Inside Tee Grizzley's $500,000 Jewelry Heist

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the FBI is working to learn if four men arrested for a robbery at a local jewelry store are tied to similar crimes across the country way off local media [Music] what I steal from your own mother say your money men police say these three men walked into this Jarrett near a busy shopping area Tuesday night around 7:00 with hammers that's crazy I just can't believe that happened here we checked their backgrounds and all four men are from Detroit all right so somebody's life story that I've always appreciated was tea Grizzlies consistently good wrapper I always look forward to hearing one of his verses but a lot of people I don't think know his full story this is a man who was destined for university but somehow ended up in Kentucky on the floor with a gun pointed to his head in the middle of a jewelry heist right he was trying to pull off so this particular story covers his younger days when he was casing out robberies spanning across multiple different states and this iconic moment when a dude confronted him after the fact to yell at him for stealing his xbox back in the day now we're gonna get into all this but first let me show you my song of the day this is Oreo Jay check him out [Music] I'm a farmer everywhere anyway I'm gonna make it no matter the hurdles or obstacles and up there my way I'm gonna tree everything up my love's gonna be moving like it's just anything now in order to understand T grizzly story we gotta travel to Michigan more specifically Detroit everybody in America knows Detroit is a tough city they've been through a lot severely underfunded underprivileged and it's manufacturing industry got absolutely decimated a lot of hard-working people were left with no work no jobs nothing to sustain life with you can travel to Flint Michigan and find out the water crisis over there where people were not getting clean water to drink and the government has not done a thing about it now the story of Detroit comes with harshness and tea Grizzlies story is no different right he grew up in a family of drug dealers his mama was a drug dealer his pops his auntie everybody around him was selling dope but a lot of people they CT grisly and they got him [ __ ] up this was a kid who was destined for university getting accepted to major in finance despite coming from a environment of material destitute now just as tea grizzly was hitting that pivotal moment at the end of high school his pops gets murdered his mom's guest sentenced to 15 years in prison and shortly after grizzly gets a letter in the mail telling him he gets accepted into Michigan State University but tuition is like 15 grand a year and some kids that get accepted in the school don't even have the option to go this was a big opportunity for grizzly so he went for it but he knew he needed a job and as you guys know in order to get a job you need experience but in order to get experience you need a [ __ ] job so grizzly heads up to MSU invites one of his friends from his neighborhood to go up there and take part in some of the opportunities and one day this friend comes to him with 11 grand in his pocket and Grizzlies like don't how did you get 11 grand whatever you're doing I want in it turns out the friend was doing peonies which is Breaking and enterings that's when they came up with this plan to basically ransack the dormitories on campus they started systematically robbing these dorms for all their valuables right they take computers cell phones and whatever people had and the great part is they did this while people were sleeping at night Grizzly's a big guy I don't know how he was able to tiptoe into people's dorms and steal their [ __ ] at night like he's the [ __ ] Grinch T grizzly and his friend successfully pulled off 12 robberies by the end of it they got at least $10,000 worth of stolen merchandise and nearly ten thousand dollars in cash but that's only how much the police recovered grizzly had about 40 laptops and 20 iPhones in his room but the police were catching on in them you recognize these guys Nemus you police want to talk to them about a recent theft in North Hubbard Hall if you have any information that can help call msu police or you can go to their Facebook page to leave an anonymous tip unfortunately as they were planning to leave the police intercepted them word got out quick that grizzly was apprehended so one of his friends ran to his dorm in order to grab the stuff that was stolen and move it somewhere else so the police would get off their trail he moved all the stuff that grizzly had stolen into his own dorm this actually hurt the cops case because it was tampering with evidence so the police had to let grizzly go and take a couple months to actually build a case and get some evidence that's when his friends came to him with this plan for a jewelry heist a smash-and-grab over in Kentucky now for those of you who don't know a smash-and-grab is exactly what it sounds like you go to a jewelry store you bust the display cases grab the loot and you run for your [ __ ] life at the time of this story jewelry store robberies in the states resulted in losses of sixty six point five million dollars just that year alone guys dance sounds like it works so grizzly who already had an arrest warrant for his prior burglaries decided [ __ ] it I'm probably gonna need some lawyer money if this goes well I'll be able to pay for that and financially I won't be ruined so his plan was to go with his friend to Kentucky they set up in these apartments they stole a car and the place that they were targeting was called the castle now at the time they thought it was a jewelry store turns out it was actually a pawn shop but they had this whole thing planned now they made a call to the police in the area and they told them there was a shooting over at a school to get them moved and away from the area would the police headed in that direction grizzly and the boys in the stolen car they went to the castle which they thought was a jewelry store but it was actually a pawn shop when they get there they've got hammers in their pockets they go in and this is Kentucky it's like 90 degrees out and they're wearing hoodies so the owner immediately confronts him and says why are you wearing hoodies he tells them our boxers right we're trying to lose weight smart move quick thinking now after a minute or two nobody's doing any action so grizzly immediately grabs the hammer smashes some of the display case and says let's grab these Rolexes let's get the [ __ ] out of here but just as they're gathering the loot they here freeze one of the customers had a gun pointed directly at T grizzly now don't forget this is Kentucky so of course the customer had a gun right of course he did now it takes the police over an hour to come to this scene cuz they thought there was a shooting going on at the campus because grizzly and them called him to tell them that now grizzly was found guilty of the botched robbery and they had to sit down and do some time in Kentucky which by the way the prison in Kentucky is terrible bro it's one of the worst prisons in the US and after he served time there he had to go do time in Michigan for the dormitory burglaries this made grizzly into the man he is he took this life story and he made first stay out the track that basically gave him a career and I don't know if you guys have noticed this is Grizzlies got some of the best jewelry right now the grizzly bear piece the Cuban Linx that he has and that illustration of his downfall being because of a botched jewelry heist and then now he's got some of the best jewelry in the game I just think that's a a beautiful illustration by a man that's it for this video let me know what you guys think in the comments below make sure you subscribe with notifications on and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Trap Geek
Views: 6,776,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trap, geek, tee grizzley, Tee grizzley msu, tee grizzley fan, tee grizzley first day out, tee grizzley story, tee grizzley jewelry
Id: 2nR9h5HbCok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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