Insane Ways People Actually QUIT Their Boring Jobs

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One programmer coded a classic video game that  when played, informed everyone at the office he   quit. Others used giant signs and some colorful  profanity to inform management that they wouldn’t   be coming back. Perhaps the most insane way  anyone has quit their job was by hiring a   marching band to play celebration music as they  handed their boss their resignation letter.   Come with us as we explore the most insane  ways people have quit their boring jobs   and give you some ideas for how you might  stick it to your boss in the future. We are going to start with some truly ingenious  ways that people have quit their jobs and work   our way to the more extreme cases. However, this  first exit is one for the history books. Traveling   can be stressful. But think how difficult it  is for people who work in the industry, such as   flight attendants and other professions that are  responsible for keeping travelers safe and happy.   One man got so fed up with it all that he  quit in one of the most epic ways possible. On August 9, 2010, Steven Slater had had a tough  day. He worked as a flight attendant for Jet Blue,   and the passengers aboard his flight  had been particularly difficult.   He tried his best to remain calm and keep  his cool, but as they pulled up to the gate   and no one followed his instructions  to remain in their seats, he snapped. The plane came to a stop. The excited murmurs of  the passengers filled the cabin as they unlocked   the overhead bins. Steven picked up the mic for  the intercom and unleashed a barrage of curses and   insults at the stunned customers and shocked crew  members. When he was done telling them all off,   he dropped the mic, grabbed some cold beers from  the onboard fridge, and turned towards the door. The plane was stopped, but the doors were not  connected to the passenger boarding bridge yet.   Slater couldn’t wait any longer. He quit then and  there by opening one of the doors, releasing the   emergency inflatable slide, and sliding down  it with beers in hand. He was later arrested,   but he made his point clear. He quit the horrible  job and didn’t give a damn about the consequences.   This is a cautionary tale to be nice to your  flight attendants because you never know   when they might have had enough, and you  definitely don’t want them to quit mid-flight. Sometimes a boss just doesn’t get why their  employees quit. Marina Shifrin wanted to make   sure it was obvious how talented she was and how  hard she worked. So, she created an awesome video   to ensure there were no misunderstandings  about why she was resigning from her job. Shifrin was employed by a media company  that created engaging news stories.   She worked long, grueling hours,  rarely asked for time off,   and was often the last person in the office. Yet,  her boss had no appreciation for the work she did.   Shifrin had put her whole life on hold  for this job because she really wanted   to show her dedication, and she believed  in what the company was doing. However,   no matter how good a company is, if your boss  is unappreciative and rude, it is time to leave. Shifrin used all of the skills and techniques she  learned at the company to create an incredible   YouTube video of her dancing around the  empty office late one night to the song   “Gone” by Kanye West. She showed that quality  is always better than quantity when it comes   to creating content. At the end of the video,  she made it abundantly clear that this would be   the last thing she did for the company. The video  itself received millions of initial views and is   currently at about 20 million views. Needless to  say, quitting in a creative way like Shifrin did   can actually be better for your career than  sticking with a job with an awful boss. If there is one person in a  company you don’t want to piss off,   it is anyone who works in the IT  department. They have an intricate   knowledge of the company's systems and can  cause mayhem if they are not treated kindly.   That is why these next few insane ways  to quit all have to do with programmers. It was a quiet day at the office.  The boss was feeling pretty good   about himself as he had unloaded on one of  the programmers in the design department.   The issue was only a slight bug, but he felt  like he needed to show those smug programmers   who was boss. In reality, he was just being  a dick. So, the programmer took things into   his own hands by locking up his boss's  computer with a program he developed. The best part about it was that the only  computer affected was the one his boss used   so everyone else at the company could  continue to do their work as usual.   If they clicked on the “Ignore” button, the  message would just pop up again. The “HR”   button sent him to a link where he could schedule  a meeting with the human resources department.   Basically, the entire computer was locked until  the boss met with HR or the programmer who quit   to admit he was wrong. Things could have been  a lot worse for the boss and the company,   but this is one programmer who got his  point across in a non-destructive way. Some programmers leave their companies not  because they are unhappy but just because a better   opportunity presents itself. When this happens,  their resignation is more fun than damaging. Take one programmer who coded a Super Mario  simulation and sent it to his boss. When the   boss completed the level, the screen didn’t say  “Congratulations!” but “I quit” instead. However,   it wasn’t just his boss that got to enjoy this  fun game, he sent the program around the office   so everyone could play. The higher-ups probably  didn’t find their employees playing Super Mario   super amusing, but it was a pretty cool way to  let everyone know he’d be leaving the company. Sometimes people who quit end up being the  heroes of the office. This is especially true   for one programmer who was just crazy enough  to lock management out of their own system. The company was doing some pretty shady stuff  to their employees. One day a boss asked one   of the programmers to restrict network access for  certain employees who he wanted to secretly punish   using an ‘undisclosed disciplinary action.’ The  programmer asked the boss if he had cleared it   with HR first, as this request seemed a little  sketchy. The boss said it would be fine, but the   programmer asked to see the proper paperwork. This  did not go over well, and the boss became upset.   He claimed his request was just a precautionary  action, but this turned out to be a lie. A few days later, the management of the  company came back to the programmer and   forced him to implement the program  to restrict certain employees’ access.   Since he could do nothing to stop  them, he complied. Fortunately,   the programmer had decided he had had enough.  Instead of restricting access for the employees,   he locked the management out of their own system  and put them in time out for their behavior. The programmer had changed the network password  and quit, so there was nothing the management   could do to him when he walked out of the office.  Before leaving, he had given HR the new network   password and explained to them the shady requests  management had been making without consulting   them first. When the bosses went down to HR to  figure out what was going on, it was likely a   pretty uncomfortable discussion about ethics  at the company. But the programmer left by   sticking it to his bosses and perhaps making  the company a slightly better place to work. As a rule of thumb, if your employees have access  to a large sign outside of your establishment,   you should probably do your best  to keep them happy. If you don’t,   you could have employees who quit  using these extremely funny ways. One gas station employee had clearly had  enough of his crappy job and demanding boss.   To make his displeasure clear and let his boss  know he wouldn’t be coming to work anymore,   he rearranged the letters on the sign  outside of the station one night.   When the boss returned to work the following  day, he was greeted by this message. But gas stations aren’t the only ones with large  changeable signs outside of their establishments.   The greatest thing about the way  these employees quit is that not   only is their resignation clearly  obvious, but it alerts the people   who read their signs that the management  is not treating their employees properly. For example, at one Taco Bell, an employee named  Adam got clever with the sign and even used two   apostrophes and a tilted C to make a smiley  face. His message was clear and to the point. James, who worked at Hardee’s, was a  little nicer about his resignation.   He at least gave his boss two  weeks' notice on his sign. But that is nothing compared to  the unhappy employee who quit their   boring job at a grocery store. They didn’t  bother with a resignation letter. Instead,   they used a clear and concise set of  words to make their intentions known.   Management probably knew from who was working  the previous night which employee changed the   sign and they would need to start looking  for someone new to work the night shift. Grocery and big-box stores can be difficult places  to work as a lot of people come through each day,   and they tend to be understaffed. However,  one shelf stocker took quitting to the next   level by turning the store upside down,  literally. It is pretty hilarious. However,   we do feel bad for the employee who had  to fix all of the boxes the next day. It appears that one big box retail worker couldn’t  take it anymore, and they decided to have a little   bit of fun before quitting. You can only imagine  what the face of their boss looked like when they   walked into the store in the morning and found  that all of their cereal boxes had been flipped. Management could have just left it like that, but  it wouldn’t have been a good look for the store   as customers would constantly be asking why the  boxes in the cereal aisle were all upside down.   If nothing else, it might have forced the  store management to explain that they had   an unhappy employee, and hopefully, they were  working towards keeping everyone else happy.   The more likely scenario is that there  was a mad dash to flip all of the boxes   back over before the store opened for the day.   Even though there is no big sign that says “I  quit,” the employee made their intentions clear. Working with the public, in general,  can be hard and make an employee's life   miserable. Having a terrible  boss makes everything even worse.   That’s why when one employee at a pizza shop  decided to quit, breadsticks went flying. New York City has some of the best pizza  in the world. There is nothing like a   fresh slice of pie with hot cheese falling  off the sides and dripping with grease.   However, New Yorkers can be a little rude  and loud sometimes. This means that the words   please and thank you don’t always get used  when they should, which can cause tension,   especially in the fast-paced setting  of a pizza joint on a Friday night. Unfortunately, this time when the boss  yelled at his employee to clean up the   breadstick tray in the middle of the dinner rush,   the employee decided he couldn’t put up with his  boss’s rudeness anymore. He grabbed the breadstick   trays and flipped them, sending breadsticks  flying across the counter at gaping customers.   He then ripped off his gloves and extended both  middle fingers at his boss. He walked out of the   pizza shop and never looked back. The words  “I quit” may have never left his mouth, but   the series of events that unfolded made it pretty  clear that the employee wouldn’t be coming back. It is a risky move for a boss  to mistreat their employees,   especially when they are in  charge of opening the store. There is probably nothing more embarrassing  for a business owner than having your shop   be the only one still closed  when the mall opens for the day.   It is even more embarrassing when your employees  leave a strongly worded letter telling everyone   who passes that you’re a bad boss and that  everyone who worked for you just quit. After Niki, Jess, and TJ left their resignation  letter, it was probably pretty difficult for the   boss to hire new employees as everyone was now  aware of what a terrible place it was to work at.   That being said, this was a powerful way  to make a point and quit simultaneously.   Kudos to those three employees for  sticking it to their boss in a public way. Again, not everyone leaves on bad terms with their  bosses but still can quit in pretty crazy ways. When one man quit his job, he didn’t  want his co-workers to forget about him,   so he hid pictures of himself around  the office. For weeks people would   find his photographs hidden under computers and  inside drawers. Even two years after he left,   employees were still discovering pictures of  their former co-worker in the most random places. Many people prefer to quit their job on good  terms using food. Or even on bad terms using   food. It seems that cake can be used in some  pretty unique ways when quitting your job. One man named Charles Holmes actually left his  job because of cake. He was so passionate about   baking that he decided to leave his 9 to  5 job in order to open his own cake shop.   To explain this to his boss, Holmes  created a resignation letter cake.   To be fair, the cake was really well made,  and Holmes included his website on the cake,   so his boss and co-workers knew why he was  leaving and how to get in contact with him. Based on the resignation letter cake, it appears   Holmes was indeed very talented  and had a future in cake making.   His boss couldn’t have been all that upset  as the cake was probably very delicious. Other employees work together to  quit their boring jobs. In fact,   some combine cakes and teamwork to  let their boss know that they quit. It was just a regular workday when employees  came into the breakroom to two white boxes on   the table. There were no special occasions,  but they looked like birthday cakes.   Upon opening the boxes, it became clear why they  were there. Two very colorful cakes stating that   two employees were quitting sat on the table  for all to see including the bosses. If you   are going to quit with one of your friends from  work, getting two cakes might be the way to go. Other people take a not-so-nice approach  to quitting their jobs. Instead of cake,   one man informed his boss of his  resignation using a sledgehammer. One former construction worker who  specialized in concrete maintenance   had a dispute with his boss over his  salary. Every month they would argue. The   boss told his employee he would be getting  a raise each month to increase his salary,   but the raise never came. This was drawn  on for a year before the employee lost it. Working with concrete means there are lots of  dangerous tools around. The employee grabbed a   sledgehammer from the tool rack, marched  up to the car his boss was sitting in,   and began screaming at him. Sledgehammer in hand,  the disgruntled employee threatened to hit his   boss with it. After berating the frightened  man with harsh words for a few minutes,   the employee dropped the sledgehammer and  walked away, calling out over his shoulder   that he quit. Even if he hadn’t, that likely  would have been his last day on the job anyways. Some people are a little less confrontational and   let their employer know that they  have quit from a safe distance. One employee had planned a whole trip to the  Bahamas without discussing it with their boss.   The day they were leaving, they boarded the flight  and took their seat. When the captain informed the   passengers that their seatbacks and tray tables  needed to be in their upright and locked position   and that all electronics should be  stowed, the employee texted their boss.   They informed their employer that they were  about to fly to the Bahamas and wouldn’t   be coming back to work. They hit send and  turned off their phone for the entire trip. We can only imagine what the boss did when  they read the text. They likely tried calling,   but the phone would go straight to voicemail as  the employee was now flying to a tropical island.   This takes ghosting to a whole new level. Although it could be worse, this next way  of quitting is so bad it’ll make you cringe. Numerous employers have recounted  workers having their parents call   to inform them that their child had  quit. This is not only awkward but   just not okay. If you are going to quit your  job, you should be doing the deed yourself.   If you are too afraid to face your boss, just  send them a cake with “I quit” written on it. If the idea of telling your boss that you quit  makes you so nervous that you become sick to   your stomach, we have a perfect solution  for you. Websites like Cameo allow you to   hire famous people to record messages that  you can then send to others. For example,   one man had Bam Margera, of Jackass fame, record  a video telling his boss that he was quitting. There are numerous people you could get to  deliver this message. Perhaps you could hire   William Shatner or Christopher Walkin to  speak the words that you’re too afraid to.   Even if your boss is initially upset, there  is no way they could stay angry for very long   as they now have a memento from a famous person. Sometimes a cake just won’t cut it. If this  is the case, pizza might be the way to go. Luka Arežina was working at a call center  where his boss was a monster. After six months,   he was absolutely miserable and sought to find  employment elsewhere. When he landed an IT job   at a different company, he decided to send his  boss a message using pizza. He didn’t tell anyone   he was leaving, mostly because he was afraid  his awful employer would try to sabotage him. On the day he quit, Arežina ordered 26 large  pizzas so that each of his co-workers would   get their own. The pizza came with a personalized  message, joke, or motivational quote to help his   coworkers get through the day. However, the  last pizza was made especially for his boss.   This pizza was covered in insanely spicy  ingredients, making it practically inedible.   The bill went to his boss, who begrudgingly  paid for it. Everyone got to enjoy their pizza   except for the boss, who took one bite  and discovered it was too spicy to eat. One of the most ballsy resignations that anyone  has ever done probably goes to Greg Smith. Smith worked for Goldman Sachs. He had  made it pretty high up in the company   when he decided he just couldn’t work  for the terrible people above him any   longer. Working for a gigantic financial  institution came with a lot of stress,   and many people got screwed over just so  his bosses could make a little more profit.   So, Smith did what he thought was right and  told the whole world why he was resigning. He wrote his whole resignation letter in an  Op-Ed piece published by the New York Times.   This was a paper his bosses read every morning.  On the day his article was published Smith   didn’t show up to work as millions of people  including his employers now knew he had quit   and the reason why. This move actually  paid off for Smith as another company   almost immediately hired him after they  read his resignation letter in the Times. Some people don’t need the world to know they’re  resigning but want to make it clear to everyone at   the office that they quit. One employee did this  by covering their workplace with sticky notes. When Anh Trinh came into the GeekWithLaptop  office to start his day, he found sticky   notes covering everything. On them were written  different words and phrases such as “Good Day!”   and “ I can’t work here.” It became somewhat of  a scavenger hunt to find them all and put them   in the right order to uncover a resignation letter  made. Once all of the sticky notes were laid out   it became clear which employee had quit and that  this was their unique way of telling the bosses. Sometimes, you just need to go out with a bang. Joey DeFrancesco hired a marching band complete  with drums, horns, and cymbals to accompany him   to his hotel job, where he despised his boss. He  snuck the whole band in through the back door and   waited for his employer to come down into the  basement of the hotel. When his boss entered   through the doorway, Joey told him that he quit,  handed him his resignation letter, and walked out   as the band started playing celebration music all  the way down the hallway and out of the building. It was an epic conclusion to his year-long  battle with hotel management to treat their   employees better. The video of Joey quitting  received millions of views and brought the   unfair treatment of hotel employees to light.  Not only was what Joey did an insane way to quit   that made the news across the country,  but it also did some good as well. Now watch “Insane Ways the Queen Survived  3 Assassination Attempts.” Or check out   “Insane Ways People Are Preparing for Doomsday.”
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 399,874
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Id: TWcCllcjnkk
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Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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