of a sweet is this Swedish coffee yes yes I have a lot not sponsored but well maybe we can plug it and get a nice sponsorship in we did that for the Vasa I mean we mentioned Vasa like 10 times so yeah we have very happy to be here the ship for you uh no it's kind of the second time I sailed last summer as well but now I've been on for about one and a half months wow so I started in riverhaven and I'm sailing on tennis nice what's What's something you like the most about your experience on the ship well sailing yeah a huge fan of sailing and it's actually yet the boy who made me like want to work with this full-time okay wow cool so I actually studied at the Danish schoolship earlier this year so I'm an educated sailor so I was going for my full-time job super cool yeah happy to hear that do you like the people that are here yeah you can be honest some people are weird here I'm just kidding but you do get very intimate with a lot of people yeah you get really close it's kind of sad now that today is changing day so exactly like the people that you just started to get to know they're leaving so guys this is a lesson for Life nothing's permanent the only constant is change so get used to that things come and go right there's yeah it's kind of set of people leaving but it's really fun to meet new people of course and also like some old people was staying as well so it's like really fun to yeah keep getting to know and now tell me a little secret is her cooking any good yeah yeah okay good I'm really excited all right thank you so much for that uh yeah and to enjoy the rest of your day thank you all right what's what's behind here by the way just to come back um so down there we have like the freezers we must see that yeah yeah should we go Patrick yes let's go all right so obviously they go on long trips so you must have this big ass industrial kitchens kitchens fringes I'm a little bit dizzy because it's really moving down here you can really feel it let's open it up and have a look inside obviously you have meat all the things that need to be freezed and this one is really cold and I'm sure people will actually go in here for like a minute when they get too warm [Music] along here we have a little storage room with a lot of things let's look inside okay this is pumpernickelberg Patrick you love this so obviously you're stocked up here on really good things or rails you like Oreos super cool and you would have another massive freezer here with more like vegetable kind of stuff I don't know if Patrick will you get it yeah for Dinkum so basically this is just a storage place for the kitchen you have another little sink kitchenette area there and a lot of Machinery to control the upper kitchen now let's go upstairs all right kitchen first class ladies and gentlemen as you have seen we have even toured some properties where the kitchen wasn't as nice and utilized as the one below now by the way if you look I'm 183 Patrick in Valley walk here because you have the structural beams which I think at 190. so Patrick has a good 10 centimeters of hitting space do you think that's because the people were much smaller back in the days yeah partly and also actually this was even lower back in the days oh wow so yeah it's a you tried to save the space yeah so you have the duck so this is kind of like uh your what is this it's called the yeah this is a storage uh up uh you have to keep all kind of tools and sledgehammers and access yeah and then all kinds of equipment that is needed is this where you put the Prisoners the ones who misbehave yeah should we have a look at it real quick then how do I open this because I'm so basically I just grab hold away okay wow and it's all that uh so if we don't keep it open this is for me to hold yeah exactly and what is this is this for the anchor uh yes that's the anchor windlass and it's a we can also use it for pulling in Mooring lines and the lines that we tied about today if you look at the curve and the thickness of the ropes it's quite insane all right let's go downstairs and see what we find see you guys later all right guys this is the storage room and I love it this has so much Charisma and character and I was reading that they have over 10 tons of rope and let's just give a real quick look into it and there's a Musky smell going on in the entire ship and that's because of the tar that's been used to put around the Rope so that no fungus grows onto it smells like like a bullying yeah like the whiskey incredible and then obviously you have all the Machinery to work here there's a further place here Patrick do you think I should go down there too wow okay but you're gonna you're gonna let me back out aren't you sure all right let's go but wait what are all these blocks so so many pieces of things here so many hatches and holes to climb into wow okay so there's also a guy or one person in charge that has to go into all these one it's it's the whole crew it's one by one it's rotating all right yeah it's our that each hour they have to go into every room of the ship to look if there is no fire so there's a lot of walking around as I said it's 58 meters from bow to stern but the square meters I don't know probably going to put it in there approximately how much it is now let's turn around because there's also this part here and you can see what I mean with all the Rope they have imagine you're out in the sea and you suddenly miss something so it's good you have so much storage space to put all the essential parts and yeah take them and as I said 830 tons of storage space on this ship let's squeeze back out again no Patrick let's go right wow I love these compact rooms super util as I said before everything in the ship now where do we go from here because there's still so much to show let's go back to the Cannons this leads up to the the weather like basically the deck of the ship up where you're outside right are these puking buckets for people who don't feel good with the sea sickness do they puke in these buckets no they don't uh they but this is for food waste and this is for uh when you're finished with your food you put your plates and okay so I'm not as interesting huh all right it has happened that people have puked in buckets of course come on it's not a standard use I said that these are cast iron cannons we're gonna see you guys shoot them out tomorrow as you are going on your Voyage exactly no not back but to knees yeah exactly and there we have the bedroom so maybe we should go explore it real quick the cabins that we find there so yeah let's go no all right guys this is the sleeping cabin this is where people snore and when they do they get kicked out off the ship Isabella yes Isabella is the person in charge and thanks to her we were actually managed to get this tour very spontaneously done so thank you so much for it and Isabella is also an expert and tying knots so what do we have here well this is one of The Hammocks so when you when you sleep down here I said they can't most people sleep in hang marks and then you have one hammock here and then the other one here so you see very close next to each other yeah yeah side but you also go like go like how do you actually get up on this because it's quite high up you have to go out here okay pull I've gone all right so I hold myself yeah just flip up yeah all right this is this is good yeah what do you do then you could have a little pillow I recommend having a pillow underneath the knees and a little pillar here just a small one I'm gonna sleep like this like a mummy what if you need to pee that's quite inconvenient to come back out are you gonna get wrong good biceps cool all right yeah and yeah for the people who don't sleep in hammocks like if you have a back problem or something you can also sleep in the in the bank okay let's actually have a look at them now they're cleaning they're cleaning yeah exactly I think I mentioned it at the beginning I'm not sure but they're having the turnover so many people who were the staff before come join us before I now leaving and are being exchanged by other people and they sleep here which one would you actually prefer hammock or traditional bed I really like The Hammocks yeah this is also hammock space you see all the numbers they correlate so we have 46 47. this is as far as privacy goes on the boat ladies and gentlemen yeah yeah that's very much privacy this is this is quite private I have to say No One's Gonna See you pick your nose or any other stuff cool and this is the the space you get for your bag so don't bring too much clothes you won't need a lot anyways because you get like pants and sweaters and stuff from us solid yeah yeah that's just a room of a sink right a bathroom a bathroom you have a shower yeah let's look at the shower there's also another room you wanted to show us exactly I can show you the so that's kind of like um amazed on this shift because the safe device we need to have a lot of emergency exits and entries I have a question here right so you shower here yep do you have a time limit on how long you can shower and what about the people because I know a few people like to shower for like 20 30 minutes ah you're not allowed to do it no is there a time limit uh we don't have a specific time limit but it's not it's like um you can't I mean like we have the system where you have to put this on for it to go on for a longer time and this little ride I get it's one of these push buttons it's your own responsibility to not use too much water so it so we can have water for everyone and yeah sharing is caring I'm presume some people maybe shower together to save the water it's common on trips yes we have been on a submarine yeah here in Malaga and they said ciao together save water yeah no job that's nice at least had minimum four people here is um yeah one of the emergency exits going down into the pump room or engine room or back out to the first deck uh yeah back up all right I have a question because I see that you also have more private cabins here four rooms and one for the crew how can you become so lucky to be in one of the more private rooms but then you have to to do like a whole education to be able to work on you need to have a title a doctor exactly you know the people working here are like the assistant watch leader the watch leaders so like high ranking officials which is also nice because they also live in the same space so yeah cool right super we've got one of them here hello hello all right let's go back upstairs I say and see what else we can find here I've hit in my head like two times and I've bumped into pillars so often but I think you get used to it once you start living here now let's go upstairs again all right perfect ladies and gentlemen I love it down there I would actually want to sleep in a hammock now we have this gentleman here who is repairing a sale is that his only job yes it is all you do is repair cells no but I presume he has the other duties as well right no he's just saying Michael oh wow so he's the master of the sales of which I read we have 2 000 square meters of area size just quite a lot yeah it's quite a lot it has been um it has been used so it's 15 years old it's uh and these are made out of linen all handsome so it's a yeah very uh a very heavy weighs one kilo per square meter wow how much one kilo per square wow and the thick rope that holds it together would that be hemp yes it is yes it is yes guys this is heavy I'm just lifting a little partial piece of it so when you lift the sails yeah right this must be quite a heavy physical workout it is it is for sure we do get strong or we don't pull it up you stuck out and see yeah exactly perfect we're back where we started on this level and what do we do now Patrick I think we might just go back up to the top yeah oh wait I also read if you look at the Mast that it's made out of 18 different Pine Woods yes that's true that's true of course yeah I do know some things yeah yeah it's good it's good perfect well let's go back upstairs and finish the tour so bye bye all right guys wow what's an experience if you enjoyed it so far do make sure to give us a like and thumbs up and to also hear a big thank you to Johan let's go up first ah sunlight must be a nice feeling when you come out from under the deck of hard work to the sun and the Open Sea I would just like to say a big thank you to you for you know taking us on this tour and being so explicit in the details I can really see that you have a big Fascination in the work you do and it's actually really nice to see the passion behind it so thank you thank you very much and we do wish you on behalf of all the Mario Brother followers and ourselves a safe journey to nice tomorrow thank you very much thank you all right hello this is Isabella again you met me downstairs and I'm gonna tell you a bit more about the opportunities of sailing with the ship so we are going to go now from from Malaga we're gonna go to nice and then maleta and then Barcelona we still have some spots left for those links if you would like to make a last minute reservation and otherwise we are gonna sail from Barcelona in March to Asia in September 2023 if you are interested in sealing with us keep an eye out on our website and social media and check the description box below for that information and also if you are interested in getting an Insight in how how it is to live and work on the ship you will have an opportunity to do that in Barcelona we are open for volunteers and we are also open to public to the public during the weekends so yeah you can read more on our website and hope to see you on board foreign [Music]
Views: 602,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marobrothers, götheborg ship, gothenburg sweden, largest wooden ship built, largest wooden ship still sailing, largest wooden ships, east india company ship, swedish ship gothenburg, swedish ship götheborg, 18th century ship sailing, 18th century ship tour, 18th century ships still in existence, shipwreck, Yacht, super yacht, mega yacht, megayacht, yacht tour, yacht walkthrough, Yacht Lifestyle, Charter Experience, Yacht Charter, Yacht Charter Experience, mega yacht tour, malaga
Id: wuNnb10mR-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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