Inside Kyiv During Putin's Invasion

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[Music] right now there is a sound of bombardment coming from all around us and all of the civilians from this area are fleeing okay i think we can probably go let's go let's go we're an area of northwest of kiev where there's been intense fighting over the past few days between the russians and the ukrainian militaries there is intense bombardment oh my god coming from all around us right now jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] after months of amassing more than 100 000 troops on the ukrainian border russian president vladimir putin ordered an invasion of the country from multiple directions [Music] is [Music] for weeks now western intelligence agencies have been warning that russia might launch a full-scale war on ukraine but few here believed it could happen however this morning after around five o'clock russia began airstrikes across the country and there are air raid sirens going off right now here in the heart of kiev [Music] thousands are racing to get out of kiev lining up to board trains and buses that will take them out of the city did you ever expect that you would have to flee kiev with your family [Music] [Music] as night falls russia continues its advance and people are taking shelter underground in basements parking garages and subway stations twenty-seven-year-old christina marzurczyk works in a jewelry store she tried to take shelter in a subway station close to her house but it was completely full so she's come here to the kashatic station with her mom and sister is [Music] foreign what do you think is going to happen in the coming days are you scared by what you might find when you go above ground tomorrow is [Music] simple but russian forces continue to push deeper into the country and into kiev [Music] this apartment block was struck by a rocket from fighting a few kilometers away six people were injured [Music] alexi orlov was on duty at the hospital across the road what would have happened had that shell or missile hit the hospital ricardo but other ukrainians are taking up arms so we're here outside this building in kiev that the government is using as a distribution point to hand out weapons to well anyone who wants one so that they can use them in the fight against the russians on the day of the invasion these two friends one a software engineer and the other a biochemist decided to join the territorial defense force an all-volunteer group within the ukrainian military russians have enslaved this land since i don't know at least 16th century they've made their best to suppress our language to suppress our culture to prohibit printing books in ukrainian and now they want to overthrow our state like what other churches we have it's pretty obvious ukrainians have suffered a lot of casualties so far aren't you afraid that you might be one of them they're hitting buildings where civilians are living so we're in danger everywhere and the only option that we have left is to fight back and take as much of these bastards to hell as we can the volunteer groups are setting up checkpoints all across the city we're here at this checkpoint and these territorial defense forces are suspecting that someone might be over there they've taken a position it gives you a sign of just how tense things are in kiev at the moment what happened there exactly foreign victor kirichenko is in charge of this checkpoint in the vishnez neighborhood in western kiev who are these guys are you worried that russian forces are going to make it here to the center of kiev do you think that you and civilian volunteers and others are going to be capable of stopping them [Music] from [Music] the strength of the ukrainian defense has surprised the russians who have made only small territorial gains while losing hundreds of tanks and military vehicles in the process [Music] just over there are at least three military vehicles that have been absolutely destroyed the ukrainian soldiers told us that they belonged to the russians who tried to come down this road this morning when they were met with a fierce resistance from the ukrainian military here these two vehicles here belong to the ukrainians and they're blocking the road because as you can see behind them it's a straight shot to the heart of kiev [Music] so are you optimistic that the ukrainians can stop the russian events but it's unclear how long the ukrainian defenses can hold 40 mile column of russian tanks is heading directly for kiev people in the city are bracing themselves for a full-scale russian attack where have you been staying since we last saw you a few days ago what do you think is going to happen here so [Music] you
Channel: VICE News
Views: 3,817,532
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Keywords: VICE News, VICE News Tonight, news, vice video, russia ukraine, russia ukraine war, ukraine invasion, ukraine war, vladimir putin, war in ukraine, putin ukraine, ukraine news, russia invading ukraine, russia vs ukraine, volodymyr zelenskiy, ukraine nato, ukraine border, ukraine russia conflict, ukraine war footage 2022, russia ukraine news latest update, latest news, ukraine latest, world news, russia ukraine news, ukraine, putin, ukraine russia war, ukraine updates, war
Id: dt6mtHEy444
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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