Inside a German WW2 Submarine - Touring U995 U-Boot

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I've been there once! You can see a lot from that tower. Landscape is so flat.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Acias ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 24 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Been years since I was last there, but Galveston, Tx has something similar--a Gato-class submarine, as well as a Destroyer Escort, the type of ship that protected convoys from enemy subs. Pretty amazing stuff to walk through.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AcusTwinhammer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 25 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
all right so we were close to the submarine now and what you see over there this Tower this is a memorial for ya the German soldiers and Navy soldiers that died in World War two and not anybody else affected it's kind of representing the top powers on a submarine and here's mrs. Merkel we got election tomorrow I already reacted elected added postal elections or I not stressed and right over there to our left you should see it any second there is an old German World War two submarine goo 955 I don't know if you can get on would be freaking cool he could looks like it's closed sadly yeah dang man I would have lost to get in there oh no it's it's not closed I think it's open can ticket can we get in holy you can see it boarded July 1943 and survived the war actually I think it was damaged and then they brought it back but it never left again that's really really cool you know wolf pegs German submarines the bane of a Royal Navy back in World War two on top there you can see anti-air guns see that right there on top pretty dang cool yeah definitely have to try to get inside I want to see that let's try to get tickets here's more so technical data says length 67 meters with six meters draft about four we have five meters maximum diving operational depth was 120 meters and in you know that was determined by construction but actually it went on 240 meters during combat 70 knots above surface so pretty fast about 44 to 50 two-man crew 5 torpedo tubes like four in the front one in the back and yet has the anti-aircraft guns yeah two two bigger ones in a smaller one right there as I showed you on top they're pretty cool did you see the movie dust board German war movie it's not you should pretty cool movie dive dive on the outside there you can see the air tanks that bulky thing there that's baddest pretty much they fill and empty them to go up and down to dive pretty cool alright last is getting tickets for going inside alright guys we're going in into the submarine look at that why is there spikes on top get birds off super solid walls don't smoke they say Wow claustrophobic sure oh okay here we can see one torpedo hull that's on the backside and yeah tubes and stuff all over the place look at that that's the torpedo hull wow so cool old gauges there's pipes and things everywhere look at that I think wow so cool I think that the engines oh yeah look here why is that Wow I am those are the electric electric motors here's batteries those are you know if you want to drive silently manufacturer gauges all sorts Wow two engines here but those are the electric engines that are said Wow this is it's pretty cool to be in here it's a nice shot this is the engine compartment engine room and you always have these hatches you know if there's a breach Water Bridge you can seal off certainly various in in here it was insanely loud these are two diesel engines and super loud right here the engines right next to can you imagine how loud it would be in here those two things are hammering obviously everything was painted a bit don't know if this is original color here it says it has two six cylinder four-stroke diesel engines each 1400 horsepower yeah and they had 113 metric tons of diesel stored max Wow all kinds of gauges and wheels and things super interesting man sadly I know you boat expert and a little bit oh here yeah this is just assistance starting throttle premature you can see it says stop up here it says unlocking that means start and that means operating between your temperature gauges and look at that this is a everybody knows this you know it says max maximum right forward pick right half length client if at these lenses and then stop loading and as backwards here this for going back you can see the rotations you mean rotations per minute this is for the other side red green also temperature gauges here that says fresh air and yeah here's probably the engineer was standing operating pretty sure that I don't see any communications in here but I'm pretty sure they had that to radio in here you know for communications main valve here and all kinds of Wells and things what is dead Wow okay this is air in and out wow so cool alright and here yeah this is actually the cooking area super small the Cook was in here preparing meals for 50 56 people wow so cool let's back here there's a toilet in there see a little little toilet Wow dear probably some storage and stuff for cooking materials and then we come in here some after team quarters they had this little wooden compartment here on top and it's very narrow where I'm standing up I have to bow down all the time and here it says okay here are some of the commanders were staying not the captain though but yeah some higher-ups the other crew members this is what's considered luxuries luxury they even have little fold up tables here they could use very very cool look in that and then that's super small hatch here to go through let's film in Wow check that out guys so cool here's a huge lever to kind of seal everything and it's this massive airlock here big airlock and then you know to move quickly in here people would hold on up here and then just swing through and move quickly for me I have to really squeeze through here alright here's more operating I think what is dead its pressure gauges and sings here and you have these all over the place you have tons of valves and things so certainly what's not easy to operate a ship like that now it needed highly highly educated crews look at that all kinds of of wells I think those are stabilizers you would use you know to balance out the ship and dad says it's cooling liquid pump and this is there it says fish buzzer so I go so this is to create fresh water from seawater actually wow so cool here take your load this sonar pretty much sonar depth detection look at that Wow so cool and here yeah here's where the captain would be the commander and you could talk into these tubes and go like oh you know in case of electronics comma communication breaks down you have tubes to shout through here this leads upset leads locked up but this leads up towards the tower you can see the main hatch on top there and yeah here of course periscope you would watch in there and scan for enemy ships the degrees up there you know and then you would go like enemy spotted just in this and then you know torpedos also you can see here's speed meters again and this is the depth meter actually teefin messa right would tell you how much water you have under the ship I'm pretty sure oh yeah here shows you the angle of the depth rudder so it's pretty pretty impressive and it says here's the other front this the brain of the ship it says here so yeah commando once again you have these so big it's a super tiny hitch Jesus Christ barely can fit through here look at that just a radio room where all the communication would take place look at that so cool you have a little Moore's [Music] thingy Wow and then this is also very very interesting this is it's called a whole foam or listening room this is where people would you know scout for ships and enemy submarines and whatnot try to locate them in case the South line is chased by destroyers or so they would listen here and you can also sit down here this is pretty much the important areas here the Central Command area pretty much and then navigation and radio and listening and probably around here there's some more areas to sit down as well and here is also some bunk beds again very short this is probably I would say one meter 50 long tops 160 and very very narrow I could never fit in there and yeah okay here the lieutenant's pretty much would stay lieutenants would sleep in here and yeah once again those bunk beds are really really short and tiny here is probably some additional storage behind that and oh yeah slotter lavatory here once again little think wow and then we come in here and here you see more quarters for others this force up to 27 men lift in here and here you can see a torpedo actually massive that thing is at least yeah six eight meters long and yeah up to 27 men lived in here on these bunk beds obviously they were working in shifts you know some were sleeping somewhere on duty some coat hangers or whatever and this is the loading mechanism for the torpedo here up with chains like that and you could yeah raise and lower that and then you have the main torpedo how I'll sit in the front call one two three and four and this one actually has yeah demilitarized torpedo loaded yeah then the captain would locate a ship and then you would get the command fire torpedo and you would hammer this this is to the safety take the safety of often than you would hammer on their torpedo would launch Wow so cool or would you fire up frontier let me see super tiny to get in here okay yeah was that you would yeah you could control and steer the torpedoes you know you adjust the speed and trim for them and then you'd fire them up frontier somewhere I suppose while it's cool let me turn around if you look back through the ship it's so cool then it leads out outwards again and we're right here at the front of the ship again there you can see the rudders to control the ship it's the view back well that was cool man fascinating dang super cool yeah so always when I do stuff like that I get very kind of get emotional I have to say because I always imagined no it's cool from a technical standpoint but you always have to imagine what these things were built for and imagine if you're in there in the war couldn't have been a nice experience lots of young people you know died for no reason in boats like that and also other people they hunted I mean what they were doing they were doing the Wolfpack strategy several submarines together and this specific submarine was hunting for Allied convoys in the scag Iraq also ending for Russian ships so yeah pretty cool I've never been to one of those submarines before was very very fascinating hope you enjoyed the tour too
Channel: docm77
Views: 2,663,458
Rating: 4.8325062 out of 5
Keywords: Submarine, Submarines, Top submarine, U-Boot, wolfpack, german submarine, deutsche U-boote, deutsches u-boot, navy, das boot, us navy, docm77
Id: yXiSWPGy_gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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