Inside the Secret Life of a Las Vegas Drag Queen

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listen Day in the Life episode this series is all about walking a mile in someone else's shoes to gain perspective and that's literally what we're going to do we're going to gain some perspective right now this is the day in the life of an iconic drag queen one whose legendary career is as entertaining as it is inspiring she has countless fans we love and recognizable admirers and after nearly five Decades of performing on the Las Vegas Strip she shows no signs of slowing down hot chocolate keeps going and going and going and this is the story of Larry Edwards AKA hot chocolate all right what's this start of the day first thing I have to feel energized so I think get on a treadmill just before my shows cuz I have a long day ahead of me and where where are you from originally you from originally from Florida from Fort Myers Florida uh on the golf side near Tampa okay and then I moved to Atlanta where I first started my whole hot chocolate career and back in the day in Atlanta um being a drag queen was one of the things that people did as entertainment in the community yeah so I thought maybe I could try this you know disco has just started out I need a fun campy name so I named myself hot chocolate I decided to go and do this disco song by Glory Gana honey and so they hired me for uh as one of the special entertainers like on the weekends then after Atlanta I moved to Houston Texas to work at this night club okay and then I started doing my impersonation of Tina Turner that's where it started from yes the the major mainstream um performance other than a disco went from that to a character illusion because that was more mainstream they had an opening here in Vegas and that's when it became really good for me cuz I love Vegas and um what year did you move to Vegas uh 8687 86 87 I might as well introduce Larry AKA hot chocolate this is who will be following around the privilege to follow around all day we have a wild day planned get ready and before I dive in I'm an idiot with this kind of stuff and I know it's a Hot Topic give me pronouns titles how who am I going to offend today if I say he or she or can I say drag queen what what do I say today me it all goes I'm just a normal guy Larry you call me Larry you call me he uh you know so I'm not offended by anything so with me just Larry and he is fine if I if I see somebody else what's what's the proper way to address them should I well that's the personal you know how do you just just just say yeah say hi hi Cindy that's a smart way to do it them in or whatever you know and then until you know what they because there's so many different variations of female impersonation drag queens transsexual so there's so many different VAR it's Accord in the visual what they how they see themselves but I see myself as an actor I see myself as a normal guy and then all of a sudden my costumes you know is just part of my uniform so that's how I see myself okay Larry tell the people how old you are that's going to blow their socks off I am 69 years old in fact I just turned 69 in January oh my God and you've been doing this how long for 40 years 45 years now actually now I had a knee injury on stage actually so a lot of stuff I can't do like I used to because of that I was performing um in the middle middle of my number we just moved upstairs to this stage where I didn't know I wasn't aware of the stairs uhhuh and they didn't have any railings and stuff so I fell in full drag and high heels on the stage and they had to rush me to the hospital so how long ago was this about a year and a half ago oh my God yep so I have this knee injury from that and what was the diagnosis was ACL NCL or the whole quad I popped the whole thing yeah so I'm dealing with that right now too so I'm so happy that I'm finally back up so how did how did Tina come to be um so many people told me on stage gosh you your your cheekbones your facial expressions is so Tina Turner you should really do that illusion I go really I love her music can I pull someone as sexy and and energetic is Tina Turner off well I tried it out and I got it I got it and in fact I'm in uh Sandra Bullock's movie Miss kity to dressed as Tina and also in Tina movie as well Tina Turners What's Love Got to Do with the movie have you met Tina yes as Tina not as Tina I met at the airport as as Larry as Larry yeah but she's known of me for many years and she's been so supportive you know when she was alive and that's incredible what an Incredible Gift to be able to portray her and and then get to know her I know so oh that's pretty good you're going to have a people like wow he's a Workhorse yeah Co you're going to be you wait especially cuz at the end I hope you better a to keep up with me man that's what I'm worried about it's on it's on tonight let's go we got to get ready okay we're now in in Larry's Fiat and we're heading over to the to the show to the brunch so this this is one of two for the day it's mostly Housewives and they drag the husband's here we get the husband that's such a football player and with Vegas being such a sports town now with the Super Bowl and ra ra raw and the wife drags his husband drag her husband to um to see our Drag Brunch most of the guys end up with the arms fold like why are you bring me here these guys dressed up like women it's not a do thing to do and they end up loving it more than the wife they end up standing screaming oh go H chocolate go go go you know it's so funny because they they let the shield down and go oh it's just a fun camping show it's not like these guys and drag trying to pick pick up on us or too over the top for them yeah it's a fun show it's a fun environment and all the bachelet's there we have some beautiful girls that come because in the past bachelet parties most of the girls would go to strip clubs right but now the whole thing is drag queens they love they love drag que so much more fun yeah it's fun and they're not intimidated about a whole about a whole bunch of guys that's stripping and coming on to them they know the drag queens would just help them with the makeup straight guys don't understand that it's the most beautiful women hanging around there yeah that's right and that's where all of my Straight friends they come to hang out with me at piranha cuz they pick up they leave with Gorgeous Girls yeah cuz the girls are so like like looking for somebody to at least pay them attention in the dry quiz not giving them attention they want so my Straight friends end up with the Bey girls yeah it feels like they're not intimidated right they let their guard down I mean this is a a pro tip for all you straight guys out there is the drag shows and the pride parades and all that stuff it is an incredible place to meet beautiful women beautiful wom and just a lot of fun in general fun how's the community the drag Community like is it is it all pretty supportive is it competitive it's just like a family type of uh setting with all the drags we all know each other we've known each other for years so we're willing to help each other out as far as you know promoting each other's shows that's the part I like because of the connection of loyalty for each other and a great friendship look at these two when you see this of yourself what do you think oh gosh the what a change from years ago um as little Larry to now being this hot chocolate character is just a big difference you know I never thought I would be wearing female attire and doing a female you know impersonation of different carriages and but look it's my career what's the words to describe this like you seeing this figure come to life that you've created from scratch I'm so proud it's just so amazing that I've captured you know for so many years what I wanted to do with my career as a female impersonator and to be on a Las Vegas strip yeah that's unheard of you whoever thought a DFT be on Las Vegas trip so Larry gives me a quick lay of the lamb before he slips away backstage to join his castmates in a top secret pre-show dress rehearsal and as they're off getting ready the crowd starts to file in and line up for brunch which of course includes bottomless mimosas and then it's showtime time listen we about to film the show the most fantastic Queens you've ever seen this side the Miss sip right here in the Las Vegas Nevada desert got to go so we going to do it all for you to thank you you looking Shing for coming in late yes looking like a TJ Maxx commercial over there anyways what's going on how you doing right here my and then we have the HOA board down here though but you're a lesbian okay all [Applause] right embrace your freedom just to control Freedom Just Let It Go fre the pain your feelings back to the feeling freedom control Freedom just let it go down inside your heart be and there's no time no time with rting freedom [Music] I am way out of my comfort zone and I'm after some electric Ensemble numbers and amazing solo performances by Chanel Deja Sky Kahana montrice and Yara sopia it's time for the spotlight to shine on hot chocolate and if it wasn't already clear how much of a drag icon hot chocolate is she has her very own tribute narrated by the one and only RuPaul a true Royal Blessing by the queen of Queens he to one of the greatest of all time hot [Applause] chocolate and let me tell you as a straight white American male from a small conservative Town hot chocolate is an Entertainer who has the unique ability to break through all barriers and any reservations to connect in the most fun and fabulous way it only takes me one single performance to understand her [Applause] magic she going Tove you a good all flashback right there little CC pennison if only every zebra in the jungle could do the that chocolate just did thank you guys take care unbelievable you have a good time it was incredible now I understand why you've been doing this so long because I'm just sitting there and it feels like this craziest Rush it's so amazing to hear the crowd you respond and it's so appreciative you know of all the stuff you know all the work the makeup they're preparing for the show then all of a sudden the show's here and they really enjoy themselves so do you still get nervous of course I was nervous cuz you guys were out there I want to be at my best it was really really um nerve-wrecking but I made it through it hot chocolate keeps going and going and going and going we move forward [Music] [Music] yes all right this guy just went backto back shows how are you feeling two shows today oh my gosh I'm preparing for a long night as well at the club so so we got a long night ahead so we have to fuel up like a champion and I asked Larry what's your go-to spot in Vegas for if we want to go out to lunch after the shows and what did you tell me Cheesecake Factory I love it here not just because of the cheesecakes you know I just love there's so much on the menu you can't even decide what you want we're at the Caesars Palace Cheesecake Factory and I've never been inside the Caesar's Palace before first time first time inside and it's actually really beautiful yeah it's beautiful it's wild to say but it's actually a beautiful place all right I want to go back I want to go back in time first of all you are a beauty pageant winner yes you know in the bar scenes uh when I first started doing the shows in Atlanta one of the things most the entertainers had was a title behind them to get the top Billings and the top bookings you know it's missg Atlanta Miss gay Texas all the places I've gone I I I the thing to do is to enter the contest and I end up winning mosquee Atlanta where I first started I WN mosquee Texas and this Florida and then I won um mqu America it was so amazing because that was my first time my mother got a chance to see me perform or even be around me and make up and drag and for me to win that I had gone like two or three years before and I was like first runner up yeah but I said I'm going to win this because my mother's in audience and I'm going to give it my all and um I won and now you know was just so amazing that she was there to witness my my my talent and my whole Persona as hot chocolate and she was so loving and caring about it I didn't know what to expect how she was going to handle it but she was there to support me and to give me that you know that ra yeah so tell me about that those early days did I mean did you know this is what you wanted to be since you were a child and how did your family react I mean say your mother's mother's supportive what about the rest of your family my mother was very supportive my father it took him a while to adjust to me first of all being a gay male and also being a female impersonator drag queen it's something that he wanted me to carry on the last name you know have kids and children all that and it was something that wasn't in a cards for me but um you know after I started like showing him that I was a professional it's not like that I want to have a sex change or I want to alter my looks you know he he learned to accept it I'm just an actor one of the things I Cher more than anything is I did the Sally Jesse Raphael Show years ago and Phil Don Hugh show back then that was the main thing when you're impersonator a drag queen you got a chance to do that mainstream well my dad was like watching he says oh son you were really good the crowd liked you and really and I thought oh now I have my father on my side as well as my mom but he was so proud because it's a it's a national uh television show especially Phil donu you know he's so cons conservative and then for him to have drag queens on on the show and for him to be so accepting and my father just felt well Phil Donna here can accept it you know growing up obviously in the south in Florida did you have any push back on that or any hatred towards that no I was really fortunate because I guess because of my personality and people realize of my family realize that I'm just just a fun happy go guy why tell me I shouldn't do something when I'm happy and they see me happy see my friends happy so why make me feel uncomfortable or or judge me for being gay or being a I was very lucky cuz not many not many gay people or female impersonators have that same respect from the from from their family support right supp and being able to see your show you're clearly living your dreams and it resonates and it chok me up a little bit and I'm very I didn't think I'd be choked up at a drag show but I was choked up because it was very clear you have been living your dreams and that's something that's very inspirational to a lot of people it's like you found your path and you were lucky enough to found your path and be able to do it for a living all right and this ladies and gentlemen is what an iconic drag queen fuels up on in between shows the S miso salmon with some rice oh so good it's the best guys eat healthy and recharge before your next show right oh yes I have to all right let's eat going to get us all night long we're ready for tonight we're ready do what you love and eat at Cheesecake Factory that's the secret to success what's next where do we have to go from here I need to get makeup I need to get some lipstick for tonight there's this color that Rihanna makes that's called uncensored this bright red lip and that's your go-to that's my go-to don't tell me they're out oh thought they were out oh no yes I'm scored this is the one that's the liming yeah show the world show the world what you get uncensored is the that's the name of it so far it's just a sample oh let's see let's go let's go it's going to be a good night got it yes I got to tell you something it's expensive to be a woman sure is tell me honey that was so 75 bucks a little bad like bag like this from here we have a minute to reset Larry runs home to pack quickly and I just hit the crabs tables the plan was to take a nap but tonight's anticipation just doesn't allow it all this evening has officially begun well not not so fast we have made it to our night location to our our nightly show and that is here at piranha and this is dressing room next door that's the office but over here is the dressing room okay so we bought the the owner bought houses right next to the club to dress it just to make sure we're taken care of so we got pan in the front you got Gypsy on the other side all right this is why we have a little Courtyard for the summer look at this this is way this is the customer can be away from the crowd there yeah and then uh then you just sneak in the back door yes no pun we have a couple of entertainers already stting to get ready so but come hey guys this is gar and Nick hi hi hi everybody hi you saw earlier at that show at the bre show I assume I just look just the same it was took me a second this is the nude uh portion yeah your pants are different that was it that was no reason bar that Barb's here yeah women can wear pants now oh you look great Barb well it's only going to get better dinner other beautiful entertainers over here camera yeah what time did you get here to start oh just got here oh you did what did you do with yourself why did you I have it B cuz I'm leaving immediately after I after the this is over I have to go straight to the airport to go to Texas all right tell me what happens now okay give me the full setup I'm coming in have you always done your own makeup yes but it's I it's better when someone else does it you want try no honey I got to look pretty for the camera yeah you don't want that where do you see the industry going from here up up up up up up I just like like you know with the Rupal show and all the different countries he's got now it's just it just made make um drag so mainstream so I think it's going to go really farther than it's gone in the past you know this is that next thing we got it jackpot the Sephora purchase the last one on the Shelf thanks Rihanna yep that's your color hey Pops what do you feel more comfortable in your day-to-day clothes or when you're dressed up oh dayto day f far yeah yeah cuz I don't have to wear the tight dresses or the high heels or anything like that you know when do you feel more most like yourself it's Larry okay this is fun I like this because it's a change and it's a different there's a separation yeah it's a fun festive character that I created um but it's always nice just to be myself at home relaxed that's that's interesting you usually do this at home yes that's just a transition right there you put those bad boys on you go to a different place you like the place I'm going here we go wow what a transformation What's Love Got to Do with It [Music] what would be my stage name marshmallow marshmallow right as I said it earlier today listen I'm way out of my comfort zone and I was having a great time yeah that's what I said earlier and I mean it oh my goodness turn so bad walking me yeah I [Music] all right leave it to the FR oh my God these hurt so bad ready for the ball hey this is not for the week hot chocolate marshmallow reporting for fun all right here's how the night's going to go hot chocolate is done the mood director for two adjacent clubs piranha and Gypsy her job is to basically keep the energy and Vibes High moving from Club to Club piranha to gypsy gypsy back to piranha and my job is just to try and keep up we're going back again we're here then we're there we're here we're there it's show it's a show it's a show it's a show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get in here get in here we it's safe we're gaining people as we move each time oh my God it's my I thought was again chocolate we even get to connect with the man who made this episode possible he followed me on Instagram and I said put an Instagram story of I need a contact Joey came through oh no Joey came through amaz both of them are and another special guest tonight and friend of hot chocolates is rup Paul's Drag Race winner Eevee ADI who stardom is a clear sign of this industry's glittery Splash in the mainstream media standing on the added shoulders of those who paved the way as Larry mentioned earlier it's incredible to see what rup Paul especially has done to make it possible for the next generation of performers to thrive one of my favorite things about this whole Community is you just say to anybody and it's a great thing come on thanks we got a 130 show coming up next I'm in the Janet Jackson VIP area and it's just chaos chaos [Music] oh my God that's [Applause] a went from all the countertop down a flying split that was nuts literally [Applause] that's the show show's over all right ladies and gentlemen that is it on a day in the life here of this iconic drag queen here in Las Vegas Nick get in here a huge shout out to Nick he was behind the camera all day thank you Nick thank you so much I hope this gives you guys a different perspective a different Walk of Life that's what this series is all about New Perspectives and it could wouldn't have been done without hot chocolate AKA Larry the best time my marshmallow this just goes to show you travel deeper get out of your comfort zones you know don't have these preconceived notions don't have these stereotypes before you actually go and walk a mile in their high heels all right I hope a few steps at least a few steps a few broken steps I hope you guys enjoyed the video it's just before 3:00 a.m. Larry's got to go change and get on a flight to Houston immedately to the airport now to do another show to do another show in Houston then right back here for more if you guys ever come to Las Vegas I highly recommend you come to the brunch you come to Gypsy you come to piranha you come check them out and all of the community that is here and then until next time that does it and there's more Day in the Life episodes coming up and more food V videos over on G that's it if you like the video give it a thumbs up make sure you check out hot chocolate across the socials I'll leave all the information there and we'll see you guys on the next one bye everyone You're simply the best yes we're from Nashville Tennessee here to see badass I love it [Music] know [Music] I'll like need to be washed no this is great my clown F all right I'm going tell you I feel comfortable all right oh the casino question before we go look to the person on your left and say hey hey
Channel: Gareth Leonard
Views: 62,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: las vegas, Las Vegas, Drag Queen, drag queen, drag queen las vegas, Las Vegas drag queen, hot chocolate, hot chocolate drag queen, Larry Edwards, Day in the Life, a day in the life, day in the life, Gareth Leonard, Gareth leonard, travel deeper, Travel Deeper, #TravelDeeper, Las Vegas things to do, things to do in Las Vegas, best things to do in las vegas, Las Vegas shows, Las Vegas brunch, Las Vegas drag brunch, Las Vegas gay nightclubs, gay nightclubs in las vegas, love
Id: rChtMD_qSzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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