Inside the Chieftain's Hatch: Panzer I, Pt 1.

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[Music] the Panzer one maybe the star to that iconic line of German tanks but there's no way to started the story we're familiar with the early steps that's just the a7v or the LK - and then he hit the interwar gap and during this period of time a number of vehicles were played with but the one most relevant to this story is the Cline tractor the little tractor [Music] 1929 Pope was asked to come up with a vehicle that could be used for reconnaissance as a weapons carrier or as a towing vehicle it was decided that you can save a whole lot of time and effort by simply going to carden loyd and purchasing one of their tractors so through a German front company they purchased three of them from Vickers arriving in 1932 now this is not to say that the suspension on reclined tractor was a direct copy of that of the carden loyd but there was a lot of influence we're steering they looked to the Cleveland tractor company he track being as they were officially knocked combat vehicles of the army they were painted over all a single color gray which was the standard color scheme for non combat vehicles of the army of the time [Music] from 1933 crop is notified it will receive orders for approximately a hundred and fifty-nine tractors codenamed land virtue flesh levers agricultural tractors also known as one series vehicles now these are on armored holds but they're certainly more than enough to get drivers schooled up on how to use he things armored super structures were designed for later installation on top but a variety of issues meant that the vast majority of contractors never received them so enter the series to agricultural tractor one of which is sitting behind me here at Panzer Museum monster it is better known as the panzerkampfwagen ancestor on Earth or the SdKfz 101 although the Panzer 1 looked a lot like the one series vehicles pretty much every component was changed the structure is of three components you have the lower hole you have the superstructure and you have the turret the armor is eight millimeters at 70 down here goes up to 13 in the upper hull and as much as 15 millimeters up on the turret front the standard was to protect against 7.92 millimeter armor-piercing at all ranges up to a 30 degree angle so yes this was designed to take fire wasn't purely a training vehicle although in practice was used as much to develop doctrine as it was in combat but hey both work if you look at the components just start off in the near side here the Pioneer tools a fan of both fenders three-ton jack is located on the right and he go forward a little bit you get the horn by Bosch centrally mounted headlight and the two toeing points could not be mounted at any lower because it was deemed that they would simply dig into the dirt for the center you're gonna see the access port for the steering system now in early vehicles this was sixty centimeters wide but somewhere around the end of the free series production it was enlarged to 75 centimeters and it stayed that way through series 4 and later now just be clear on this series 2 3 & 4 were all hands of one house a series 5 & 6 whereas for long be and the difference in the two from the a and the B is more visible when you get round the back the side of the vehicle shows off at the front of the sprocket wheel now there was originally a brief dalliance with the concept of a rear sprocket drive but of course as you can see they decided enough to go with that the suspension gets its head complicated for starters there were three axles which are basically rods which go they with a vehicle on axle number one is road wheel number one now normally this would be different to all the other road wheels it's made of cinnamon and it had the reinforcing rib on the inside of the wheel now the later wheels originally didn't have this reinforcing rib but it looks like they meant that on this video vehicle it is mounted on a forward swinging arm on the axle here it is got a coil spring and a hydraulic shock absorber the whole system mounts with bolts in three places on top of the coils behind the shock absorber and then of course the main unit an axle number two can be found road wheels two three on a bogie mounted on the axle here bracket comes forward and places load will - also made of silliman except normally without the reinforcing rib the mounting point for the leaf spring is found here as well and the axle or hub for the third road wheel is basically mounted directly to the leaf spring so should this part of the wheel hit an obstacle the entire bracket will swing up forcing the next wheel down except of course it's got the leaf spring which forces it back up again and then you move on to the next bogie [Music] and so we come to Axel number three road wheel number four is mounted in a similar manner to build wheel number three on the end of a leaf spring coming further back though you're going to get the steel trailing idler which is course much bigger than the other vehicles and is the position point for your track tension system in this case simple enough old-fashioned screw oh by the way the leaf springs are an indicator also between a house a and an house B on an a they're mounted above the axle on a beef they're mounted below axles two and three are of course connected by this u-shaped strengthening bar now all this is before you get to the track which as you can see is supported on three return rollers it is a skeletonized track system 89 links per side and the skeleton has some advantages when it comes through letting mud and dirt out of the system and it reduces the chances of throwing the track but on the other hand it also reduces the effectiveness of the track and reducing ground pressure the guide horns which were part of the track links often were hollowed out as well to again allow mud and suction now the pins are very simple they have a head on one end when you punch them through they are simply held in place by this little cross pin which is then hammered into a little s Bend to keep it in place while we're down here we can also see the row of bolts which is used to hold the top half of the tank to the bottom half today all in all the system would span a one point four meter trench climb a 37 centimeters step and Ford a 60 centimeter depth of water [Music] as we move to the upper superstructure first thing I'll note is that the fenders have anti slip shaping to them good call the tiger bar design still hasn't change across the countries in the decades and the stowage point for the antenna which of course will pivot down and back this reinforcing strip was added at some point later on in the vehicles life not all of the vehicles did receive the strip but the vast majority did finally the viewing port at the back here indicates this is one of the first 300 pounds and once manufactured later ones didn't have it further identifiers at the back now if you can see the trailing end of the running gear well look for the idler wheel the trailing idler on the edge a this was replaced by a fifth world wheel and a raised regular idler wheel on the FSB this also required adding in 11 extra track links to the system fuel filler ports there are two on the series 2 & 3 vehicles the fuel tank as you can see is directly underneath a little bit of a distance stand so you gotta use a hose or long funnel to fill up the hundred and 40 litres which coincidentally would get this vehicle 140 kilometers on series 4 and later vehicles there were four fuel Philip ports so there's an identifier there now because the SOA had a different engine to the FSB the entire engine deck also will look differently so the grill on the SP is located off to the side on the left hand side is a longitudinal access hatch on the house a we have the two access hatches here for the two large air filters engines well this is a four cylinder it is by crop is an M 305 puts out a whopping 60 horsepower it is an air-cooled engine now you'll see us mounted traverse Li across the vehicle as opposed to longitudinally in the original tractors from carden loyd and the reason this was done was to leave room for the her now the was during the engine selection process some debate in between whether or not they wanted a diesel engine or a petrol engine well petrol or gasoline one for two reasons firstly nothing else in the unit was going to use a diesel engine and the Germans reasonably enough did not want an additional logistical train just to power the tanks and the other reason was that there was a thinking process that required that the tank put at the maximum possible horsepower for a series of engagements lasting over about five hours since the fuel capacity of the petrol engine was sufficient to last five hours and that the petrol engines at the time were a little bit better than the diesels in many respects petrol was chosen now had that amount of time being elongated to say eight hours well there's an argument for the diesel after all now when he moved to the later vehicle this starts the long association between my back and Panzers because the engine gets replaced by the 38 er this is a 3.8 liter water-cooled six-cylinder and although the fuel tanks are only increased by six litres to 146 the better fuel efficiency of the more modern engine allowed the tank suppose need to go up to 170 kilometers max speed on the a strong a variant is thirty seven and a half kilometers an hour forwards three point three kilometers in our tips beer and lastly while we're still looking at the back I will note that the you have the typical towing point at the bottom and the final distinguisher between a and a B is the fact that the a has a two exhaust pipes on the fenders a B has a single exhaust running along the back this brings us to an end of the tour of the exterior of the panzer 1 yeah now I get to see if I fit inside [Music] quitting's lads and lasses alright for those of you that haven't yet figured it out inside the Chieftains hatch was conceived as an advertising mechanism for World of Tanks a game and well it's about time to verify whether or not this is actually working for the bean-counters so I know a lot of you don't yet play the game well here's the thing it's free to play and if you look in the text description down underneath the video here you're going to see some instructions on how to access the game and attribute the game to these videos and as I say it's free so give it a go download it look at the vehicles in the garage hit the tech tree in preview play a few games if you don't like it uninstall no harm done hasn't cost you a dime if you do like it well congratulations you find yourself a new time waster while you wait for part two of this vehicle to show up see you there thirty seven and a half three point three [Music]
Channel: The Chieftain
Views: 226,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q-_CoYTjVs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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