Inside The Fat Duck with Heston Blumenthal

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I'm happened liminal this is the fat duck little sleeping villager Bray pops is that 1676 mutation so the stuff that money it's a map which is imagining island that you take us little tour around through the course of the day in fact something we can all relate to that has this whole experience of control trigger and the founder this is the beginning of the story on the journey in the fact that which is a safe holiday the kids around this imaginary island starting with the traveling the day before Easter variants a call this is a change of edge the aerialists day is in these vitamin these characters but this is Campari this is the moment that I get it absolutely everywhere co2 the soda it's the nitrogen that the whole thing can pops up that seriously definitely changed there as you can see it's not blessed in space and its compact nature and smaller has been a big factor in the development evolution of the whole cooking technique and cooking style this is austere it used to be the office it's amazing spirit really is amazing and I remembered there was a problem best up here of the dirty linen when I finished too late it only had like an hour to hour sleep I possibly have such sleep on the on the on the dirty laundry [Music] and I never thought xx understanding occasionally the originals in terms of that this size I suppose oh no we did it's amazing is how accessible human beings I have no choice [Music] in the basis for eternity something uniquely separates us from any other living creature religious and that imagination pure imagination allowed us to share belief in evolution as the whole multi-sensory approach their belief in eating that serve we visited lot of 15 plus years now [Music] that was a draw for the first time [Music]
Channel: 50 Best Restaurants TV
Views: 162,201
Rating: 4.8898592 out of 5
Keywords: Heston Blumenthal, The Fat Duck, Bray, UK, The World's 50 Best Restaurants, restaurant, chef, tour, food, fine dining
Id: db56yGznfqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2017
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