Inside US Navy Most Advanced Patrol Boat Patrolling Water at High Speed

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all right hello everyone and welcome back to the fluctus channel [Music] the U.S Navy's Mark 6 Patrol boat first entered service in 2016. [Music] however these 15 million dollar vessels have proven among the most formidable boats in the fleet in that short time so far only a dozen Mark sixes have been entered into service where they Patrol riverine and literal Waters close to shore at 84 feet long and 144 000 pounds it's clear that a lot of technology and weaponry goes into each ship but despite their bulk the mark VI's are known to reach speeds of up to 45 knots or 52 miles per hour [Music] among the offensive weapons on board are two mc38 25 millimeter chain guns several 50 caliber machine guns and gun mounts for mk19 grenade launchers [Music] with its impressive speed and versatility the Mark 6 is ideal for many uses related to Maritime peacekeeping and Border enforcement look smart okay we don't want this operation to go great and [Music] due to the boat's highly Advanced nature Mark VI Crews had to undergo extensive training before taking control of an actual vessel [Music] the ships can operate with a complement of 10. three of which will be in the Pilot House at any given time each boat is fully networked as well with a command control communication and surveillance Suite to provide enhanced awareness and Mission support [Music] this is evident in the many flat screen monitors mounted throughout the ship another impressive feature of the Mark VI is its rear deck which can launch and recover small boats unmanned submersibles and unmanned aerial vehicles training with the various Weapons Systems aboard the Mark VI is also a crucial part of crew preparation like many other combat ready boats the Mark VI has multiple mounts where various types of machine guns can be mounted this team is in Bahrain in the Arabian Gulf performing a live fire test of the medium and heavy weapons on the ship's deck foreign in order to better simulate real Combat the team first creates an inflatable Target then circles around so that Gunners can Engage The Floating Target at various ranges while the Gunners operate the weapons spotters coach them on whether they need to aim higher lower or further to the side this helps the entire crew better understand how they might perform in a real Combat scenario in many cases Patrol boats like the Mark VI must partner with aerial counterparts like helicopters and planes these aircraft can move faster and see further than the boats can so they're able to inform them of potential threats or obstacles well ahead of time helicopters are also useful in the event there is an injury or accident aboard a Mark VI or other vessel these groups will frequently practice evacuation exercises to ensure they're able to perform if and when there is a real medical emergency [Music] such operations consist of a Mark VI calling for Airborne assistance the responding helicopter get into a hovering position above it from here a harness or stretcher can be lowered to retrieve the injured individual [Music] given the wind and motion of the water these operations are extremely delicate [Music] as the pilot must keep the aircraft directly above the boat so as not to put anyone involved at risk [Music] the United States Navy has an entire team dedicated to maintaining and operating small craft like Patrol boats and attack boats [Music] it's known as the special Warfare combat craft crewman or swcc all of the sailors that serve in the swcc undergo rigorous amphibious training in boating weapons tactics [Music] as well as how to support Navy Seals in their various Mission types for these individuals training can last up to 37 weeks foreign the swcc places a strong emphasis on weapons training [Music] as the types of missions these men and women are expected to participate in are often clandestine and therefore carry a high risk [Music] foreign special combat boats are typically armed with mini guns and machine guns capable of sending hundreds of rounds a minute at potential threats whether they're in the water or on the nearby Shore swcc training takes place all over the United States strong true true true particularly in the winding rivers and thick brush of the American South [Music] this team of trainees from special boat team 22 is conducting weapons training in Mississippi [Music] this particular tactic involves the boat moving down the river while the men aboard provide heavy cover fire [Music] at times the boat captain will actually spin the boat so that the Gunners can get a better idea of what it might be like to engage the enemy in real life these riverine Patrol boats are rigid hauled and armored but offer no protection for the men on board foreign therefore the tactic of firing as many bullets as possible into the surrounding Shoreline is crucial to prevent the enemy from targeting the boat in some combat scenarios a military might need a fast-moving heavily armed ship that is also capable of carrying troops to and from a specific area since 1991 the Swedish made cb90 class fast assault craft has been the go-to vessel for this type of operation the cb90 is 52 feet long and around 12 feet wide at the water line thanks to its powerful V8 diesel engines it can reach speeds of around 50 miles per hour foreign the real difference between the cv90 and a patrol boat class vessel is that the former can carry up to 21 amphibious troops and their equipment so in a situation where a platoon might need to get somewhere down river the boat can navigate the area quickly while using its machine guns and deck mounted grenade launchers to Stave off any potential attack [Music] foreign [Music] as with any fast-moving boat designed to operate in rivers or literal Waters maneuverability is essential for that reason captains and Crews practice regularly in a variety of different waterways the cb90 is capable of taking extremely sharp turns without the risk of capsizing and can adjust both its pitch and roll angle while underway in particularly shallow Waters it can utilize water jet propulsion instead of using propellers outside of Budapest Hungary a team of Hungarian Special Forces and U.S Navy special Warfare operators are testing their riverine capabilities in a multinational exercise known as Black Swan this includes the use of a variety of fast boats weapons and tactics designed to enhance each team's Cooperative abilities foreign boats and fast boats come in a variety of sizes and types which with its advantages and disadvantages thanks to Decades of technological advancement boats like the Mark VI and cb90 are able to carry more move faster and ensure as many soldiers as possible make it back home that's the end of this video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe to this channel so you don't miss any of our new content see you next time
Channel: Fluctus
Views: 5,037,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mark VI patrol boat, other riverine boats, Mark VI patrol boat interior, Mark VI training, SWCC training, Special Warfare Combat Craft Crewman, CB90 fast boat, Black Swan 21
Id: ypJ61xbQZwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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