Inside Nigeria’s Most Dangerous City!

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probably one of the most dangerous things I've ever done on this channel Boko Haram Boko Haram Boko Haram will never exhibited a little scared but we're gonna be safe hopefully so he's probably the most dangerous part yeah if you are here before they will shoot you [Music] foreign foreign in 2009 the first Boko Haram attack takes place in the remote state of Borno I had the exploration bomb very heavy explosion [Music] on 26th of August 2011 two years later Boko Haram conducted another attack on the U.N headquarters in Abuja killing at least 23 people are enjoying more than eight their building is not dead this was an assault on those who devote their lives to helping others [Music] [Music] see even some more tenders the north of Nigeria has always been seen as one of the most dangerous places especially the Northeast which consists of six states that have mostly been ravaged by insecurity for the past 11 years foreign [Music] yes [Music] so I decided I was going to travel down to where they live and where it all started Borno State [Music] I had to take a plane from Lagos to Abuja and then another flight to maiduguri coming I'd read the news report that Boko Haram terrorists at once overgrown and occupied the airport for a couple weeks in 2016 before they were eventually cleared out by the military as we're about landing at the airport many thoughts were running through my mind one of them was that will a rocket launcher take out this plane on landing and that would be the end of Tire I know [Music] we landed without issues and headed to our hotel for the night [Music] oh there's a lot of people here man wow [Music] my degree is the principal trading hub for Northeastern Nigeria because of its closeness to neighboring countries like Chad and Cameroon it's also the second biggest state in Nigeria with over 70 square kilometers of land area [Music] in my kids okay every day every day always open everything you want to buy you will get it in this market foreign yes once they see you like this they can shoot military can't walk alone before one of the reasons I came down here is to show you guys what the normal day in the lives of people here I know most times on the media whenever people talk about my degree the first thing you think about is insecurity but there are two people who are here and who are still living their normal day-to-day lives you know a market is one of the biggest places you can go and it's also a way to get to know the vibe of the actual City well guys another thing I need to tell you about my logo is that it's very hot now you see that he's wearing his hats let's see this is our somebody staying here morning and night we are doing European over everything I can't forget anybody where is selling shop day they used to collect their own return I'll enter with their gun you must give them by that time they know us we know them we know their family they know our family we are there's some out there our friend if we tell yourself we don't know them we are lying but we are afraid of the gun way way they carry yeah you are Christian or you are Muslim they don't care they will just kill wow yeah [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the islamist terror movement is called death book started by this guy called Mohammed Yusuf in my degree which meant Western education was forbidden which attracted more and more people under his roof by offering welfare handouts foods and shelter [Music] he died in police custody just hours after Security Forces said they'd captured him in the city of maiduguri but the death of the group's leader could provoke more violence many people believe that this will be the end of the group since their leader had been killed in 2010 they returned to maiduguri under a new leadership by Muhammad yusuf's right-hand man abubakar shekau now some years back Boko Haram broke into two factions a new faction was formed called iswap and this was headed by Abu musab al-banawi who is said to be the son of the main guy who started this [ __ ] in the first place the groups then became Bibles and fought each other countless times Nigerian militant islamist group Boko haram's leader Abu Bakr shekau is dead according to reports [Applause] since his Inception he swap has claimed responsibility for a lot of the recent attacks in Nigeria such as the Abuja Katana Bombay and the kojo prison break and a whole lot more [Music] the Boko Haram conflict now in its 13th year has displaced over 2.9 Million people in Nigeria's Northeast and hundreds of thousands in neighboring countries most of the internally displaced people are in Borno State the epicenter of the conflict living in host communities and camps foreign there were sharks and houses made with straws and the stretch further than the ice could see in this Camp alone there were about 60 000 plus people living here is foreign [Music] stories that I've told because of how important it is to Nigeria and the current state say hello to the camera what's your name your name is beside me is a school that many of the students are meant to be but as you can see the whole place is just empty like a lot here they're just currently following me up and down not doing anything and they are actually meant to be in school this is another side of the camp and the houses here is touch structures and then this time pulling over here just to cover it and then the other ones are made with aluminum on this side too [Music] what do you think about about the chain people who are seeing they are going to finish us one by one so one day they came they shoot and one guy now go and hug him hold the gun they say kill us all of us everybody pick his own stick bottle so the community started fighting against them by themselves we invite ourselves we give ourselves advice said that these people will not pass our power and people who will die nobody will stop us from dying unless stand up and start this thing by ourselves the area has a corner here so we go and hide inside those Corners we carry our sticks anybody will enter that corner we will follow you enter your house your father's house arrest you carry your corn gift Soldier by yourself you will tell Soldier this is my friend we are together this is my framework together it will tell us where you are going and everything day [Music] in my quest to understand what's currently happening in the north of Nigeria I spoke to the undp and Borno State government who explained what's been done and also granted me access to visit some of the sites where work was currently ongoing [Music] the Insurgency in Borno State has been ongoing for the last 12 years it's very sad that thousands of people are still living in the cities in internally distressed camps and they don't have means of sustaining themselves they can't go to their families they can't produce so I think the only way that we can stop the younger generation to join Israel and the Boko Haram is to ensure that many communities are stabilized so that people will go back to their communities they will have access to the agricultural lands they will earn their needs of livelihood don't system themselves this program actually is what we call the stabilization it's an attempt to give people opportunity and choices and have government lead it which is most important because there's a fight or competition between the Fanatics and the recruitment strategy and government and what the UN is doing to support government to give people alternative and that alternative essentially is basic Services there's no science to it it's merely giving people Education Health security I call the project anesthesia before an operation so when you all when you're going to visit dentist before you know if they just take applies and remove your teeth yeah the pain is too much yeah so what stabilization does it creates a condition for people to start have an alternative by giving them things they've never had what is real Freedom real freedom is ability to say that I'm educated I have health care and I can make my own way through the world but those who are denied those this Fanatics go and give them an opportunity to be something and I think what we're doing with this program and the leadership of the government of Nigeria on States especially is to say there's an alternative and the alternative is basic Services is security so you deny these people an opportunity to recruit more young people [Music] Thai are going to be 169. this is probably one of the most dangerous things I've ever done on this channel how are you feeling at the moment about this trip I'm feeling okay a little scared but we're going to be safe hopefully so we'll make it back you don't sound confident are you feeling I'm ready for the adventure I want to see honestly what happens thankfully my mom is going to see this after we come back my mom too the wave of anxiety swept over me as we passed many buildings that have been shot up by the insurgents massive bullet reading buildings dotted the landscape and apparently some months back this was the Battleground the insurgents are tried to overrun the city before reinforcements were called in and they were then repelled I could see Farmers returning to farms and going about their daily activities apparently they only had a window of five hours to farm every day from 9am to 2PM from here is where you really have the illegal vehicular checkpoint so it's probably the most dangerous part here yes after driving for 30 minutes we finally arrived at in Ghana which looked far different from what it used to be before [Music] you can see there's the military he says inside the house we provided them with big compound big land yeah so they can do whatever activities they want to do is it two rooms yeah this for the husband and the wife or just different houses for different people you know no it is for one family pack the culture here sometimes they have more than white so if it is two wives one wife here one wife yeah so this is according to the requirements we consider them part of the planning process before this was built the homes that we that they were living in wasn't even up to this standard and then it was burnt down and destroyed by the program guys now they have this the architect of this consumption is actually Nigeria project because why not I was I was really really interested in being able to use design to solve some fundamental problems a lot of consideration was given to Security even the spacing between the blocks so we have a lot of breaks that give people the opportunity to dot we also have security watch points at corners of the site we also have a police station on the site and then also we've got Street lighting so at night you should always have everywhere completely lit [Music] so these are the closed chops so it has two doors and it's by the road too so a lot of people can stop alongside and buy stuff from here yes while they're going on a job and can you imagine when it is a green yeah yeah and the school children are going to the school the school is in the other side yeah yeah of course the green roof the green one yes okay we also have a massive trench that borders the whole site and it's two meters deep with a heap two meters high so you have a four meter you know High kind of defense wall as well the hope is that once it's occupied and it's a success that this can then be a prototype that is rolled out across other stabilization sites in the region foreign I could imagine a new life for the people at the idb camps when they eventually return successful innocence going around my degree town I realized we as Nigerians are losing a large part of history and culture because there is nothing that can be created when there is instability I don't want to cross a controversy within Nigeria but I don't want to create a new jollof rice competition but I I I hear the best hearts are from maiduguri most of these hearts are made by women if Bono has the second biggest landmass in Nigeria after Niger state that means a lot of the food production capacity of Nigeria is being lost every year due to the Insurgency we are also losing human capital from the young kids that are meant to be in school one of the reasons I'm able to do what I do today is because I had access to knowledge at a very young age the loss is so massive it's scary so what's the solution so what we are trying to say okay this is a lifetime opportunity to end a conflict what is it that we need to do inject development programming housing schools hospitals clinics light because what you don't want to tell people is live Boko Haram welcome to extreme poverty yeah it's true alternative so this is the alternative that has been provided by government and we are supportive foreign is to address issues that concern the well-being of women and children and of very recent people that have surrounded as insurgents we have received over 67 000 we're able to radicalize rehabilitate and reintegrate for my insurgents and this has resulted positively in the peaceful situation we're experiencing now those that were fighters who have some level of involvement in killings or whatever they are kept with us because those ones we need to establish the accent to which they took part so that at the end of the day they will be able some form of Justice will be done and undp being one of our partners have been deeply involved especially with activities at the camps and also in the communities of return the government being the uncle and undp like other partners are Keen into that and bringing stabilization in the region and ensuring that time peace is finally returned to Borno State in particular even now the Insurgency was reduced by about 75 percent in Borno State and this is not by fault it is by Design we became resilient enough we provided a lot of infrastructures we address the root causes of the Insurgency and then we reduce the existing Transit deficit population and the government that's something which is very important people can now go to the agricultural lands people can farm and I think these reasons among others are major reasons why the Insurgency is reducing and looking at the rate of detection of bokoara members and his wife members this Insurgency problem will come to an end very soon I'm optimistic [Music] so what did I learn about the people of Borno State I learned that the people are very resilient and hospitable we walked around the busy market and people were really nice and welcoming even though they were going through one of the toughest times ever I also learned that the bad eggs have created a stigma against the people of Northern Nigeria and most of it is not really true maligo is a beautiful place with lots of interesting people and a diverse culture even if you will pay me like example you pay me 500 000 yeah in a month in Lagos yeah just to stay at home yeah I can't stay I prefer to stay in maiduguri because you love yes I love me do I came from all the work East Africa to go to maiduguri and the Nigerians have not been I really love the food there this is my first time eating grasshopper ever this [ __ ] the day inside so you you are chopping with the [ __ ] oh wow thank you one of the great things I noticed about the stabilization project for the people of Borno State is that women were heavily involved in making change happen from The Architects to the engineer to the women from the community and to the Bono State Ministry of women Affairs it's great to see the part women play in making an impact in our society I found an Instagram page founded by a photographer called Fati abubakar who started documenting stories about bonus did if you love to learn more about the people of Bono check it out it's called bits of Bono I believe change needs to come and there's a lot of work to be done to read Nigeria of these problems and it's going to need all of us to come together and do our part one of them includes voting the right person to lead us in next year's election one of the reasons this story was so important for me to tell was that the Insurgency has been a personal impedement for me in exploring Nigeria I want to live in a country where I can travel to anywhere without the fear of being killed I look forward to the day when every part of Nigeria will be a place where we can all call home hope you guys enjoyed the video if you loved did please subscribe to the YouTube channel and hit the like button for more videos I've also created a list of agencies in the description below that you can donate to if you love to help in a small way to end this Insurgency thank you guys for watching [Music]
Channel: Tayo Aina
Views: 1,956,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inside Nigeria’s Most Dangerous City, nigeria, lagos, africa, news, lagos nigeria, documentaries, slums in nigeria, places to visit in nigeria, aljazeera, documentary, plus tv nigeria, igbo, nollywood, nollywood movies, nigerian movies, south africa, no go zone, toughest places, worlds toughest places, ajegunle, most dangerous place in lagos, slums, dirtiest place ini lagos, ajegunle town, slums in lagos, lagos state, rough places in lagos, dangerous places in lagos, tayo aina films
Id: fgQW-6PNGlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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