Inside the TEXAS LONGHORNS’ $10,000,000 FOOTBALL Facility | Royal Key

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horns that with palms forward I was a college school we're gonna start again okay cut what's going on world brand new episode of Royal key there in your screen I'm your host Jorge killing I'm with Matt the creative director of football we've come to get a day in the life of a recruit here okay right so where are we right now right now we're in the locker room entryway and the football facility in front of our light wall this is where we do a lot of our photo shoots for recruits and our current players and it's kind of become the look for a Texas football awesome where are you taking us first we're gonna go into the locker room this is the locker room entrance right here we took the time to create a piece here so what we have is a photo of the players going on the field and the idea was to show the greats as I enter the field so you have been see on Michael Huff Cedric Benson Brian Iraq poke you know you can be the next long-horned great to visualize that so whenever you come in this locker room you know imagine yourself being one of these guys right now we're in our football locker room here we have 37 inch TVs on top of every single locker here that we can do custom name plates for each player we do these in front of the light wall outside the locker room each player gets a chance to show their personality any way they want for their screen we can also put photos graphics up in here players have a good game offense defense special teams each player gets their own 1015 second highlight video all right and we can put on so they can get a little bit of shine now I know the Longhorns are very prevalent in the NFL when they come back where do they actually have their stuff at well we have a whole section of lockers over here that will do custom name plates for for each guy that's in the NFL currently and then former greats like Vince Young now I'm seeing that Longhorns branded screen here so this is where we control all the music all the screens and everything throughout the locker room the gameday corridor the transport corridor to the equipment room so we can pump the music up [Music] [Applause] [Music] now 37 inch screens this one is actually the one that pops out the most tell me about this so this is a six panel screen that we have in here and we can customize it obviously we can do any kind of graphic we want anytime we want we can also customize the layout of the screen so right now we could have six panels for six different TV screens just all kinds of combinations for these guys now I must ask you with you being the creative director of football here walk me back through that time Herrmann came and just totally demolished a previous locker room that was a fun day there's an infamous clip where he swung in the hammer balance and he kind of fell over and I went a little bit viral but you know we took it down okay met you and your team creative directors of football what goes into getting that perfect photo on game day when game day we're just looking to capture any video elements photo elements anything that encompasses what Texas is all about you know we're trying to sell a good product to the fans but you know also for recruits we want workers to know this is the best place in America to play football so we have to figure out a way from a creative angle to show that to them because for what we do we're the front porch of the program so they're gonna see us on social media if they're not here and we have to make a good impression kind of walk me through that day from trying to get that shot to updating live on Instagram Twitter was actually going through your mind or do you have a strategy we know what our roles are gonna be doing in probably about Thursday so the graphics people know what they've got to do the photo people know what they're shooting video knows what they're shooting we know what we're gonna put out when we're gonna put it out how to get it from the field to the press box everything like this so we try to keep it to a system all right and how big is the team going through this entire process day-to-day full-time guys we have three become game day I'd say we probably have anywhere between nine to twelve people that will all pitch in plus student orders as a content creator how do you go about generating new ideas all the time I mean you're pumping out so much content everything has to be different so how do you go about that we kind of just go about what's going on that week you know if we have practice we're trying to figure out a way to show practice from a unique angle for its weight groups you know is it photos or videos how can we cover it so it doesn't just get stale all the time and then we also show what the team is doing so for example we had our defensive backs go out on Lake Travis for a team-building activity and so we sent Derek Ochoa up there and he videoed the whole thing and they were able to put that into a short energetic 30-second video so that shows recruits what it's like to be a player here but it also showcases Austin yeah you know in Texas football and that's perfect because a lot of people want to see the behind the scenes aspect more so than the field stuff that we rise to sing everybody loves access so we're able to give all access in a creative way you know so it keeps it exciting every time so right now we're in our gameday corridor and we can also set this for any kind of lighting setup we want what kind of event we want recruiting event we can bring the lights down and set the mood and they come game day we have a extra special lighting setup for that music's bangin players come through and get extra juice and then you cannot take the field without touching the horns and here we are DKR where all the magic happens and I'm gonna pass you off to show you a little bit more about the locker room in detail that's somewhat lower hallways now Jordan I know this whole renovation was ten million dollars and one of the awesome parts of it is a locker room the lockers to be exact tell us what's inside of here and what it looks like sure so long horn locker is a company out of Dallas did these for us and they've got these doors that open they pocket for us coach likes them closed for recruiting purposes so that they can kind of clean up and stay recruit ready at all times but when you get it open here we've got the helmet rack with the shoulder pads and this tray pulls out so you can have some easy access to it I see these glove racks here you can put shoes up here on the helmet rack here they've got this air vent that kind of keeps the helmets dry and then we got these drawers here for just different things some hanging space and they've got their own personal lock box here that's got charging outlets if they want to charge their iPads or phones or anything like that we'll have a bunch of cleats lifting shoes this underneath seat is kind of the space for obviously and the way this locker is is created is it easy for you guys on the equipment staff to kind of just you know clean it up yeah it is it's not too bad and we can throw stuff in different compartments shut the doors and it looks recruit ready last but not least we with Matt Rutherford the equipment manager of UT football what's going on man hey definitely so before we get into the fitted part we want to check out 2018 UT football apparel what is it gonna look like well we're gonna have the best nike has to offer anything that they provide the world of football we're gonna have it for our players or coaches our staff tell me about the black shoes I'm hearing there's a big change this year kind of going back yeah when Coach Hermann first got here I sent him a picture of Colton McCoy from back in the day wear black shoes and black socks and I said you want to do this again and it's a matter of seconds he text me back I said yes let's do it so we're rolling out for 2018 what are the new shoes for this year the two main new styles are these two here both speed shoes you got the untouchable Pro this is the untouchable speed this one's super lightweight imagine this will be pretty popular some guys want a little more support like this sock feel we tested some of these in spring football and have guys loved us and the other players have to love the chrome finish oh yeah it adds it with the whole theme but I see white you know that's that's what everybody likes kind of talks about the icy whites I mean that's a that's a classic for UT football what is it about that that makes all the players actually love that one more than any other I just think it's the same thing when you have people who like the black outs it's just this is a solid color and doesn't get cold here very often so a lot of times we're on the road wearing it we got the long sauce we've got you know the white sleeves it truly is all white and I just think that it's a clean look it's something people like yeah how is it working with Nike they look at you guys as one of the premier schools oh they're great to work with you know we're on the forefront of the new chassis anytime a new uniform comes out we're always getting the new chassis we have the latest shoes they're a great partner and they're easy to work with now let's kind of go down some of the other positions here with the cleats what would these be and who would they be for so this shoe is mainly a D lineman cleat most likely deep deep with the tackles they came out with this shoe last year they finally threw a bone to the big guys you know the big guys always complain that they don't get the swagged out shoes so like you did a good job with these they've got the chrome bottoms they built this part right here for guys that get their feet stepped on in the trenches this is the similar shoe is just more of a high-top version old linemen like this one some tight ends this is the menacingly that came out last year it's a running back linebacker type shoe even some receivers like it this shoe is the Menace Pro this is actually is a low version there's also a mid version this shoe is for what we call big skill guys so it's not gonna be your receivers dbe's it's gonna be more your running backs linebackers quarterbacks tight ends so they still have a speed shoe but it's a little bit more sturdy and a better base for somebody who you know 220 pounds kind of that range now one of the biggest sports figures to come through the school is actually not a football player correct Kevin Durant talked about his involvement in the football program as far as shoes and and just apparel in general his line just continues to grow and his shoes were obviously really popular but his apparel line he's got a backpack line this is actually a backpack we did last year for what we call champions club our year split up into four quarters and at the end of each quarter the coaches the training room the academics all the support areas decide if a player made champions that's if they gave good in the classroom if they showed up throw their workouts did mistreatment that's kind of things they become a champion so this is a backpack we gave to our champions a little champions club logo and then one of Coach Herman's big mantras is want to know and so everything that you do whether it's getting out of bed eating the right food you've got a win win at everything you do go want to know so it's not just going 100 get your opponent it's going to know against you know your class gonna want to know against the person in front of you you know in practice it's always going Windows so we put that on a lot of stuff to remind the guys this is the black version of the Menace elites will have all the styles of the same in the white but they'll just being black pretty excited about that and then we got the black socks to go with it one thing we added last year with our white gloves as we added the Texas fight throughout it which is our fight song something new and different we did that kind of change it up this is a copy person who first wrote the eyes of Texas on a piece of paper we still have that in our archives and they took that handwriting and they produced it on the gloves nice this is a shoe we gave to our players last year this is the KD 10 we gave it to before we went to our bowl trip talking earlier about the champions club we did the Kobe's for a Champions Club gift so if you made champion you got the Texas orange the Kobe's they were pretty excited about that and then this is the 11 Katie 11 will wear this year for our travel shoots when our players are on the plane traveling around in the hotels that's that's what we'll be sporting so really excited about those I think those turned up three pretty good air alright Matt as we kind of get into the fitting part I want to actually talk about the IC wise this is such a classic look for you guys when did you guys first debut the IC White's I would have to think it was probably sometime consistently in the 80s okay there was some time I think like when Earl Campbell played here you saw some pictures of his pants had orange stripe on it and so I know there's been different variations over the years but I think this total white pant I would say probably sometime in the 80s now what's first what do we do first year well first we can put your pants on okay one thing we did different this year that I think the players are gonna really like is no belt no more belts so it's a drawcord way so it's kind of like just putting on a pair of shorts now let's go ahead and throw on some socks since the shoes I got the new Untouchables pulled for you there [Music] Matt well thank you so much for letting us come in and check it out and again I'm not ready all right you look ready you look the part hopefully you enjoy the UT football edition of Royal key we have a special one that we did about a year ago with UT basketball which they have an equally impressive facility so check that one out the link is in our description until the next time your host Jorge kills [Music]
Channel: Sports Dissected by COISKI
Views: 1,800,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coiski, content is king, media, digital media, Texas, Texas Longhorns, University of Texas, Texas Football, Longhorn Football, Texas Locker Room, Texas Longhorns Locker Room, Tour, Texas Football Locker Room, Equipment, Equipment Room, Nike, KD, Kevin Durant, Nike KD, Sam Ehlinger, Colt McCoy, Vince Young, UT, Football, Facility, Sneakers, Cleats, Kicks, Nike Cleats, College Football, Jerseys, Burnt Orange, Tom Herman
Id: my-qmXC-ilE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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