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it's now time for us to summon on the a fan of Ashley banner before you do though if anyone's got a drink let's toast for another year of brave souls and the next year's gonna look even better we had a quite a dry period at the start of the year because we had no flowers and yellow banners but they're back and they're gonna be back in plenty we have new characters confirmed I'm looking forward to it finally potentially gonna get some of the Stonebridge that I've been waiting for years and in this case we have our first ever premium thousand year bloodwork characters I'm happy to be you Lads content cryo for this game I love playing this game it's my favorite game been playing for eight years so Shaft or not it's already a w let's get it I'm not even gonna bother doing singles let's just jump straight into it let's jump straight into it first multi can we get it again on the free multi we did Eisen last year probably not for those that are watching this on the the vods we've already pulled Ichigo from Summer tickets um if we get Ichigo we're gonna be happy but we're not gonna be too happy or not too excited because we've already bought him right but we're still going to be excited so our main goal is to get white uh I'm still missing half of the banner would love to get two more dupes of audio that'll make in five five and any extra gonna do this would be great second multi should be a five storm unfortunately unfortunately not right now the goal is to spend around 12 000 knobs and I'm Gonna Save the rest for the Enderman Banner all right here we go I'm not even going to waste time doing singles I'll do the free single layer eight years of the movie catch your game is crazy generally is most games barely last two years and we're out with eight but more summons like this we might not all right come on let's get let's get it to go okay okay that's good remember we just put it in summer tickets but that'll be uh that'll be a decent do we do an adventure again five five as well because you'll be a good side lane in gilquest uh let's let's just skip it something called arihime so thus far thus far that's decent we are building up the rates here all right so now we have an actual six percent pull rate I'm get to go appreciate the two dollar donation got white three out of five that's really good congrats bro what about to do this in this multi that's a fake up oh hey man okay let's get it reject that four star what are we getting today okay okay uh probably one of the few cards I don't want to get but you know if I get in five five I might use them in Gilroy so we'll take it he's two five right now I have the whole Banner so I would have referred it Beyond Resurrection or the hidden mom was in this Banner over him personally well too bad uh let's just skip it we're gonna touch through with the five-star animation pivots or he may or just skipping for it all right seven percent pull right next multi is our guarantee he might be the new metal and Gilchrist the harder GQ does drop here you're not wrong you're not wrong another five star could it be Eisen okay all right man I appreciate you but can be not coming up let's go let's go I told you this was my year my Year bro as I said it I said it massive outcome compared to last year bro last year for those that didn't watch it terrible flashbacks eight thousand orbs for a seven funny issue gun an extra three thousand four thousand foot or you I spent 11 K orbs a lot of money to end up getting a one out of five Ichigo and order you this time we can technically stop here we tell the kids stop here but we're not going to we've got white we got ichigon I don't need Dooms to them but I would love to we might have to spend three thousand knots I think if I get audio five five I'm done this is one of my favorite Anis too so I'm super happy to get lucky here if there's one Annie I want to get lucky on it's this one right here boys cheers cheers guaranteed multi-time guaranteed multi-time we can't get the code but I don't want him here we go guaranteed can we get what can we get I should go can we get both in six steps no way let's go let's go okay to be fair if I wanted to get I'm not sure who I want to do some more probably white because he's a girl Quest newcomer this is sick what an Annie what an audience all right there could be a two one in because you know this is guaranteed right oh my God no way no way no way oh yeah this is sick this is sick look at that mountain let me screenshot that usually this this video can be probably my my most disliked video [Laughter] but I'm not going to those that don't know don't know I really summoned on was burn the witch we spent like 10 cables in there any other battle we kind of like went easy on we're getting another fire song What should be another Ichigo again he's now four five he's now four five that's a really good dude if we get one more of him I might be done generally I might be done Caleb are watching is my boy Oliver my boy Oliver this is only a Prelude to the ninth anniversary Adam rookia all right well um we have to have a few dead multis every now and then right we can't really complain about these can we uh can I use all my tickets to get them yes yes you can see the pins coming they are premium they are premium so fat w here we go after five that's a five we're still missing Grim job I still really want criminal for Gilcrest purposes oh there we go there we go for second one purposes for those that caught our sand foundaboshi live stream uh for the Sun come on we struggled heavily on one particular stage and we're gonna go back and now clear that again with a better character so that's going to improve our clear time that's the new character too super thought really good nappy grade content well like we love to see it right now I'm only missing Akon oh oh my gods I think I'm done I'm kind of done last I'm not gonna lie I have a 505 Quincy ichigon sorry seventh anniversary Ichigo a 5 out of five seventh anniversary this is why I didn't summon on their Brave face matters because I knew the banner here was going to bless me with a 205 white with a one out of five weeks ago we've just got a grim jaw right now I think I'm just missing Akron and Holly Bell save our end of month listen I'm not gonna spend 12K in the month but uh we might we might do a few a few more steps can I do still want to get tubes like if we're getting this lucky we might as well continue right if we get four dead multisinner we're done okay looks like that's nothing then we'll begin okay our first unfeatured but remember remember this is the extra two percent pull rate if this wasn't in if this extra two percent pull rate wasn't there uh this would have been a dead multi so we'll take him unless we get two in one no two in one so we'll take it that's what that's 20 track 20K transplants I'd rather that then uh than a four-star multi fake out already made there we go there we go this is crazy this is crazy come on no hey free on five three out of five white no way this is crazy I I would have in five five now actually but I used two sources on um on Bargo but bargo's rarest so I don't regret doing that three out of five three out of five two more dupes two more dudes I want to get one more duper Victor if I can be that greedy next multi we've only spent like what three we haven't even spent three kills yet and we've already gone a three out of five why a one out of five Ichigo and a lot of new characters and another five star another five star what's it what's it now what's it now okay all right boys I should have done this earlier I'm not gonna lie hold on hold on all right let's keep it going let's keep it going come again soon no we can't all right for our next multi for our next multi we're whipping up The Infinity Gauntlet we are we're doing the infinity gauntlety here we go there we go [Laughter] oh we have to keep going until we get a five done Thanos Robin or luck bro what's this apparently the infinite Corner isn't isn't the way I thought it'd be our cheat codes are getting lucky but it turns out it's the opposite all right no more no more infinite summons but we're gonna keep it on it's like this makes for a good thumbnail oh that's one that's one that's one last one come on that's two it's terrible terrible someone's right now Kendo that's free not our first Eisen summoned and we get two unfeatured can we get a four no throw out the window bro we didn't want it we didn't want it I did say if we get two if we get four four star multis and it'll probably start but we didn't get that yet okay maybe we go for like one more five I'm already perfect happy with my outcome already I personally thought I would say I wanted your animation where he does like the almighty and I want it to be um a guaranteed featured character like a guaranteed new character from the summons that'd be really cool it could be a foreign one if they wanted to do that but that would be uh not uh not really that cool because we'd rarely ever get to see like we barely see Eisen in the first place all right so uh in this case we're getting we're getting the short end of the stick now but I I think we can afford two to be fair oh tsukushima oh Uncle sugishima what are we getting today what's already been on my account because he's just he's fooling us here again why is Orihime giving us better luck I think she's only five five [Music] oh I belongs in the battle you know that's actually very good because uh that's uh that's a rero that's a real we'll take it we should have plenty of transcendence points now but we'll take it all right we'll do um what two more motives two more motives we call it quiz though I think that's a good stopping point I would love to get again dupes of any of the banner characters here always something we get a five star so uh let's hope next multi is the five star because otherwise we have to keep going let's stop come on let's enter here last one eighth anniversary it's a five there we go we can enter here there we go lads fat W can we end on a bigger W yes we can yes we can oh my God I might just use the rainbow generally I might just use the rainbow at this point I have to oh my four out of five white that's insane like absolutely insane would have loved more teams of it to go but I I can't complain for okay we're ending on a banger we're gonna end there there's no point to to ruin this moment we got a four out of five white we have a two out of five inch ago because we've gone from Summer tickets and the ban on I'm super happy with this outcome oh my God crazy crazy summons bro I might as well use the I might as use the rainbow right like there's no harm in using one rainbow surely on why his wife I'd say so I don't want to use the Rainbow on a on a premium character but I think for white I'll do it I think for what I do look at that look at that let me not knock all of them all right let me just look one wow wow this has yeah definitely up there with my best summons yeah I I got pretty lucky with the nice this might be my best six Danny item is good too I said it I told you that every even anniversary I get lucky for funny lucky fear funny shafted six onion Lucky Seven honey lucky so that means next year gonna take it easy because next year ain't gonna be my game right here but wow crazy summons I'm super happy super super happy
Channel: Aaroniero - Bleach Brave Souls
Views: 34,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bleach, Bleach Brave Souls, Brave Souls, Bleach Brave Souls Gameplay, Bleach Anniversary, ticket summons, summons, guide, aaroniero, bleach brave souls summon, bleach brave souls opening, bleach brave souls 8th anniversary, bleach brave souls best character, Bleach brave souls thousand year blood war, Bleach brave souls 8th anniversary summons, bleach brave souls summoning, bleach brave souls 8th anniversary ichigo, bleach brave souls 8th anniversary white
Id: 93MBCsSbVDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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