Inside San Francisco International Airport SFO Terminal 3

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hey Phil explorers in this video I'm going to be taking you around San Francisco International Airport the F Gates and the EEG Gates these are the gates that United Airlines flies out them all right I'm going to turn the camera around so you can see what I can see and we're going to start the walk here at Gates F1 most notable because uh this connects to the International Terminal A and G Gates right over there there are a few security checkpoints to come in here this one right by the international Gates and F1 is only open during certain hours so it may not open all the time but if you're here in the afternoon or evenings you'll find a really close security checkpoint to F1 this is where the Centurion Lounge is the American Express Lounge right here my favorite Lounge in San Francisco International Airport if you have an MX platinum card that's the spot you're going to want to go now the way these gates are set up there's this kind of like semicircle that you walk around that has just on the right here the ticketing area and security to the left are the planes and then there's a couple of fingers that go down so most of the gates are really down the two fingers were going to go down but most of the shops and restaurants are around this main semi circle if you need to get a shoe shine you'll actually still find a shoe shine here at uh San Francisco Airport it actually seems like a new shoe shine compared to an old shoe shine this Pete's Coffee I'm here at about 900 in the morning the line at 7:30 was quite incredible there were I don't know 30 people in line for that coffee uh plenty of boards for flight information if you want to know when your flight is but in the united section you're only going to see the United flights on that board if you're looking for some classic San Francisco clam chowder you'll find it just to the left here at Yankee Pier pretty good spot for a quick lunch or breakfast if you need a mother's room over here in the corner you'll find a mother's room to give you privacy for pumping or breastfeeding what's this little thing right here you know San Francisco is home to high-tech in the US and we've got Cafe X which is a robotic coffee shop right here where like this little robot makes your coffee and then gives it to you here in the pickup window that is pretty cool all right so to the right are the eates and we're going to come back here to check those out in just a moment but we're going to head down the F Gates first the F Gates definitely the older section of uh this particular terminal area it's a little bit of a long walk to go down the finger these are one of the fingers that I tell you about but they have some moving sidewalks that are nice to speed you up over here on the right you can see the first eate that is E1 where that plane is and all the United Tails out there looking over to the left is where the international terminal goes some of the United flights go out of the international Gates which are the G Gates if you want to see that I have a whole separate video walking you around the international G Gates this is a nice cushy thing to walk on bounce bounce bounce and uh I'll pick you up just right at the end of this moving walkway all right right here at the end of the moving walkway we got the sign that says walkway ends you know one of my favorite shell Silverstein poems is Where the Sidewalk Ends here you'll find one of the outposts of the United Club this one is open from 5:00 a.m. to midnight so lots of hours there this is also where the food court is over here so let's take a look at some of the food on offer uh we've got Ladle Leaf what's this this is a Sal place it's kind of like make your own salad bar sort of things like that and ladles for Soups I think the soups are pretty tasty from there my favorite thing to eat at San Francisco airport is koi Palace Express right here uh they have some pretty good um Chinese food on the steam table back over there but what they're really known for is their dim suum cooked order that they steam up back there you'll see it up here they've got shumai for $8 haral for $9 uh and a whole bunch of other options so check out there dim some we've got bacon bacon bacon GE just two bacons you had me a bacon what do they sell here bacon cheeseburger for $16 french fries $5 proposition chicken looks like chicken sandwiches chicken sandwiches are all the rage in uh California right now we've got aora for fresh Mediterranean food this looks uh like a pretty healthy place right now it's breakfast time so they've got breakfast offering instead of lunch time offerings and there is one more eating spot here bun me some pretty good Vietnamese sandwiches Chicken F Bogi buns oh and uh I was mistaken there's there's two more eating areas there's piie five Pizza uh breakfast is available here from 6: to 11:00 a.m. or pizzas later and then there's sidewalk juice over here if you want to get some to Juice It Up all right so down here we see some more of the F Gates uh this brings us to like F22 if we take this all the way to the end uh United always has these kind of Great Signs up here to tell you the departure time the boarding time people are getting upgraded who's on standby so if you want flight status just go ahead and look up at those screens there are some nice moving walkways at the end and uh good announcement you know a fair amount of seating here um you know if you want the people watch spot then sit in the seats along the moving walkway if you want the quiet spots then sit over on the left there's a few more restaurants we're going to check out over here before we make our way over to the E Gates we've got Klein's Deli we've we the deli sandwiches of course it's also got equator coffees and tea and on offer here breakfast time so you'll find lots of actually pretty good breakfast snacks I find you know some airports have pretty lousy food but San Francisco Airport like the food is actually pretty legit in here San Francisco Uncorked which is a wine bar how much is a wine going to cost you uh it's probably too early for the wine to be on the menu Wines By The Glass 15 20 $40 if you want this uh this one wine by the glass right here you can get some wine flights too with smaller things and then just over here go this place this is the uh San Francisco Giant Clubhouse restaurant/bar uh which also accepts priority pass okay now instead of walking you all the way back down the F gate to the E Gate so I'm just going to hop on over there uh but I will tell you there was one finger of the F Gates we didn't go down which is over here F5 through F10 it splits off right here at the food court um but there's really not much down F5 and F10 other than uh a few Gates and like a little place to eat all right I'm going to see you in the eat gates done this way okay this is where the moving walkway ends the first one that I started on we we got Yankee Pier over here on the right that I passed earlier and now we're going to walk over into the new eates uh oh I should point out if you're looking to go down to baggage claim you'll find it right down those escalators right there that's how you that's how you get out you take those escalators there's another out over at the end of the E Gates so this section much nicer much brighter uh big security checkpoint here on our right we've got a little book books over here Compass books if you're looking for some reading material uh we've got some nice places to sit here right after security to put your shoes back on we've got some interesting little like lamps by the seating area some reading lamps we've got Japanese food if you want some sushi or you want some noodles you'll find it here if you want to fill up your water or pour it out you can do so right here with this little sink we've got compost trash cans recycled trash cans regular trash cans Bally three trash cans waste recycle and compost the sushi noodle they're just getting started in the morning you can get a sushi platter here for about $15 karak chicken bowl $14 uh and as we start to get over this way uh these screens here in the eates show uh more Airlines but still not all of them because they're just the ones kind of in this star lines section Burger King over here home of the whoer if you're looking for a burger I don't love Burger King but it'll work in a pinch if you need to get out some cash you need an ATM there is a Wells Fargo and two Bank of America ATMs over there we've got Joe Malone for makeup and perfume another Outpost of Pete's Coffee I find this one usually has shorter lines some good pastries out there Union Street gastro pub uh if you want to get a whole bunch of beers on tap before you flight that's a good spot Pronto if you want to pick up some really quick food that's what this place is designed as they've just got a whole bunch of like prepared foods sandwiches snacks uh here you can get your ham croissant sandwiches chicken Italian sandwiches uh cheddar cheese sandwich you can get your yogurt uh and they've even got hot sandwiches over here sausage egg cheddar English muffin and it changes out from breakfast to lunch later on in the day some neat artwork back here in the seating area some kind of like graffiti is modern art uh there is a new connector here that has opened up to the C and D Gates so if you're connecting to other airlines you can walk down that way which we're not going to do in this video um but there might be another video if you want to see what's down there we've got another Outpost of the United Club right over here this one opens a little later 5:45 in the morning and closes a little sooner at 10:30 this is a newer nicer United Club than the other one I showed you but a bit smaller um over here's a little in motion store get your Apple headphones things like that if you didn't bring them these are the E4 to e13 Gates probably my favorite part of this terminal I like how bright it is over here I like how tall the ceilings are uh and right now it's really fairly quiet if you're here more around 11: or noon I feel like that's when like this is a hub of energy uh oh this is funny this is like a a painting of s Francisco streets to just show how how steep they are are they really that steep some of the streets in San Francisco can be pretty quite steep we have the Mission Bar and Grill over here uh nice area to just sit and eat and relax if you need a new suitcase you can get one at pack and go this used to be like a bicycle shop where they sold bicycles and bicycling a tire now they sell luggage I guess that works better in airports uh we've got this little art thing over here uh that has these wheels that spin kind of like this optical illusion of light space and time another apples of Klein's Deli that we saw before uh Chalo San Francisco if you're looking for some unique gifts to pick up while you're here these uh some pretty unique pizzas Dog Patch Bak house and Cafe more coffee if you need water uh they have a whole bunch of filling stations this one looks like it's broken right now Urban tortilla over here on the right if you want some Mexican food and then if you're looking for chocolate cuz doesn't chocolate make any flight better I think it does you can pick up some chocolate here at the chocolate market and then admire kind of the neat like hanging silver artwork balls up there on the ceiling all right fellow explorers I have a flight to go C match uh but if you enjoyed this video you might enjoy checking out some more of my videos on San Francisco International Airport you might enjoy my tour of the G Gates the international Gates or you might enjoy checking inside that Centurion Lounge you'll find links to those on the screen or in the description below and if I've got some time before my flight I might even do a video on the dgates where I'm headed next all right as usual I won't say goodbye cuz I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Yellow Productions
Views: 14,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yellow Productions
Id: k3_kJPLlx0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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