Inside The Life of Billionaire Elon Musk

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well after a year-long hiatus touring the mediterranean and savoring some of the most exotic dishes that the region has to offer i've finally decided to come out of my self-imposed retirement and fire up my love for luxury once more oh yes my journeys in the mediterranean have been breathtaking filled with heartwarming interactions as well as gazing upon the most luxurious islands in the world but all the while i two of these extravagant coastal cities i couldn't help but remember all the fans that have supported me ever since i began my youtube journey and from me to yours truly i would like to say thank you and now that i've returned i have so many tales to tell and where better to begin than to narrate the life of an individual almost as enigmatic as mr luxury that's right elon musk the man the myth the legend for someone that's made a handsome amount of money musk commands a rather idiosyncratic persona when compared to other names in the billionaires club unlike his peers who love to engage in superfluous spending on planes yachts and other luxury amenities musk portrays a rigid dichotomy in how he lives his life that's not to say that he doesn't occasionally partake in the affairs of the wealthy we've heard rumors of elon musk retreating to inviable shangri-la destinations with some of hollywood's most gorgeous women but for the most his day-to-day life is ingrained in his work a work ethic that's earned him the highly coveted title of the wealthiest man alive and this is where i'll be kicking off this vignette as i take you deep into the daily life of the world's most affluent billionaire it's no surprise that elon musk ascribes his tremendous success to a life driven by unquestionable work ethic in the last 20 years of his stewardship at the helm of companies like tesla and spacex musk has grown what were once small startups into sustainable companies that command recognition in their respective industries not only do they manufacture groundbreaking technology that'll determine humanity's future but it also employs tens of thousands of people it's 7am in the morning and while most of us are fighting losing battles with our alarm clocks the world's richest man is open about fresh as a daisy how he manages to overcome the warm embrace of his silk linen sheets will forever remain a mystery to me i've personally experienced the warm embrace of some persian sheets and let me tell you they are quite hard to wake up from as for musk six hours of sleep is quite enough rest to provide him with the mental acuity to run his four companies concurrently musk begins his morning routine quite like everyone else the man has a propensity for hot showers and like most of us does so to extinguish the dying embers of sleep from his eyes but showers mean so much more for him showers are his go-to spot for a little personal therapy they give him time to introspect and mentally map out his day before going out into the world once he's done he drapes himself in the simplest of attire depending on his mood all the meetings he is scheduled to have for that day after all elon isn't too much of a fancy smancy dresser i mean wouldn't you be as cavalier if you knew regardless of whatever soiree you attended your net worth still dwarfs that of everyone in the room breakfast is more of an if matter for musk he prefers to dither from eating or skipping breakfast depending on how hectic his work schedule is but on the days that he does consume breakfast he loves to partake in a freshly cooked spanish omelet topped with a warm cup of coffee a far cry from the extravagant purchases of other billionaires who love to indulge in some of the rarest truffles me personally i like pancakes once his morning affairs are behind him musk drops his kids off at school and either drives or flies to work depending on the office that he's heading to on a good week musk can clock up to 100 hours of high focus work most of these working hours are spent concentrating on engineering projects as well as designs for both spacex and tesla products when its spacex musk can spend up to 90 percent of his working hours solely on engine design projects and while at tesla he spends 60 percent of his time focusing on vehicle designs one superpower that musk credits to his success is multitasking in a week musk spends 50 percent of his time at tesla 40 at spacex and the rest on neurolink and the boring company this is how he breaks down his schedule the billionaire spends his mondays and fridays working on spacex either at the offices in los angeles or boca chica texas and from tuesday to thursday he spends his time working on tesla in the san francisco bay area with this schedule elon spends a total of 42 hours a week on tesla and 40 hours working on spacex and he prefers to categorize neurolink and the boring company as his hobbies afternoons tend to be the busiest hours for musk so much so that he finds himself skipping lunch but on the rare occasions that he does take lunch he prefers to do so while attending an important meeting with some of his top executives as well as exclusive clients that are looking to strike a partnership with one of elon musk's companies but for someone who engages in a lot of meetings in the afternoon musk is surprisingly not fond of them according to musk's heterodox style of leadership meetings are a serious blight on companies and one of the worst time wasters of corporate policy you shouldn't waste time calling a meeting unless you're sure it's going to provide value and keep them short or musk will blatantly walk out if he feels you're perusing over the same point but aside from meetings elon takes advantage of his afternoons to get more work done or the average worker struggles to fight off sleep induced by a heavy lunch musk likes to call the afternoon his peak working hours and often finds himself in a flow state where several hours can pass without him noticing the time nevertheless his precise work schedule helps him keep up to date with his objective and priorities after a long day at work musk loves to return to his house sit back and relax he strives to complete 80 to up to 100 working hours every week which means he usually arrives home around 10 p.m but this wasn't always the case between 2017 and 2018 when musk was fighting to save tesla and ramping up production of the tesla model 3 he was sleeping on his office couch at times napping for only two hours before getting back to work but since the birth of his sixth son ash in 2020 musk has opted to scale down the extra hours he spends at the office allocating more time to unwind relax and spend time with the family plus let's not forget that the billionaire recently added two more musketeers to the family so you bet he's going to trim off even more hours from his work schedule when musk gets home he loves to eat a hearty steak preferably washing it down with a nice glass of whiskey he also loves to partake in french delicacies occasionally chowing down on some parisian delicacies and washing them down with some fine wine but away from his discerning taste in prime steak and whiskey musk also has an affinity for diet coke yes you heard that right the enigmatic billionaire loves the drink so much that he's phrased it as the most infernal ingredient on planet earth once musk wraps up spending time with his family savoring his most favorite delicacies and binging a few episodes of death note and evangelone musk retires to his bed at around 1am and from there it's rinse and repeat the very next day with such a productive day-to-day routine not to mention adopting the famous five-minute work technique that has also been adopted by bill gates musk has managed to pass muster with several of his projects both at tesla and spacex without having to compromise his family unfortunately his relationships have borne the brunt of his insane work ethic with most of them souring badly due to the tesla boss's inability to forgo work for romantic dates one thing is for certain though elon musk enjoys every second of his waking life his sense of purpose is incomparable and if there's one thing i admire in people it's when they know that their life is worth living so what do you guys think of elon musk's unique lifestyle what about you would you ever follow a routine like this if it guaranteed you'd make billions let me know in the comment section down below if you enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like subscribe and turn on post notifications now if you'll excuse me i've got a wine tasting soiree to get to as always i'm mr luxury and i'm happy to be back pip pip to doodly do
Channel: Mr. Luxury
Views: 15,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elon musk, billionaire, elon musk children, elon musk twitter, elon musk net worth, richest person in the world, rich lifestyle, wealthy lifestyle, what does elon musk do, what does elon musk eat, elon musk time, inside the life of a billionaire, inside the life of elon musk, how elon musk, how elon musk spends his money, elon musk billionaire, life of billionaires, billionaire elon musk, tesla, spacex, neuralink, elon musk life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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