Inside a $1,000,000 NUCLEAR Response Vehicle

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welcome back to here's next door thank you all for joining us today we're in Westchester Pennsylvania we're going to be taking a look at the Chester County Hazmat team [Music] we're going to meet up with Chief Bob Stewart and he's going to walk us through their vehicles they have four different vehicles but we're going to specifically focus on their most important one hey chief how you doing today I'm doing pretty good how are you doing not too bad thanks for inviting us out all right no problem so real quick tell me what vehicles you have you have four that I understood right so we have four got three of them here we also have a pod truck it's behind me here okay um basically that just has a lot of our big equipment in it that we don't use every day so we bring it out we can use you know big overpack drums we got you know a lot of the bulky stuff that we can't fit on the other truck right right um then we got the command vehicle okay 2014 Tahoe basically it has all the stuff in the back for running instancing command board it's got some spill supplies but not much tank trap drain cover stuff like that it's just something to throw down to get started so as you make it on the scene as the chief you're making a quick response you can actually start the process and we have yeah if possible yeah yeah if possible I can basically if like it's a diesel spill or something that's not too awful hazardous you know right right and we got 15 too this is our oldest truck it's a 22005 Chevrolet with a rescue body on it basically it has uh some limited entry equipment but it also has our Decon equipment some of our old school research materials the hardback books and stuff yeah um also has our medical records we have to carry them with us in a lock box EMS some EMS equipment basic BLS bag and that way we can take our own bottles if there's not an animal it's a BLS unit on scene we can take our own bottles before entry right right and just basically some over packed stuff for Lithium-ion batteries which is the new yeah that's the newest thing the newest thing coming around so we can take care of this you know any of the ion battery emergencies that come up in the county okay now that looks four-wheel drive is that one yeah that is four wheel drive um so this one this is a 2020 Pierce enforcer chassis rescue body basically it was a rescue truck it was a demo um we got it in 2020 basically turned it into a Hazmat truck okay um so it has a lot of our meat and potato stuff on um a lot of our meter or air monitoring equipment okay our testing equipment and instruments because it was a demo that's why you have the red and white versus the white and yellow you you were always traditionally wet or are you switching on well our the truck that this replaced was red okay um not quite this color red it was a little brighter red right um but it was red okay um so the next truck when we replace the next one should be red we'll see we're planning on being red so we'll see all right can you open in the driver's side and kind of show us what's up front and how it works so up front you got your regular uh fire truck cab basically okay the only difference we have is we actually have a rad monitor radiation detector it's actually underneath the front bumper and as we're driving you know if we're say there's an incident at Limerick power station or Peach Bottom power station as we're driving up we may get an alert okay so that'll tell us as we're getting there hey we need to back up right right so that's become those canaries that we talked about correct so that's a good thing yeah um and we actually all three trucks have that okay um even the Tahoe so you know we're driving up we're like oh let's back up let's regroup back here awesome um of course we have old school we do still have map books mostly we use GPS but we still have map books in case we need them um a couple other fine you're right um getting you know got a couple other quick reference materials up front so when we're pulling up ERG everybody uses a couple other things officer Society has a packs air pack seat and the mask up front portable rack over a Portables are charging right there between the front and the back and then back here these were actually built as EMS shells but we use them for our metering equipment okay so we have all of our meters charging we have multi-rays we have toxy Rays um we have uh attack ID wait now it's out of service but that's our ramen technology it's back to manufacturer getting looked at okay um now I notice you have air packs on here too yes and why do you need air packs for HazMat don't you normally stay outside well so we may have to make an entry so if it's I want to use chlorine as an example if it's chlorine gas we get in a level a full encapsulated soup so you need to have SCBA on because there's not much air inside that seat right right um but most of the chemicals we deal with you don't want to inhale them anyway okay and not everything we do is outside some of it is some of it's not pack seats that keeps them out of the compartments we actually have more room in the compartments now because we have the vaccine so also in the cab in the back we have a workstation so they can get in out of the weather do the research we have a printer that we can hook up to our laptops so if they bring something up we can print it out if we need to print it out I'll show you our drone later we can also download uh pictures and stuff from the Drone if we need to print it out for the IC or just to get a better look at it we can also print it out with the printer in the cat that's pretty cool to have in there now how many people actually can sit in the back here then um so there's four pack seats in the back plus the alternate driver so we can carry six okay um normally the way we work I'm the only full-time person on the team everybody else is paid on call okay so depending on where it's at in the county because we cover Chester County and it's a large area most of the responders will go private vehicle we have a core group of probably about five or six that live in the Westchester area so they'll come here and make sure the trucks get out usually have two at least two on a truck got a driver and somebody to help navigate yeah yeah um and then they'll meet us all on scene that's a good way to do that especially it's not bad it works pretty good um in this first apartment we have wow transverse tray that goes all the way across okay so what we see on this we'll see on the other side when we get around yes okay so we have our radiation detectors we've got different other various instrumentation um storage boxes um we also have our weather station so we can set it up so we don't have to call in for uh if there's a storm coming or wind direction or you know wind speed all that stuff we got it right here it goes to a monitor mounted in the cab um of course everything's Bluetooth yeah so Bluetooth it transmits to the monitor into cab so we can get real-time weather right so that helps us in our plume so you don't have that delay that you normally have on a cell phone app or anything like that you're instantaneously getting it falling back to the 911 Center and having them give us the weather right you know we got it right there once we get it set up we got it we also have pH paper spill classifier different things for our Ray monitors different attachments wands tubing stuff like that okay and that's pretty much all in these two shelves this bottom shelf we have our Command stuff for the Command Staff the clipboards the vests all that good stuff all the important paperwork all the important paperwork accountability ring and then we got a class C fire extinguisher and this green fire extinguisher not everybody it's technically not a fire extinguisher right it is a uh for the this one is for a caustic spill so like if you have a base that's caustic this will neutralize it and make it yeah neutral pH of seven okay um and then we have one on the other side it's for acid so we have one for acid one for okay a base are they both the same green color or yes they're both the green color this one's got blue writing on the top okay the other one has I believe red hot writing on it we'll see when we get there I believe it's red oh and the most important thing is we have snacks snacks can't go without because if we're out there for a long time I just need to get a little bit of nourishment um because you'll you'll extend a lot of energy in a love way suit even if you don't do a lot of work yeah right right um so we have foldable benches up here basically these are just painters benches okay we use there's no back on them so it's easier to sit on with an SCBA on right while you're putting a level a suit right um on and getting dressed and of course then we got regular oil absorbent um kitty litter um plug and diking uh putty okay in case we get like a saddle tank leak in or something like that um once again we got a five gallon drum of acid and base same thing that's in the forage time okay we can just take a cup and spread it out okay um rock salt for winter time when we get it all right icy roads right um spare cylinders for SCBA um fuel fill we have Peppers cartridge uh respirators green bins for our tools so guys are going down down range they need you know wrenches or meters or whatever they can carry a lot more stuff in that bin than they can in their two hands right right we always have a backup team just like in the fire service you have a rent team so you always have a backup team so if something goes bad they can go in and get them or if they need to come out because they're low on air the backup team can go in and then we'll just get another backup team dressed and then we'll keep switching out until we get right done what we need to get done and mitigate the situation we also have our grounding and bonding kit so basically what that's used for is if we if they're going to offload a tanker that's been in an accident or something so we'll ground and bond so we'll Bond them to each other okay the one that they're offloading the one they're on loading to and then we'll do uh we'll also ground it to ground okay so we'll put grounding rods in um and then string wire and test it and make sure it's yeah because it's getting everything to ground from my understanding now I'm not a Hazmat technician I'm more Hazmat awareness my understanding is it's more the vapors that can be the most dangerous stuff rather than the solid fuels yeah uh that the vapors are what connect and that's why grounding it and making sure there's no sparks because you don't want to do those Vapors right correct yeah you got it all right I passed my test today so yeah the vapors you know if they're flammable you do not want a static spark so basically what that does it takes the static charge takes it to ground so there's not that static discharge when they're moving products yeah yeah that's awesome um we also have you know our red bio bag so this may not necessarily be for Bio waste but it just may be for contaminated stuff okay um put it into red bags that way we know it's contaminated right right um so then back here basically our drum cart slash pool cart um it can fold out and use four wheels or we can use it as a dolly with uh like a hand truck with two wheels a little giant ladder in case we have to get up on a tank or you know valves up above so you can get in there right um spare air packs all of our spare cylinders in here the ones that don't fit in this and we're up above us you have a canopy so yes on both sides there's an awning okay basically it's like an RV awning so we got controls right here we can bring that out so they can stay you know stay out of if it's raining they don't have to stand during the rain if it's you know Sunny they got shade they can get in um so it keeps keeps them out of the weather a little bit maybe not entirely but you know it gives them a little bit of a package a little bit of a shade or cover now did you have to actually order those with those or did that come with it because it was that rescue no we had to order those we ordered those from a RV place down the road here all right back here obviously you don't have holes you don't have a hose bed like a rescue truck no we have no hose and no water okay we do have water but it's drinking water um so basically down here we got all of our gloves um different types of gloves the dollar signs that's how much they cost yeah and you know they're used for different things PVC VidCon neoprene butyl different chemicals will react different ways with different Plastics or rubbers wow so that's why we have different gloves so when we find figure out what the chemical is then we need to look at the compatibility of the suits and the gloves and the boots and you know so that way it doesn't dissolve while we're working on it and everybody's good that'd be a bad day if you lost it that is a bad day um and then we got little bags so the entry team they can put their valuables in a bag okay so you know you take your wallet your cell phone your car keys all that stuff put it in here we'll put it in the cab um they can even you know they want to they can write their name on it that way we have their stuff secured so and they're not bringing anything home you're protecting right you're protecting them unseen and you're protecting the family when you do stuff like that taking that minute to get rid of your devaluables makes a world of difference when you go home absolutely you don't want to bring that stuff home to your family because you know a lot of the stuff that causes cancer anymore I mean just about everything goes so you don't want long-term effects on your kids or your spouse or anything like that right um and then chem tape it's kind of like duct tape but it's chemical resistant so it's more chemical resistant than duct tape is right so we use this you know for a lot of various reasons one of the main things we use it for is to seal up around the gloves and the cuff on the level BC right because they're not integrated so we usually tape up around here so nothing runs down in okay okay um keep you keep from getting exposed right do you have anything up top in the coffin bins so up top in the coffin bins we have a lot of our spill stuff that's on this truck so we have booms basically those white tubes that you see every once in a while we have pads so basically it's just a white most of them are white they're some gray some pink depending on you know some for acid some for uh petroleum products oils and stuff and then some four bases gotcha I think it's like a two by two pad yep it's real thin but it like absorbs the stuff out of the water so like today it's raining so if you had an oil spill it would take the water but or it would take the oil off the water but leave the water so it just takes the petroleum cools we also have grounding rods up there we have pfds personal flotation devices because we may need to deploy our floating boom in a Waterway or near a Waterway okay so if you're near working near Waterway you've got to have your PFD on anybody falling in if you were thinking of everything when you talk about this truck I would have been thought to put a life preserver on but yeah you're right you know if you go off the side of a road and do a small Creek or whatever right and it's flooding right you got to be able to stop that and get in there and do what you need to do and thinking it to put a life preserver on there it's perfect yep trying to trying to keep everybody safe yeah yeah keep them safe oh and the big bins on the Shelf are all the PPE so level B suits level a suit okay boots that kind of stuff right those bins right they're separated by size okay and by tight okay so there's probably about four different types um depending on the chemicals is depending on what type of Suits right so if I wear uh the firefighter in the county and I wanted to get involved with you uh I only have Hazmat or awareness right with my fire one certification right how do I go about becoming part of your company can I become part of your company how does that work Connie's website and the job would be posted on air okay so you just put an application in through would I have to come with my Hazmat technician already do you guys teach it to me do you send me to classes how does that work so the minimum that we want you to have is operations okay um so you got awareness operations technician and specialist okay so the minimum we would like you to have is your aware or your operations um and if you don't have technicians we'll send you to get technician we actually two of the guys that we just hired three four months ago they're going to go get theirs this summer okay um so mainly we use Anniston Alabama the center for domestic preparedness yeah um it's free classes and it's a very good class they use some live chemicals and stuff so you get really good training when you do your initial uh technician training down okay so very good Training so in here we got all three of our chlorine kits so there's different size cylinders for chlorine an a kit is for a almost like a shape of an oxygen bottle or an acetylene bottle okay that that size bottle the C kit is for a rail car a chlorine rail car you don't get too many of them around here we do have a few railroads that go through the northern part of the county and then the B kit is for a one ton cylinder which is water departments they'll use that one ton cylinder a lot of water plants now are getting away from using chlorine they're using other technology now because you know technology keeps going and going so they're using a little bit different but there's still a lot of them that use chlorine so that's why we got that and this was as you can tell this is an old metal box this is a plastic box yeah this is an updated kit so we just got this one year and a half two years ago a lot of the steel parts are now aluminum which makes it a lot easier to carry and manipulate so um and then these black bags or these are our multi-threat suits okay so they're called mt-94s they're made by lion and they're a multi-threat suit so they're almost look like your fire fighting turnout here so you got that that flash protection that fire protection on the outside um but they also are good for a chemical they're good for biological so that's why they call them the multi-thread suit right right so and you have what three or four uh we got three or four right here uh we got two more I think of one of the compartments up here okay um so we got them on there they're good and they're like anything they're only good for certain things so chlorine you need a loveway suit so you still got to go with the fully encapsulated suit but stuff that we could use uh level B entry for we could use those okay if it's got a fly Mobility problem now one of the questions that came up in my mind while we were just talking you and I are different sizes I'm much taller than you are at this moment time sometimes a little bit bigger you know that kind of stuff how do you fit the suits are they one size fits all do you get the guys fitted for so no so they're different sizes so basically those is we have a total of six of those suits okay so they're different sizes so those come in medium large extra large double X you know and we got a various sizes so we kind of gotta when we're looking at our entry team we got to kind of fit the suits to the person okay and make sure we got suits to fit that person so that's training beforehand and that is training beforehand yeah make sure I know when I show up on scene I'm going to be able to fit in that's the correct all right you got a light Tower we have a light tower on this unit okay um so it's got six lights so I mean it's really it's not LED though this was before they had the LED uh light towers but it is still bright um it'll light up that whole parking lot out there so nice um this is our basically we're turning this into our kind of a drone our drone depart our compartment yeah um and uh going to be for our battery tools when we get them in okay so basically we have two drones we have a smaller drone which is a little better than a hobby drone but I mean it's it's kind of small it was the first one that we got um so we have it as a backup and then we got our Public Service drone so basically this drone it's the larger size that you see a lot of fire departments a lot of Hazmat teams a lot of police departments use it has an infrared camera on it has a regular camera um you know he got a lot of doesn't have all the bells and whistles but it's got a lot of them right um so the good part about that is if we have an outside propane tank before we send anybody downrange we can take the Drone and we can do a Recon so we don't have to get a couple people dressed to walk down here we can just follow the Drone down right see what's going on with the infrared camera you can see the tank level so you know how much is in the tank you know that's a good tool to have because you know like I said the infrared you can see the tank levels you can know you know is it full is it almost empty right you know then you know how much product you're dealing with and what you got to contend with and containment so as emergency vehicles we don't necessarily have to have our CDLs to drive a lot of these vehicles do you have to have a part 107 to fly your drone during an instant we do have to have 107. this compartment we have tank trap okay basically if a tanker valve is leaking it's just dripping or a very slow leak we can throw that under we can capture the product until we get a more permanent solution or if they offload or whatever and it's probably I don't know two inches maybe three inches tall okay it'll hold a good amount of product we got some that are two 25 225 gallons of gold wow and some are 150 gallons okay so bigger one this was a smaller I think that's a smaller one so they're different sizes uh pipe and patch kit so if we got a pipe that's leaking from you know let's just say the plant we got different things in there we can patch that pipe stop the leak it's not a permanent patch it's a temporary patch just to mitigate the incident so we can you know everybody can go home safe um so basically a couple tool boxes um a couple other of our patch kits for drums for you know different size pipes so like this bike patch kit is like from you know half inch up to maybe three inch yeah and most of our hand tools are brass so they don't create Sparks okay go back to the fly Mobility right right so they don't create Sparks when you're you know tapping on stuff or something like that right [Applause] yeah are you a fire department considering a new building or renovation or are you an architect looking to build a public service building that truly makes a difference [Music] foreign fire station design Symposium collaboration is the key be inspired by groundbreaking design that prioritizes safety efficiency and Community integration join us at the 2023 Fieros fire station design Symposium and be part of a transformation experience [Music] down here in the bottom we got a lot of different things for like for drums this is called a bung wrench okay yeah the little things yeah so you may just have to tighten that up and that makes the problem go away yeah sometimes it's easy as that sometimes not quite so much especially tools love them but you know we got a lot of little specialty hand tools and stuff Dome clamps so like if a tanker is on its side the Dome on top yeah the man way if it's leaking we can put a clamp on there and clamp it down tighter so maybe stop the leak nothing else we can at least slow it down right like I said we may not make the problem go completely away but we can at least make it less of a problem than what it was okay um I come along in case we need it so with all these different specialty tools and these patch kits and stuff like that when you do that you essentially lose that piece of equipment then that patch you have to go yeah you have to go out and buy more so a patch you know we're a patch and apply for four patch and a drum over packing a drum that's that's cool okay for the most part we write that off so I mean and we get funding different ways so I can I can send them a bill for personnel and all that but we also get uh grants from the state so this is the transverse compartment that we saw on the other side but this is the other cylinder that you're talking about correct and you're right it's red yes blue it is red red on the other um so yeah so this is the acid neutralizer we actually have this spare in there so we actually have a battery box okay in case we have problems on scene but we have a uh this is called a hazcat kit so this is an old school way to determine a uh unknown okay um so basically it's just different tests um almost like you did in high school in your science class right so you'll put a match to it and if it lights up it's flammable right um and what color it lights up blue right and there's different there's different tests um so you know that helps us at least narrow it down to a family may not the specific chemical but at least get us down to a family and we can maybe do some detective work and get it from there right right um so basically this is just our cow gas for our meter so we can bump CAT pump test our meters that we get on scene yeah um a throw-up canopy in case we have to be away from your truck we can throw basically your typical one you use at a picnic or whatever basically as well I think it's 10 by 10 so you know throw it up we got a little bit of shade a little bit of protection from the weather looks like you got a schedule so this is a sked we actually have two of them ones up top okay one's here another car that we have in there we got a the electric wheels on both sides so if we're out away from the truck you know we need to plug in lights or whatever okay you know run a quarter or run a reel out there and right plug the lights up all right and then as we move forward this is back to the other side just getting in the rear this is the other side in the rear your captain's chair and then this is the passenger side or offer side you know if you're fire service if you're not fire service um we have our oh our mobile dispatch computer okay and that's the same one that the county has across the board same one the county has across the board um I have one in the Tahoe we have one actually in both trucks okay um so in mine I have stuff loaded up in it where I can pull up and look and see you know if we pull up Sarah tier two I can look see what kind of chemicals they have and stuff on my way there or as soon as I pull up you know I can just hit a couple buttons and I have that information right right um now the one thing I noticed don't have or I have knocks box keys on no nine times out of ten we don't need an Xbox Keys okay um right or if we go to a facility like a manufacturing facility that's a Sarah site yeah um we've already talked to them their security will have keys so we meet up with them or the fire department does and then so all that you go and you know all the footwork beforehand makes a big difference yep so all right and then up front what do you carry up front so out front we do have a we we got this compartment but there's really nothing in it okay um this is a winch okay it's a good Hideaway it's good it's good to have I guess in case we need it yeah as you can see it's still got the paint on it but yeah and this is a movable Edge so we can take the the pin out and we can put it on the sides or the back okay this is just the back we're seeing a lot of fire companies that actually starting to do that they integrated into the bumper they keep it covered so it stays clean a lot of times when you put things up front you know the road debris and everything else by the time you get it the gears are all jammed up yeah so by hiding it away is a good way to do that yeah it keeps the cable clean road dirt into cable and that way where's the cable right sooner than the regular lifestyle okay well Chief this is an awesome truck I have a favor to ask I want to know what it feels like to put on one of these suits do you think you could put me in one of these oh yeah we can help yeah all right let's do that before we do that guys do me a favor hit subscribe hit notification so you can keep bringing you more all right so right now I'm getting set up to to get put in one of these suits so the chief is getting me all the gear um I know he mentioned earlier that I'm gonna have to get rid of my personal stuff so normally I would get take my badge off or wouldn't have a badge get my pens my wallet my glasses um in order to get my air pack and stuff on but as he's taking it out I'm looking at the suit here and it's like a really thick tarp that I would put over say my tractor to store it for the winter time it's no wonder you're gonna sweat in these things and the fatigue that I'm gonna get by just putting it on is going to be tremendous so I'm curious to see how the chief does it and he's got a couple other people here I think we're going to bring in Keith he's one of the Emergency Operations guys and he's going to help me get in this thing all right Chief you direct me tell me what I need to do first you gotta take shoes off shoes off okay easy enough or so I thought side zipper shoes off so we'll open this up feed in first feed in first okay just like when you were a little putting on feety dramas yeah all right that feels pretty good now what are you doing there Keith when you're rolling up the pant leg because of why yep we're rolling up the pant leg because it'll end up coming up over the boots after and then it'll be uh set up and ready to go right over it okay so these boots are a little bit different than what you normally have where it just has a stretchy uh stretch closed system to make it a little bit easier to put on okay now you remember what I was talking about earlier about getting your food in yeah yeah so you wear nine and a half shoes we used 11 boots wow so it makes and even with that with all that different material in there it feels snug yeah let me give it a pull here there it is Okay so you definitely have to uh pre-size these things uh before you get there you can't show up but yeah okay so those just latch over do they just go around these little buttons okay then the pant leg coming over pant leg down over top so nothing goes down in your boot so it's almost like a double seal at that one more time because I still have the booty that's connected and then plus the other okay so I'm gonna give them my glasses there we'll take those off for now I'm just going to keep my wallet in but uh next I put on the air pack put on the air pack next all right [Music] so these are the typical scbas that we would wear the fire grounds right yep okay [Music] okay and then I would put my mask on do I go on when do you go on air before you put your mask on usually we do a entry briefing Okay so we've already done Recon so basically what the entry officer and the operations officer is going to do is they're going to reach the whole team but specifically the entry team the backup team and they're going to say this is what we think you're going to run into when you're in there or we are depending on you know if we got a good look at it or not um this is what you're going to have to do you're going to patch this pipe or patch this hole in a tank or whatever okay um and then you would be sitting here like this for that so we're trying not to expend too much of your energy yeah yeah and then you go ahead and mask off put that over and then just like a normal one you'll grab from here and you'll just pull it back from the front and you'll pull it back over and then we would help you get tight if you didn't want to if you couldn't do it yourself depending right and then one other thing you would also have before you zipped up to see you'd have a radio Okay so um our entry radios are interest intrinsically safe but you also get it'll be an earwig and it would be a push to talk on your chest okay so because while you're in the suit yeah while you're in a suit it's kind of hard so you can just go like this so you can you know talk on the radio okay so we got the radio on what's next stand up so go ahead and click in yeah there you go good we'll go ahead and put your arms in put it up over your head right now around back we're making sure that the fcba is completely in there and not only do we have a zipper we also have Velcro so the velcro will also seal the zipper so Vapors and liquid do not go in through the zipper good and then you're good yeah so we don't do any tape around the wrist because it's already done right so not with this shoe so these suits it's it's a it's all tied together so there's no break so the tape around the glove in the suit was level B so a lot of your level bees just have a regular cuff so to keep stuff from going down um we just run a couple rings of tape around it so that way it seals it and you know you don't get stuck going down your cuffing down your arm stuff like that um so how's it feel it's not bad like I can feel the fingers there's actually a pretty good gloves yeah I can feel the dexterity in the fingers I feel like there's a lot of extra space but it's not too heavy I was expecting it to be a little bit heavier yeah it's not too heavy weight loss um the only other thing that you might we would put on you is a paramedical gloves okay um that way if you get a puncture in this glove you still have gloves on and then you would get out because once you puncture your suit you're coming out in between the Masters is a little bit different yeah as you look at different things or if I got to do fine details the wrinkles kind of kind of from going through the mask and then through the shield up front right so yeah it it messes with your depth perception man this is cool yeah so on our our Mass we do have a voice amplifier but even in these suits it's really hard to hear even with that amplifier and the problem is uh sometimes with the radio you'll get feedback yeah so I've been standing here for what three minutes if not and I can still start feeling myself start to sweat it's almost like I'm in one of those cheap blankets for survivability and I don't need it foreign [Music] [Music] so once again this was Heroes next door this was a Hazmat truck for Chester County Pennsylvania thank you for uh chief for taking us around letting me get in the suit see what it feels like if you guys have never experienced any of this or you're interested in this please get a hold of the chief he uh would be more than happy to talk to you go to their website uh and thank you all for watching once again this was Heroes next door doing a station rigs don't forget to subscribe hit notification and keep smashing those like buttons we'll see you again next week [Music] [Applause] thank you
Channel: Heroes Next Door
Views: 185,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heroes next door, paramedic, firefighter, police, heros next door, hnd, Mike Borello, Mike Borrello, Station Cribs, Station Rigs, A Day in the Life, Training Days, Fire fighter Stories, EMS stories, Fire Trucks, Fire Trucks Responding, Fire Company, EMS, The More You Know, Product Reviews, Mid Week Reviews, Tour, HND, Saving Lives, EMT, Emergency Response, Emergency Medical Technician, Mid-Week Review
Id: QbaN-ANl8V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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