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welcome back to my channel my name is jason  matouk i am a realtor in south Florida but   i'm going to be showing you one of the i think  one of the most special penthouses in all of   i was going to say Miami but at this  point pretty much all of south Florida   we're at the regalia on sunny isles beach and this  place is just surrounded by the most incredible   views a few key things to point out it's got a  movie theater there's a pool on the roof it's got   over six thousand square feet of outdoor terrace  space which is bigger than most people's mansions   uh and for the interior we're looking at just  about nine thousand to eleven thousand under air   depending on what you count and then we have five  bedrooms six bathrooms two half bathrooms and one   office that could easily be its own bedroom it  has a full bathroom as well in there so why not   i just wanna give a shout out to the listing  agent for letting me do this tour i really   appreciate it and i think this is gonna be  like one of our best videos if i'm not mistaken   but if you'd like i have any questions you want  to contact him his information will be down below   it takes you right in so it just takes you right  into the living room and this is kind of like   as the listing agent was saying this is like the  money shot when you walk in this is where you you   kind of just like realize that you're you're in  somewhere different there's 22 foot high ceilings   i mean just take a look at these chandeliers  these light fixtures i'm not going to call them   chandeliers it's just a piece of art that lights  up a room honestly at this point and then you have   just like the most endless views of the ocean  that you can possibly see it actually looks like   a like a prairie but made out of water it's just  endless for miles it fades out in the background   have a glass of wine hang out with some friends  and it's a really quiet place but let me tell   you it is not the only place where you can just  lounge like this it just it goes on and on forever and we're going to pass the floating staircase  with the glass railings you'll notice right   away when we get to the bar you're going to pass  through a see-through wine bottle holder it can   hold about 600 bottles of wine which is incredible  it's an onyx bar that glows which is super cool   especially if you're entertaining or if it's  nighttime that thing is going to shine like   it's just going to be insane honestly got ice  makers sink everything you'd need and then tv   seating and just once again every room is going  to have it you can see all of sunny hills beach   really one thing i really like about this is i  could see miami from here the city just that very   well-known view of it and there's no construction  going on on either side of this building it's   completely private and it's very nice so as we  come from the bar try to try to keep up with me   we're gonna pass a half bathroom and  this is one of the two half bathrooms   and it leads right away into a movie theater now  sometimes people might say oh a movie theater   you know a couple chairs and a big tv not this  this is like movie grade level movie theater   just right away massive screen state-of-the-art  projector on the top and then you literally   have backdrop curtains to make it  pitch black in here the room is also soundproof the movie's over  it's time to cut the screen   you just simply hit the drapes button  and then if you look behind you   so as we come out of the movie theater we're  past another half bathroom and these half   bathrooms just want to take a look at this one  really quick these half bathrooms aren't this   is not too shabby they're not small look at the  space you have the design all the finishes in   here are just like the best of the best they all  have amazing views and then as we come from here   this is more of a like an entertaining space this  is what i would envision this i think many would   see it this way as well is imagine just having a  little pool table shoot some pool with the boys   with the girls just entertaining space i don't  know there's a bar right over there so in a movie   theater this is just like the whole floor is just  about entertaining and having a great time and of   course it's gonna have a huge giant i don't know  like this is tv next to me massive tv right here   it leads into another place where you could  potentially sit and watch that's what i'm   saying there's so many living rooms so much space  you can really do anything you want and one thing   i want to mention all this furniture that you see  it is included in the sale and right here they've   actually included a space where you can put a  partition between the two rooms and make them   separate and just have like two separate  rooms which is really convenient probably   don't need these many living rooms but maybe you  do if you don't separate them and then one feature   i'd like to point out about the details here  is that you have bird's eye maple if you don't   know what that is it's a very unique piece of wood  that literally looks like it has bird's eyes in it   from this living room on our left this is going  to be the office where it can either be a bedroom   or an office you know what you have enough  bedrooms let's just have an office i'm sure   you're gonna do some work in your house the  privacy drapes nice computer tv like just up on   that wall so if you want to project something on  there while your clients or whoever wants to see   perfect and then this side you actually have  more like north views of like this is just like   the whole ocean you can see palm beach you can  actually see palm beach from here which is insane   i can see Fort Lauderdale i can see the Hard  Rock it's just this is just like a pla it's a   very inspiring place and i can see myself being  inspired in here plus i mean Godiva chocolate   just laid out just laid out all over the place  like it's like it's Hershey's delicious and then   here the ensuite for this and like i said before  these ensuites ain't too shabby i mean they really   i mean look at the amount of space floating that  gorgeous maple design countertops everything just   feels like it feels like silk honestly and then  this huge walk-in shower i mean just literally   like i wouldn't go in here if it wasn't special  i mean look at the size of this walk-in shower it   had to note it i had to make a note of it we're  gonna go ahead and pass the laundry room there   are two laundry rooms one in the first and on the  second floor this is the first floor laundry room   it's a laundry room it's got everything so as  you come into the kitchen i'm gonna mention a   few details about here that i really like so  right away wolf appliances throughout except   for the fridge which is sub-zero both of these  are refrigerators you have a dual refrigerator   on this side and then for your freezer it's  got its own separate slide for this freezer and then on this side one feature that's  really incredible i mean you could this is   just to show you the kind of detail they have  right and the cabinets you would think like oh   how annoying is it to reach in there and do  that but you literally just pull right here   and the cabinetry comes out and just makes  everything easy they like you can see just   like the detail in this alone tells you  that they how much detail went into every   single thing in this place that they would take  that much time at the cabinets just beautiful this whole house is also Creston technology so it  has the lighting the media the climate shades what   literally this is basically is a glorified ipad  you basically got an iPad Elon musk over here   look at you listen if you follow my channel you  know that i've seen a lot of places right i've   seen a lot i've never seen this is like what you  see when you get in like hibachi like you know   what i mean like Benihana look at the size  of this air vent coffee maker as we've seen   wolf you know steamers have you ever seen a wolf  is that just like a side grill it's basically like   a grill like you literally have a wolf and  grill right here next to the wolf stovetop   and then how about this wolf air fryer when have  you seen a wolf air fryer in a kitchen it's just   literally every single thing you can need and  that's what the kind of thing that you get when   you're looking at the best of the best you're  getting things that you just haven't seen before   on top of that look at all the storage spaces just  just i mean i don't know why i just opened that   one drawer but just literally a million drawers  everything you would need and then if that's not   like a kitchen in itself it continues on and you  have the newest best wolf ovens right over here   warming tray huge huge countertop two sinks sink  number one this is kind of like this is just like   the when you have like a lot of dishes maybe like  the service sink and then for you when you want to   wash that like one glass of coffee but you want a  good view while you're doing it you got like the   crazy sink on this side which is just immaculate  all the bar stool seating on one side so   you can even sit in here if you'd like without  making it messy with like a table you got your   own seats right here just beautiful and then the  last thing to mention is the wolf coffee maker   and i believe this is a steamer i'm pretty  sure this is like a vegetable steamer   would you say this is the best kitchen we've  ever seen of all the houses this is like a   chef's kitchen like the people have to sit oh  at the end it's it's a it's a caterer's kitchen see like i could have just taken you into like a  basic dining room not at all i just took you into   the this is the peace day resistance of dining  rooms this is a as good as it gets when it comes   to dining you have a 12 person sitting table and  the best part about these kind of tables is that   everyone is included there's no wrong end there's  no boring end everyone's looking at each other   everybody has good views even if you're sitting  here you're back over there you can literally   still see all of the city fort lauderdale the  hard rock with the beautiful light that comes   up it's just incredible and then just take  a look at this light fixture have you seen   anything like that it almost looks like a salt  lamp that's floating over the top it's just   just remarkable and it just goes to show you  like the value of what you're getting out here so   before we go to the second story i'd like  to show you the first story balcony terrace right so here we are on the on the first of  the three terraces that they have out here   it's like almost like being on a cruise ship  in the middle of the ocean which i am in love   with i mean look there's a wind surfer over  there and look how tight that man is a bug   there is literally a bug and like i was saying  it's over 6 000 square feet of outdoor terrace   space so from here let's go take a look at  the second story of this beautiful penthouse   okay so you just saw the first floor  we're gonna head to the second floor now   and it's pretty much exactly what we  just saw but maybe more impressive   maybe i don't know what do you think i  think it's i think it's just as impressive   but it gets crazy there's some things that  you haven't seen including one of the most   breathtaking master bathrooms i'm gonna stop  talking let's just get upstairs let's take a look this is where the bedrooms are right and  like i was saying right from this hallway   this is where the elevator can take you back up  if you want you can click the 44th floor take you   right up here which is great if you have like kids  and maybe you're throwing a party who knows what   the situation is but you want a group of people to  come straight to the bedrooms easy access to them   but right behind me we're going to take a  look at the junior master suite the vip suite   basically convinced me with a master suite at  first but believe it or not this isn't a master   suite let's take a look the first thing i mean  what do you expect me to say that's the thing   like what do you expect me to say you walk  in and it's just a views right in your face   besides the obvious i mean like look like it's  obvious that you can see the ocean incredible   breathtaking yes all of that but like some of the  key features that when you want to live in south   Florida you want to see the things that south  Florida is known for one of them is the skyline of   miami equivalent to like if you lived in Brooklyn  and you were looking at the new york city skyline   you literally can see the entire skyline of  Miami in the distance just gorgeous this building   you're towering over them so basically no one is  looking into you no one's looking into the windows   and the best of all you're on top of everyone  you're almost like on top of the world here   best part i almost missed it most of the  bedrooms have this you know why they did this   they did this because they didn't want to  interrupt the view and i don't blame them   but let's say that like what's one thing that  you notice about this room where's the tv right   please don't fret don't fret at all tv comes  down and you can this is just the tv comes down you have a full-length body mirror which is  great as you can see like to see your whole fit   i would not have known that i needed  to tuck my shirt in fix my belt   that's the best i can do that's all i've got i'm  working with what god gave me you got a wet bar   over here sink all the necessities this is i mean  don't you feel like you're in a master suite it's   insane on my left is gonna be the ensuite huge  double length dual sink gorgeous it has that nice   water flow effect over here and then on the left  of that the walk-in shower with just like all the   jets everything that you would need a huge shower  right into the top gorgeous and then as you come   around this corner this is where the toilet is  and this is the number one place to go number two once again if not if it didn't convince you  already that this could be potentially a master   suite in this ridiculous ridiculous walk-in closet  so as you come across towards what's going to take   us the master suite you get a better look at these  hanging lights which is just i mean look at this   look how beautiful this is it almost looks like  the rolls-royce slides to the top of the ceiling   and you can really appreciate the two level window  looking out into the ocean which is this is the   peace day resistance it's beautiful as we come  in this is the crowned jewel of master bedrooms   this is basically a replica of where we just were  in that other junior suite however everything is   bigger the tv that comes down from the wall  is bigger it's right above you you have the   master bed king-size bed with king-size views  as far as you come up until this point you see   nothing but water it's the kind of thing where it  just shocks you so much every time that you just   you don't even have words for it a whole wall of  just views look at this look how gorgeous that is   you can see the wind surfers these are just beach  properties and very rarely on the ocean in Miami   do you have houses just facing the open ocean we  were very known for our bay front but these are   waterfront mansions and that whole strip unlike  the sunny isle strip is very quiet you can see   there's barely any traffic going down there and  that's what your view is quiet mansions and ocean   we're gonna walk up to right here  we're gonna hold up for a second   i'm about to show you a million dollar  bathroom and when i say a million dollar   bathroom i'm not talking fancy words i mean  if you were to estimate the price of this   bathroom it's about a million dollars look at  this wet bar you can already tell the marble   goes up against the wall to the ceiling this  covers the sink this alone should tell you   what you're about to see so without further ado  let's take a look at the million dollar bathroom   we'll start off slow so you walk in  i mean look behind me first of all   marble all over the walls everywhere you  can see marble everywhere everything in   here is dual there's two of everything so right  here you actually have the walk-in bathroom so   toilet and the bidet more marble it leads into  a sit-in tub with all the functionalities of a   jacuzzi it's got bubbles it's got jets it's got  literally everything you need on top of that   overlooking the view again and it overflows and  has a place to catch it but just look at all   the marble around here as well this is where  one of the first closets are so in the closet this is a master's closet i mean look  at the size of this thing it's got   a little even like a little place for a safe if  you want to have a safe in there perfect right   over here take a look at this walk-in shower got  that insane rain head at the top like a pizza oven   and then all the cool knobs jets whatever when  you're taking a shower that crazy crazy view   here we go with the sink number one gentle silk wash i mean just look at the storage  here and then here we have a nice little vanity   first of all i just had nice little vanity  like like this is nothing this is an insane   vanity this vanity marble going all the way  around has a mini sink come look at this   so that right next to this built-in  mirror there's a sink underneath storage down below literally any woman  any guy anyone who just does makeup will   be in love with this on my left another  closet because it's gonna be his and hers   and it leads us into and you might  think i just walked into the same   walk-in shower this is a different walk-in  shower there was one over there literally right   over there this is the second walk-in shower it's  just flipped so it has the water on this side the   jets the pizza oven thing at the top insane go  a step further this is another sink this is his   probably his sink the vanities on that side  mirror everything beautiful and then the   marble continues even on the floors into the  next uh toilet and bidet and it's not done yet   keep walking down one of the coolest features  ever that i would use every single day   you have a wet and a dry sauna so in the dry  sauna look at this i'm not gonna mess it up you   have the coals you have two champagne glasses  because obviously you'll be drinking champagne   and the best thing to have in a sauna and  people who use saunas will agree with me   speaker what is better than listening to music  you just tap right here and you got your whole   sonic experience play your songs set the heat  everything on this side the exact same reverse   this is the damp wet sauna has a rain head in the  top as well but just look how cool this is and   the speakers in here as well so you can really  appreciate that the marble continues in all of   this and it's like the most smooth beautiful  marble i've ever seen as you come out of that   should i even call it what should i even  call that have i come out of Disneyland   no the whole thing that's basically an entire  spot as i come out of marvel Disneyland   we're gonna walk down here and we're gonna have  a few other guest suites we literally have only   seen that junior suite and the master bedroom  here we have a guest suite i'll try to spend   too much time but this is kind of like if you  booked like the business executive suite in a   hotel like this is what it looks like crazy views  is here as well you've got that insane balcony   that wraps around with the in just like the best  of the best views and then a full walk-in shower   bathroom all this beautiful counter space i love  these light fixtures too look at that just it   feels like i just pick it up and walk around with  it so we have this balcony out here and it's just   you can literally see all of sunny isles the  bridge that takes you in you can see the the   stadium the hard rock just literally incredible  look at miami in the distance over there so we're gonna pass the server where the elevators  are that leads you up to the second floor and   we're actually gonna pass another guest bedroom  right over here and like i said it's kind of the   reverse of the other bedroom so same exact kind  of style this one has a tub and once again just   look look at the design of this thing look at  the the marble just going across up against   the wall the tile is just gorgeous beautiful  sink and just tons of space in here as well   all the tvs in here mounting the wall flawlessly  flat looks really good from here we're getting   close we're almost at the second the third floor  we're still on the second floor of this place   so on my left you walk in and you have  this beautiful this also is almost like   another master suite this is like another vip  suite just like the junior master that we saw   look you have basically like a  place to sit maybe do some work   right in front of the tv huge king size bed  right here gorgeous surround sound speakers   a nice little like lounging therapy chair  look-alike kind of thing as you come in walk-in shower view for your toilet like  literally imagine using the toilet here look   what you leave your phone outside you don't even  need your phone your entertainment's on the left   that's it but it's got its own gorgeous  views out here look how beautiful that is   and the best part is we're on the second story  of this huge building and it's completely   no wind look at my shirt no wind dead out  here you can come out here easily in lounge   and it's just got a great view of all of sunny  isles going down that's the armani building   beautiful beautiful once again almost 6 000 square  feet if you can try to picture that in your head   and we're gonna take a look there's so this is the  elevator we're gonna be taking now this elevator   you can literally take this on the from the  first floor up to the third but you can only   take this from the second to the third what what's  like a possibility for this room this room yeah   honestly an exercise space it could be a mix of  different things that's an awesome one like a gym   this is like an almost no you're right because  it looks sync i can't easily make this an office   really in my office i would die to have a coffee  maker look at that he's right in the microwave you   have mila coffee maker cappuccino maker gorgeous  he's right just insanely you know i don't know you   might have spotted them at the coffee that the gym  thing that's pretty sick speakers in here great   sitting area views yeah we're actually gonna take  this elevator and we're gonna head to the third   floor and on the third floor there's a little  surprise there for you just open this tube up comes in looks like floor number three  vacuums everything in and takes us up   and one thing that's really cool so you might  think that what we're passing right here is a   third floor for like living this is actually like  where the the brains of the house is all the smart   technology the service stuff like that so you  really don't really even need to get to this   point of the house it kind of skips past that  which i think is pretty sick and then takes it   straight to the top floor and then look at this to  give you like a better idea of what it feels like   to be here the minute you walk out of there it  smells like a spa like a luxury sauna spa like you   have the drinks just set out right here you have  dishwasher up here like literally a full service   entertaining space and then you  have a half bathroom right over here one really incredible feature is that originally  when they built this it did not have these glass   walls going around but as you can tell by the way  i'm not blowing away it causes it to be a lot more   stable a lot less wind you also have an awning  that can go across if it's raining or if it's   too hot to cool down this whole area check it out  you have warming trays and ice maker refrigerator   look at the size of this grill you have out here  never been touched and just imagine grilling   eating making your favorite food with your friends  and family and you're looking out to the ocean i   mean just imagine those views just really really  really just like incredible to say the least and   then take a look like literally almost like a  full-size in the floor pool in the ground pool   and then check it out you have a shower out here  so if you get all i don't know you know if you   feel like taking a shower on the roof like maybe  come take your full showers out here honestly   i take a shower right here give everyone a nice  view there's no even looking so who's gonna see we're so high up i think it's time to show you  the outside terrace of this place on the roof and once again look at my shirt no wind  dead quiet you can really just enjoy the   outdoor place here more places to tan do me  a favor literally imagine just hanging out   tanning on it like this is where you tan no  obstructions top of the top of the world and   look at this it's incredible literally the  most beautiful thing i've ever seen yeah so   this continues on this the terrace of this  floor and the first floor are complete 360s this is it this is this is the best of the best  and um you know what what's a better place to   end than right here so without further ado and  i'm sure this video is at a million views now   that you're watching it but i'd just like  to say you know i couldn't have got here it   wasn't for you guys thank you so much for  watching my videos if you haven't seen it   already just came back from California did like  a tour there i also do tours in south Florida   that's where i'm from that's that's my place i'm  a south fFlorida boy so i got tours over there   if you have any questions any recommendations  reach out to me follow me on instagram please   be nice and uh yeah i really appreciate  it thank you so much thank you so much
Channel: Jason Matouk
Views: 1,107,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: penthouse, oceanfront, miami penthouse, south florida penthouse, most expensive penthouse, most luxury penthouse, luxury mansion, luxury homes for sale, luxury homes for sale south florida, luxury penthouse for sale, penthouse south florida, penthouse for sale miami, jasonmatouk, jason matoul, luxury, real estate south florida, homes for sale south florida, luxury real estate
Id: Ghlsf77KwUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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