Insane Person's Guide to Warlock (Mud Wizard Build)

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hello and welcome to my warlock guide now I know you are saying yourself warlock is a boring hero he goes in he heals people he drops one super long cooldown spell Garbage I'd rather play pause for a Pudge because he's fun well you're a dumbass no my friend that is the wrong way to play warlock in fact I will teach you that warlock is the most toxic hero in Dota 2 right now I play warlock now to get my techies fixed that is how toxic this hero is right now so let me explain now back in the day I used to play warlock all the time I was level 30 on warlock before warlock was changed he helped me to get Immortal just a solid hero things have changed warlock has evolved from being a old librarian who summoned the demon to the master of mud the poop man new warlock is all about these boys the imps the poop boys why do we call them the poop boys because you spawn them from poop Warlock lots of people is this giant swirling death cloud of boom boom that uh is quite reminiscent of Conker's Bad Fur Day Great Mighty these boys spawn out they are the poop boys the creations of the boom boom now let's talk about number one naming your Golem okay the poop boys will spawn and they will look like your Golem so choose your Golem wisely do you want tiny little monkeys coming out do you want tiny little Genies yeah you do whatever me I named my Golem hello now warlock used to be about healing your carry in Lane to make sure they could never die and then moving on to the mid game with big boy team fights and having the end game with big bkb piercing ultimate everything's different now guys we don't heal on warlock with this build okay you will walk into Lane and deal massive amounts of damage with your change your fatal Bond when you change people with damage as soon as something dies as long as it's not denied it will spawn a poop boy now the poop boys are very special they're very weird units that you can abuse insanely they will chase their target and explode with even more magical damage now don't forget that this magical damage is shared between different targets poop boys will spawn inside of a upheaval where do they spawn well they respond randomly within the center so if you do want to leave poop boys up on a Ward Hill or to check for reward this is fine you can do that now the spawn location is actually extremely important because the poop boys will chase whatever Target they are closest to as soon as they are born they're very loyal to warlock they want to hurt whoever whoever threatens the papa poo poo so making sure that you're spawning the poop boys to be closer to Heroes instead of neutral targets or creeps is a high level thing the best practice is either to put the upheaval right in the middle of where you want the poop boys to spawn instantly so that a melee hero cannot Escape them or if you're hiding in the trees you can put it to the side now I talked about poop boy loyalty let's get into it these boys are insanely loyal to warlock what do I mean by that as soon as a poop boy spawns and it sees a hero it will not change its Target no matter what happens Anthony Mage blanks in the fog doesn't matter poop boy knows where he is he's gonna go for him they will never stop chasing their target once it is acquired if they catch a invisible unit in vision and then that unit goes invisible like a Ricky or a bounty hunter the poop boy will chase him do you understand how powerful this is not only that but coupled in with uh the Chain's ability to track people once they're chained no matter what happens as well this actually works you can follow the line of the chains in the fog of War to know the exact location of enemies I mean it's incredible that the poop boys can sniff these boys out now we can talk about loyalty Nothing Stops the poop boys and with that I am serious lifestealer jumps into a poop boy he cannot control him he will go to his location and explode you can dominate a poop boy with enchantress Chen Helm of the Dominator but they do not change their loyalty they would rather kill themselves exploding upon you than ever hurt their daddy Warlock the only thing that can control a poop boy that can make it stop from its holy mission of exploding on your enemy is fear fear will make them run back for a moment but poop boys are brave once I get over their fear they go right back in to explode so the poop boys spawn and they deal magical damage when they explode now I know this doesn't sound like a lot but when you add it up based on the amount of poop boys you will be spotting it is actually insane because they will be chained up when you're spotting them most likely or you will be spawning from upheavals now this is important because this also means that they will attack Towers if they are the closest things and buildings they will attack buildings and not explode and they will deal a massive eight damage per hit more importantly though what happens with this is that you can spawn the poop boys to push they will gather around a tower right clicking it and if any hero comes in the AOE they will switch their target from that Tower to the hero creating what I call the poo poo bomb other uses for poop boys you can block hooks with them you can use spells on the poop boys like aphotic Shield but considering that they die no matter what when they reach their target uh don't do this now you can make Mortimer eat poop Doom also can eat [ __ ] for no benefit uh he doesn't get that spell and clinks he can gobble up that boom boom Night Stalker of course he will eat [ __ ] now what are the uses of these little guys these little imps well let's get into it first off laning so you're going to want to link up the enemy Heroes to the lane at level one and Max this bad boy because of these poop points as soon as a creep dies it will spawn a poop boy who will run at the enemy and deal shared damage in the lane the more points you put in Q the more damage the poop boys do so you're gonna Max that out first this is also extremely useful in Flash farming as soon as you link up a creep wave or a stacked Camp the poop boy will spawn when one dies dealing massive magical damage because they are linked to all the other ones the spawning other ones and thus flash farming for you I have made more money on warlock than most other supports in my games even though I'm not doing anything the best thing about poop boys is that they last a extremely long time you could mud The High Ground over your base and they will walk all the way to the Middle Lane this makes things like Tower Defense extremely powerful they can hold a high ground not only preventing enemies from walking up and hitting things not all only preventing the creeps from doing the same thing but they will also push the lanes and Scout people out in the trees and they will run towards camps but if they see a hero they will adjust their movement pattern and you can scout out entire teams while you're doing a high ground defense just from the poop boys short and sweet with all of these applications Vision defense offense pushing and damage the poop boys are incredible they do everything and they have very little weaknesses because of this you want to make sure that you have The Shard at 15 minutes every single game I don't care what happens I don't care what Idols you have you need the poop boys you are the mud wizard you must make the mud so get that chart of 15 minutes and make sure that you are maximizing these little imps as much as possible don't forget the longer you Channel not only do you spot your golden seven poop boys you also deal more damage with the upheaval here's how upheaval works you begin the channeling and the Damage begins low oh and the slow begins low but as you continue to channel the damage and slow increases until the end of the spell where it reaches their Max now what most people don't realize is that if you walk into warlock's channeled upheaval at the end for just a moment you will receive the maximum amount of slow and damage and it lingers past when warlock cannot cast it because of this people trying to escape at the end of Team fights more likely people trying to re-initiate halfway through a team fight will be met with your maximum amount of damage and slow even if they step in it for a quarter of a second right when it ends so because of this and your ability to spawn poop boys once you've planted your feet and you've started channeling upheaval you never stop unless you have to alt or you have to live you just do that [ __ ] continuously through the team fight and it is hilariously stupid okay now don't get me wrong I don't want you standing in the middle of a team fight channeling upheaval when you could be dunking on an enemy with a perfectly timed ultimate so you do want to make sure that you stop channeling when you have to alt or when you have to live but that's honestly it if the team fight is over don't stop channeling keep those poop boys walking down the lanes it's good for your team so what's your order of operations with this well you want to go ahead and Link people up first that's most important everybody's got to be sharing damage then if you have to heal someone have a heel on whatever make sure it happens drop the upheaval after the chains this will ensure that the chained wave will die creating the most amount of poop boys as possible the upheaval poop boys will also be running it down and this is your basic order of operations for the entire game see ya a wave chain it upheaval see what happens now before we move on from upheaval let me share with you the Forbidden mud tech there is a Pay to Win warlock cosmetic the hellborn grasp Immortal if you can place this on the low ground or low Hill this spell will not appear on The High Ground now you usually use this on an enemy stairs if you're pushing High Ground the enemy will not be able to see half of your circle and not know when they are in however there are extremely forbidden poop pits in the map if you happen to put the center of your upheaval in one of these tiny little pits around the map it is pretty much impossible to see during a team fight now the best one in the game is on direside Dyer can actually use this during the laning phase it is absolutely broken okay so with all this out of the way I'm sure your brains are bursting trying to figure out how to play this hero let me talk through the mud man's rolls now you gotta want to go either four or five the basic strategy on both those positions is pretty much the same your goal is to link the creep wave with the Enemy Heroes and then harass them the damage numbers on just a level 1 Q is insane and it gets worse and worse if you want to break down of the nerd numbers go and see it sticks videos he does a great job although I can't pronounce his name if you're dumb like me you don't care about the damaged numbers you just care that big number do damage well let me help you it's a shitload level one bonds is non-negotiable no matter what role you are you have to walk in the lane with level one Bond now level two this is the only time that you actually have to do any critical thinking on warlock his q and his e are absolutely insane damage in the laning phase however you must make a decision am I a position 5 that needs to keep my Faceless Void Anthony Mage Specter PA alive with heel or can I say screw their health we're going full attack now you want to as a warlock not put any points in the heel that is a negative because the scaling on our people and Q are so powerful don't be greedy and toxic especially if the enemy team has Heroes that need to snowball in the laning phase to be successful don't forget my style of Mudman is very different than traditional warlock but you can always go back to traditional warlock if you're up against the Veno Sky wrath Lane yeah Max heal don't try to get that aggressive so what is your job in Lane well as a four your job is to harass you are to link and you are to stack chains is powerful in the laning phase because of stacking this is why is warlock especially in position five you don't block the enemy camp in fact you stack the enemy hard camp for them because any time that that enemy's support pulls or does anything you can link those very powerful units to them and then pull yourself or let them get that successful pull as long as those neutral creeps die they will spawn poop boys not only farming that stack for you making sure that you're not stealing last hits from your carry and getting your own separate experience you are also probably killing the melee offlaner that's trying to take that stack and prevent you from getting it this is also super powerful to stack your small camp stack it way too much so that every time that you pull and the two enemy off laners come and try to take that farm you can simply link up that small camp Do extreme amounts of damage and it is impossible for them to get those last hits because the poop boys will explode instantly as they are spotting on top of enemies they want to warlock's greatest strength in the lane he doesn't need to be there you drop a heel on your ally if you think that they're gonna go in and be in a dangerous position you drop your chains on the wave and then you just [ __ ] off you walk out you just go to the jungle and stack it's insane you're maximizing your carries Farm by not being there you're making sure they can't die by healing them you're dealing damage to the enemy and you're stacking it's the perfect laning hero so the short and sweet is you are going to dominate your lane the negative is you're gonna be pushing your lane some Heroes don't like it when you push too much uh you know those heroes are most likely going to be in your lane if you're positioned five so you might want to heal those guys instead of massively pushing but don't forget even though you're pushing the lane dealing damage your job is not to be in that lane and be stacking Non-Stop and trying to pull your safe stack and Link the enemy hard stack let's talk about items what do you do after you win your lane now don't laugh but I walk in the lane with two brown boots in Century every single time you have a heel if it goes bad do you really need Tangos not really I mean if it goes horribly in your level two you just heal yourself instead who cares the faster you get Mana boot the more you can snowball now there is of course an exception DOTA is a game of exceptions I will always buy a stick if you are in a Spam Lane AKA you're up against a bristleback a PA a lie and a skyrath if there is an enemy that is going to give you free Mana take what's your next item don't laugh again it's veil okay I know what you're thinking veil's a bad item right Veil is a win more item if you start losing it's worthless what if I'm not winning well you are gonna be you're playing warlock you've already won your lane let's break down why Veil is so good Veil increases your magic damage by 18 now usually I would argue that bail is a bad item because it alerts the enemies that you want to fight in a spell is coming an enemy is sitting there they get veiled they go oh my God something's gonna happen and they back but because of chains they can't back chained the enemy to the creep wave Veil The Creep wave and the enemy hopefully and remember this damage is shared yet Amplified by the veil as long as they are trapped by the bonds and you Veil those creeps and the enemy hero they will share that damage coming in from those creeps no matter what happens did you know bail cost this much it's it's cheap as hell and the build up ensures that you have even more Mana it's just unbelievably good as a pickup short and sweet combined with your first talent and the cheap cost of veil it is literally too simple to pass up now we were talking about at 15 minutes you must have your Shard if you're having a bad Lane and you can't get Veil no problem make sure you have your Shard at 15 minutes because the poop boys provide unlimited utility they push they defend they Farm they hit towers and they insanely amp your team fight damage no matter what you do so now you have Mana boots you have The Shard you have a veil it's about 15 to 20 minutes what do you buy now who gives you [ __ ] the game is over now I'm just kidding if the enemy has a very bkb Reliant carry that needs to go into all BK bead AKA uh troll a p a s fin are they just gonna kill your Golems anyway well then go refresher remember that your ultimate is best used as a bkb piercing AOE stun refresher opens up a lot of opportunities mostly I get it when I'm losing if a carry is going to dive the back line and you can get a double bkb piercing stun on them to make sure they don't kill your carry there's a pretty good chance you're gonna win not only that don't forget you can double bonds with refresher now are you winning your lane you should be uh maybe consider going a agnum scepter if your Golems will live long enough to fight the enemy you will become the off laner or the carry if you can get a fast ax now forbidden mud Tech did you know that if you pocket your agnum scepter in your backpack during the cast animation of your alt before the Golem spawn they will spawn as the big boys rather than the two nerfed ones now this is extremely significant they have more damage and health now this Tech is probably a bug it is forbidden however it's extremely fun and it raises the skill cap of such a hard hero like warlock now I will tell you do not attempt at this forbidden Tech if you do have AGS refresher as backpack your eggs and then hit refresher and then not have an ax so uh what about warlock's heel now back in the day how I got Immortal was playing warlock getting the holy locket and healing my allies he had an AOE heel it was super broken at the time he just healed a lot while that heel got significantly nerfed and uh I would never get a holy locket again so yes maxing heal losing your lane getting a glimmer or a force staff it is a last resort but don't ever forget it is still a resort by the way if you want to just win more DOTA games this is always something that I look for when I'm trying to invest my time into a hero can my hero change dynamically depending on the game state if we're winning do I have a plan but if we're losing do I have a plan warlock is one of these Heroes you can just go back to being a healing hero whenever you want to or you can be a hyper aggressive bkb piercing stun damage dealing hero now let's talk a little bit about talents first talent upheaval or four percent chains there is like two talents you actually want to think about and this is kind of one of them if you don't think that the enemies have Heroes that are actually going to team fight they're just gonna get in and get out I'm talking like slarks quaps stuff like that the AOE is actually kind of good because you might not really get a very good chains if they're spread out in all their team fights but it could be a massive detriment to people that are trying to enter the team fight halfway through with a blink dagger or people that are trying to get out and have a very short blink distance but don't ever get I mean four percent more chains damage come on I already told you the veil bumps it up to 18 and this just amps it more and don't forget my friends it's not just your damage this is four percent damage increase to your entire team's damage which is unbelievable if you have a Zeus and you get this and you just chains four people and he holds they're dead they're just dead so nine out of ten times I will be going for the damage unless I am legit defending my high ground at level nine okay next up attack speed in upheaval or heal okay guys this is a no-brainer the heel is just not great compared to your other stuff but in this one it is absolutely horrific this might be the most broken talent in Dota 2. this Talent increases the attack speed for everyone that is in it not just Heroes but creeps not just creeps but summoned units you can push alone with a creep wave and do what invoker does with alacrity on a catapult for the entire team people don't realize that the attack speed goes up the longer that upheaval is casted just like his damage so if you enter in the upheaval attack speed it goes with you and it can max if you walk in or right at the end do you understand how broken this is at the end of warlock's channeling it has 70 buff in an AOE to any friendly Unit A hyperstone does 60 attack speed modification do you understand that I have bought a hyper stone for every single unit that is in an AOE of my upheaval and it deals damage and it slopes uh do yourself a favor get this Talent play with a wraith King watch wraith King's skeletons do 7D attack speed modifier on a lone racks watch it disappear in three seconds hey this isn't even a hero talk about illusion Heroes Naga ckpl holy Christ almighty Channel upheaval with a PL with this talent boys ah you'll be laughing your ass off all right now kind of the same thing with the next one do you get AOE Shadow word or do you get summon Golem would you like a bkb piercing ultimate that occurs after an enemy kills you or would you like to heal your allies well yeah a AOE bkb piercing ultimate after you die is pretty [ __ ] great for your team all right the only other decision you really need to make on talentery do I get Golem armor or do I get Golem magic well okay let's be real if you've made it to level 25 on warlock something has gone horrifically wrong for you in this game so uh you should know by now what kind of damage the enemy has does the armor make a difference not really to be honest with you I mean if you're up against a PA a ta uh wraith King they're gonna two shot at no matter what so as a wrap up for talents you mostly want to use the right hand side of the talent tree your goal is Veil and AG Shard by 15 minutes after that you can decide what you want to do uh based on how the game is going if you're struggling grab a four staff grab a glimmer Cape start saving your allies instead be a reactionary hero if you've been dumpstering get out there to the front lines getting eggs get a refresher go crazy now I know some of you warlock spammers are out there and you're like where's the shadow amulet conversation Shadow amulet strats like that are for stupid people if an enemy is smart he will pierce the back line and look for you there's a very rare situation where someone is smart enough to identify that they have to kill warlock first but too stupid to buy a dust uh if you want to try to abuse that go nuts I think it's stupid now speaking of dumb [ __ ] let's talk about warlock psychology now there is a lot of psychology in warlock right now which is my personal favorite reason of playing it man it reminds me of old techies Hill for example in this situation let's say your teammate is running towards an enemy and you know that they're stupid and they're going to die you don't want a team fight to break out so what do you do you throw a heel on them imagine you're the enemy on the other side of the lane you see a legion Commander running towards you with warlock's heel on what is your first instinct do you fight him no you have to assume that someone else is is coming you have to assume that there's a play and he's already being healed your first instinct is to flee this guy is ready to go in run away I actually do this all the time on warlock I call them pre-heels when I'm with an ally that I think is going to dive or do something super stupid I will heal them at full HP they dive behind the tower instead of the enemy getting a free kill because my dumb ass carries out of position they think we have some kind of cool ass playing and it's about to go down it's a very powerful tool now let's talk about the upheaval the pool of poo poo it is a massive psychological tool if you're pushing uphill and you're winning a game I typically will not use my little hack of putting it on the hill I will put that sucker on the uphill on purpose just so that the enemy team can see that the situation is very bad to fight into they have to walk into that poop they have to be slowed they see the boys spawning now warlock has a massively High skill ceiling and I know that you think that's stupid but it really isn't okay warlock has one spell that he has to time correctly and that is his ultimate the ultimate can only be successful if you are fully psychologically manipulating your teammates why because you have to make them commit any idiot can play my Mudman mud style okay you press Q on a wave and you upheaval from the trees it's so stupid it's hilarious which is what makes it fun to play it's fun because it's so unskilled some [ __ ] guy is having a heart attack playing invoker and you're pressing one button in AFK and you will kill him it's hilarious but this is a different story from warlock's Ultimate that's what makes a true mud wizard so when do you alt on warlock this is the psychological manipulation you want the enemy to think they are going to win the fight before you won't now your spells are all super bad if the enemy disengages that is the weakness of warlock you have to turn fights around it is imperative to punish enemy Commitment if you want to be a good warlock enemy commitment is what you need to be thinking about every single time you alt you need to create a scenario where the enemy is confident in going all in and then flip that on its head instantly let's see some examples so to start things off how about a bad warlock Holm what makes a warlock old [ __ ] well if you're chasing chasing or trying to catch someone with warlock ult is a horrible idea for one you're not sure if you're going to kill that person with your old ask yourself am I sure I'm gonna kill someone or do something good with my old if not don't use it if people are running away from a team fight and you hope to stop them it's a big deal because now you cannot team fight again until your oath is back up now you're old your most powerful tool to manipulate when the enemy wants to fight and when your team wants to fight is gone so you really should not use your ultimate on a fleeing enemy unless it is just something you have to do for an example if you catch the enemy hard carry he has no buyback and it's like a juggernaut and he is tping with spin yes you have to use your ult but still the old thing that guy means that you cannot team fight for the next one effectively so it is a huge risk to do something like that remember warlock is a hero about momentum you will win your lane but you now you have to win your game and you control both teams your team knows it's time to fight when you alt and the enemy knows it's a bad time to fight as long as you have not altered so wasting your old to try to do something like stop someone from running away or catch someone right before your team goes in it is such a massive risk that just prevents your team from doing anything now let's look at a okay old you're starting a fight now sometimes you just can't help yourself you see see five enemies under Vision you're in range you get the chains off okay I'm gonna just oh five dudes I'm gonna start this fight as warlock yeah you go for it warlock's biggest strength is that he has a let's go button for your teammates as soon as warlock drops his old you could be the worst DOTA player in the world you know it's time to go in dropping a rock to start a fight even a five-man rock that can be good I mean [ __ ] it can win games but it's really not the best you see you get the rock dropped on you as your allies get the going signal what do the enemies do they either run for their lives or they press bkb if your team does react fast enough and capitalizes on that five-man initiation that's fantastic that's how you win games but if not the enemy team has backed they all have less than half HP but now your big team fight spell is gone it is a risk much like using an ultimate on a fleeing Target but in this risk you trust that your teammate States will back you up now a bad warlock initiation that can straight up ruin a game if they have bkbs and you start the fight with your spells you have baited your allies to go in you're saying guys this is the fight we're taking Boo and if the enemy has the ability to bkb off of your spells and kill your allies after you make them false commit you are the issue you ruined the game it is a huge risk to Ultimate Enemy team to start a fight be confident you can win it or just don't okay so this should put into perspective what makes a good warlock ult again good warlock alts are about abusing enemy commitment you have one of the best if not the best bkb piercing ability in the game your goal on Mudman is not to start fights it's to clean them up to turn fights a good warlock ult comes in immediately after the start of a team fight or in the middle of a team fight to punish the enemy commitment this is why warlock is so amazing against Heroes like Pudge Pudge hook someone or he blinks in he ults the hard carry he pops his bkb every single other enemy will go in to kill your carry but now you can cancel pudges alt you can link the entire team to Pudge you can slow them all on upheaval as their bkbs are now running out this is a good ultimate it is infinitely better to stun a bkb enemy than to stun and then the enemy bkbs it is infinitely better to cancel a spell rather than try to not have the enemies hasta Spell commitment is how you destroy team fights and if you can make your enemies cast things that they think will win the game and then cancel those out they are left with zero options if they are able to escape or reposition before they cast their game-winning things then you have lost the fight however her this is difficult you need teammates for your enemies to go in you need teammates that survive for a little bit to make the enemies commit and you need to have a setup on warlock for a great old another team fighter or another person that will go in before you how do we fix that well that's why refresher is so good because your first old the thing that baits the enemy into thinking that they can win can come from you instead of your allies now you can cast a horrible ultimate to start fights get the enemy to commit pop bkbs and go in and then you follow up with a good ultimate and you get two loathsome dog eaters I mean who doesn't like that so when should you pick warlock well honestly every game he does absolutely everything he's amazing in the laning state he can save squishy carries or he can be aggressive with aggressive carries he's amazing with glass cannons he's amazing with tanks if the enemy team has tanks like a bristleback a centaur warlock changes that Dynamic on its head a bristleback goes in it but you change them to his his allies they all die while you're killing him it's incredible okay now if you don't play support you have a mud Enthusiast on your team what hero can you pick to be the most devastating Carrie wise warlock loves being in Lanes with Squishy laners who turn into powerhouses later Specter p-a-a-m-p-b-p-o your basic I'm a little baby who grows into a massively big hero late game any aggressive off laner with warlock will [ __ ] shred an enemy guys like bristleback Centaur tide Hunter traditional run at you tanks are amazing as just one level in heel will allow them to do whatever they want and then he can maximize that damage as you run towards them other supports any hero that can stun or best reposition Heroes into upheaval are insane remember upheaval gets more powerful over time more damage more slow more poop boys so as a support stunning people in a people is incredibly powerful it's the one thing warlock cannot do repositioning people into a people after it's been casted for a long time is straight up an insta kill I'm talking dark see your vacuum I'm talking tuskick I'm talking eventual Spirit swap if you can get anyone back into the poop after he started channeling it they will get the full effect of the damage they will die so uh who is best against the mud man figure it out [ __ ] uh I'm not going to tell you no I'm just kidding Carrie wise Weaver can just run out of your mud it doesn't slow him and he can run out of the mud towards you he can kill you very fast and trust me it pretty much never feels good to Ulta Weaver no clue if he's gonna die or not and if he doesn't die you have ruined your teeth like slark is able to cue off fatal bonds and get on the back line to attack you midwise uh spear brothers are pretty rough on you you can get all the Spells you want out in a team fight a storm Spirit an ember Spirit avoid Spirit they'll just be able to run away from you and it never feels good to ulting one of these guys either now don't forget if you have one of these Heroes on the enemy team you can just go back to being support warlock traditional stuff can still win you these games just don't expect to be the Mudman in dealing the most amount of damage enemy support Heroes I mean there's not a lot supports can do against you Rubik is obviously annoying because as warlock you have to oath when you have to ult now surprisingly Earth's spirit is a super good support versus warlock he has long range ways of getting to you he can silence you he can stun you not to mention if you hold this roll it doesn't stop him so you can really grief your team with that one so there you have it Go torment pubs with the aggressive mud men build the best part about this hero is that that your kid is brain dead you literally press q and sit in trees casting upheaval for 30 seconds do you understand how frustrating that is for the enemy team to see some dude who has done nothing and he is just decimated you it is so fun and so rewarding to beat High School Heroes like invokers or void Spirits or anything else with this dude who literally sits in the jungle whispering enjoy my mud men until the next patch where this [ __ ] is nuked from orbit have fun
Channel: SirActionSlacks
Views: 90,244
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Keywords: Slacks, SirActionSlacks, SirActionSlacks Stream, SirActionSlacks Twitch, Dota 2, Dota, SirActionSlacks Dota 2, Slacks Dota, Gaming, dota2, trending, siractionslacks, siractionslacks dota 2, dota 2, god gamer alert, siractionslacks funny, dota 2 highlights, slacks funny moments, slacks dota 2 funny moments, funny dota 2, slacks support, mud, mud wizard, dota 2 warlock, warlock mud, warlock shard, siractionslacks warlock, siractionslacks mud, warlock, slacks mud, guide, warlock guide
Id: An2E445E3IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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