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Not exactly Quakes related but it does feature Dave Kaval.

I believe Kaval has been a solid president. He was able to finally build a stadium while not centrally located like SAP Center still within SJ city limits with decent PT from San Pedro Square.

He is currently working on building the youth Academy fields and hopefully shouldn't be too long.

He acquired a respectable shirt sponsor in Sutter Health.

There are things he can improve such as better merchandise, rotating beer selection at Beers of the World as was promised, etc.

Hopefully with the hiring of the new GM the Quakes are able to turn the corner and become a dominant team once again.

Edit: don't fuck it up Kaval.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/QuakesWC 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2016 🗫︎ replies
[MUSIC] I always planned to do this. This was like my life goal. [MUSIC] I played baseball, basketball, football. Hockey, soccer, everything. I literally, every morning I ate sports for breakfast. I wanted to be a professional athlete and then of course, I capped out at 5'9", 150 pounds and I realized that career was going to end pretty quick. There was a boy's club, and I went down the very first time I went there. There was a hardwood floor there. A basketball court, indoor basketball court. I'd never actually played on one. I'd just started to shoot baskets or whatever. I went in and I saw that hardwood floor and I don't know what it is, to this day I can envision it as though it's right in front of me. >> It was actually after watching the movie Jerry McGuire, with Tom Cruise where I realized wow, there's this whole other side of the business. >> Sports was a huge part of my life growing up, my family. [MUSIC] I saw what it meant to go to a sporting event. And how the experience of sharing the game together with other people could bring you together. Even across socio-economical lines, and I really love that and kind of fell in love with that fandom. >> I didn't know where to start. And, at the time, a lot of my friends and classmates were interviewing for these Wall Street jobs. And so I went on one of the interviews and was very quickly romanced by this whole notion of being on Wall Street and doing deals. But it was during that time that I had a childhood friend who was killed in a car accident. And if he was here now, I think he would say I did what I wanted to do. I figured out who I was and I pursued those things. At that moment, I kind of made a very about-face shift. In the way that I approached my career and I guess myself. [MUSIC] >> You have to do something you care about. Something you have passion for. It's like I didn't wake up one day and say I really want to be an investment banker or something like that. It's like hey, follow your dreams. >> Every day is showtime. And it's showtime for the players when they look at you in the locker room, when they look at you in the canteen. It's showtime when you're on camera and sometimes you have to, in some sense, fake a little bit of showtime. >> Displaying weakness is not a good thing, [LAUGH] so even if you're not confident you should act confident. I was confident, I was very confident that we could do it. That we could turn it around. That we could win a championship, and that we could be successful in every way. >> You gotta keep the whole team motivated. You gotta keep the whole team feeling like we're going to get this done, we're going to accomplish this. Building a stadium in California is a difficult exercise. Even though there was one of those 50 or 100 times where I was worried are we going to be able to get this done? Are we going to overcome this hurdle? I had to be positive and I had to always exude complete confidence that we were going to be able to get it done. Because if people didn't see it in me then how are they going to be confident in themselves and what they're doing? It's absolutely paramount. I'm passionate about it because I want to win. And winning means a lot of different things to me perhaps, but for those underneath you, you've got to keep that passion. Although to be honest with you, if you're going to come work for us, it's 365, 24/7. I mean it's all the time. Because that's who we are. That's what we are and we're all in. >> We are out there on the streets meeting people, knowing their names, showing them that we know who they are by name, and that we really appreciate their support. We serve them, we have a duty to them. We owe them big. >> For me, that's what I love. I love being out there, being that person who's kind of a pied piper. Making everyone excited about what we're doing, and advancing the business, and really making it a success. [SOUND] What success means, and how important different things, are completely different for every single stakeholder in the ecosystem. >> The one thing that actually Coach Walsh used to say many years ago. But it stuck with me every time. Is that when things are good and they're praising you, you are never as good as they say you are. And when things are bad and they are criticizing you, you are never as bad as they say you are. >> This is an industry sort of like the entertainment industry, but even more than the entertainment industry, you are making decisions in a fish bowl. And everybody's got an opinion. Whether it's with facts, or without facts. And they will state that opinion in sometimes a measured way, and sometimes in an obnoxious way. If you can't take the heat, go find another industry. >> You can't take stuff personally, I make decisions quickly. But the personal thing is a big deal, because you're having these interactions. And if you just get bogged down in like, my God, I can't believe that person said that or whatever, and you get kind of retaliatory, it's totally ineffective. >> How do you make tough decisions that the public doesn't necessarily understand or agree with? And I think that's what leadership is. They don't have all the facts. We're supposed to have all the facts. Right? And we're suppose to be able to reanalyze them correctly. That is what we are supposed to do. >> You will be praised sometimes and you will be booed sometimes. And it's really how you handle the situation that is distinctive about leadership and also about how the fans are going to view you. >> [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC] Monta Ellis was our most popular player. This is really only a year and a half into our ownership. And he was our best player. Our most popular player. In fact, honestly, I was close to him and his wife and I really loved how hard he played. Having said that, we had a plan. It involved a style of play and organizing, architecting a team work, a structure for our team, which we thought would lead to success in the NBA. And that had to do with defense first, prototypical size at every position. And it had to do with a fast-paced style of play, so akin to the Celtics of the 60s, where I grew up, is where it comes from. Defensive orientation led by Bill Russell. The 80s, showtime Lakers, I lived in LA during that period. So those are the two greatest influences for me in basketball. And so I didn't think we could survive, we didn't think we could survive with two small guards, no matter how good they were. We banked on Steph Curry as the Cornerstone of our franchise. He is now of the 12, 15 players on our roster, the only remaining player from that original team 5 years ago. So that trade, for Andrew Bogut, a center. The only way you're going to get a big, great center like that for a small guy is if he's injured or something like that, so we took that risk. People didn't understand it at the time, I knew they wouldn't. I didn't think I'd get booed. I did, by 20,000 people. We could talk about that, the effects of that as well. But to go from good to great is not an easy thing to do. And if it was easy, anyone could do it. You have to make some tough decisions and we made a tough decision to go out and get the coach. The last piece if you will. Adding to the roster that we had assembled. Which was Steve Curr. Who we thought could finally put together not the roster and have it play fully. Fully in the type of style of type of play that we wanted to play going forward. >> That could of been a championship. [MUSIC] >> I think when Joe Lathrop got booed in the retiring the jersey, the immediate reaction was very negative, but he really handled that brilliantly in terms of the next day. He was on the radio, talk path radio responding to press and it turned out the trade actually was a very good trade. That actually was a hallmark of his management talents. >> The great thing about being booed or something like that, something really bad happened here is that if you then succeed, you look really good. I think failure is really important, you need to fail at some point. You need to know what it feels like, how horrible it feels to fail, to not succeed, to be criticized and then you're able to take it the next time. I had a very good idea when we bought a team, how we were going to run the team, what the kind of players, the culture. How we're going to design ourselves of the vision of the basketball part, for the business part. I'd been an owner at the Celtics for six years. I'd seen how the NBA runs. I thought about it for a long, long time. And so I was a fan, by the way. Every fan thinks they know how to do it better. I thought I could do it better too. And in this case, fortunately, I was able to do it better. >> It's a challenging time for the 49ers given that we were coming off a lot of success. We opened a building in Levi Stadium and the tea in a wins and losses stand point that a lot of people would just tell you, maybe that there is some antidote out there. And that they say, no, you gotta have a thick shell and that it never bothers them. I can't make that statement. I was very much a minority, I didn't play college or NFL football. And so I was viewed skeptically, publicly and inside the building. And so when the team did poorly, then of course, I was criticized. [MUSIC] Just the experience of having gone through it, sort of hardens you a little bit more to it and to the point where you just sort of get used to it, I guess. But I'll tell you, it comes down to the challenge. The thing that motivates me and inspires me is trying to accomplish a new challenge. >> The CEO is not going to be a long-term owner. Understands that his job is episode. They'll be episodes at which he maybe on a roll as a CEO. There maybe be episodes in which he's been a role in business development. Even the long time periods often get stadiums up, you have to have a perception of confidence, maybe audacity to sort of say, this challenge is in fact, doable. >> And people kept asking me, what percent chance do you think this thing's going to work? Is it like 10%? And I always said, it's 100%, it's 100% going to work. Because you have to almost convince yourself and rationalize that hey, this is such a complicated and difficult thing, but we need to find a way to power through to motivate your team. We wanted to build one of the best teams in all major league soccer in the world. We wanted to build it here in Silicon Valley with an innovative, great fan experience and we wanted to put a team in there that was going to compete for championships with the Earthquakes. When we were building the stadium and we had to delay it another year, because we found issues with the site itself, because this was an old tank factory. So there was bunkers and underground faults and then the community group had opposed it here in San Jose, so we had to go through an appeal. And the community here is like, are you ever going to build this stadium? And I'm kind of the front person of this entire thing. And so, that was really hard to manage. It was hard to convince my staff to follow me trough that really difficult time, but I think at the end of the day, we had a clear vision of what we wanted to do. >> When we were at Candlestick Park, we just weren't able to compete economically with some of the teams that had newer stadiums. The effort to build a stadium, that was a six, eight, ten year effort of finding the right place to do it. Working with the municipality. Financing, marketing, selling, designing the stadium. All of that and it was a $1.3 billion stadium. >> What we call the in stadium experience is something that is going under a lot of transformation. [MUSIC] >> How does the in-stadium environment compete with the couch? It's really great to watch the NFL from your couch. The picture is great, it's easy to follow the game. The concessions are a lot cheaper. The bathroom's a lot cleaner. It's easier to get to and it takes 3.5 hours instead of 5.5 hours. Hockey, more than any other major sport, there is no question about it. The live experience is paramount. The home experience, the TV experience cannot compete with the live experience. And so as things become more accessible on demand, that live experience creates even more of a premium. It used to be one end of the spectrum was the at home experience and the other end of the spectrum was the in stadium experience, and what was seen now was the morphing of the two. So what goes on in the stadium is attempting to address what are some of the benefits at home, whether it's quick delivery of the foods, no lines for the bathroom, availability of replays. So all the stadiums are trying to design themselves, so that there were a lot more flexible for the entertainment experience. >> You have to know the customer. You have to know what it means to be a fan. What does a fan really want? Does a fan want Wi-Fi or does they want an actual app that enables you to get in a stadium quicker and find out where the restrooms are, and where the food is? Who wants the app? She doesn't care about the Wi-Fi. So I think a lot of times, stadiums are built. They're just checking all these boxes in terms of like it has the fastest Wi-Fi or it has the nicest club seats. What people really want is the experiences, that's why they pay top dollar for these things. And so when I really look at what we do at the stadium, it's a very experimental drug. >> It's a very big business and these teams have really started to proliferate in terms of asset value as you've seen certainly in the past five or six years, and that's because you're seeing these teams being run like efficient businesses much more so than you did a decade ago. [MUSIC] >> Don't mistake that these are real businesses that require hard skills and to the extent that you can demonstrate that you have those hard skills, I think you can really differentiate yourself. You can't just find your way through, because you love Michael Jordan. It's just not enough. >> A lot of times, when people talk about how it looks, they're really only talking about on the field, on the court, on the ice, but there's also the business side of analytics that has also taken off in sports. Your traditional industries have been doing it for a hundred years and sports has really only been focused on it over the last decade or so, and I'm talking about measuring the lifetime value of a customer. Understanding to market to your fans. Understanding how to price your building. Understanding new opportunities to what businesses you may enter, how you do your merchandising, all of those things. [MUSIC] >> Hockey lag behind the other leagues in this idea of number-driven, analytics-driven decision-making. There was kind of a lot of white space to play. Of course, there's risk there too. It's easier to go into an environment where there's other people like you. It's harder to be on the leading edge, but I was excited by that white space. >> I would say, most people probably looked at me and said, he's a little bit of a gut shooter. Maybe not as analytical I think that’s actually totally not true. I think the truth is that I’m very analytical, I believe very much in the data. Get the data, analyze the data, work speedily. It’s an entrepreneurial attitude about our organization and the way we run our business. We encourage very strong debate. But then, it's my job to make the decision. I certainly listen most of the time to what the group decides and then we just do it, and we go. So I do think that is what's different, that's what separates. That's the Silicon Valley way, the entrepreneur way. That is not the big company way. And I think that I have gotten from being in the Valley for 30 some-odd years. >> I have an entrepreneurial background. For me that's what is exciting, the challenge, the fact that we are a challenger, that it's hard. For me soccer is kind of a perfect sport because it's not figured out yet in the United States. We're kind of the young, hip, energized sport that's connected to the millennial and generation Z, the younger folks. And I think as the country continues to change and kind of there's almost a new America is coming with people who are more international and more global in their focus. This can be the sport for them. For the broader community in the sports world, people kind of know that and they sense it's coming. And so they want to be a part of the growth and the excitement of what that means. >> It is absolutely in every sense of the word a start up and we've had all the same ups and downs, roller coasters. That's what the last year and a half starting this has been like. We sold out our opening night game. Turns out it was the hottest day in San Diego ever. The building is really hot. Around game time, you start to see the kind of ice start melting, fog starts rising. By the middle of the first period, we were actually stopping the game intermittently to let the fog rise so that the players could see. Just never in a million years did we plan for fog. I think this is just a good kind of archetype of the we we try to operate as a start-up. With each success, or with each failure, I'm energized by the opportunity to grow and do better. [MUSIC] >> I only have two jobs, so I like to say one is to create a vision for the organization. And two is hire the very best people you could possibly hire, have them hire the best people they can hire under them. That's management 101. And let them do their jobs. Having great guys, great women, great character out there matters. When the chips are down and things aren't going well, you want someone who's out there who's smart, who's a good teammate, all those things matter. If it's not there, the others sense it and it's not going to go well. There isn't one person on our team that I wouldn't want to go dinner with or have my kids hang out with, and you know what? Here's another thing. >From a business perspective, if you're a fan, who do you want to go pay to see play? It's not just the players that are really good at what they do, but people you can believe in. Steph Curry of course is the ultimate in this regard. >> In the culture we've created here, and the head coach we have in Dominic Kinnear, it's his focus on the team as opposed to just individual players. And I think that culture is attractive to a lot of fans. That's the type of ethos we want, team first. It means something. There's integrity. There's values associated with it. In this day and age in sports, a lot of that's been lost. [MUSIC] >> The really good managers make the time and make the effort to really understand how the pieces come together, and it's manageable. But a lot of people don't do it because they think it's beneath them. >> There is this misguided in my opinion, idea, and this drives me crazy. Well, that owner should stay out of the way. He should not meddle. But this idea of meddling is just wrong. What they should be saying is micromanagement is a bad thing. Let people do their jobs, stay out of the way, but meddling implies that you're trying to get information or be involved in all the different areas of the business, and that's not a good thing. I believe exactly the opposite. Any small business, and this is really a small business, this is not a mega corporation. The leader, the owner, they should be involved in everything. They should know what's going on. They're going to do a better job. They should know their fan base. They should know all the numbers. They should know all the people that work there. They should know the players. They should understand the implications of a trade of assets. >> I've had a very open and transparent management style with everyone associated with the club. Fans, players, front office employees, ownership, anyone and one way that's really manifested itself is that every Tuesday from three to five I have office hour. And people, anyone can come in off the street and talk to me about any concerns they have. I've met with people who want me to buy insurance. I've met with people who want a job, I've met with folks who just want to talk about how their father loved the Earthquakes back in 1976. And so it's a wide variety of interactions and it keeps me connected with the pulse of the team. When you're building culture, you have to have actual things people can point to, almost like a lighthouse. Like my office hours have become a lighthouse for people to understand what our culture is. If Dave Kaval, the president of the Earthquakes, will meet with anyone at anytime. If I'm in fan relations and I tell a person who I'm selling tickets to, no I'm not going to meet with you, doesn't jive up. >> I try to spend time working with people at every level. Interns, street team, mascot, all the way up to the senior leaders of our organization, I work hand in hand with them at their job whenever I can. I'll count merchandise. I'll balance the cash register. I'm up there with our play by play guy. I will spend time on the headset calling the game. I answer every email that I get. And so there is nothing that I would ask someone to do on our team that I wouldn't do myself. And they know that, not because I say it, but because I do it. [MUSIC] >> You gotta be all in. There is no way to kind of have one foot in the canoe. You're always kind of connected to what's happening in your role as the president of the Earthquakes. It's just part of who you are. It's very connected to your identity. And that's just the only way to do it and be successful. Because, like I said, if you're really trying to kind of have one foot in the canoe, it's very hard to find success. And I think that the strain that creates is just not something that's healthy. >> For me, I think. The change sort of came when my wife and I found out we were pregnant. My career and my job for, at that point, 14 years or 15 years, and at the 49ers, it defined who I was. Like I was my job, and I lived it, in the same way I ate sports for breakfast when I was a kid. That's just what I did. It was who I was. And then certainly when Juniper was born, I realized that the job was just what I do and who I am is a father and a husband and being at home. It really sort of hit me like an epiphany. I had combined those two for so long. And now there's a clear separation. It hasn't changed my passion at work but it certainly changed me. >> They want to see passion. They want to see energy. But they don't want to see obsession because obsession can become too narrow in the sense of when you lose, which every team does, then everybody gets devastated. The idea is to make the lows less. And keep some of the floor of for the high. I think that's the real art of management in this playing in this. [MUSIC] When you're riding so high, the biggest danger is complacency. That you accept the fact that you are number one and believe that there's not much to stop you from being number one. That's not true. I mean, horse racing thought that. Boxing thought that. And look where they are now. So I think you have to be forever vigilant. And also seek new mounds. >> Each experience fills me with this desire to do it again, do it differently. Repeat our success. I never sit back at the end of the night and say Well, we won 2-0 and we did XYZ in attendance and I feel great. Frankly, I wish I can do that a little bit more, but I just, I recognize things and see opportunities and there's so much left to do, there's so much of the story yet to be written. >> You'll have a nice run of success and you'll have your droughts and you just have to continue to plant the seeds during the drought hoping that when they do blossom again that they blossom for a long time. >> I feel a great sense of pride in what we've built here. Because it was something that when I came here in 2010, this wasn't necessarily just going to happen. And so when I look at the stadium behind me and I think about the team we've created, that brings a smile to my face. Thinking about it because it was really hard and we did find success. Now we can focus on all of these second-order issues like getting great, young talent and developing American players and winning another MLS championship. Over the last five years, we just had to pull ourselves up to that point so we could even have this conversation. But for us, we're super excited to be able to take that next step. >> Maybe some people would be satisfied, they won the championship, they're done, move onto the next thing. The thing is I think the great task for me right now and for us is sustainability. Can we do it again and maybe even again and again? Can we be continually great? Can we be good for a long time? That's the real test is can you be good for a long time? I think we can. [MUSIC]
Channel: Stanford Graduate School of Business
Views: 232,883
Rating: 4.9249778 out of 5
Keywords: golden state warriors, joe lacob, ari segal, dave kaval, san jose earthquakes, paraag marathe, san francisco 49ers, playoffs, steph curry, kevin durant, sports management, nba
Id: 3g6a8NwNrxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2016
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