Insane Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be True

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Thanks to the mass sharing  allowed by social media sites,   we’re currently living in the golden era of the  conspiracy theory. The truth may be out there,   but there are millions of lies out there,  too - We’re sorry to burst your bubble,   folks, but Michael Jackson, Elvis, and Tupac  are definitely dead, Wayfair Furniture isn’t   involved in human trafficking, and we’d advise you  to leave any lizard people theories at the door. But that doesn’t mean every  conspiracy is false - In fact,   some of the ones that turned out to  be true are often the craziest of all. First, we’ll open with a classic: MKUltra -  The CIA’s Secret Mind Control Plot. When LSD,   a hallucinogenic chemical compound, became  a popular drug in the mid-20th century,   hippies were using it to touch the face of  God at music festivals, and the CIA - Who,   spoilers, will come up a lot in this  video - were trying to weaponize it. The concept of the CIA developing a secret  mind control program sounds like something   you might hear being discussed extensively at  your local psyche ward, but believe it or not,   this really did happen during the covert MKUltra  project. They tricked heroin addicts into taking   LSD doses and recruited unsuspecting men at fake  brothels, followed by electroshock and hypnotism   experiments. As far as we’re aware, no useful  results ever came out of this project - Despite   the experiments destroying the lives of  many of their subjects. When a Freedom   of Information Act request spilled the beans  on this project in 1977, it gave the American   public yet another reason in an already  turbulent decade to distrust the government. But the US Government isn’t the only one who was  up to some crazy, conspiracy-inspiring science   experiments. This may seem like a lowbrow joke,  but in the 1960s, the Canadian government funded   the creation of a real-life Gaydar. Before  you all start snickering like high schoolers,   you should know that despite seeming pretty silly  on the surface, this had horrible consequences   for the lives of around 400 people. Frank Robert  Wake, a Professor at Canada’s Carleton University,   designed the machine to measure pupil dilation  in response to images of a homosexual nature. This incredibly unscientific device  was then tested on a huge number of   government employees, 400 of whom were  fired after testing positive for gay.   The cruelest insult on top of all of this  financial injury? The real-life gaydar was   internally nicknamed “The Fruit Machine”, a nod  towards a common homophobic phrase at the time. Stay classy, Canada. Let’s hop away from North America and over to  North Korea, one of the weirdest countries in   the world. There are very few countries  that are actively friendly with the DPRK,   but one country that has a particularly  strained relationship with them is Japan,   so much so that there was a long-running  conspiracy theory of the North Korean   government disappearing Japanese Citizens. And  as you’ve probably guessed from the title of   this video, this conspiracy theory  turned out to be completely true. In 2002, the now-deceased former Supreme  Leader Kim Jong-il straight-up admitted that   the country had kidnapped at least thirteen  Japanese citizens. To their credit, they did   give five of them back after this. The location  of the other eight is still an open question. Okay, back to the United States now. Though  this conspiracy was performed against the US   Government rather than by it: The assassination  of President Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes   Booth. Even our framing there suggests that  John Wilkes Booth was a lone-wolf triggerman,   a deranged, racist, out-of-work actor willing to  bet his life to take down Honest Abe. Naturally,   conspiracies popped up that Wilkes  Booth wasn’t working alone - And yep,   that conspiracy turned out to be true.  Wilkes Booth worked with at least nine   other Confederate co-conspirators, most of  whom were would-be assassins themselves. These include George Azterodt, who tried and  failed to assassinate Vice President Andrew   Johnson; Lewis Powell, who tried and failed to  assassinate Secretary of State William Seward;   and Mary Surratt, who would become  the first woman to ever be hanged by   the new United States government.  Not exactly a successful bunch. From a deified American leader  to a deified Tibetan leader,   you may have heard a number of conspiracy  theories about the Dalai Lama - the   spiritual figurehead of Tibet. Given that the  Dalai Lama is opposed to Chinese expansion,   many have accused the United States of funding  the Dalai Lama as a form of proxy opposition…   And they’re right. Reports extrapolated from US  Intelligence accounts have shown that the CIA   has given His Holiness a $180,000 yearly  stipend for at least several years since   1960 as part of a wider project to fund the  Tibetan Exile Movement during the Cold War. Let’s take a little break from sinister  dealings performed by governments and look   at some of the shady things that private  companies have been up to. It’s generally   accepted that sugar isn’t exactly great for  you, but if the sugar industry had their way,   you wouldn’t know that. In 1967,  the Sugar Research Foundation,   a lobbying organization funded by companies  that deal heavily in sugar products, oversaw   a study that downplayed the links between sugar  consumption and cardiac diseases. But corporate   sugar conspiracies like this aren’t a thing of  the distant past. The Coca-Cola company paid   millions to commission a study muddying the link  between sugary sodas and obesity back in 2015. But all of that seems like small potatoes  compared to a small group of companies   getting together and planning a fascist  takeover of the United States of America.   It feels almost like the textbook premise  of a conspiracy thriller, but it actually   occurred in 1933 with the Business Plot. Senator  Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush,   teamed up with business leaders from  Chase Bank, Goodyear, Standard Oil,   GM, and the Du Pont family with the goal of  funding a military coup to take down FDR and   install a fascist dictatorship. The one flaw in  their evil plan was reaching out to Marine Corps   Major General Smedley Butler to lead the military  part of the military coup, despite the fact he   was a vocal FDR supporter. He blew the whistle  and smothered the plan before it ever took off. Despite being involved in a literally treasonous  conspiracy, none of the Business Plotters were   ever punished. We can at least thank Smedley  Butler for nipping the fascist takeover plan   in the bud, but the fact that the son and  grandson of Prescott Bush would become   the Presidents of the country he tried to  overthrow really just feels like a sick joke. But somehow, a diabolical fascist takeover  is nowhere near the most horrifying and   disgusting corporate conspiracy in this  video. A real contender for that would   be the Bayer Pharmaceutical Company, and one  of their very sinister-sounding subsidiaries,   Cutter Biological. In the 1980s,  Cutter Biological moved into the   business of selling blood-clotting medicine  to hemophiliacs manufactured from the blood   of non-hemophiliacs. But for the medicine  they were selling to Latin America and Asia,   they didn’t properly screen their donors. The  result? Cutter Biological sold products that   infected 20,000 patients with HIV, a travesty  that they then spent years trying to cover up. What could possibly be worse than infecting  20,000 hemophiliacs with HIV? Probably being   complicit in a coverup that could spark the end  of the world. While climate change has become a   hot-button topic recently, due to the fact that  we’re currently living through its effects,   the people behind the ExxonMobil fuel company  knew about it as early as the 1970s due to   climate research they funded at the time - Then  spent millions suppressing. Their lobbying has   muddied the waters and delayed action on climate  change because it would affect their bottom line,   putting millions, if not billions,  of lives at risk in the process. Now that we’ve exposed the shadowy  horrors of the corporate world,   let’s return to crazy governmental conspiracies  for the rest of the video. And believe it or not,   these are literally all conspiracies  that the United States government is   responsible for. USA! USA! We’re number  one, baby! That includes being number   one to hire ex-Nazi scientists right  after the conclusion of World War II. Operation Paperclip was created as an effort to  give the US a technological and scientific edge   during the Cold War, even if it meant making a  deal with the devil. Though that’s not entirely   accurate - It was more like taking a deal  with 1,500 devils, all of which were given   full clemency, having their slates wiped clean and  new, with Nazi-free backstories written for them   by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency. These  included the diabolical Nazi scientists Wernher   von Braun, Hubertus Strughold, and Arthur Rudolph.  Some truly monstrous people were able to get away   with their crimes scot-free, but hey, at least we  got the V2 rocket and the moon landing out of it. Let’s not move away from evil science just yet,  either. One of the most infamous stories of   unethical medical testing is the Tuskegee  Syphilis Experiment. It was a conspiracy   between the US Public Health Service and the  Tuskegee Institute to turn around 400 Black men   into unknowing guinea pigs for Syphilis studies,  all while lying to them that they were, in fact,   being treated for their painful and debilitating  conditions. The study was kept under wraps for   40 years before the shameful exploitation of  these men was revealed for all to see. In 1974,   there was a ten million dollar payout  to the surviving victims of the program,   but nothing could ever give them back the  years wasted in unnecessary suffering. But even death can’t necessarily save you  from being involved in a horrifying scientific   conspiracy. As a general rule, if a government  project has a strangely innocent-sounding name,   it’s probably trying to hide the fact that  it’s enough to give you nightmares. This was   definitely the case with Project SUNSHINE,  a 1950s study on the effects of radiation   on human bodies. It goes without saying that  this is extremely important research, but it   doesn’t mean that it was conducted ethically.  In order to have a varied collection of data,   the scientists involved in this project had  their personnel steal parts of corpses like   Victorian graverobbers - including  those of children and even infants. This would be macabre but ultimately ethical  if the families had consented to donate their   relatives’ bodies to science, but  when these tests were performed,   the families had no idea. Burke and Hare  would be proud that their legacy lives on. Racially-motivated testing and graverobbing  are one kind of horrible, but indiscriminately   releasing a bioweapon on an entire area is  another. If you enjoy spending time near   large bodies of water, the name “Operation  Seaspray” might evoke pleasant and relaxing   vibes. Nothing at all like the US Navy releasing  two different types of dangerous and infectious   bacteria from a boat on the San Francisco Bay  in 1950, infecting eleven different people with   aggressive urinary tract infections that killed  one of them. Why? Because they wanted to know   how the city’s population would react to the  release of that kind of pathogen. The details   were all kept under wraps, until being revealed  to the world almost three decades later in 1977. But the US Government wasn’t quite done  playing God just yet. During the Vietnam War,   the CIA engaged in a secret project called  Operation Sober Popeye. This was a plot to   control the very weather in Vietnam, and use  it as a weapon in the war against the Viet   Cong. For years, the CIA attempted to seed  rain clouds in Vietnam that would extend   the country’s natural monsoon season, bogging  down their forest-dwelling commando enemies. Thankfully, they didn’t fully succeed,  and in 1978, military applications of   weather-manipulating technology was  classified as a War Crime. The CIA,   at least theoretically, would be forced to take  their combat weather aspirations off the table. How about another CIA weapon that sounded like an   insane conspiracy theory before being  revealed to be terrifyingly real? Every year, 805,000 Americans suffer from heart  attacks - Many of them fatal. It’s a terrible   consequence of the cardiac illness epidemic in  the country… But could it also be the result   of elite CIA assassins taking out targets?  And how would a CIA assassin induce a heart   attack without a trace? A specially designed  Heart Attack Gun, of course! One that fires   a frozen dart carrying deadly blowfish  poison, which then melts after transfer,   inducing a heart attack and leaving a small, red  dot on the body as the only evidence of foul play. While this may seem like a bizarre fantasy  cooked up by someone who’d watched a few too   many James Bond movies, Senator Frank Church  revealed the very real Heart Attack Pistol   during a public hearing in congress about  some of the seedier activities of the CIA. So let’s give the CIA a bit of a break -  Before the Infographics Show HQ undergoes   a mysterious series of simultaneous  heart attacks - and look at the shady,   conspiratorial antics of the US’  domestic intelligence agency: The FBI. There are plenty of conspiracy theories about  celebrities - Ironically, they normally consist   of theories that a dead celebrity is actually  alive, like Tupac, or that a living celebrity   is actually dead, like Paul McCartney - but  we’re interested in a different Beatle today:   The band’s frontman, John Lennon. It was theorized  for years that the FBI had it in for Lennon,   and those theories were actually completely  correct. The FBI didn’t take kindly to Lennon’s   Anti-War Songs, so rather than giving peace a  chance, they decided to take a peak at Lennon’s   dirty laundry in hopes of finding something  juicy as a basis to blackmail or even deport him. But Lennon is hardly the only celebrity  who’s had the FBI on their back. Singer   Aretha Franklin was frequently stalked and  hassled by the FBI for her leftist political   stances. The Bureau kept background check  files on a shocking number of famous people,   including Steve Jobs, Whitney Houston,  Helen Keller, Marilyn Monroe, Walt Disney,   Charlie Chaplin, Rock Hudson, Truman Capote,  and even sitcom superstar Lucille Ball. But their stalking of celebrities is  nothing compared to how they destroyed   American activist groups under J.  Edgar Hoover’s COINTELPRO plan,   where they engaged in everything from blackmail  to gaslighting to even straight-up assassination,   taking on everything from Unions to hippy peace  groups to the Black Panther movement. By the   time COINTELPRO was through, activism in the  United States was a shadow of its former self. Okay, we have one more CIA story for you, because  those guys create conspiracies like Willy Wonka   makes Chocolate. Anyone who watches a lot of  news might start to get the sense there’s some   spin going on - That the seemingly impartial  reporting of information might actually be a   Trojan Horse for an agenda. While these  days, that agenda comes from the various   corporations that own all major news stations,  for several decades in the mid-20th century,   it was coming from the CIA, courtesy of an  initiative known as Operation Mockingbird. Frank Wisner, head of the CIA’s Office of  Special Projects, spearheaded a far-reaching   media influence campaign that gave him control  of key figures from The New York Times, CBS,   and members of the Washington Press Corps. At  the height of this program, 3000 CIA employees   were tasked with maintaining Wisner’s complex  propaganda machine, as they spied on journalists   who worked with whistleblowers and paid other  journalists to disseminate false information that   served the CIA’s narrative. It was a conspiracy  theorist’s dream and nightmare come true. Now check out “What Actually ARE the  Illuminati?” Or check out this video instead!
Channel: The Infographics Show
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Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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