Inside DMG MORI Giant Machine Tool Factory!

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what's up guys Ian Sandusky from Lakewood machine and tool back here again for practical machinists and today on this episode of making the cut we have a very special treat for you if you notice those behind me those are the real Alps here in the south of Germany we are going to be here today touring a facility that I don't think a lot of people have ever gotten a chance to go inside before and one that I never thought we would get the chance to go to we're here at DMG Mori this is where they build assemble produce all their machines or at least most of the lines of them from the monoblock style all the way up to machines that are bigger than houses I have lived in and we're going to get a very exclusive looking tour right now let's go [Music] this has to be one of the most insane setups I've ever seen in my life when you say Messi you guys mean German messy because looking around this place looks very very nice [Music] this is bigger than some apartments I've lived in if you wanted to go in and clean that you might need a ladder and here we have almost 1 000 pockets for tools this is really custom a customized solution just a little bit just a little bit this place goes on forever so this is a machine to make more DMG more you can park a few jumbo jets in here Frankly Speaking I think nobody when he's just looking on our technology can copy it my mind's already absolutely blown not a lot of people get to come in here but we're very lucky to guide us through our tour we have Cornelius from BMG I am thank you very much for joining us today so in this facility we have 1 600 employees it's our biggest uh and I think most important Factory in Europe of team chimori and this was the original Factory founded one a 1920 already so more than 100 years ago we started here at that place and it looked a little different than I'm sure oh yeah so I'm here you're working now for 23 years and also in that period just 20 years it changed a lot now I see that you guys are sticking to the very DMG Mori aesthetic here of course of course so that is very important to have a really nice look and feel for The Operators to make the machines and the Machining itself attractive for young employees so that is a big Target of course from us and that means the machines have to look nice as well and be very ergonomic so and that is really given here with this machine one important point the monoblocks are always five axes so we see ourselves as five axis champion and that means that the machine is from the basic standard configuration 5x's machine capability I'm sure people are very excited to start getting these on their floors of course yeah so that is our our best seller model so the mono block and out of the monoblock range around about 600 machines are leaving each year our Factory here and they're built 100 right here 100 here in fronten yeah I can now enter and spread all over the world to our customers this is top of the line very exciting to see whoa this is bigger than some apartments I've lived in that's crazy so that is one size speaker as you experience than the mono block and that is our let's say high-end technology and here we have also added a pellet system because automation is key and everybody is talking and needing automation so therefore we try to develop modular systems for automation so this kind of pellet system you can integrate not just to this machine but also to several other machines from DMT Mori and what you what you can see here Ian so that's a grinding tool we are having here inside so this FTS means the machine is Milling turning and grinding so fresh and range lives so the German words so it's really technology integration on the highest level yeah and it would use the same spindle to do the Milling that it used to do the grinding all in the same thing yeah yeah that's the same spindle how many of these are you guys producing a year here so this dual block line we are producing 300 pieces so even more in four different sizes somehow tell me about this this is actually really interesting yeah so that is a rotating Clear Window where even when you are working with the coolant you have a clear and very transparent view into the working area which is important yeah yeah especially when we are talking about a single part Machining so usually the batch sizes are going down the customers like you probably tomorrow you do not know what to machine and therefore you have to set up new parts day by day everything there you can really uh yeah have a close look to the to the setup procedure of the process then make sure you're not crashing that nice shiny new spindle so essentially if a customer comes to you guys and has an automation issue they need not only can they buy an off-the-shelf solution there's some engineering that you guys can actually do for them like this of course yeah yeah so in terms of automation that is often are in most cases customized so what we see in the beginning that was standard Solutions but also modular design but this is really custom a customized solution just a little bit just a little bit [Music] area so here we are now in the basic assembly of the duo block machines we do here yeah so we do hear the the Assembly of the basic machine with integration of the electrical cabinet until we switch on the machine and then we move it to the final assembly so that you will you will see afterwards how many would you be assembling here one time so it's uh yeah up to 20 machines are here in the basic assembly prepared and how do you guys maneuver these things around this oh is that that giant Crane That Maneuvers these things around in here yeah yeah yeah yeah here inside and then we put on the trolley uh and and uh forklift who is then putting it to the final assembly must be a pretty big trolley wow and how many square meters would this place be rough so 90 000 square meters [Music] okay but now let's look to the heart of the Machine Tool the spindle exactly so that's I think the most important component also in terms of accuracy and so on so there we have also a Special Assembly area here we have our assembly line for the spindles it's a assembled step by step here we have the star Tour line on the other side it's a rotor line and then they are put together and assembled finally and when the spindle is done so far it goes to the test area and there we test it with a whole range of RPM and uh yeah overnight to to get really uh proven and tested component to the final assembly then on each and every single spindle each and every single spindle and of course not just for our assembly but also for the spare part supply yeah and one thing I do see here this is a trend I've seen is that you guys have essentially it looks like eliminated drawers this is something I've seen a lot lately and it seems like you guys are doing a really good job of it where every tool has a place yeah those tools go there when they're done they go back and and here you see in the the test of the spindle so it's really uh or we try to test the spindle uh in that configuration like it's then used in the machine okay so it's with a cooling unit it's additional with temperature sensor so that we see how the bearings are behaving also with maximum rpm and then the component goes tested to the final assembly these were assembled today these spindles now tested and going to on Monday then to the assembly line oh it's that quick you let them run over the weekend yeah yeah all automated and then they are going to the and are these machines ones that you guys obviously either built or had a hand in building these testing machines so that is own development so 100 so you're not just buying a machine and slapping a DMG Morty sticker on it no no these are manufactured that's really fine even if it's not the classic Machine Tool but this test equipment is also made by BMG what is this thing here so that is the portal machine tmu 210 and then for example you see also this let's say Bridge of the trillion table on on the machine where we are Machining that foreign now is this a specialized machine you guys built for production or is this a modified version of you can buy it you can buy this if you want yeah if you want you can sign the contract today I'll get it out there I'll put it in my carry-on luggage is that that is also a pellet pool yeah with five pallets done in the system yeah also targeting on yeah Machining hours just to run the machine all day long yeah this is a room there's an entire room in there yeah so you can machine in if you feel so inclined everywhere I look I just see organization organization organization looks like everything has a place where it has to be and it's there yeah it's at least that's the target well that's a Target you guys are doing a pretty good job of it [Music] here we are now in the monoblock Excellence Factory where we are building these monoblocks what I showed you at the beginning the second generation first and second generation Outlets here at the moment 65 up to 95 so three or four different models and the machines are moving constantly so they are standing on ATVs and during the assembly process they're moving 40 millimeters per minute 14 millimeters per minute per minute 34 ATVs are moving here in the assembly line and uh yeah from the beginning up to the final acceptance test test run and then at the end of the assembly they go to the dispatch area then you know I've seen this on TV done with cars I've never would have imagined and that's how this is done for machines with a level of sophistication the amount of components like these yeah any amount of weight yeah yeah so it's more than 20 tons can be handled by these ATVs and here you see where we start with from here with the final assembly adding the electrical cabinet the spindle the tool magazine until the final test run and also on these ATVs we are doing the geometrical test of the machine so laser measurement of the machine of the linear axis everything is done here on an ATV on the ATV where we start with that is also finally then the one where we put the machine off to the dispatch area then just complete efficiency yeah yeah so that is the main point that we are here highly efficient and increased our productivity with this assembly concept really to to our next level you can see we add then the housing the cabin of the machine so step by step after they just roll in so Boop that one goes they put that on the next one the door goes on yeah yeah wow before we introduced that three years ago we had a assembly line for the monoblock where we were moving once a day the machine and now we are in this continuous flow right so even more efficient than moving it one once a day just here you see how the machine should be at that stage yeah yeah everything done these things have full interactive displays on them if you need to move it back it up whatever it may be yeah yeah and also what state is the I said or the machine has then and to also again like in the spindle assembly to do the documentation here of the assembly steps they did and yeah they're very impressive thing thing I think is that we are also doing the measurement on these ATVs yeah so that was really a quite a tricky part to develop this but I think it was a little more difficult than that I think it might be under selling that part a little bit so once these come off this line they're finished they're finished foreign block assembly and on the on the next Hall a portal assembly nice beautiful products we are producing here and developing here yes look how big the envelope is on that one really fun so that is uh the 210 so it's our smallest portal machine so you will even see a little bit bigger than the smallest yeah that's what I would use to describe this yeah smallest oh my and you guys have a giant glass window door thing there and straight out is just mountains wow this is uh not only is it gorgeous inside it's in a gorgeous location I just I couldn't be happier so here you see 340 so that is then the next biggest uh portal machine so that's almost size of a small house it's bigger than my old house yeah it is yeah now who would put something like an aerospace like what the what's the industry for a size this big uh so it's yeah also here it's very different branches so Aerospace mold and die also 340 but what we got last year many orders from the semiconductor industry really yeah yeah yeah yeah that's for giant semiconductors good no no no no no for the machines that are producing the semiconductors the Wafers so the machines producing these Wafers they're they are needing big basic components with highest accuracy and these are machined on 340s so that is really and despite being a giant machine what would the Precision on a machine like this be yeah so when we are talking we have uh this micro precision machine so that is really the highest level you can get then there we are talking about in that size yeah 10 15 microns over a travel of feet and feet 3.4 meters 8.4 meters wow the size of that thing is difficult to believe it's funny because when I'm walking around in here I don't even realize that's a machine until you tell me it's a machine so that is where we have also the the bigger cranes then here with 100 tons for for these kind of machines so this machine is uh the biggest we are producing here in bronton a dmu 600 p and that version with a double table version so you can use just one or add these two tables to one big table so this is a machine to make more DMG Morris yes of course it is wow I don't think I've ever seen a machine with a full ladder and cage on it before that's a new one for me is that a rotary table that is a rotary table so mid turning table so there we have up to 200 RPMs 50 000 Newton meter torque on the table so where the customer is then doing turning operations yeah additionally with really five meters diameter and 200 RPM with a table that size and heavy that's actually very fast yeah yeah yeah that's it that's very fast here we have uh Milling heads different Milling heads and we can exchange this automatically oh that tool change is in there yeah yeah so yeah so that is the standard Milling tools the cutters here inside with our real type magazine and here we have the Milling heads that can be exchanged as well so with a vertical with the b-axis axis an angular head so the Supreme modularity yeah yeah [Music] okay so here in our Logistics Center started operation last year as I mentioned 14 kilometers of wreck length what we have here 16 meter height of the hall and 8400 square meters you can park a few jumbo jets in here yeah yeah so transport tracks they're unloaded here inside then the goods are coming on this conveyor belt and here at the end we are scanning the components and then see which size they have and then the system is uh yeah looking for the right storage place inside the Rex automatically yeah yeah really yeah so this is a giant not only does this whole conveyor belt yeah it tells you it knows what it is and then tells you where to put it yeah yeah wow and it would monitor it would know exactly if I said I want this component it would go and tell me exactly where it is yes yeah yeah wow everything's automated here some steps to go but we are targeting too wow to a higher level and despite how big this place is back here how many people will work in this area roughly here in this area it's a 15. [Music] well thank you very much for your time today I really appreciate you giving us such an in-depth tour of your location this has been absolutely fantastic thank you so much for being with us and uh yeah hope to see you then in the future again here in fronten at our open house next year probably so let's see don't threaten me with a good dime and if people want to learn more about DMG Mori where can they go the so they find everything almost everything and also many insights to our products to our facilities so there is much information available there beautiful thank you very much for watching guys make sure you turn on notifications below and like And subscribe to make sure you never miss a video thank you very much for watching guys you take care [Music]
Channel: Practical Machinist
Views: 22,928
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Id: Y9E1YpeO5rA
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Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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