INSANE Domino Tricks! (Hevesh5 & MillionenDollarBoy)
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Channel: Hevesh5
Views: 166,753,306
Rating: 4.7867126 out of 5
Keywords: insane domino tricks, card domino, triple wallback domino, 20000 dominoes, hevesh5 millionendollarboy, dominos, domino tricks, dominoes, domino, insane domino, hevesh5 domino, domino pyramid, hevesh5
Id: ARM42-eorzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I liked the spiral, and the one where the playing cards fell first, then on the second go around the dominoes fell.
So much potential lost....
Here you go. A chain reaction of 4.491.863 domino pieces. Used to be an annual european tv spectacle, but sadly they dont do it anymore.
Thinking about dominoes from an energetic standpoint is really insane. There is so much potential energy stored in that string of dominoes that is just waiting to be tapped into, and it takes just a tiny finger push (one little parcel of kinetic energy) to release all of that potential through the entire chain. Crazy.
What an interesting thing to spend your time on.
Too bad it wasn't done in 1 go, still nice though.
The time to fun ratio with domino tricks has never seemed worth it.
INSANE domino tricks:
The video was full of perfectly sane domino tricks.
Cool? Yes. Insane? No, not really.