Inside The Pet Food Factory | ENDEVR Documentary

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[Music] tucked away in a quintessential English town is one of Britain's biggest pet food manufacturers each one of the slabs is between 10 and 15 kilos a secret world of science so we have a PO scoring chart grade 1 to 5 we'll put it as a 3.25 and Round the Clock factory production the only way I can really describe it is like a Mr whippy ice stream that's letting cameras in for the first time in 70 years what are you doing to me Bel ear it belts like scrunched up home to over a thousand animals the cats absolutely Ru the roost here at M and 250 pet mad humans hello massive weirdos who just love dogs is this Britain's most pet obsessed workplace we work with animals to get away from people in the endless quest to satisfy Pet's needs the team is launching new products we don't use road kill never used horse which also have to pass the ultimate taste test if I was to make a pie with that and put it in and not tell you I can guarantee you wouldn't know it was in [Music] there the leerer market town of Melton M legendary for its Stilton cheese and pork pies but it's also one of Britain's pet friendliest towns where shops pubs and even hotels famously open their doors for our four-legged friends a CAO please yeah thank you how what about you guys why are they so animal mad here maybe because they also have one of Britain's biggest pet food factories in this plant we we produce whiskers pedigree top pet food brands in 24 hours our Target is close to a million poundes and an even more closely guarded Secret a vast pet nutrition Research Center in the nearby Village of walam this robot enables us to see how our products are performing where they run over a 100 research projects a year looking into animal nutritional needs good boy well done CL a l it's all owned by Mars who actually make more pet products than chocolate we all love cats and dogs none of us want to know anything that's going to cause any harm to them and you don't have to be pet mad to work here but no actually you really do most people comment on the fact that I have more professional photos of my dog than they do of their children um I can't deny that claim we will all do anything for the animals um we work with animals to get away from people to me these aren't research dogs these are near enough pets animal trainer Debbie might be one of the most pet mad of them all I wish I was Dr do little because then we could ask the cats exactly what we needed them to do her job is to coach the pets for the part they play in scientific research I'd like to think I know most things about every cat tius um likes to Lounge in this position so you'll find him on different pieces of furniture but always with his left arm just hanging out Debbie spends hours hanging out where the cats live playing with the residents except she calls it training training with the cats is just to get them uh ready for the trials that we've got here definitely looks like playing to me we do urine collection we do blood collection um feces collection as well well put it like that it sounds Less Fun the cats are all fed different diets to help out with different scientific trials so this is tins she's um 8 years old and she's been working here here since she was a kitten um she's a little monkey as you can see the cats absolutely rule the roost here at Mars and this is where all the training comes in so that tinx is happy to have her bodily fluids collected she gives a fair amount of saliva tinx is spit is to help a project looking at how gum disease develops every day is different but it's ridiculously rewarding Debbie's drive to change the world for pets is the common goal on this Mammoth 104 Acre Site where 250 staff work on pet nutrition assisted by 204 cats 148 dogs and around 800 fish and all this science goes to help the business of selling pet [Music] food over at the factory the company's rigorous quality manager Joe is preparing for another busy day so people have the misconception that we just put any old rubbish into our pet food couldn't be further from the truth this morning 26 tons of meat are heading here down the motorway smells good Joe needs to complete meticulous checks to approve these samples Before He'll accept the entire load if this sample of Li is out of spec then 26 tons of material will be going straight back to the supplier meanwhile a team of Engineers is preparing the vast multi-million pound production lines 1235 nearly 100 different varieties of pet food are manufactured here across two lines there's a lot of work actually goes into keeping the plant running everything from preventative maintenance through to daytoday breakdowns technical adjustments Minor Adjustments cu the last thing we want is something to file and put the product at risk the plant runs 24 seven and aims to produce a million pet food pouches a day and Joe is responsible for the Flawless production and packaging of it all having now approved the meat the work can really begin so we've just got a delivery of frozen meat each one of the slabs is between 10 and 15 kilos five to six deliveries every day liver kidney and hearts yeah it's a it's a lot of meat how these Frozen innards become meals for pets usually takes place in secret but Joe's giving us a rare Glimpse first the frozen meat is pounded into [Music] chunks we've done two grinding stages to bring from a a big block down into to this then it's liquidized and vitamins and minerals are added thanks to guidance from the research center he like blending a meat smoothie what we're trying to achieve is the right texture and the only way I can really describe it is like a Mr whippy ice cream the Mr whippy is squeezed through nozzles to get the desired thickness basically we're running ropes of meat they're going to go all the way through and we're going to cook it and then cut it into the chunks that then go into the pouches as the meat has a shelf life it all needs to run smoothly so it doesn't spoil before it's packaged into hundreds of pouches a minute when the factory opened in 1951 mass-produced pet food was still a relatively new idea but today they have stiff competition so need to keep up with new markets we' got 10 minutes to just have a quick chat about the whiskers relaunch as part of a mission to boost sales Joe's team are helping relaunch one of their biggest brands whiskers so thank you everybody for uh your time this means changed recipes for the full range and a brand new product geared to older cats what's really new is the 11 plus range that has to be nailed from the start we've got to get it absolutely right more cats than ever live over the age of 11 thanks to changes in healthcare and environment but they've been undated for at Mars until now basically we need to get to a trial pretty quickly we've got a prototype nozzle which we're going to run on the trial there's quite a lot of challenge around this after nearly a year of development the team now has just four months to get their new food for older cats ready for the supermarket shelves it's a lot of work so honestly just a little bit stressed but I actually thrive on that at Mars where everyone is potty About Pets the staff in the office are very much encouraged to bring in their own morning Bonnie morning Bonnie having a pet in the workplace really does benefit when you have a bit of a stressful moment just turn around have a little cuddle and the world is right again felma is 9 months old you have to make sure that you put everything away otherwise it ends up in the garden chewed up or eaten I sit opposite Jane and I have to be careful cuz her dogs like to go into my bag but there's one dog in particular who's earned himself a bit of a reputation he's big he's very [Music] hairy Cooper the chow chow is the James Dean of walam is kind of like Mr cool he's kind of got this great natural aloofness to him dogs may be welcome but there are strict guidelines to make sure the place doesn't descend into Mayhem they call it peut when you bring your dog in you have to get one of these flags that goes on the end of your desk you your dog needs to be on a lead um can't just sort of wander the office at will if your dog liked to go to the toilet on the carpet every day that would be a problem your dog can't be you know incessantly barking if you break the rules you're out of the office it's a policy which hasn't yet been enforced [Music] but there's always a first time Cooper Strong World selective hearing they're an ancient breed so they know what they want to do he's a handful but in in a good way help is at hand for owner Adam as one of the perks of working here is lunchtime coaching sessions with top trainers okay we're just going to go over a few exercises Andrew is a former crafts judge emphasize the [Music] sit amazing hoping to turn Cooper into an obedient office colleague good boy sit sit sit good boy okay okay Adam is Keen to teach him some basic [Music] commands Cooper sit down Cooper sit oh out the way cooper cooper koopy yeah so there's some work to do [Music] there back in the office quality manager job is setting up for one of the regular highlights in the Working Day my job requires an element of perfection and attention to [Music] detail I aspire to be a perfectionist [Music] but don't live in a perfect world it's time for the daily panel where Joe's Factory Associates get to review recently made [Music] merchandise the Bell is the call to [Music] action morning everybody and welcome to daily panel today they're examining pedigree meaty meals in jelly and the current whiske is one plus for kittens stickler Joe is anxious to hear that every detail is Flawless for me this is a a verification of getting it right if ever we find something that's wrong then I do take it personally help yourself to some product and this is how seriously they take their quality control they eat the food themselves Kirsty who oversees packaging is a bit of a connoisseur tastes good this one's got peas and carrots in it as well so it's a little bit more um palatable taste a liver amaz if I was to make a pie with that and put it in and not tell you I can guarantee you wouldn't know it was in [Music] there I think I've tried all varieties including the cat foods um I prefer dog food I do like chappie better the dog food is a lot better than the cat [Music] food hi guys are we okay Debbie's back in the cat house also working to improve the quality of pet food but through the rigorous training of the research animals so I'm just setting up our laptop with some cat TV well rigorous is but it's just a bit of stimulation for them oh yeah the latest Tarantino make your way to screen too guys thank you a squirrel doco well this is supposed to help them learn about the world but with all the trials Happening Here for every catnap in front of the Telly there's a sample to collect today it's urine clever boy cat poo and Cat we they're they're quite strong but um it's part of the job so you just kind of get used to it um and not really much affects you once you work in a big area of Catos yeah every cloud Debb's we collections will projects looking at how nutrients are absorbed so we've also got some covered litter trays as well so some cats like to um urinate and defecate in private they like their own private bathroom over the years she's learned all their habits and has developed a spooky six sense for when a samples on its way oh we might have a Wii do you want another Wii I mean I don't personally no for the animals sake Mars Only study cats under the age of eight but outside the company There Are Places expert on the older generation about 60 mil from wolam is a rather unusual retirement home for cats the whole place is centrally heated with our feline friends living longer than ever owner Jane takes them on these are all retired there one exception which is the little one who's Min us her leg when they can no longer be careed for way back a cat was lucky if it got to 12 years old but now they're unlucky if they don't get to 18 let's get the stethoscope we'll have a listen in the charity has a Veterinary surgery on site still Al where vet Daniel is kept busy by residents constantly losing their teeth yeah there's quite a lot of teeth gone there bot ones have gone and some of the MERS have disappeared if it can't eat if it's painful to eat that is a reason for a cat losing weight obviously they struggle to find suitable food for their toothless a lot of cat food to me seems quite big and we have to mash it up when you've got cats such as we have here in the afternoon of life one has to look out for Pet Foods available for older cats all this purring going on she's singing will Mars be able to create a food that these picky eaters can actually Chow Down [Music] the company's Development Center for Europe is based in Germany it's here where head chef rutka is concocting the new product we do call ourselves marins here and I think I'm not yet green but very big marshan myself he's the top man in charge of all whisker's new recipes so these are our meeting rooms for maybe less formal meetings when people sit with the ears like over the shoulders it's very difficult to have a serious discussion like that RKA what are you doing I'm giving him [Music] head right rutka spent months developing 11 plus in his Pilot kitchen Under Pressure to make it healthy and appetizing and less than 40 p a pouch now he's going to spill the beans on how this is where the magic happens so mix all these meats together some organ Meats kidneys livers and spleen then we have some pork liver pork liver is a Berlin speciality fried with some applesauce and it's really really nice also cats naturally like liver and then we have tra which is basically the the air pipe draa I thought this was coming in Classic Fish and poultry flavors people think that all of this is really the waste product from the slaughter house it's absolutely not a waste product for us it's going through very high and rigorous quality standards so only the best wind pipes then we don't use road kill no never used horse meat we're not putting hoves in rotten meat uh is also something I've seen on the Internet it's not something a cat would eat and definitely not used by US rutka uses the science from the research center to help tailor his recipe for the older puss our 11 plus recipe we add something for the digestion of the cat as well which is chory powder chory a iron fiber that'll keep the old bowels in check slowing down the transit of the product through the the animal a little bit so it's really optimizing the digestion of the of the cat what a boom to starving cats and for those poor toothless oaps wrote your experiments with the size and shape of the chunk so what you can do is is you can cut an angled cut on it you have um a chunk that is smaller and make it easier to pick up genius color is also important not because the cats care but the humans who buy it do color is a little bit of caramel it's really just there for the color and this is something the consumer likes to see with 3 months till launch day ruta's new recipe will be sent to the UK so Joe can trial a factory run always wanted to be a contender on ready steady cook AF they stopped making that 10 years [Music] ago the company isn't just concerned with what goes into their food they're obsessed with what comes out all animals are on closely monitored nutritionally balanced diets and today handlers Debbie and cats are in charge of the serious science we'll put it as a 3.25 studying the overnight results in the dog kennels what we got of yes the Poo 3.5 slightly moist this one's slightly looser than what we would like inspected every morning to see the effect the food is having on the animals digestion this one here I would grade as a um a 2 2.75 um it's slightly moist but it's well formed so we have a PO scoring chart grade 1 till five grade one is bullet like crumbles with little pressure chalk like consistency and then you got the other end of the scale which is obviously a five which is entirely liquid store can't imagine what you'd score the perfect poo we're looking for between a two and a 2.5 it's well formed nice it's um don't say it it's moist she said it and it's got no bits in it just stop talking now and then down here we've got a slightly squishier one well I'm scoring this job at 1.2 as you can see they've probably had a little munch on it oh make it minus five we write a little C for copr fagia which is the big term for eating Po and she does it with a smile to build a better future for pets um it's not one of my favorite jobs um it's uh it's a job that needs to be done it seems Pet science is done a little differently to human science but with good reason since dogs can't exactly woof their consent home office laws say they can't be examined intrusively so in the high-tech Labs smart thinking is needed ready table steady good boy to find out even more precisely what goes on inside the dogs we've designed and made a pill we want to use to collect some of the food from inside the dog as it travels through so we can understand the stages of digestion months of training have gone into making sure Labrador Inky happily cooperates in order to get a clear shot um we need to get Inky to stop wagging his tail um so the body stays completely still my surgeon his ear makes his tail stop wagging they're looking to find out whether dogs can digest specific proteins it's never been possible to get this information before uh because we've never been able to get hold of the material from inside the dog to understand how these proteins are being used right let's got him thank you very much good boy come on Inky clever hopefully Inky will poo that pill out in a nice [Music] 2.5 ruta's new recipe has made its way to Joe on the factory floor the pressure is on as his team attempt the first industrial scale run of their brand new cat food yeah it's a big deal for us and it's an interesting challenge regular production has been halted at a cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds so the trial needs to go quickly and [Music] smoothly I need the end product to be right first the new ingredients are [Music] mixed it's going through a lot slower than it normally would right could that be because of the new powders yeah it could be the chory powder Ras added to ease the cat's digestion seems to be causing a hiccup yeah maybe a bit more viscous let's run this mix yeah see what we get through who knows yeah all we got to do now is put the brand new development nozzle on and we'll be good to go engineer Hayden also has concerns about the new nozzle it's going to be a little little bit high pressure yeah cuz it's like blowing cheing them through your lips it's probably going to need a little bit more blowing to get through the nozzles guys let's hit the goor we need to start the trial the first ever 11 plus meat mix rolls onto the production line yeah but not for long all right okay yeah so we've hit our first snag on the trial just as soon as we started spreading a bit of chory and a new nozzle have ground production to a halt if things are going wrong in your trial and it's costing too much in terms of time money waste and energy someone's going to make a call and stop it after a short delay another try stop stop Jame another problem that's not okay what we need to do now is block off one nozzle and then we'll start up again with some fine tuning Hayden UPS the flow of meat through the lines once cooked and sliced he checks whether the sample is good enough to send to rutka 5 mil plus orus one so these chunks are 2 mm smaller than the regular chunks 3 mm 3 mm accurate I love you 3 mm in engineering Serv is a lot the product can at last go to Germany for a feline taste test but there's a lot of work still to do before launch day in 2 months time dog mad Adam from planning is still bringing his rebellious chowchow Cooper to work training him up in the hope that the Wayward one-year-old won't get banned from the office I I enjoy doing the work with him um he's he's entertaining um and it's rewarding when when you see something working this morning a pette lesson in dental hygiene pet toothpaste from smell really nice chicken flavor or lovely meat flavor because about three out of four adult dogs have gum disease start by lifting the lip and get them used to you having a look at their teeth just use a circular motion there we go so would you all like to have a go go on Cooper you've got this was a good boy good boy you just lift the li listen oh no one likes a colleague with pongy breath he understands what we want um he just doesn't necessarily choose to do it all the [Music] time back in Germany head chef rutka has a dinner date so this is the 11 plus products that Joe made in mton on his Factory trial and we're going to feed them to the cats now Mars breed their own research cats and the 30 living here are the taste testers for all of Europe I'm a little bit nurse I mean in the end it's the cats that give the final [Music] side equal amounts of current whiskers and the new 11 plus are given to each cat and scales under the bowls measure which they eat most of I like to toward them because even though it's very difficult to see directly what is going to be the outcome what you do learn though is how cats pick up the chunks and how cats are handling the food the child cats will be fed twice a day for 3 weeks after which rutka will get the final results I think they all had enough now as rgar isn't allowed to work with older cats he has to rely on these young ones to decide whether this recipe will go into production my life is dictated by cats at home and here yeah back in walam it's not just cats and dogs that rain at the aqua Center they have around 800 Fish Feeding time lunch time for the clown fish care for by marine life aicardo Matt and research scientist Lewis now go into a bit of a Feeding Frenzy while Lewis is relatively new to the firm his passion for aquatic life is longstanding I've just always been interested in the oceans and fish in particular even from like a small child um favorite place to go is the aquarium after the success of a certain film clown fish have become fashionable pets a worry to Lewis as transporting any fish from the tropics can cause stress and deaths so I had a little bit of a Eureka moment um trying to switch off from work in the bath if we can introduce a product where that could uh reduce the the amount of stress and that could potentially reduce the amount of mortalities in the industry for the last 70 days Lewis has fed a control group their normal diet and a second group with increased antioxidants which he hopes could relieve their anxiety to study the effect the fish have to be caught you'll be better at that than I have small tank a lot of fish it should be quite straightforward probably have all 15 in one go and be there one by one so who's got the best fish catching technique so you use two net it's easier to guide with one and scoop with the other Matt is taking a two net tack I'm going to go for while Lewis a bigger net is going for size there we go I seem to be very good at catching one at a time I'm on nine we just seen very athletic fish and that makes 15 oh Matt did I beat you to 15 yes you have them fish caught the next simple step is to simulate an 8,000 M InterContinental Journey uh here in wolam we're going to wheel them around the room so yeah well everyone else in sight is walking dogs I'll be walking the fish around after inducing just a mild stress and dizy now Lewis wants to find out whether the fish fed with the diet of increased antioxidants will recover faster first he can compare the amounts of cortisol produced when you go through stress your body will produce a hormone called cortisol if there is more cortisol in the water then the fish is more stressed if there's less cortisol in the water then they're not as stress secondly Lewis can forensically study their behavior via a video link come on fellas clown fish especially um when they are stressed they will all Clump together in a really tight ball because the safety in numbers if the group of fish are less stressed they should disperse from that ball really quickly we will take a screenshot every 10 seconds I'll use software to measure the distance between the two fish furthest away from each other and then look at the graphs over time as to how quickly they disperse after a few hours Lewis has gathered enough data for preliminary results and he M hello it looks like the diet is working from these two replicates excellent so now we just need to repeat it success here means Lewis can continue his study on a bigger scale they all went like that then that would be that would be a perfect result if the results all come out the same he'll have proven a way to save stressed out Nemos [Music] everywhere in Germany Chef extraordinaire rutar is on tender hooks about to open the results of his cat critics taste test I need the new 11 plus recipe to be at least as good as the old 7 plus recipe that we uh we have already in the market it's always uh a bit scary because of course the launch date is fixed so are you likely to hit the deadline or is it home to cry in front of reruns of Ready Steady cook the average amount eaten for our old 7 plus recipe is 52 G for the new viscus 11 plus is 53 G that is is really good victory by a cat's whisker so we can continue at least for this project I can uh can sleep a bit more [Music] quietly still hard at work trainer Debbie's on her endless mission to collect bodily fluids and today we've got what mucus tears so today I'm collecting some poop for a trial it's very glamorous um but it's very necessary ah poo again your fave so this is Inky the lucky specimen Giver he's also notorious for weeing he wees everywhere which is great for when we have urine collection trials Inky's excrement is in fact going to help a pioneering project creating pet food for a healthy gut we're doing a lot at the minute about um the bacteria in the guts so we do a lot of um chars that do involve poo um we I mean we have to pick up the Poo anyway so they might as well use it so here's Inky having a poop Inky likes to poop in bushes which is really helpful to us and once Inky's done his business Debbie has to get us Skates on the lab um try and process it as soon as they can so it's fresh Straight From the Bottom if if you will and so all the bacteria and all of that nothing is exactly as it's come out easy as that Inky that's what I call a good job well done hello Inky's poo is sent straight to the fermentation lab where within minutes it's dissected sampled and liquidized by microbiologist Julie we're just trying to understand what actually is happening in the gut and how those bacteria might affect uh the rest of the body such as the skin the fur the mood the behavior of the animals also so probiotics aren't just trendy in the human foodie World they may become Aller rage for pets too it's h it's very Cutting Edge there's a lot of research going into this at the moment it's a Hot Topic Julie operates in this oxygen-free chamber to mimic the oxygen-free conditions of a dog's colon so now we're going to add one of our test ingredients she mixes different nutrients with the Poo to see what happens to both the good and the bad bacteria will they stop them growing will they help them grow then she'll leave it on agard Jelly overnight before observing the results we found an ingredient that stops some of the potentially harmful bacteria growing it's very exciting for US 24 hours later so the these are the different types of bacteria that are growing inside Inky we can start to see differences with the different bacteria that are either encouraged to grow or inhibited to grow depending on the nutrient ingredients it's dizzying stuff but it's going to take a lot more poo to learn exactly how to grow good bacteria in Pets the real million-dollar question though Julie are you a dog or a cat person I love cats yeah knew it with just days till the launch of their new cat food quality manager Joe is preparing the factory for its first full day of production move on to the uh 11 plus production later on today so we're doing a deep clean as a self-professed perfectionist he's pulling out all the stops just give them a rinse out I know you've done it already that OV so just a little bit of meat Joe is particularly on edge because he'll have someone looking over his shoulder yeah right head chef rutar has flown in specially to oversee production so everything is okay couple of things we have to do with a nozzle and stuff like that today it's rutka who will take charge of approving the end result even though he's in Joe's domain when rer comes he's got the experience of the recipe and and the the pilot scale but doesn't actually know the plant well enough there's a healthy tension competition between the experts Joe is anxious to get started but the engineers aren't giving the go-ahead what's wrong M looks I think we got a slot driving the diaphrag there okay so we've got to have the oven to the right temperature before we can start spreading it it's Dro again they're all wrong at the moment Le steam Bel we've got meat that's just waiting to go and that's got a shell flly I'm the quality manager and if anything goes wrong I'm the one that's accountable for it yeah wasted meat would also mean wasted money so we're running an hour and a halfway we could have made about 150,000 pouches in that that time proba we're going to end up strapping some meats and stuff like that the first batch of meat has to be written off while the steam valves get fixed it's like it's a super complex machine we're going to have to call that and just add a bit of extra time for the the electricians to go and replace a motor after a 3-hour delay the ovens finally come to temperature and the new product can at last be pushed through the line but just as the line starts up another problem on start we've had a locked nozzle uh which isn't normal at all so another pause we had a small Curry dinner planned for tonight but it might need to go to tomorrow when it continues like that the team Falls a disastrous 4 hours and hundreds of thousands of pouches behind schedule what are you doing what you doing to meel Ernie oh all the Els like scrunched up there with just 3 days till launch the pressure is on after 4 hours of frustration the factory are getting ready to try again with the first production of their new 11 plus C food we put a new belt on at last the team resolved their technical problems from what I'm observing we should be able to go started to come through then no broken ropes and Joe is finally happy it's looking good it's looking really really good the first 15 Tons roll off the line I guess should have a look at what it's like after the oven excellent that's good but for rutka will it compare to the first samples he made in his kitchen lab months earlier when we got some through the steam of them we will do some other checks as well so really check the the color versus the color targets measure the lengths and size of the chunks first he signs off on the shade of brown so happy with that yeah I think the color is spot on now really and crucially for the older cat the food needs to be easy to swallow have a look at the uh chunk Su just check that they're within your specification top that one is perfect it's very good looks good to me texture is good shape is good size is good I think we can keep on running like this now very happy with is excellent it's our [Music] wait with brooker's green light the product can be packaged and shipped out to the shops on time it's launch day and Lor's are heading out all across the country [Music] for Joe it's the culmination of months of work to complete his forious checks he's heading to the supermarket just want to see what it looks like in the shelves it's about Pride really I'm quite proud of what I do Joe is joined by his colleague from packaging Kirsty morning Kirsty Good morning Joe come on let's go see it on the Shelf so finally landed it and there we are look there we go excellent looks great doesn't it what are you thinking perfectionist Joe one thing I don't intuitively understand from this shelf though is maybe it's just the way I was brought up the 7 plus is on the right hand side of the 11 plus I I I my brain just is functioned be the opposite way around that's his kind of perfection thing um check the my box slightly out of square this one yours is slightly out of square it is and slightly on that one but ideally that would be squared across there so it's a little high on this Edge yes not sure eight out of 10 cats will care about the asymmetric box not per yes yes he is no I'm not back at the office Joe prepares for his next test the daily panel a chance for his colleagues morning morning morning to give him their honest feedback even though they're humans not cats so taste and smell completely differently tiny little nugget of nervous but I'm I'm I'm confident I'm I'm confident it'll be [Music] good bet there's a prize for anyone who spots a misaligned barcode no right or wrong answers no I think overall from the the smell that I'm getting it's it's definitely a very meaty chunk nice size chunk Good jelly I'd eat it if I was a [Laughter] cat so happy yeah very happy I think Joe might be tearing up I get out of bed with the desire to do my bit to make the best P food and I've got the privilege of working with a lot of science around me a lot of fantastic people that have all got the same desire oh now you'll start me off Joe seems like there's only one thing left to do I think it's just appropriate that I just give it a bit of a sample now so that'll be it tastes nothing like [Music] bolog with the new product launched and almost approved in an irrelevant taste test by Joe it can finally be tasted by the real target audience old age cats hi Charlie would you like to come and try some food independent of Mars the cat retirement home are highly skeptical cat so he's not got a single tooth in his mouth one with no teeth good onwards but owner Jane and manager Sam have agreed to try it on their pickiest EAS almost Garfield 18 actually these are the ones that need extra food because at the last we they lost a it he likes chicken he does like chicken you like chicken is that Chicken that's chicken it's chicken Sam notices a difference immediately lot smaller chunks but the big test is poor underweight Garfield who almost never [Music] eats [Laughter] wow this is a a unique reaction normally they lick the jelly off but not actually eat the chunks of food but he's eating all of that so that's obviously really good how about that for a bit of chory and [Music] Tra it's about making a better well for pets and pets made [Music]
Channel: ENDEVR
Views: 339,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free documentary, documentaries, full documentary, hd documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), Business Documentary, cat food, dog food, pet food, pet food business, pet food manufacturing process, pet food documentary, pet food industry, pet food factory
Id: di33tq8vnL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 31sec (2791 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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