Inside the secret lair of prime suspect in Madeleine McCann's disappearance | 60 Minutes Australia
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Views: 2,416,165
Rating: 4.6304445 out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Tara Brown, Tom Steinfort, Sarah Abo, where is maddie, madeleine mccann, maddie mccann, missing child, abduction, christian bruckner, christian brueckner, secret lair, inside secret lair, madeleine mccann dead, disappearance, madeleine mccann parents, kate and gerry mccann, portugal, germany, german prosecutors, what happened to madeleine, is madeleine mccann dead, who killed madeleine mccann, madeleine mccann netflix
Id: IXsXXxRek2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If you ask me saying he isnt allowed to say if there are photos of Maddie on the hard drive either means they havent checked through it yet, or there is photos or videos and they cant say publicly in case the media coverage effects their case against him. If they had checked and there were no photos they could just say “no” and it wouldn’t effect anything. I think saying their isnt enough evidence to think CB did it from a public perspective is probably a bit hasty as the police would be unable to share all their evidence with us. I’m not familiar with the justice system, but if the police have to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that CB is the perpetrator and without a body that is really difficult. They are going to need shed loads of evidence. I think we are going to need to just read what we can and see how the case unfolds before we say their isnt enough evidence.
Where did he get the money for a brand new Winnebago? Seems like he came in to a chunk of money in May 2007.
They can’t reveal their evidence on 60 minutes. This is a criminal investigation and process has to be followed as best as possible.
Is anyone able to confirm if he still owns the box factory land? In the UK the public can access the land registry and for a small cost find out the owner of a property - does Germany have any equivalent? I’ve read a lot of contradictory articles about the last place he was living before he want into jail - some say he was homeless, some say he was renting a flat in Braunschweig.
A truly sick animal this man.😔
Any thoughts on what CB wanted this disused factory for
For someone without a lot of money, why buy some old dump?