Inside The KPOP Idols' HORRIBLE Dorms

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among many other things kpop idols are known for their style of living most of the time the artists live in a huge dorm and while a lot of these are good places to live some groups and artists weren't so lucky in today's video we bring you the worst dorms idols had to live in surrounded by garbage this storm might be the dirtiest girl groups dorm ever miju from the group lovely shared that living in their dorms severely affected her immune system which only got better when she moved out to live on her own in 2020. according to miju all members used to be very busy and there was no time for them to clean their dorm as a result their dorm became a dirty and horrible environment at one point their dorm was so messy and dirty that if they wore white socks they would turn black immediately the worst room in the dorm was undoubtedly their kitchen according to meju the members didn't have time to wash the dishes so dirty dishes started to pile up the whole place dunked because of their food waste that would rot as they didn't take out their garbage the kitchen used to be so dirty and smelly that the members couldn't cook food anymore once medu disclosed this information the netizens became shocked girl groups are famous for their clean and pristine image and looks so hearing an actual girl group member talking about how awful their dorm is was a surprise on the other hand we all know how busy and stressed out kpop idols are and they only get a few hours of sleep sometimes and it could be really difficult to keep their place tidy and clean thankfully the girls are now living on their own in much better conditions than before any main living conditions in 2019 through the program coin law room two former female idols share the living conditions they had to suffer while being under their agency the show primarily focuses on clients that can come and meet with a lawyer discuss their troubles and get the lawyer's opinion in consultation as well these two female idols came on the show to share the horrible and seriously inhumane treatment they received from their agency the two women started off by saying that even the basic necessities for living were hard to get one of them said they provided us with rice but there were bugs in it if we wanted to eat the rice we had to pick out every bug their situation seemed to be really horrible they also shared that their parents were the ones who had to pay for their living expenses but even though their bills were covered the electricity and water was still cut off the two women revealed that if they wanted to wash their hair they had to go to a nearby barber shop to do so because they didn't have running water on top of that throughout the three years they promoted as a group most of the necessary things weren't provided by the company they said our manager food and transport were not provided by the company we didn't even have an office instead we had to use coffee shops or fast food places one time the women got into a car accident while going to an event and even though they complained that their necks might be injured the company didn't take them to the hospital and instead forced them to attend the scheduled event the former idols also revealed that they were victims of inappropriate behavior from their agency and from the clients they performed for the metaphorical cherry on top is that they have never received the proper payment for the events and shows they did for three years the name of the agency has been unknown but netizens have been ready to stand behind these women so they can finally get their justice not enough space with 13 members and one group 17 had to do a lot of compromising to live with each other comfortably although now they've managed to figure out how to live so all members are content and happy it wasn't always like that in october of 2021 soon kwon and vernon appeared as special emcees for the broadcast of my little old boy and gave a sneak peek into what it's like to live with so many members vernon shared that the advantage of living in a dorm is that he never feels lonely but added that this is a disadvantage as well as he barely has any private space soonquan added i have no private space at all i can't even dare to dream of my own dressing room one of the guest hosts asked them if they had enough bathrooms for the whole group to which sunchon shared that they don't he said 13 members of our group used to share one bathroom so we promised to shower for only five minutes vernon added that in those five minutes there used to be three to four members showering together at the same time to lighten up the mood soon shared that in order to feed the whole group they cook 20 packs of noodles at the same time they now have their single dorms which made it a lot better their previous life sounds so chaotic and messy it's hard to imagine how they managed to work it all out living with insects one of the most known cases of terrible dorm life comes from blackpink it's no secret that these girls had it really tough when they were trainees when blackpink's rose appeared on the program sea of hope she shared just how hard their life as trainees was rose revealed that she lived in dorms for eight years after she became a trainee and confessed that she actually lived in a place that was infested with roaches not just roaches but with giant centipedes as well the girls noted that it was difficult to try to catch them all because as soon as they caught one another one would immediately appear it was then revealed that lisa was brave enough to catch the insect with her bare hands they added that they would catch them on a piece of paper and send them outside house of back in 2019 uyap and paisan from the group trcng filed a lawsuit against their company ts entertainment according to their lawyer the two members requested a termination of their exclusive contract in november and the reason for that was the lack of management's responsibility and a lot of other issues they filed a complaint against ts's director pak song hyun and two other employees and revealed that pak song hyung forced them to practice without any sleep the members shared pak had the members practice choreography from 5 pm to 5 am the next day without sleeping and we had to make it to the agency by 10 am again because of this they had to drop out of their school and attend a different school that was closer to them but this is just the tip of the iceberg their story over time became a he said she said controversy and so the two members got together with dispatch to release evidence to support their claims their dorm was a duplex apartment and eight members lived in the two rooms on the first floor and other two members lived in a small attic room on the second floor both who yup and haeson revealed that the apartment was too small for 10 members their belongings and basic home equipment we upset the second floor is basically a storage room the ceiling is low so you can't stand up straight it's not heated well either we had to live with our belongings clothes and equipment cluttered around that wasn't the biggest problem the apartment was literally falling apart because it was old and because of the poor maintenance there was severe floor damage due to a water leak their electricity and water was oftentimes cut off as well because ts entertainment failed to pay utility bills ouya claimed that unpaid bills were a common issue at their agency ouiup added in january of 2019 our boiler was shut off four to five of our members caught a severe flu so we washed and slept at the sauna instead when we went to the hospital we had to pay for it ourselves their manager never seemed to remember to help them fix their lighting and even if paisley reminded him through text all he got was laughing emoticons and an empty promise supposedly the lights have never been fixed when one of the two toilets in their dorm broke down all 10 members had to share one toilet and one bathroom but that one broke eventually too after getting no response from the agency ulya's mother called the plumber and paid for it as well the members moms seemed to be the true heroes in this story because they took it upon themselves to fix their broken water dispenser and air conditioning in the end the members joined the agency to fulfill their dreams and passions but the company absolutely failed caring for them and providing them with basic needs as of right now ts entertainment shut down and deleted its website and the group disbanded in march of 2022 after existing for only three years what do the professionals say it can't be denied that the situation around idol's living conditions has gotten a lot better over the years it was recently revealed that the group ive live in a luxurious and big dorm to accommodate the needs of each member netizens were rightfully surprised to see such a stunning and high quality dorm while some members get their own rooms the other share a large room where each member can get their own privacy still some kpop professionals and researchers claim that it's not always good for trainees and idols to live in a dorm while many groups look back on their dorm days with happy memories it isn't the case for everyone most psychology professionals claim that any healthy relationship needs personal space and time spent apart that's impossible for idols that live in dorms on top of that idols are usually restricted from socializing outside of their groups and are forced to spend time just with each other some professionals think that it's about time that companies either abandon the dorm lifestyle completely or at least make it non-mandatory it doesn't seem like this will be changed in the near future but who knows as we've learned today living in dorms isn't always a piece of cake let us know your thoughts in the comments below thank you for watching bye
Views: 194,527
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Keywords: kookielit, kpop, k pop, kpop news, kpop latest news, latest kpop news, kpop rumors, kpop industry, kpop idols, idols, kpop 2022, kpop lifestyle, kpop dorms, mijoo lovelyz, lovelyz, mijoo, lovelyz mijoo lifestyle, seventeen, seventeen news, seventeen members, my little old boy, blackpink, blackpink news, blackpink rumors, blackpink rose, sea of hope, wooyeop and taeseon, ts entertainment, trcng, ive, kpop mistreatment, dark side of kpop, seventeen update, seventeen 2022, korea
Id: zZ23rYFdJIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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