Inside Shia LeBeouf's Tragic & Controversial Life

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i have a new video for you guys because we need to talk about shia labeouf this man is an american actor performance artist and a filmmaker he started off in hollywood as a child star and grew into a mega star but along the way to his stardom he has caused a lot of damage today we're talking about shaya's dark and problematic past so let's get into it [Music] before we get into this video here is a quick message from our sponsor simberd is a fragrance subscription service that you can use to shop from over 600 brands and what's fun about symford is they allow you to try a new designer fragrance every month just for sixteen dollars i actually received this cologne by john darm and it smells so good and i love the matte black packaging and what's cool about sembert is they send you these little cards to explain the fragrance for example this one says seductively sweet with notes of cola berry and hints of citrus the warm woody spice of clove and pepper deepens the alluring aroma echoing 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hollywood from pretty early on unfortunately his parents split up at five years old and it looks like shia describes his father as a drug dealing clown i'm sure he doesn't do that anymore but back in the day that's what he was up to through his years in hollywood he has done a ton he's been in so many different movies like when i was reviewing his imdb i was shook to just see how much this guy has worked and he never really has stopped shia is currently 35 years old and he's still very active in hollywood but he's definitely slowed down after the whole situation with fka twigs if you guys don't know who fk twigs is she is a singer who has really great music i've been a fan of hers for a long time but she also had an extremely toxic relationship with shia they actually met on the set of the movie honeyboy back in 2018 they dated for nine months and then split up in may 2019. they said at the time it was because of conflicting work schedules but we found out in 2020 it was way more than that before we dive into their relationship i do want to give you guys a trigger warning because fk twigs went through hell and back being with shia and she shared some very disturbing things so trigger warning on that after we talk about him and fk twigs we will go down memory lane and talk about all the times that shia has been arrested or has gotten himself in trouble so we found out truly how bad their relationship was in december 2020 when fk twigs filed a lawsuit against shia in this report she claims that shaya emotionally harmed her and physically harmed her during the relationship in 2018 through 2019. it's weird to think that he was fighting with her during the time that he was filming that honeyboy movie because that's like an autobiography of his and i feel like maybe he was i don't know in a really bad place because he was remembering all these traumatic things he's gone through and filming the movie but at the end of the day it's no excuse for him to treat anyone like this so i'm glad that fka twigs exposed him and brought it to court fka told a reporter what i went through with shia is the worst thing i've ever been through in my whole life and she shared stories about him throwing her against a car grabbing her neck giving her bruises oh gosh the singer also claimed that shia was emotionally you know harmful and wouldn't let her wear clothing to bed oh that's weird on top of that she also shares that he would give her diseases like transmit diseases to her because he just wasn't clean oh and he'd grab her skin so hard that she was bruised please on the whole std situation i have some things to share about that because shia actually tried to cover up the std symptoms with makeup which sounds really just evil that he would go and put her to risk like this and would use makeup to hide what he's going through unfortunately fk twigs started experiencing some symptoms in march 2019 when she confronted shaya about it then he admitted that he had an std which he's been diagnosed with years earlier at that point fk twigs was shocked and mortified she went to get some blood work done and she realized that she also has the disease she also claims that shia's lawyer dismissed this whole situation and said it's not that bad finally fk twigs also met another woman who also got this disease from him so he was going around and hooking up with these people spreading this disease which is just god awful the lawsuit also includes a claim that shia would keep a loaded firearm by the bed which made the singer scared to get up at night in case he mistakenly thought that she was an intruder oh no i would be so scared too especially if he's like not mentally stable and he's like oh intruder and then boom boom boom this story is definitely the worst of them all so just after valentine's day in 2019 fk twigs was in the car speeding towards la with her boyfriend of course shia was driving she said in the lawsuit that he was removing his seat belt and threatening to crash unless she professed her love for him they were returning from the desert where shia the star of transformers had raged at her throughout the trip fk twigs said in a lawsuit once waking her up in the middle of night by just grabbing her neck after she begged to be let out of the car she said he pulled over at a gas station and she took her bags from the trunk but shyla followed and hurt her throwing her against the car while screaming in her face according to the lawsuit then he forced her back in the car i was literally starting to black out when i was reading that because it just sounds so horrible what he would put her through and obviously he's got a lot of like issues with control because it sounds very controlling what he put her through and it's not just her there are multiple girlfriends who actually stepped forward after she stepped forward because they felt more comfortable and you know the reporters were asking around so i guess they were happy to share one of his exes named carolyn told the new york times that there was one time where he held her to the ground and was head-butting her until she had like an open wound that's so insane to me that he would go pin her to the bed and then head-butt her until she had like an open wound and stuff like what why would he even do that that sounds so like destructive for both people like he's just smashing his head into her head so that they harm each other that's like psychopathic energy but when all of these allegations came out in december 2020 shia said that none of them were true he said that fka twigs allegations and the other ex-girlfriends are again false not true but he has been harmful to himself and everyone around him for years so he has a history of hurting the people closest to him i'm ashamed of that history and i'm sorry to those i've hurt well sorry isn't enough sometimes like you need to get justice and one of the reasons why fka twigs went to go and file this lawsuit was because shia when they broke up agreed that he was going to get psychological treatment and then he didn't so then she was like you know what i'm gonna follow this suit because now other people are at risk of being in a relationship with you and being harmed like i was so i'm gonna hold you accountable which fk twiggs is like literally such a strong woman that she like went to that level to go and really try to protect him like at the end of the day she's not trying to go here and just like ruin his like life she gave him that opportunity to go and get help he did not want to get help and now she's making sure that no other women go through this with him and it's crazy to think that these people go through these struggles because they're all like celebrities and rich and famous and you think their life is so perfect but it's far from it fk twigs was quoted saying the whole time i was with him i could have bought myself a business flight plane ticket back to my four-story townhouse but he brought her so low below myself that the idea of leaving him and having to work myself back up just seemed impossible so it's clear that shia is extremely damaging to a lot of people around him and to himself and he's had a problematic past for a couple of years so i want to go through memory elaine and talk about the times that he was arrested and all of the warning signs that this guy is having mental health issues and probably needs to get some help so back in 2007 shia was arrested at a walgreens pharmacy in chicago right after his 21st birthday he was arrested at 2 30 in the morning because he refused to leave the store after several requests by a security guard and he was very drunk appeared to be drunk he was charged with criminal trespassing a misdemeanor though the charge was later dropped by the store actually a spokeswoman from the police said that he was very courteous and polite after he was arrested so at least this time his first time he was kind about it back when that went down chaya actually went on david letterman and he went to go tell the story of what happened and it's kind of light-hearted a little bit goofy obviously he's got some issues here but let's listen to what he has to say how old uh do we know how old you are you're you just turned 21. just turned 21 yeah we did what did you do to celebrate would you go nuts or what happened well i remember last time we talked about that i said i wouldn't i wasn't going to go nuts until after indy and so after what are you talking about you're working on the movie when you turn 21 yeah because you don't want to go nuts while you're filming you know um so so i got pretty wasted in chicago and wound up celebrating in walgreens uh but i had this problem so four in the morning um i asked the people where i can get cigarettes i sent walgreens across the street so i go to the walgreens and on my way down the elevator i'm feeling my forehead and i feel this pimple on my forehead and i say oh i gotta take care of that so i go to walgreens and i go into the cosmetic aisle i see the security guard and he's looking at me four in the morning pretty disheveled pretty messed up on the special magic sauce and and uh and i and i get the pimple cream and he's looking at me he's kind of giggling to himself and now i'm starting to feel like well it's really not that funny guy you know yeah men need this stuff too and i'm feeling kind of weird about it and i'm feeling so weird about i forget to get my cigarettes i go upstairs to my room and in a hotel i put the pimple cream on i realized i didn't get the cigarettes at the end of the day shia is an entertainer and it's clear that he is just like fluffing up the story to make it sound better than it actually was like he's saying that at four in the morning he went down to walgreens well you were arrested at 2 30 in the morning so it wasn't for the morning which whatever those are the small details but he talks about how he came back from the walgreens got the pimple cream forgot the cigarettes then he went down to the walgreens again to go get cigarettes but then he accidentally went and got candy instead after falling into the candy aisle he like grabbed a piece it was like okay i'm gonna check out now and then he went back up to his room and realized again he didn't have those cigarettes so he decided to go back down again to get those cigarettes and that's when he got arrested so his third time visiting the store anyway so i'll buy the gummy bears i go back upstairs again as i'm walking out i'm like ah got the cigarettes so i go back upstairs i wait for a little while i'm like well i gotta go back down i gotta get these cigarettes sure so i throw on a hoodie [Music] so i go back down and and i got the hoodie on he goes really really really and i'm like yeah really he goes what are you doing here i go well buddy it's your worst nightmare yeah uh-oh and then another security guard friend of his because they're all friends there you know tackles me puts me in these plastic handcuffs tackles views you know like like a delicate like lay down [Laughter] he was completely in the right i was a [ __ ] he gave me the handcuffs i went to the police police station with the pimple cream on my head yeah and you can't look tough with the pimple they actually put you in the cell they locked you in yeah like the the drunk tank oh my goodness okay so so i'm sitting in there and i got the pimple cream everybody's looking at me like wait a minute i know you and i was like yeah i'm sorry you know no no i'm no law student or anything but what what law had you broken well see that's the thing they charged me with trespassing but they they held me there with plastic handcuffs right so it was sort of the cop was like it was his way of like getting me out of the walgreens because if it was up to me i'd have stayed there for two weeks yeah so it was just their way of getting me out of the walgreens and so and then the mug shot was a whole nother thing because it was like we he knew it was gonna be everywhere in the morning so he was nice about it he looked like he like he was a photo shoot yeah like let me take like 14 mug shots which was nice thank you by the way i appreciate it that's that celebrity treatment you get as many mugshots as you want to and again he's making light of this situation but i have a feeling that something went down during his first or second visit to where he like came back in the third time and they're like get out of here that's why you're trespassing because we've already told you to get out you've been drunk falling over on the candy and getting this pimple cream so that was kind of a stupid mistake and it was when he was 21 i mean he was turned up for his 21st birthday we kind of get it but the pattern continues from that point where it looks like he has issues with substances uh being out in public and interacting with people normally and then later on getting arrested let's talk about the time shia was arrested back in 2014 during a performance of cabaret so he was pretty much arrested for disrupting this performance of sam mendez rendition of cabaret and pretty much shia was smoking inside the theater and stood up during the first act of the show and shouted at the actors not looking good police were notified and he was handcuffed and escorted out of the theater he addressed the incident on jimmy kimmel back in 2014 again making light of the situation claiming that he was just in ireland he had a lot of whiskey and he continued to drink after landing back united states and he was drinking throughout the show and just blamed his alcohol you were arrested at the musical cabaret so i land in new york i'm coming back from ireland you know you go to ireland you drink whiskey uh this dude who comes up and i don't know this guy but he comes up to me he says well uh why don't you come to my show you know i'm a dancer in this cabaret show and i said cabaret yeah i'm walking to my seat and on the way to the sea i see that there's this bar over here and i go oh yeah sure i have another drink so i'm packing my cigarettes i pull this cigarette out i'm smoking a cigarette alan cummings walks past me i'm not i give him a slap on the because i think he deserves it so i started having a cigarette and a security guard comes up says can you put the cigarette out no problem and a person tells me there's another party outside and i'm thinking oh well okay and uh and i received six cops having their own party and uh anyways they wound up taking me to station and that was that's the story wow what a night but there was something bizarre that went down during that show because shia got a little bit handsy with a guy named allen so here's alan [ __ ] he is an actor and he was actually performing in that show that one that shia was arrested at he bragged about the fact that he went up shia went up to alan and smacked his butt because he was the hottest man he's ever seen he he said i grabbed a whole cheek because i wanted a party right here in my pants ew oh my gosh and then he was disappointed that allen managed to wiggle out of his hercules grip that sounds a little bit bizarre and i think allen was a little uncomfy with it as well but probably recognized that shia was on something i have to ask you a couple of months ago and then one night uh shia labeouf gets arrested at the show and i just want to hear from you what the hell happened and when i went down to go on stage and start the show everyone was freaking out because there was a you know someone who seemed to be a crazy person shouting and right walk into the audience and go up to the back and come down and as i walked past him he was at a table on the end of a row and he like whacked me and um i know other things you know he kind of he was smoking after shia was arrested that night some things went down at the police station and it did not look good so down at the police station shia went and spat on a police officer's shoe that that wasn't good it actually led to him being escorted into a room where he was kept by himself for 25 hours but was given a mcdonald's egg sandwich again like maybe the celebrity treatment because like oh you are shia labeouf um he later said shaya did that he's going to stay away from broadway for a while now let's go ahead and switch gears and jump to the following year 2015 because during that year shia had an interesting music video he was a part of it was for sia's song elastic heart the music video was really uncomfy because it included maddie who was a child at that point and shia who were barely wearing anything and a lot of people saw it and felt again like uncomfortable right away maddie ziegler was only 12 years old at the time and both of the dancers were pretty much like had no clothing on the video drew strong reactions from a bunch of people some people defending it some people saying it's gross but nonetheless it was an awkward moment for shia sia addressed the controversy on twitter saying that she knew that some people were going to say this but all she could say that maddie and shia were the only two people that could do this music video so they had to do it like heaven forbids would get someone age-appropriate because you know that c is obsessed with maddie if you guys have not seen my video about that definitely go check it out because their relationship is extremely inappropriate sia did end up apologizing after some time and some backlash and she said that she started anyone who was triggered by the video finally recognizing that there's something wrong with it but her intention was to create something emotional not to upset anybody now let's go ahead and get into 2017 because i appreciate when people are political or passionate or activist to be honest i'm not like a huge political person i don't know if you guys would know that or not but like i'm just not like i don't know can some people like not be that like could it not be like i don't know i just don't want that characteristic i don't know i feel like it's like ignorant to say like oh i'm not a political person because i am trying to keep up and i'm trying to vote and do my best but at the same time it's just like something i'm not incredibly interested in anyways shia was very interested in it and he made his message clear in 2017 he was arrested and charged after an anti-trump protest see that little camera on the wall he actually did a live streaming situation where that camera was always streaming and people could go up there and watch it and watch him the campaign was called he will not divide us and it was in reference to donald trump and him like dividing the nation or whatever the exhibition featured a camera that was placed on the wall and they encouraged people to go in front of it and speak into it and people will chant he will not divide us but things went down and all wrong when some guy came up there and tried to defend that german dictator that we cannot talk about on youtube and was saying some pretty awful things shia reacted really poorly to this of course because this man was trying to challenge him and shia supposedly pushed him which led to his arrest watch a little clip of shaya and this guy like facing off i mean at this point is it even worth it i feel like in my mind like i cannot get my body so worked up like that to where i'm like so stressed out freaking out like fighting with someone like i would have to just run away i guess i'm the uh if it's fight or flight i'm the flight because i am flying out of there but that same year in 2017 shia also got in trouble down in california at a restaurant after asking a bartender to serve him french fries so they were at a bowling alley and i guess shia wanted to have some crunchy french fries with some ketchup but for some reason the bartender wasn't going to serve him i don't know why the bartender didn't want to serve him maybe it was close to the closing time but it's not very clear there's actually video footage of this situation and you guys will see that shia is over here yelling at the bartender telling them that they are the r word calling them the b word and claims that they were hit on the head with a bottle by them security tried getting shia out of the bowling alley but he stopped to call the bartender the r word a few more times before leaving unfortunately he had to go back to that bowling alley because he had his bowling shoes on still so he did have to go back to switch out his shoes [Music] bottle about french so obviously 2017 was a rough year for shia and it only got worse because he got in trouble again this time it was in georgia and he went on a tirade against a black police officer shia was in savannah georgia because he was filming the peanut butter falcon and one night at 4 00 a.m which nothing good happens at 4 am like you should be asleep at that point but shia got into an interaction with a bystander and a police officer and someone asked for a cigarette they were refused one and shia got very upset and started like cussing them out he was asked to leave the area but refused and continued to call the officer horrible names when the officer tried to arrest shaya he ran to a nearby hotel shia was arrested in the hotel lobby where his disorderly behavior continued at this point he was talking a bunch about trump saying you've got a president who doesn't give a a crap about you and you're stuck in a police force that doesn't give an f about you he said to the officers so you want to arrest what white people who give an f so he's just going on a whole tangent that's not even related in footage obtained by tmz you can hear that shia is telling the officers that you're going to hell straight to hell bro especially you devin one of the officers and a white officer asked shyla why he said devin specifically and shaya said because he's a black man did i do sir bro why are you drowning my future i have rights about you and you stuck in a police force don't give up about you so you want to arrest white people who give who ask for cigarettes i came up with you asking for a cigarette you dumb so that body cam footage isn't looking good for shia and i honestly cannot understand how he gets himself to a place where he's so worked up and wants to fight like again i am the type who's a flight like i'm gonna be running before i get myself so heated fighting with people that you don't even really know shia did later on apologize for his behavior and he shared on twitter that he was deeply ashamed of everything he did and there were no excuses for it here's his full apology if you want to pause and read it but it's pretty general um he does bring up his sobriety which seems to be a major issue for him so it would be great if he was focusing on that because all of these incidents have a theme that he's always on some type of substance we know that he likes alcohol but we also don't know if he likes other things and i wouldn't be surprised because of the way he acts sometimes later on in 2019 shia reflected on this time in his life and actually says that his co-star zach saved him from this twisted time in his life and that this guy nursed him back on a boat during a scene where they were talking about like the painful past that stuff hurts i don't know exactly what he's talking about there but it sounds like they had moments where they really talked about their past and it was healing for shia and thankfully there was that guy zach there for him but of course shaya cannot stay out of the media and out of trouble for long because in august 2020 he was getting called out again this time for a very different situation because people were claiming that he was doing brown face inside the movie the tax collector i guess in that movie shia was supposed to be playing a stereotypical mexican and he actually has an accent to go along with his look and people said that he was doing brownface to play a character outside of his own ethnicity however the creator of the movie david ayer went to twitter to say that there's no brown face here and that actually shia wasn't playing a latino character he was playing a white character a white boy who grew up in the hood so um i guess he's not actually doing brownface that's just kind of a random controversy to throw in there that same year in 2020 actually a month after that whole brown face he got in trouble again in september at this point he was being charged with three counts so it wasn't looking good for shaya shaya got into a physical altercation with a man named tyler which ended up with shaya stealing tyler's hat and running away with it although the incident took place on june 12th the charges were filed on september 24th wow shia has not been arrested for these charges but it looks like they were they got an arrest warrant so he was going to be also what is going on here so he's fighting with this guy tyler we don't know why they were fighting and also he stole his hat and ran away with it so like that's a reason to go i don't even know sounds so messy and very immature there's one more thing i do want to bring up something from back in 2014 that i cannot get out of my mind when i was researching for this video i just yeah it makes me sick so you may remember back in 2014 he was promoting a movie and he actually went onto the red carpet and wore a paper bag and said i'm not famous anymore honestly that's not really the part i want to bring up to you guys he was using that phrase all over twitter and he constantly was saying i'm not famous anymore i'm not famous anymore in my mind it seemed like he was a little bit hurt that he just like wasn't the number one star anymore but he was trying to get back into it i believe that shia is constantly going through mental health struggles and he's not getting the support he needs because while he was filming that movie that he was promoting in 2014 there were some really concerning things going on like the fact that he kept his personal hygiene to a bare minimum because he was trying to be in character he got a tooth pulled for the film and actually cut a scar onto his face he walks out into a hallway and says hey man want to see something fun check it out and he takes a knife and literally makes it real so you don't even need the prosthetics and he said throughout the whole movie he would open up his cuts so they were real so that they looked real on camera that is extreme like they should have stopped right there and been like okay we're gonna get a psychologist because like this type of we can use makeup to make these scars you don't actually have to make these scars why does he go to this level to where he's harming himself by doing this it also looks like there was a lot of fights on set of that movie um jimmy kimmel asked him they fist fought every day on set right and he said oh yeah every day it worked it really bonded us you can only get so much out in a conversation with a bunch of boys in that setting fighting is really intimate i'm not saying we didn't get mad at each other but we love each other and it dies when we leave so i have a feeling that shia labeouf is very toxic and that every time he goes onto set or works on a new project he brings some of the darkness with him which is really sad because when i watch him i think of him as a charming man he's funny like he's good looking obviously and people have adored him for years and years but he still does have his faults and we can't sit here in society and hold other people accountable but at the same time say it's okay when shia does it i mean the whole thing with fka twigs is already so concerning alone that the rest of this video doesn't even really matter because that should have just been like the the major red flag that stopped it all i don't think he's ever got any help i've looked into him like going into rehab and things like that it doesn't look like he's ever lasted long so i would challenge shia to go and like really focus on himself and his mental health and make sure that he's 100 in a good place because it doesn't seem like he's ever really been in a good place and then he grew into this mega star who did not know how to handle his emotions when getting into conflict so i am sending some good vibes that way but also like oh gosh like he needs a break and i don't think that he should be hired by anyone until they confirm that he's all right and i tried to look up information about the whole fk twigs like did he go and get help because that's what she initially wanted him to do and it doesn't look like he has so still an open wound there but i hope you guys enjoyed this video i do have a p.o box package item to open for you guys it's from the noodlecraft and if you guys ever want to send me anything it's uh listed below also here's my email if you have any video ideas for me or any comments about the shya thing some of you guys emailed me some really great things about the about him for this video so thank you for that but let's go ahead and open this and give a little shout out to their business oh my gosh look the noodlecraft oh my gosh i'm so excited for this i love crafts i don't know if it's gonna be a craft but um it's definitely a shop and a small business so definitely go support it i will link everything below but let's see what's going on here okay oh oh my gosh i'm so hyped i'm so hype okay i'm guessing this is the note right here nice packaging too okay very nice okay oh and he sent me some cute stickers hi hi sloane i'm noodle i wanted to reach out to thank you the past few months have been really difficult and watching your videos have made me so happy i wanted to give you this gift as a show of my sincerest appreciation you have given me such an admiration for celebrity news and you have such an informative yet entertaining style of presentation thank you thank you for the education on both free britney movement and free amanda movement i would not have known so much about these intense situations without you you are simply wonderful and you deserve to know um that you make a big difference in the world your friend noodle oh thank you noodle i really appreciate that wait the craft noodle did you give me a card because i don't know how i'm going to link everything below oh wait is that a card oh no but we're going to try to figure this out because this is so sweet thank you noodle i really love that let's go ahead and see what they sent me ooh okay oh my gosh this is so funny okay what is this thing let's see i love your guys small businesses oh oh my gosh some bows you guys may or may not know i have a puppy who wears bows all the time these will be so cute in her hair thank you so much noodle i love that um and then these oh my gosh i really need this because i never have any like good storage things oh my gosh and there's a lot in here wow noodle you went above and beyond so this is a cute little like sid nudes like little packet i love that little canvas bag and then it looks like she sent me a keychain and it looks like it's made out of resin in the middle it's like a little heart situation super cute we love that and then here is another keychain and it looks like again it's like maybe some type of resin i love this one because it looks like a cat and ice cream so that's vibes 100 let's see what else this little oh what are these things not too sure what these things are but they look like little like these i don't know how to open these things oh here we go hello asmr okay wow oh oh they're little magnets so cute i can use that on my little like i put your guys notes on this magnet board so this would be perfect to add to that thank you oh good magnets i could always use a good magnet and then let's see what there's so much stuff you sent me so much stuff thank you noodle such a good nice friend but also i need to find your business because i don't see your card here so wow oh my gosh this looks like a bushy is this a necklace or something what is going on here the packaging is also really good like why does it seem like it's all so professional um let's see what's going on wow oh my gosh it looks like it is a necklace this is so cool i don't have anything like this like i don't have any like fabric-y kind of necklaces like that such a vibe i'll have to work with a blue shirt thank you oh i love that so cool and then finally i think this is the last thing let's check it out oh it looks like a few things in here oh oh oh my gosh these are pins little like pens that you can wear on your shirt okay she sent a few of these oh my gosh so cool look at that oh my gosh thank you so much noodle okay i need to hold this thing up because i love these so much thank you so much i really appreciate it if i can find their information i will link it below um noodle if you're seeing this email me so i can link everything so people can go get their own until next time i will see you in a new video soon bye guys
Channel: SLOAN
Views: 541,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shia labeouf exposed, shia labeouf, shia labeouf arrested on live pd, shia labeouf arrested in georgia, shia labeouf i am not famous anymore
Id: Bb2Pjb5qdVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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