Inside One of the Most Iconic Sailing Yachts in the World!

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(soft violins playing) (waves crashing against rocks) - Well, one thing that makes Shenandoah unique is the fact that she's 120 years old, and she's still floating. She's endured the ages. Two world wars, and she's still living through time. (wind blowing and waves crashing) - [Enes] Stepping aboard Shenandoah in the historic waters of the Mediterranean is an experience that rivals anything this lifetime has to offer. (soft violin music continues) Navigating this 120 year old vessel in the same waters that our ancestors first traveled with goods, news, and culture gives Shenandoah an almost holy aura. Her level of craftsmanship and beauty is unlike anything that we see today, and coupled with a rich and long history, Shenandoah should be considered a eight wonder of the maritime world. - You know, I still get goosebumps when I lift up the anchor, and we hoist the sails on this boat. And, you know, there's definitely adrenaline pumping around the crew as we're hoisting the sails and getting everything moving, and you hear the sails flapping in the background (sails flapping) and things start to tighten up, and the lines coming under pressure. You lean over and the breeze comes on the beam and off she goes, and that feeling is never gonna get boring. - Pull it big. (music takes on a dramatic, excited energy) Pull it big, pull it big. Pull it big. (boat swishing through the waves) Pull that in, pull that in, pull that in, pull. (music continues playing inspiring notes) (wind whistling) (dramatic music continues) (horns play a harmonic final note) - Shenandoah is a three-masted schooner delivered in 1902. It's 178 foot long, 8.3 meter beam. It's 178 gross tons, and it has four guest cabins, including the owner state room. It's pretty awesome. - [Mikey] Yeah, this is incredible. I don't know if Enes just said it in the intro, but we are in Sardinia off the coast of Italy. This is where this boat is currently anchored. It's a beautiful day and it's a beautiful yacht. - Absolutely. We've been sailing. We've been enjoying the scenery here. It's been pretty awesome few days, and I wanna start our tour here on the aft and work our way all the way to the bow. Now, this yacht has over 120 years of history, and so many of its parts and components are all original. Obviously, it's been refurbished and restored, and that's why I'm so excited to kind of go over the top deck and show you guys all these details. Now, on the stern, we have the Shenandoah name, and if you look at this yacht from the outside, you can see this beautiful gold line separates the upper deck from lower deck, and it has this rich deep blue color, which gives this yacht a very, very timeless look. Now, like I mentioned, at the beginning, this is a three-masted schooner yacht, which means, sails are actually parallel to the yacht rather than being perpendicular. So, I wanted to explain that before we move on. Now, coming here, we have beautiful teak floors that goes all the way to the bow. Right here, we have the helm station. This steering wheel is original from 1902, and over the years with all the restorations and refits this yacht has been through, they managed to keep this steering wheel and it looks awesome. This is where you steer this incredible yacht, and yesterday we had a chance to take this boat out on sailing, and it was sensational. They even let me control the helm, and I don't know, it was so much fun. - [Mikey] Yeah, it's incredible. We're gonna actually go out later this afternoon, also. So, y'all are gonna see some more of those shots. - Absolutely, and look at some of the details here, with the carvings and 1902. Everything has over 10 coats of varnish. You have your compass here, your navigation system, and two years ago, this yacht went through a full electronic refit where they brought all the new technologies, navigation systems and all that good stuff. Coming here, we have the engine control. I mean, look at this. This is amazing. Look at the dials and how authentic and timeless this looks. - [Mikey] It's like something you would see in a maritime museum, really. - Absolutely. Incredible, just incredible. Let's continue our tour. We have the first companionway here. This roof assembly actually slides, which makes this opening a little bit bigger, so you can go down, and you can access the nav station and two crew quarters, which are the rooms for the captain and chief officer. You can access it from this opening. Now, continuing our tour, another super cool detail that we're gonna see throughout this deck are these skylights, and you heard me correctly. These are actually skylights, bringing natural light to the salon and all the guest cabins we have below this deck. They allow these cabins to get natural light and fresh air. And, can we get a close up? Look at these bronze hinges. They have this really cool copper-like patina, it ages so well, and we're gonna see these bronze details all around us. Pretty cool. Coming here, we have some of our rigging set up here. Pins, pulleys going all the way to the mast, and to explain a little bit more in detail how sailing yachts work. Basically, you have the mast in the center, and once the pressure's on the sails, you have all these lines almost distributing the weight and pressure of the mast to the yacht on both sides, and that's why you have all these pulleys and mechanisms that I'm gonna try to explain as much as possible throughout this tour. Now, let's step down for a second. We have the mizzen here, and you can actually see the bottom of the mizzen once we go down to the lower level, which is super cool. These blocks are even original from 1902. During the restoration process, they have basically shipped, refinished these blocks and put 16 layers of varnish, and they still function to this day, which is incredible. Now, coming here, we have the cockpit. Staircase on our right hand side goes down to the salon, and we have all this countertop space here. Small fridge, and this section opens up to your outdoor dining area and built in seating. You have a foldable table here. Walls of glass, where you can actually crank them down to open up and get more ventilation here, or you can close 'em up and make this section a little bit more protected. This is where we have our meals. We had an awesome breakfast here, great dinner last night, and it's just a cozy spot to sit down, relax, enjoy the scenery, and if you want, they can even take this top off for you. So, you have this space little bit more open, get better visibility, and yeah, just a cool spot. - [Mikey] Yeah, it's incredible. When we had breakfast here this morning, it's hard not to feel like James Bond or something, you know? - It's pretty iconic. - [Mikey] For sure. - All right, let's continue our tour. Again, teak decking all around. Mikey, can we get a close up. Another detail I wanna talk about. On the edge, we have this beautiful, built in drain setup, and they used a different type of wood here, and you can see the drains with the bronze cover plates. I mean, it's incredible, the condition of this yacht, it's impeccably maintained. So, I wanna give big hats off to the crew of Shenandoah for just taking care of this amazing vessel. Now, let's take everybody here, so we just toured the cockpit. By the way, we have a lot of different toys on board. They have a laser here, few sea bobs, paddle boards, eFoil, everything you need. Since it's a charter yacht, they can still offer you these other water sports besides sailing, but personally, if I charter this boat, I will sail it all day every day, because it's so much fun. - [Mikey] Yeah. Do you have some kind of a special connection to sailing, since you used to be a windsurfer? - Absolutely. I mean, for 12 years of my life, I've enjoyed wind and sea every single day, and something about harnessing the power of wind and putting it into a board or a sail yacht, and driving it. It's just a sensational feeling. You're out on your own, it's quiet, it's peaceful. It's very relaxing, and that's why sailing and windsurfing has this like really, really big deep following, you know? - [Mikey] Yeah, and if anyone's watching this video out there that has been on a motor yacht before, maybe that's your thing, and you've never been on a sailboat. I would highly recommend it because there's something just totally different about it. It does just feel like primordial almost, you know. You're harnessing a element of nature to propel you forward. - It's way more engaging of an experience. You're on board, you see the crew running around, pulling the sail. You can see the sailboat keeling, and I mean, yesterday, we literally had the rail in the water. So wrap your head around, that's about five to six feet of surface going into the water, and you can just see this 55 meter vessel just tilt. It's pretty fascinating. - [Mikey] It's incredible. - And, I want to come here, this sail setup. I mean, once you open all these sails up, you have over 1000 square meters of sail surface, but once you fill up the sails with wind and expand them, they can go upwards of 2,600 square meters with the downward sails. So, you have this huge surface area, which harnesses the wind again and drives this incredible vessel. Just super cool. And what did you think of the experience of sailing this yacht? - [Mikey] It was awesome. You know, I'm from South Texas, a big sailing area in Corpus Christi, and I've been on a lot of sailboats in my life, but I've never been on one this size. There's a totally different feeling than being on like a 15 meter sailboat versus- - Absolutely. - [Mikey] How long is this? - This is 55 meters. - [Mikey] 55 Meters. There's a big difference. - [Enes] Big difference. - [Mikey] It just felt so powerful and raw, you know? - Absolutely. We've been having a great time here on this yacht, and I hope we tour more sailing yachts. - [Mikey] I do too. - All right, let's continue our tour. So, we have another companionway here going down to the crew quarters. You have an easy access here. These are all your skylights, again, bringing natural light to the lower level, and I mean, look at your booms. Look at the carvings and bronze details at the end. Just everything about it, every surface you look. You have your crank mechanisms here, more of these blocks and pins, and it's kind of a manual experience. You see the crew working, and it's just fascinating. A lot of people are just running around to make sure this thing runs properly. Now, on the right hand side, we have the tender. Coming here, more of these skylights, storage areas, and there's a section on the other side that opens up to your engine room, and this vessel has two Lugger diesel engines that are each 500 horsepowers. We have two generators, everything you need. Even though it's a sailing yacht, you have the engine power here. You can go up to 12 knots, just with the engines alone, so I wanted to point that out. Now, we have the foremast on our left hand side. Ooh, another fun detail. They have spent 5,500 man hours to strip, sand, repair, refinish and varnish these three masts. That's crazy, 5,500 man hours. So, maintaining a yacht like this, it requires a lot of love, lot of attention, and a lot of passion, you know? - [Mikey] Yeah, it's incredible. These masts look brand new. They're super shiny, and I don't really have much to say about 'em. They look really cool. - They do a heck of a job sailing this yacht, you know, and they're all Oregon pine, by the way. They're real wood and maintained beautifully. All right, let's continue our tour. We're coming towards the bow. We have the anchoring mechanism here, but more importantly, the bowsprit of this yacht is super unique, extends out quite a bit. You have nets on each side, perfect place for you to sit down, lay back, look back towards this yacht, and down below that, right on the bow, we have a really cool figurette wood work that really compliments the look of this stunning vessel. Another detail I wanna point out, this yacht itself is actually 42 meters. Between the boom that extends out over the stern and bowsprit, you get additional 13 meters, which brings up the total length of this yacht to 55 meters, which is quite substantial. Overall, amazing vessel. They've maintained it so beautifully, and it has over 120 years of history. (light piano music playing) (sound of waves lightly flowing) - So, this yacht has a fantastic, unique history. It was designed by a celebrated American guy called Theodore Ferris, launched in 1902 in Staten Island, New York for an American called Charles Fahnestock, and he had the yacht as a private vessel to take him on his retirement, to cruise around the American waters and the Mediterranean. So, I've only done one circumnavigation on this boat. The current owner's done three, and on my circumnavigation, we started in the Med. We went down to south Georgia because the boss was really interested in the story of Ernest Shackleton and the Endurance, so we went to visit some of the places in south Georgia that Shackleton walked across with his men to try and rescue them from Elephant Island, and it was an experience. We've taken the vessel to Madagascar. We've been to the South Pacific. I remember once we were passing Sumatra, just to north of Indonesia, and we were about 200 miles west of the island, and we found two guys in a fishing boat, lost at sea. At the time, of course, piracy was pretty rife, so we were quite cautious, but then we realized, actually then, these guys are in trouble. So, we picked them up and we brought them on board. I've never seen somebody so happy to have a fresh water shower. And, you know, we tried to work out from discussing with them by means of charades and Pictionary because they didn't speak any European languages, how they happened to be. It turns out they were at sea for 10 days adrift. They'd run outta fuel, and we basically saved their lives, and it's things like that that really make you proud to work on a boat like this. - And that's it for the upper deck tour and the history of Shenandoah. Now, I wanna actually take everybody through this staircase to check out the lower level. (elegant piano music plays) Now, we're at the lower floor landing. These double doors open up to the salon, and it's this really cozy, authentic space. Right in the center, we have the skylight assembly here, and Mikey, we have to get a close up. Look at these crank mechanisms that opens these skylights up. You have the currents also. I mean, this is just incredible. Brings natural light and fresh air to this cozy space, and I'm gonna start our tour here with the dining table. You have the built in seating, five additional chairs on the other side. We have the bookshelves on the left and right, giving you that character and timeless look. And on the back, we have this dark wood, which is padauk, and we're gonna see this wood throughout the vanities and different parts of the lower level. Again, adds up for the character, and more importantly, the dining table here is a gimbal dining table, which means when you're sailing, and when you're leaning on each side, this table can compensate for that, and it can basically move and make sure your plates are perfectly level. This is stunning. - [Mikey] Yeah, really cool. I asked the captain why it's broken in three pieces, I guess it makes sense. - Well, the centerpiece moves too, Mikey. - [Mikey] Yeah, exactly. - I'm assuming, depending on like where you're sitting- - [Mikey] Well, he's like, you don't want it to lean over and hit your knees, so we broke it in three pieces. So, each piece moves independently of the other. - Just like a camera gimbal. It just kind of compensates and makes sure everything stays level. - [Mikey] Really cool. - Amazing, right? And you have these smaller windows. So, when you're keeling, these windows are below water, and you get this really cool view, so I wanted to mention that. And again, super cozy space. The door right here opens up to the crew quarters and the crew mess. You access the galley, crew seating area, all that good stuff from here, and that way, they also have an easy access to the common areas. Now, bookshelves continue on each side. Right in the center of this room, we have this Steinway and Sons concert piano here. That looks absolutely gorgeous. I mean, character over character. Detail over detail. The timelessness of this yacht is almost hard to explain. It's just everywhere you look, every corner. There's a quirky, interesting, and thoughtful detail. You look at the railings, and they're all very subtle. Then you have Focal built in speakers, wood clad ceilings, built in seating area. All the mechanics function, phenomenal. Air conditioning works great. It's ice cold in here right now. Super comfortable. You have beautiful Oregon pine hardwood floors here, and they use the padauk African wood around as a border detail to create an nice contrast. TV here. I mean, I can go on and on and on. Just a stunning vessel. - [Mikey] Let's roll it back for a second. I doubt you even know this, but how would they get this piano in here? - They might have taken off the super structure and this skylight assembly here and bring it in piece by piece. I'm assuming. - [Mikey] So probably during one of the refits, they dropped this piano in here. So, it's probably been in here for a while, yeah? - Absolutely, and good question. And actually, another thing I wanna mention. So, even though this yacht is over 120 years old, obviously it's been through many restorations. The hull of the yacht is steel, which is kind of hard to believe considering it's age and the super structure above is all teak, so you're getting the best of both worlds. You're getting the steel for the strength, and teak for the superstructure, which gives you this timeless look, and 120 years old and it has a steel hull. Crazy. It's incredible. - [Mikey] Incredible, yeah. - All right, that's it for the salon. Now, let's go check out the guest cabins. I'm gonna start with this one on our left hand side. This is the VIP cabin with the built in double bed. You have your window looking out to the sea. Built in cabinetry all around. Again, this dark wood looks great against these white panels and the white wood clad ceilings. Every single one of these guest cabins gets a skylight bringing natural light and fresh air. I love this detail. You have wainscoting on the walls, wall sconces, and this is the room that I'm actually personally staying in. It's super cozy. I had a great sleepover the last few days, which is awesome. - [Mikey] It's nice and cool in here too. My room wasn't quite this cool. - This one definitely is. - [Mikey] A little jealous. - All right, we have some built in cabinetry here. Let's go check out the bathroom. You have your toilet set up. Vanity on the left. Again, this beautiful dark wood countertops, bath fixtures. You have your walk in shower here. Great water pressure. Just a good size bathroom for this cabin. Now, let's go out and continue our tour. We're gonna check out this guest cabin now. Comes with a double bed on the bottom, single bed on top with the bunk set up. You have these brass handrails. Another window. Super, super cozy. This is where Mikey stays. You have some cabinetry here, dresser, super cozy. Love the hardwood floors, and you have a full bathroom here, just like the one that we toured earlier. Now, continuing our tour, we have one more guest quarters to see, and it starts right here. This one also has a built in double bed. Window, closet set up, and attention to detail. Every single one of these blankets have the Shenandoah stitching with 1902, every single one of these beddings. The toiletry set up, every detail you touch. Their attention to detail is super apparent, and I think they did a phenomenal job with the restoration too. This yacht could be 30 years old, or it could be just remodeled. It looks that timeless, and I think they did a really good job with the finishes, tones, and just like the textures that they chose to finish up this yacht. I feel like it's a great match. - [Mikey] And something Enes didn't mention was each of these bedrooms actually have their own built in speakers. So if you look in the cabinetry there, we have two speakers, two tweeters, and we have a little head unit. So, while you're laying in bed at night, you can listen to whatever you want, and I think the owner of this ship is actually an avid music collector cause it's all around. I've seen this classical music, there's a piano. He seems to have very- - Acquired taste. - [Mikey] Acquired, no I wouldn't say acquired taste, but he has a very kind of eclectic taste in music. But anyway, like Enes said, this could be a new ship, it could be an old ship. It could kind of go as either. I really like it. - Absolutely, has that timeless look. And of course, this guest quarters comes with its own full bathroom. Vanity set up, toilet, walk in shower, everything you need, and lastly, we have this door opening up to the owner's estate room. Going in, we have this small landing area. Bathroom on my left hand side, and right here, we have the mizzen mast, the mast that's located towards the backside of this yacht. It's exposed here, and it goes down all the way to the keel, so it kind of locks in the whole assembly. It's just fascinating. I mean so much character in this yacht. - [Mikey] Yeah, and you really get an idea for the scale of it in here. It's absolutely massive. - Absolutely. Mikey, let's check out the bathroom first. Let's show it to everyone, starts here. We have this vanity design here with two sinks, brass fixtures, two medicine cabinets, wood clad ceilings. Toilet is on my right hand side, and over here, we have the full walk in shower, elevated drain, beautiful bathroom. Now, let's go into the state room. This is the owner's cabin. On this side, we have a single bed, and over here we have a double bed, all built in, very spacious, and right in the center, we have four skylights bringing natural light in. I gotta open this one up. They are so cool. They're so my vibe, so timeless. Look at this. - [Mikey] Yeah. - Just like that. I mean, pretty amazing. Let me close this up real quick, and the rest of the room, we have built in cabinetry, dressers, bookshelves, two windows on each side, big cupboard space right in the center, and Mikey, let's show this. Comes with a full desk set up here, built in TV. It's very cozy, to the point, and the owner's state room is closer to the aft than the other guest quarters. We have the built in bed here, wall sconces, bookshelves, and lastly, this bookshelf has this secret passageway to the nav station and to the captain's quarters, so I wanted to point this out. Overall, beautiful vessel, and the last few days have been just so memorable. (soft guitar strumming) - I'm very proud to be the captain on this boat because I've got a crew which are all so really proud to be here, and you can see by just looking at the boat and by taking photos, whichever ever angle you look at, it's a beautiful angle. Whichever light you see, she looks fantastic. And you know, it fills you with a warm sense of pride to be able to be here. - [Enes] Ships like Shenandoah encapsulate the very nature of legacy. They are records of our humanity, and they are symbols of the triumphs of our past. Walking the deck of this grand vessel is like walking through time itself. Shenandoah has enriched our souls and has captivated our minds. Making this video and being a small part of this ship's history is somewhere we never imagined this channel would take us, but we are so grateful that it has. (dramatic, adventurous music plays) All right, everyone. That's it from Shenandoah. I hope you all enjoy this video. Stunning vessel, and I want to give big thanks to the crew here for allowing us to stay on board and share our experiences with all of you. As always, you can find more information about this listing in the description of this video, so make sure to check that out. Lastly, if you enjoy the video, make sure to give us a like, subscribe, and we'll see you guys next week. (soft violin music playing)
Channel: Enes Yilmazer
Views: 1,901,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Superyacht, Megayacht, Luxury Yachts, Yacht Tour, Boat Tour, Yacht Walkthrough, Yachting Lifestlye, expensive, superyachts, yachts for sale, Yacht, super yacht, mega yacht, megayacht, yacht tour, yacht walkthrough, Yacht Lifestyle, Charter Experience, Yacht Charter, Yacht Charter Experience, mega yacht tour, super yacht tour, Shenandoah of Sark, Shenandoah, Sailing, sailing yacht, sailing yacht shenandoah, historic yacht, sailing mega yacht, luxury sailing yacht, luxury yacht
Id: 5QZt2VwwdK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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