INSANE Northern Portuguese Food - Whole SEA BASS + Traditional VILLAGE FEAST!!

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[Music] so [Music] hi guys welcome to stefan eats and in this video we are back in porto super excited to just get some more seafood in our bellies our plan for today is to explore uh the fish market in macho genius obviously matujin is one of the most famous spots for fish in portugal we're gonna go eat some epic seafood after this we're also going to go nibble on one of the most famous sandwiches in portugal and we're going to finish off with probably a little bit of a traditional meal but anyways we are right in the matto genius fish market right now it's in the afternoon so you're going to get a little bit less fish most people have bought the fish already but there's still some stalls uh just still have some fish and then of course there's a whole upstairs area with like chickens poultry meat all that stuff we're just gonna walk through here and then very close by there's a spot for a very good seafood so let's go [Music] [Music] i think that'll squash any records [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we've started off with an appetizer of fish eggs uh called ovus i think uh so i'm not sure exactly which fish they are uh but it almost looks like milk uh a little bit but yeah you can tell all just a little oh yeah look at that how just kind of you can tell the eggs are super super small it almost feels like a styrofoam a little bit and look at that beautiful olive oil just resting at the bottom i'm going to get a couple of portions of this and i'm just going to drizzle it with more olive oil [Music] very different than what i thought it would taste like the eggs are super super small so it's almost grainy and then it's very very firm really not that much taste but then that olive oil maybe a little bit of the vinegar makes all the difference and yeah i'm gonna kind of get this bit over here with the pepper and the onion and i think that will really kind of wake it up a little bit [Music] good quality olive oil that vinegar is amazing in there and then yeah i still can't get over that texture it's so unique next dish and this looks pretty good this is i'm trying to do the portuguese yes let me know in the comments if it's working if not i will shut up just huge prawns just grilled once again that epic grill on there there's some kind of sauce and then what i love too is just the big head oh yes and i think there's some head juices in there let's go a little bit of juice not too much of course let's just take this baby apart that is my shrimp right there and then a little bit of that sauce oh there you go looks like some kind of cocktail sauce yeah very briny super meaty maybe just a little bit overcooked but other than that just the flavor is all there dip it a little bit into this olive oil here there you go [Music] you put that olive oil on pretty much anything and it'll just become magical and of course you just got that grilled flavor on there you can't replace that shardness oh look at this one too this one is just huge okay let's just do one more just just for the sake of it this one i think you'll get some more hedge juices look at that oh that's so salty oh a little bit more of that cocktail sauce [Music] you just taste the ocean yeah just super muscly perfectly seasoned too [Music] i don't have to say anything there's sardines there yeah grilled sardines portuguese specialty whole bunch of coarse rock salt on top i'm going to grab this center big boy right there oh look at that sardines normally the bone or the um you eat the sardines oh okay oh we're gonna get all right we're gonna get an expert opinion [Music] you see this yeah if you do with your bread and you smash it okay the bread will taste very very good look at that just she expertly cut out all the little bits of skin from the sardine and then what you're left with is the vertebrae uh which is left obviously intact and then this part apparently i'm not sure exactly what part of the sardine this is but it's towards the head part where it's towards the front and this is gonna be good with some red okay first of all before anything let's just go right for this fillet expertly for late oh yes oh perfect awesome yes okay perfect oh i'm happy now all right so there you go sardine fillet [Music] perfectly salted a little bit brining when people think of sardines they think of sardines in a can completely different this is there's no fishiness to this whatsoever it's super tender super salty a bit more of the skin part and then of course look at that too i think this might even be the sardine liver this might have some fishiness in it too no this is the part you're supposed to put bread on the bread too i mean come on man come on okay and we just got the new potatoes too with it with the olive oil and everything so what i'm gonna do i'm going to put a little bit of that olive oil and then just put this guy right on there and just butter him on and this will be some of the best butter you'll ever have this will be the good stuff oh i think there's a sardine guts on yeah sardine guts olive oil and bread [Music] so intense it's almost like an anchovy on steroids and of course let's go right for these new potatoes with some garlic olive oil the cilantro oh man that olive oil the quality of the potatoes naturally sweet oh man and then if life couldn't get any better then this thing has shown up here [Music] whole bunch of sea bass and of course olive oil onions everything you want on a piece of fish let's just plop this guy right down here let's go for some of this white fish this is a sea bass and oh man just a chunk just a hunk of sea bass perfect okay let's get this on here on top of these sardines and then let's just break some of that skin apart oh look at that let's just take some of that bone look how juicy that is oh my lord look at that oh wow that is just so tender look at that [Music] that is just so buttery a little bit flaky but it's it's literally it tastes like the wagyu of the sea it is so buttery wow literally no effort to just break it apart and then of course those grill marks in there just to add to the flavor oh wow and a bit of those onions on there too let's get a little bit more [Music] i'm lost for words that is literally some of the best fish i've had in a very long time and of course it has to be portugal portugal galicia this whole region seafood outstanding and the best part is the price is actually fairly reasonable still you're always gonna have very good quality seafood for a fairly good price should i finish this or am i getting ahead of myself it's a head favorite electronic artist bass nectar not just break yes we're gonna eat some nuts we're gonna need some natus not good for this belly but good for these taste buds so natas of course portuguese dessert probably the most famous one let's go eat some [Applause] [Music] first of all cute little bucks uh yeah look at that very nice and these are actually a little bit uh cheaper so really some other ones are ranging in the two euro zone for her nata uh these are about a euro each and we got 12 of them i think the whole thing was 10 euros which for today's prices are pretty good uh so we got some different flavored ones too i think let's see what we got here oh there's the chocolate ones i think yeah i think there's some lemon ones there's some chocolate ones and there's some normal ones i think these are the normal ones and right away i'm really liking the kind of really dark edge on the top very very crispy and look at that just i think they're still a little bit hot there so let's take a bite oh you know what let's do this first oh look at that nice oh that's a good one there oh perfect there you go okay i'm gonna take a bite of that one oh yeah super buttery i really like the crust the crust is amazing and of course just typically very sweet uh just very typical of matas in portugal the crispiness of the crust is really what stands out here for one euro i think you're getting one of the best deals in the city and before we move on to the next part of the video if you do enjoy our content and would like to support us even more we do have a new patreon page out with exclusive videos and much more coming up you do have time check it out at stefanie on patreon anyways enjoy the rest of the video [Music] okay so come in uh we are now lining up for one of the most famous sandwiches in portugal not even porto maybe just portugal uh it's a bifana sandwich this is a sandwich just full of pork we're a little bit full so this might be the last thing we have today uh we're probably gonna share it maybe even take it to go oh it's really cool like you just eat it at the counter actually so that's pretty that's also pretty cool this place is called conga uh so they're literally just famous for their bifana so let's just see what happens [Music] [Music] okay so here it has come and just a tiny little morsel these are very affordable i think this one is about 2 euros 40. and this is a basic one there are many different options you can choose beefana just a whole bunch of pork with a bit of spicy sauce and then the bottom is just drenched in more sauce i don't know what sauce it is but oh man it just smells it smells like a porky masterpiece and let's just take a bite [Music] i think we've just entered the gates of pork heaven i love just the mix of types of pork textures you get the leaner cuts you get the fattier cups you just get straight up bits of fat what i really love about this one is just how it's cut with the spicy sauce the sauce it's almost like very chili forward and it just has it just adds a little bit of spice not too much and then the bottom is just soaked in pork juice so the whole sandwich and there's no other filler it's and the bread yeah so no other filler just pork and then the bread is just deliciously crispy and these are fairly small so i mean if you're hungry you can knock down maybe a couple of these and with some beer i mean i can see why this is super popular there's literally just a whole bunch of people mostly over 60 just hanging at the bar and then just eating these and then i saw them pouring cider and beer so i can see how this is just a quick snack if i'm old seven years old and i'd be living here i'd be doing exactly that hopefully not every day because then i don't know if i'd reach 70 years old yeah let's keep on biting into this and uh we're pretty much done with porto but tomorrow we're gonna explore a market in the city called valenza and i've never been there i don't really know what to expect so let's check it out there's not much i can give you is there but that's meat that's worth a lot of money there you go you're like a bird to me anyways we'll see you tomorrow [Music] so [Music] [Music] thank you so many birds we're getting to the food food section fairly small but let's see oh here oh yeah there you go this is what we're talking about we're talking about the sausage of course portugal uh known for just a bunch of smoked sausages chorizo being the most famous one uh we're actually looking out for this very special cheese uh so we can try to get our hands on it we're gonna buy it i'm gonna try it later for you three yeah this is what we're trying a little bit later we'll try this as a snack this is probably my favorite portuguese cheese this is uh it's a very funky cheese not us number eight i think yeah sounds legit okay let's try it out [Music] oh man that one's really good actually that one might even have some lemon in there too some lemon right actually this one's not too sweet too i like this one a lot no well once again just creamy sweet [Music] and i don't know why i bought this for you people i'm just gonna take it myself [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] it's two o'clock [Music] don't really know what we ordered so they have a special menu just kind of on the side i asked for a typical plate of something and she's like okay uh and then she told me a name and i said yes and that's pretty much where we're at right now first dish random soup uh so this looks like a vegetable soup dude i think they just give you whatever soup they have over the day uh normally a very traditional soup in portugal is caldo verde i think we asked for that and they were like no you got soup so here is our soup a bunch of veggies looks actually pretty good potentially chicken stock uh so vegetarians beware honestly some of the most simple dishes are the best ones and this one is delicious just super fresh all the vegetables have so much flavor and it's just a nice hearty dish and that's really the type of cuisine you find in northern portugal it's a lot of meat heavy hearty dishes things i can fill you up potatoes uh you do find baccalau but the bakla will also come with lots of potatoes okay now these other dishes here and this looks pretty good so i don't really know what to expect it looks like beef with some bunch of garlic an egg a fried egg and then just whole bunch of butter sauce i don't know if this is butter or if it's uh oh that is butter yeah that's butter there so let's dig into it um i was kind of hoping there was a pork dish but i forgot the name it's just a whole bunch of pork parts and sausages and i forgot what it was called so i was trying to describe it and i guess it was uh i guess instead i got the beef but the beef looks really good it is a little bit on the small side uh but i love the egg look at fried egg i think the fried eggs just been fried in the same butter and fat as the beef has now this could actually be pork but i think it is just no i think it's beef oh look at that yes oh and let's just break this egg oh man yes oh just look at the pool of butter that this whole thing is resting on it is just saturated oh look at that i mean i could even just use a spoon oh okay let's go when you cut into that beef it's maybe medium and you think it might be just a little bit overcooked but it's perfect but really what makes it is just the amount of garlic and butter and maybe some olive oil that's on there too i think i know how you're supposed to eat this now because i've just been given rice ah so i think this is what you do you're gonna grab some of this rice oh and the super crazy hot vegetable oh yeah this makes a little bit more sense because i was running where all that kind of beefy fat was gonna go so there's some rice here and then look at that just some of this some of that on top of there a little bit more of that fat oh i got to get a bit more of that egg too look at that color of that egg yolk oh outstanding okay and then just kind of mix it all together oh they won't stay on one fork yes it will there you go yes perfect that's where it's at i was gonna put bread on there now i have all this rice to soak those juices up beefy garlicky buttery and then the rice is just perfectly cooked wow yeah very very underrated dish very simple but i think that's totally worth it oh wow what a happy mistake this was next dish and this is just so this makes me so happy this is bakalao so of course bakulam the national salted fish or one of the national dishes of portugal and of course just those amazing kind of almost like potato chips on the side but look at just the tenderness now normally what you do is you rehydrate this and then look at that oh that epic flaky meat oh and let's get some more of these onions on there oh let's get you back on let's get back on track oh there you go oh man still one of my favorites in portugal i don't know what it is but the salting and then the rehydrating of it just adds this extra butteriness this flakiness and then just unnatural salty flavor that no you don't need salt for this and i really like those onions on there they're nicely caramelized a little bit of sweetness but for me oh yeah just the flaky fish it's still gonna have some texture but it's all about that flavor it almost reminds me a little bit of like a really good black cod but firmer let me get a couple of chips with this too perfect no all right one more bite you have to watch out though because cod will have very big bones uh so you have to make sure you watch out for the bones let's continue eating and then i think we have some sightseeing to do around this area [Music] oh [Music] okay and as promised we have this sausage and this portuguese cheese which is all so soft oh so soft look at that oh yeah pearl man i could just do this all day just need to massage you caress you i need you like a cat oh i'm sorry i got distracted so we got our beers yes these are spanish beers i know i know most of the content here is portuguese so we got our spanish beers with our portuguese cheese and our portuguese sausage look at that ah this makes me so happy perfect or it could be mario no okay anyways look at this big hunking chunk of sausagey goodness i don't know where to start i could just rip it in half i mean might as well look at that it almost looks like it almost looks like a knee oh look at that yes perfect we had a knife we don't even need a knife look at this thing oh epic i think this is a blood sausage i don't know what you call this uh oh my god it smells like smoked and delicious okay i want to be you know i want to give it some respect so i will i will cut it a little bit check out the knife too oh look at that yes perfect oh you know what let's put it on some bread just to make sure it's all good this is also the portuguese bread we bought i think this is kind of like a semolina bread and look at that doesn't that look absolutely delicious oh yeah we're going to be vampires tonight because it's going to be bloody i'm saying that because it's a blood sausage i i'm not a vampire right secretly yes let's drink some beer first oh yeah and let's just take a bite of this [Music] oh just intense almost as like an oniony whiny flavor maybe a little bit of that iron at the end it is fairly creamy but then there are kind of big bits you must really like your blood sausage to get into this stuff and also i think you have to like smoke i guess yeah it's it's very smoky too if you thought that was funky wait till you try this this thing is just first of all i love how they just gave it a little piece of clothing look at that it's it has a little sweater quest and i don't know what you don't fall well look at that and this we actually left out so it's even funkier um and i don't even know how to even get i mean i might even maybe spoon oh look at the way it's just popping out look i don't think i even need to cut the tops like a pimple oh it is it's like it's like a giant pimple look it's smiling at you it's saying hello hello okay let's cut the top i am barely going to cut the top because it's so oh wow oh it's literally like just cheese butter it's it's like cream cheese all right let's put this there and oh look at that i mean come on no for people who get their philadelphia cream cheese in the morning shame on you you should get this instead this is delicious oh look at that [Music] oh man i am so happy i'm finishing with this because this is one of the best things i've had in my mouth in probably the last two weeks that is just ridiculously good it's a little bit goatee incredibly creamy but very complex um some saltiness and yeah just the texture is outstanding honestly i have nothing else to say my one of the best cheeses i've had in a very long time it is fairly salty though handle with caution handle with care but yeah there you go get yourself some of that i think it's one of the best cheeses i've ever tried and i rest my queso [Music] uh
Channel: StephanEats
Views: 19,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Portugal food, porto food, Portugal street food, Portuguese food, market Portugal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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