Inside LAFD: Confined Space Training From the Inside!

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confined space operations are just one of the technical rescues your lafd Urban search and rescue task forces conduct which require specialized training and Equipment they learn to operate in extremely challenging environments while adhering to strict safety rules designed to help prevent The Rescuers from becoming victims now you have the opportunity to go inside lafd confined space training right into the tunnel with them thank you after three days spent learning the equipment in each position within the operation it's time for them to work as a team to set it up because they're victim awaits so essentially what we're the training that we're doing today is we have a simulated victim that is trapped in the sewer system which has limited access and potentially a hazardous environment in there of as they went down they became capacitated and so we need to protect The Rescuers through having a profitable air that's going to allow them to breathe in a toxic environment we've been ventilating the tube to hopefully make the environment that much more habitable and then we've set up a Arizona Vortex which is creates a high point allows us to get The Rescuers in and out Communications and Air Management are important elements of the operation and have firefighters dedicated to those positions and so Communications is extremely important in this scenario because we have two teams going into an unknown environment and we're able to stay in constant communication between the attendant the communications person and then the two Rescuers that are in the tunnel so this is the air box we have SCBA bottles that basically bring air pressure into the system we're able to hook up the different airlines for team one team two and also the victim and the gentleman here is controlling the pressures coming through the lines to the victim them and also to the two teams gas meters used to continually monitor the atmosphere and once all systems are go The Rescuers prepare to make entry he's connected into a spreader bar which allows basically to get a vertical lift and do as he goes in he's going to put what his right arms Escape pack which is a small SUV bottle here and this is an emergency use only and his left arm is going to be up what this does is allows him still access to his Airway as Airway protection and it allows them to make a small profile to get down into a tight spot once The Rescuers are on the ground inside the tunnel the instructor discusses their operations and tactical considerations do you both need to go down the tunnel right now all right so first man down okay go down and make an assessment as long his [Music] is like blanket homes right you can help manage his lines getting tangled in the air hoses and communication lines could be disastrous it takes diligence to ensure this doesn't happen yeah one of the one of the biggest challenges on this incident is line management we can see here they've got they've actually got five Airlines set up here and four com lines everybody in the hole and then trying to bring everybody out at the same time the biggest challenges that he's managing those Airlines once The Rescuers locate and assess their patient for injuries they'll request the equipment they need and begin to package the patient for the journey back out of the tunnel ensuring their safety is Paramount good [Music] I got scared come here buddy foreign is wholly dependent on the cohesive teamwork of the entire crew out in the head what it's okay each person has an important role to play both top side and below while this initial training scenario permits The Rescuers to stand and walk they will also train in far more restrictive environments foreign the final step in the rescue process can be the most precarious maneuvering the patient back up through the entrance without causing any further injury once the patient is safely topside it's time to bring back up The Rescuers and then they'll debrief break it down and do it all again four feet we hope you've enjoyed getting an inside lafd look at our confined space training and you can be assured your lafd is ready when called [Music]
Channel: LAFD
Views: 12,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LAFD, Los Angeles, Fire Department, technical rescue, search and rescue, confined space, rescue, firefighter, training
Id: KAP1-44T4mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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