Insane progress on my Hawaii off-grid home build!

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how you doing YouTube it's been a long time I  think my last update was shoot almost a couple   years ago I'm terrible at that part but  building my off-grid house here in Hawaii   I seem to have a knack for that there's been a  sh*t ton of progress I would love to show you   around please follow me check out and see what  has become of just a wooded 3 acre lot just a   short few years ago and I will show you what  it looks like now so I'll switch the camera   around just come up to the gate that I finally  got done that keeps the pigs out nicely so now   we can plant to our heart's desires and without  the worry of the pigs deleting it in the middle   of the night crazy frustrating but we're past  that hurdle that uh 1000 ft of fencing was a   b*tch to say the least but we got her done over  here got a kumquat tree our little Orchard over   here this uh orange tree this cara cara  orange tree is just blowing up if you   could smell these flowers Mmm delish so maybe  have a couple oranges next year another orange tree and the bananas behind it gotten a lot of  good bunches of bananas off there so let's uh   hit the trail and head on down to the house  it's a bit of a hike won't take us long some lava yeah over here we've got one of the Nuns  Hood orchids that is native here in Hawaii I   found this guy in the back of the property I just  dug it up brought it up here so I can enjoy it. all right crunch crunch crunch  crunch nice big monstera here   what we got for fruit there's three  right there and when those are ripe oh delicious let me know if you've ever had  one it's uh not the most heard of fruit   around here. let's keep going about a 300t walk  down the path down to the house past bamboo and   Hapu'u Ferns and exposed lava mounds that was  dirt when we got here we uncovered all of that. Some pineapples. And here's the shed, which is  the first thing I've ever built An the pond not much in there right  now some koi and a few freshwater prawns and we got the house which  is the second thing I've ever built. Got our biggest citrus tree which   is a variegated Meyer lemon it's  getting to be pretty good size. We are getting quite the assortment of plants now that the piggies can't access  their favorite worm beds in my yard let's walk over here *crunch crunch* and here we are home sweet home  and my towel drying up there hear how quiet it is? When you've got nothing but solid woods  on either side of ya as far as you can go it's pretty darn quiet around these parts which is the way I like it  let's go inside welcome welcome here we are come on in here got this beautiful  piece of monkey pod wood that I got   from a mill up near uh Hilo and  brought it home and sanded her   all smooth and got this piece and  the other piece is in the bathroom yes let's keep moving kitchen let's head up the stairs go see the loft. Yeah the diamond windows... not  sure what crawled up my butt and   made me do that but I like it I just took  a square window and turned it on its side turned out cool let's head on the lanai my wire  cable railing turned out awesome The ceiling's not quite done this will all   get covered with some something shiny  and here's a view from the loft lanai yeah not too shabby well that concludes our little walkthrough  of my home here on Big Island Hawaii I appreciate you guys for watching and I  will continue to bring you videos every so   often and show you more of the progress uh that  I make here so uh until then Aloha and stay safe
Channel: Hawaii Off-Grid
Views: 56,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #hawaii #offgrid #bigisland
Id: Fln_ljCy3GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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