Inside a smart meter, and the REAL problem with them.

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a smart meter and I'd like to thank Andy and Lucas for sending this they were out walking discovered a pile of sort of builder's rubble and rubbish and in amongst it was a coupla meters and there is a name printed in this meter they contacted the company involved and sent a message and said do you want your meters back because we found them here and we just wandered a few knew about it and the company didn't respond so instead they sent them to me which was the correct thing to do I have covered the serial numbers here to protect the innocent and me and this is the second tick of this video because I got a ray inside and discovered another serial number oh dear so let's try that again shall we I've kind of interests in seeing all the safety features and seeing if it's you know this is how we would have designed it for for security so typical of these meters you've got the bottom cover comes off and they're all sealable they have a wire goes through here and then a little crimp goes on then just folds down out the way we have the four terminals the bottom here we go live in common neutron the middle and live blackout again the common neutral bit surprises me I thought they might actually monitor live and neutral current flow independently to detect if people are trying to bypass a meter in somewhere it has a keypad I'm guessing this is an option for people who have maybe formed behind their bill and they can buy credit and type of code and or give them X amount of credit it's got the infrared communicator that's quite common most modern meters there which there's got magnetic plate round it and you set a little device over and it lets you access various parameters this one has a modem this is interesting this is a natural smart meter and if we pull this off it reveals for a start I should go back to this when it reveals that if you take the cover off this carbon nor did Robert pad presses down onto these gold flash contacts down here and that's that how this unit detects if you take this cover off at all hailer flag off in the meter or it could send a cord to the base and actually snitch you in if you'd come and take that cover off likewise when you take this off it's got another pad that goes onto these two gold pads and that would also tell that the that this actually ignore there's also a couple of ports here with nothing in them and going to these pads I don't know if that's for testing purposes or it's just an auxilary couple of contacts don't know and then there's a 10 pin connector here that just meets with this and presumably does power and data let's get into this at the Simmons to that lag I will hinge this up there is a sim in there it's got part of a number on it invisible there it's a plain white sim I'm guessing it's actually probably the local telecommunication company here because no matter where you're in the world one of the biggest data companies for err providing data services for on all the mobile phone networks is Manx telecom it's just an odd quirk because it's such an old long-established company this also has a external port facility for the antenna which can go out the side here so if you have a meter and remote the key from the crew reception it can communicate I'm just making sure there's not too much room terminating evidence here cautious about showing serial numbers particularly given this meteor has an unknown history so it's got an ER M chip in it an ARM chip and it's got the modem chip it's got another little a communicator local communicator could this before Bluetooth communication or a short-range programming communication not sure the unit here has two cables coming off it's got cable coming off from underneath that is going to this connector there is another label under here a shudder not sure that and there's a little black wire coming down on to this which is a printed circuit board printed antenna looks quite rugged and accurate and that's fundamentally the modem there are a couple of really big capacitors here I wonder if they're dying gasp pastor there some modems have the facility that if they lose power they will use the residual charge of capacitor to just send a little logging off cord or an error code maybe that is an anti tamper device if you were to suddenly unplug us it holds enough charge on these big capacitors to actually send a message saying and tamper detected in which case know how it would detect itself be unplugged because that this can only signal to the actual meter itself interesting stuff let's get all the stuff out the way to make more space I should also mention that there's a lot of paranoia about how the new meters are using this special radiation network called 5g and it gives your turn sir what follow - it seriously what people come out with that the same people who used to say that mobile phones you hold much your head and it's giving you brain trimmers just anything that comes out at all it's the blue light from the streetlights and it's all Gatos just any random thing the attention seekers jump on it and their claim it's bad in reality this unit will transmit will just communicate the standard stereo network let your phone does so if your phone was sitting the table it will be putting a SIM set of signal strength as this thing will on the wall and it just occasionally checks and so let's get these screws out yes it is this reveals covers that bit area there it reveals the keypad with karbonpad another anti-tamper thing going down onto this pad here there just in series no they're independent hold on let's get that off notice the scrubbing about here cos I just thought I'll just hide that I don't know the pedigree of this meet up so let's get their compound to go into that it's got the little infrared communicator port that goes onto these emitters here what's that mmm it's glossy display you can see the back layer to the side here hey let's get this out but this is as far as I got last time it's not lifting out the other thing you see is the you know that's got microphones it's listening to your host that's just I don't know if where this comes from it's this conspiracy thing that it's going to release chemicals into your homes let's say carefully in case I I missed and I'm just gonna look at the back of this before we go back into shot it's got nothing majorly incriminating in it right okay there goes the Hat so what do we have here big chunky terminals very chunky - and a big really so they can disconnect your power if you've not paid your bill next oh that is a that is something down there they've just stood that up that looks like a Hall effect sensor possibly that may be to detect if people are putting something near this unit lab really big magnet trying to maybe override the really in this perhaps this is well shielded what is this and that looks like it might be a little power supply more job look of it and right opto-isolator Zab look over there there that are going out to the external unit so is this providing this and in a communication interface that's why would it be isolated unless it's just for safety and then that port has just got a basically a volu voltage supply going to and then sort of like just switch signals are I wonder if it communicates two ways there's a little lithium cell lithium primary battery these the ones that have quite a lot of lithium in them because they're designed for super long life and high capacity and they're not rechargeable let's see if that has a voltage of a votes of typical three volts as you'd expect off that three point six five volts that is fully up to spec it's working oh dear hope it doesn't pair it and semesters we're tracking you peaked live is this normally closed or is this normally open that would be interesting to know let's say put this two diode test I would expect that maybe normally closed and only powered when they want to disconnect you because that would take the load off it it is it's normally bridging through and it's only when they power that but it's going to disconnect you that makes sense this has two taps net and a section welded in here that's weird oh is that for the higher resistance is that a controlled resistance in there to air from monitoring a little why would they do that as opposed to just measuring from one end to the conference the other not really sure they do appear to have a slug of metal in here that's kind of going to let's say her zoom down in that see that that's a I'm guessing that is just an instead of to create a higher resistance in a smaller area does that result in extra heat I'm not really sure drew I'm also looking at this big metal oxide varistor is there any protection about it feelings and then going all hot and flustered it's connected via this track over to the phase-in derivative fission and the other connection here looks as though it's connecting straight to neutral so does that mean that if this metal oxide varistor is to gradually feel over time if that's what it is it would actually potentially get quite hot in there without anything to cut out not sure that seems a bit odd um any other anti tempered devices I'm kind of looking for an antenna in here I don't know if there'll be one less that was in the upper section because I'd expect something to detect RF jammer circuitry and if it detects someone trying to interfere with a secretary by applying an external radio signal it could trigger something I see a couple of pads can up here but they're not connecting to anything this looks like a double-sided board doesn't look any different in that Oh actually no is it double sided her is hard to see because it's kind of hidden if it's multi-layer or not um not really enough a lot more to say about this it's got their sensing circuitry in the vicinity of that I'm guessing they'll just be using dedicated air current sensors that are optimized for that task oh that thing is marked each three is a problem whole effect sensor then hmm the power supply I'm guessing then is that going to be a standard switch would first play why did he have this big shield over the top of it I'm not seeing a microphone in here that will please the conspiracy theorists or maybe it wouldn't please the conspiracy theorists there's a resistor network presumably used for the voltage sensing to correlate to the current sensing this is where it gets a bit shitty you see this being a smart meter they do have a lot more control over it they can enable various functions traditionally that old meter at the set of dowel that goes round and round and seder is very accurate that measures are the relationship between the current and voltage what it measures there's a real power these things have the facility to be programmed remotely to measure different things and one of them is to stare point power of react just ignores the relationship between the voltage between this connection this connection and the current between this connection this connection and it will just basically measure raw current and multiply by the voltage and that say that's one of the biggest concerns I have both these things I mentioned that before but this is the reality of it in here these can also be programmed remotely depending on the tariff you choose and you know you're going to be talked into these air tariffs are going to say oh it's going to save you some money yeah it may save you some money for the first month but then they're going to change it they're going to have it and written the small print that they can change the way you're out just as metered and when they do that they could do things they could introduce peak demand so when they're paying a lot more for the electricity they penalize you directly by saying if you use too much power round about the time you're cooking tea this unit will charge you twice as much during that period of time so they're kind of program on that sense another thing that I've noticed here is that many of the meter readers are being what they call upskilled by generic finger in every pie companies and they're being basically they're being told you can dare learn how to actually install these meters and it will give you new skills so they're basically being taught how to install the meter that's replacing their job and once all the meters have been installed what they're going to do are they're gonna lay them off dohno all very odd so that's it is there much else to reveal in here that's that's particularly interesting it's got a simple anti-tamper it's got a little really to disconnect the power it's got a bit of filtering it's get them the modem facility and that's more or less set I guess well it can work without the modem it will just act as a clean meter here because it's got a chunky little process of stuffed under there and that just they're the only thing I'm wondering here then is that maybe the power supply is somewhere more receptive to interference in some way I'm not I'm not really sure this looks like a class-wide pasture but there's no earth in this so why would that unless it's copying it down it's coupling it to the fears don't know it's interesting it's boring in the sense that it's a just heavily integrated and there's not much to see [Music] this resistor comes over here to an inductor and it's got a little pad there wonder what that's for that is that more filtering perhaps it may be more filtering it might be the incoming supply that resistor there might be effective the fuse or Weir's again it's para from that's what we want to see phase out phase out is being monitored for the voltage of the phase out but not a significant amount current the bulk of the power looks if I'm right in saying that's going from that resistor there that's kind of going to neutral the looks like the power is being monitored from the incoming supply so it is the altruistic components paying for the power that makes sense obviously because if they disable that really it kills power to the output and that would effectively stop them that would power down the meter if they powered it from that side that's interesting it's quite chunky um yeah that's about it so let me think are there any other conspiracies that could be covered here it's there there's the one about how it's producing harmful radiation no it's not there's the one where it's good listening in to your house no it's not there's no sign of a microphone in here and it's not got camera in it it's a it's got anti-tamper facilities but you know what it's less than I thought unless they're using some clever detection techniques I thought it may have more to detect people stuffing wires up the side of the things that unless that plastics designed to give a bit and break that connection if it does that then oh it's interesting certainly looks very chunky and well-thought-out mm yeah interesting so that's a what the inside of a smart meter looks like
Channel: bigclivedotcom
Views: 1,560,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart, meter, inside, chemtrail, 5G, brain, cancer, death, conspiracy, government, microphone, camera, spy, apparent, power, metering, peak, demand, tamper, detection, detecting, overcharging, magnet, jammer, stop, slow down
Id: G32NYQpvy8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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